Dexter3657 was so kind to have sent me some wonderful surprise samples of teas that I like as well as teas that were on my wishlist. Thanks so much!
This Fujian black is AMAZING!. The smell of the dry leaf is very thick and malty, almost as if there was a bread-y quality to it. The brewed tea smells very similar to the dry tea but with the addition of scents of wild honey. The brewed tea tastes like any Fujian black should. It is thick, with a thick malt. Some notes of wild honey. It is bold but I am getting no astringency. It is very smooth. I think Fujian blacks are my favorite. This one does not disappoint.
As a sidenote for anyone that was following my ridiculous tasting notes/stories yesterday, my company came down, got ridiculous drunk and threw up all over the bathroom, and spilled Burger King poutine all over my couch. Is now sleeping so I have to be dreadfully quiet because I am scared to wake “the hangover”. Yesterday I angrily proclaimed that I was not going to be the one that was cleaning the bathroom, and all I got was giggles in return. So much for my recluse weekend. Next time, turn off phone, close windows and blinds, lock doors, don’t respond to any attempts of contact, and hope no one calls the police because they are scared something happened to me.
Sadly it is a member of my family, but that being said I do agree Terri. More like with family like that, who needs enemies? :P
Yikes, sounds like a miserable night. Just show them the mess in the bathroom and reinforce that you are not cleaning it haha, hopefully they help out a bit!
Ugh. That sounds the worst. :( so sorry
Ugh, how awful. I think somebody is going to need a severe talking to, hangover or no hangover.
That sucks. In the famous words of my mom, “with friends like that, who needs enemies?”
Sadly it is a member of my family, but that being said I do agree Terri. More like with family like that, who needs enemies? :P
I have to go read your story now!
Oh dear. That’s the worst. Family – you gotta love em but you don’t have to like em!
Yikes, sounds like a miserable night. Just show them the mess in the bathroom and reinforce that you are not cleaning it haha, hopefully they help out a bit!
Wow, that’s terrible! Hope you get some peaceful alone time soon!