Oh joy! It is in my grasp!
I was so excited to get my Butiki order today, I stalked my mailman, and when he didn’t ring the door, I thought, that package better be in the mailbox! And, to my relief, it was! Along with the Lupicia newsletter and an issue of Tea Time magazine, which my mother surprised me with! Yay!
I had a really hard time deciding which tea to try, but decided to go with this one, since I had basically waited until this one was on the website before placing my order. It was especially hard because the box smelled like the sample of Foxy Roxy’s Banana Walnut Treat that Stacy sent me. Yum!
Anyway, I steeped this one up as recommended, and decided to only make 8 oz. of tea, so as to not drink up the little 1 oz. bag too fast. I gotta savor it!
Oh, the dry leaf smells like carrot and spice, and not chemical, like the DavidsTea carrot cake oolong tea. I gave that one away because of that.
Once steeped, the first thing that hits you is the carrot. Bam! And then you taste some nice subtle spice. Mmmmm. I made the first cup with a splash of soy milk and a little white sugar, which is how I typically roll when it comes to black tea. It was good, but I was a little distracted, making pumpkin cookies. ;) So, I resteeped, and added a little brown sugar instead of white. Definitely preferable. The brown sugar helped it become more bake-y. Be careful though, because it can overpower the subtle flavors in the tea. So, I didn’t feel like I had enough to savor, so I resteeped again. Yum. I think this is a winner! Let me go drink some more and find out! ;)
Quote:What is up with adulthood ruining snow for me? I used to love snow so much! :(.
Such truth! I used to love it, too. Now I only appreciate it when I’m indoors.
Snow used to get you out of school, and when you fell you got right back up without having to bandage anything up. Hate winter.
We have about 6" on the ground with some icy stuff underneath. My wife said this morning it is the first time she is glad I don’t have a job at the moment. I don’t recall if I have asked before – I am halfway between Indy and Louisville, which direction are you?
K S – I’m southwest of you, on the ohio river right across from Kentucky. We’ve got ice with 10" of snow on top now!
Stephanie – when this started yesterday, I watched the radar and saw the sleet and ice you got reach our county line then go North of us. By the time it actually hit us the upper atmosphere was cold enough it had turned to mostly snow. We have now gained a couple more inches.