Featured & New Tasting Notes


Sooo…some awesome person that may be the creator of this fabulous tea has suggested the idea of a pot devoted to the VANILLA DREAMS family of tea. My own family of VD teas consists of GO, PORT, ELDERWOOD, and soon to be received COCOA AMORE. (Not counting new EL DORADO cause it’s a chai).

Since all those teas are blended with hand-cut vanilla beans, I can only imagine what kind of flavour this will be rendering later.

I started the seasoning process very late last night, and kind of fell asleep during the soaking part. Oops. Does that mean that my pot bathed in awesomeness all night long?

Hell yeah! Now, that cannot be a bad thing…

Well, let me tell you I am drinking GO right now Gongfu style for the first time and it is just dreamy….Awwwww this is soooo gooood!!!

It’s a lot more concentrated this way, and the vanilla seems a little boozy somehow, hard to explain. Probably the minerals from the pot has to do with that.

It maltier this way, also fruitier and more fudgy. All the flavours are so condensed and smooth.

This will turn into a serious addiction, I can tell. Oh my.

Great idea Brenden, and this will make me drink even more of your tea, if that’s possible!!


WOOOOO! When my new yixings get here – I’m going the same thing!


Go look at your PM. And “bathed in awesomeness all night long” is full of win!


Lol, I guess not! Can’t wait for you to try this…


I think I want my Vanilla Pot to be the purple one that sadly, is coming from China so will take a while. Maybe I’ll change my mind and use another one for the vanillas.


You have the purple and the one from mandala coming right? Any others I should know about?


No. I finally managed to stop after the Mandala one. For pots anyway – I do have that lotus cup coming. But I also have 2 others I need to season. One will be just for SD and one will be for other shous and that will leave one for…..?


I REALLY want the purple one to be the vanilla one though, so I may have to wait


Yes, you better wait for what you really want…just pretend you did not see this note this morning…


I will try


This new yixing habit is going to get expensive… I can already tell. In addition to the yixing gaiwans I’ve bought over the past few days, I bought a wall shelf last night, to keep them on. Because you can’t have broken tea ware! And now I see this idea, so I need another yixing gaiwan!

This time, I blame Brenden. You’re off the hook, Foxy!


I’m having GO as my going out the door tea this morning. @Sars the lotus gaiwan need to be the Vanilla one


Have a great day MzPriss!!

Sars…it’s totally on him, thank you.


Which lotus, HoneyBelle? I got two. Though one is a different type of clay. So maybe I should stick with the yixing for this. Not sure.

Love the new mug!!!


The mug looks awesome!!!


The one where the lotus is actually the shape of the clay with no glaze. Isn’t that mug cute? $4.99 @ TJMaxx


OK out the door with my GO. Have a great day y’all


Thanks for the suggestion, MzP! Have a great day!!!

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drank Magic Dragon by DAVIDsTEA
1040 tasting notes

Even frozen as a tea-sicle this is weird. I give up – I don’t like this one.


gross gross gross


This post has given me an idea… Now I want to make Northern Iced Tea tea-sicles. Sorry you didn’t like this tea, but tea-sicles sound awesome!


Tea-sicles are awesome, you just need to choose the right tea – this wasn’t it. :((


Haha! Somehow, I’m not surprised Dexter!!

Sars, you should look at dexter’s review from yesterday :-)



Why do I need to do TWO cans of the coconut milk? Is there not enough in one can to make it whip? Or is it just soooooo good that you HAVE TO HAVE MORE? Thinking about hazlenut tea-sicles with this cream…


Thanks TTF!!!!!


(I have special dark in the fridge cold steeping…..hmmmmmm)


EXACTLY! Way too good to make only one can, hehe…let me know what you think…hazelnut would be awesome…I can even see special dark with maple syrup and that cream!!


(Is this the right time to admit that I don’t really do maple syrup – it just seems so un-Canadian of me, but I don’t really like it that much…)


Whaaaat? Next you’re going to tell me you don’t like hockey. Is not liking maple syrup even legal in Canada? :)


I also don’t really do maple syrup…..


No hockey I like (that IS ILLEGAL here) Go Jets – I know, I don’t really HATE it, just not something I seek out, I never buy it….


Yay – happy to have a friend here mj – lol will move down there if I get kicked out for this admission. ;))


Oh thank goodness. I was starting to think you might not even be Canadian. :p

If the US kicks me out, I’d go to Canada. I love hockey AND maple syrup, so I think I’d fit in. :)


LOL, if you get kicked out, come on down and we’ll hang out at Verdant :)


LOL Sars if that ever happened come on up – you’d fit right in!!!


Just for the record…it is illegal to not like maple syrup here….the only reason why Dexter gets away with it is because of her awesomeness.

Sars, you’d totally fit in…and so would you mj, I forgive your maple dislike…cause we are tea pot twins :-)


I was just talking about the possibility of a trip to Minneapolis and area today – would really like to do a week and hit both Verdant, and Mandala – maybe a baseball game, shopping at Albertville, German food at that restaurant I love but can’t think of the name of right now….


Gasthof Zur Gemutlichkeit – yes I had to look it up – but it’s tons of fun, really like it there…


Yes, it’s super fun!! Love that place :-). I have lots more Minneapolis tips if you decide to make the trip!


Like you definitely need to add Glam Doll Donuts to that list


Thanks – it’s just interesting that we were talking about it earlier, and now again tonight – weird how that works. I LOVE Minneapolis, I’ve been quite a few time, but not since my TEA ADDICTION happened, so haven’t done the Verdant thing. That’s almost enough to make the trip worthwhile, not to mention all the other fun things to do…


Glam Doll Donuts – OMG I would LOVE that – I also got excited when I saw the Nicollet address, but it’s not really in the mall, downtown area, but close enough to find!!!!


Minneapolis is pretty fun when it’s not winter lol. Nope, Glam Doll is not downtown but it’d be easy to bus there and trust me, it’d definitely be worth it!

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Another gong fu adventure today! I loved this tea when I tried it western style, and I figured oolongs are generally good candidates for gong fu brewing, right? I was in the mood for raisiny autumn loveliness. I used the same vessels as last time, two 10 ounce mugs, the first one with a lid for brewing, and the second for drinking out of. I used TeaVivre’s parameters for a similar tea, but altered the amount of tea based on TheTeaFairy’s suggestion of 1 gram of tea per 1 ounce water.

The method: 4g tea in 4oz water, 185 degrees F, 10s rinse/30/45/60/70/80/90/100s

Rinse (10s): very light flavor with pastry, honey, golden raisin. A promise of things to come! :D

Steep 1 (30s): light pastry with honey, hint of autumn leaves, raisin (not golden)

Steep 2 (45s): stronger pastry with toasted nuts and honeyed raisins, underlying roasty leaves

Steep 3 (60s): very raisiny with fig, honey becomes molasses, autumn leaves, roasted grain

Steep 4 (70s): very similar to steep 3

Steep 5 (80s): roasted grain changes back to pastry, golden raisin, honey (my favorite steep)

Steep 6 (90s): flavor becoming much lighter, pastry with lightly toasted almonds

Steep 7 (100s): too light, somewhat similar to rinse, reminds me of white tea with its hay notes

I had a lot of fun and I loved seeing the flavor of this change, and then change back to almost the same as the early steeps. Very interesting. And I enjoyed all the permutations in between! I really want to try more oxidized oolongs now, especially if they’re similar to this one.

One question, I noticed a few of the steeps had a little bit of underlying bitterness. Not enough to make them less enjoyable, but I just wondered why it was there. Any ideas or suggestions would be good! :D

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Fig, Grain, Hay, Honey, Molasses, Pastries, Raisins, Roasted Nuts

185 °F / 85 °C 4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

Not sure about the bitterness, but I would be interested in a reply from someone more experienced, so I’ll watch and hope for a reply. So glad you had a successful gongfu session!!!!


I’m not an expert but was pretty successful with OB by Teavivre
My verdict: shorter steeps


Ignore my previous link, I’m using iPhone . Stupid iphone

Cameron B.

Yeah, the instructions for their Oriental Beauty are the ones that I used. I think I have enough for another session, so maybe I’ll start shorter next time or something…

Cameron B.

Oh, okay. I will try those parameters next time. :)


Very insightful review cameron :-)
I love OB, being a leaf hopper bitten tea. But there’s distinctive taste to it very hard to define that could be interpreted as bitterness. I love that taste, and it’s hard for me to understand if that,s what you got.
I can’t really give good advice on gongfu steepings cause I’m one who never counts. I just go with the smell and how i liked the previous steep. I suck at following instructions :-o


that’s light for leaf! I would do 6-7g for 4oz.


Cameron – thanks for another great review! If you are looking to explore other oxidized oolongs, we would also recommend trying Gui Fei Oolong, which has a similar taste profile to Eastern Beauty. You can read some tasting notes here: http://steepster.com/teas/green-terrace-teas/46710-gui-fei-oolong. Have a great day!

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SIPDOWN! sad day in the Sil household…i love this tea from stacy and it was a great one to have today while the rain was falling this morning. Tasty delicious notes of honey…similar and yet different from TTC teas. This one still has a higher spot in my affections :) Will restock for sure at a later date!


I can’t wait to place my Butiki order and have this in my cupboard once again. :)


I got some of this in the mail yesterday and I’m going to try it later this morning

Terri HarpLady

Sil, I’m gonna send you the last 6G of this. It’s just not my thing, & I know you love it.




Oooh, I need a cup of this, either tonight or tomorrow! Also, this one might worthy of the tins you gave me!


(Because it’s so good, but also partly bc I don’t like those crinkly bags so much – makes it harder for me to scoop tea out, especially stealthily)


I know….I really want Stacy to move to the new bags she mentioned in passing to me like a year ago that they were going to someday move towards and I was like yaaaaaa and she was like old bags first and now it’s like a year later and I’m like TOoOOOOoooOooOO much old stock! Lol

Butiki Teas

Hahaha. We were working on it then got sidetracked and have purchased more bags since. Unfortunately, the bags in our price range suck. We did get a box of natural brown zip bags and I don’t like them so they may end up on one special tea or something. The really nice ones are so expensive that we would end up having to raise prices quite a bit plus they may even affect shipping prices. I feel like keeping prices down is more important than special bags though I could be wrong, especially since teas really should be put in tins.


Stacy – lol it’s all good. I don’t dislike them nearly as much as some of the others I’ve experienced. I think my only issue is that the teas slip through the paper and sometimes they try to escape lol on the whole I’d rather not increase prices just for bags :)


It’s not that big a deal. I prefer zip bags, but the foil ones are workable! :P (Especially since I have a few teas that are stock-always and just go in tins now!)

Butiki Teas

We will still be testing out the natural ones that I’m not fond of. May just be my taste. They won’t be heat sealed though since I wouldn’t want to invest in a sealer unless they go over well. Eventually, we will make a change though since I would like us to be a little more environmentally friendly.

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If you never had this tea before, I apologize for what you are about to read…

A bowl of toasted cereals with chocolate and malt. And raisin cinnamon bread toasts…with Nutella spread on top. In a cup. That’s what this is.

And I just drank the last of it… Verdant order, wherever you are, you better show up at my door. I ordered a shitload of this tea and I’d like to have it now please. Thank you.


LOL My order is still in Chicago – so several days away yet, but soon you will have MOUNTAINS of this soon!!!


I’ve never even tried this and I kind of want mountains.


Ah! My order came in today! Probably won’t have a chance to try it till next week though xD oh well. This note makes me even more excited though!!!


Your tasting notes are great. You had me right up until you mentioned Nutella. Not a fan of Nutella. :)


I love this one very much, too. :)


(Noooooo!!! That was not helpful Dexter….considering we did order at the same time.)

Mandy, it’s really, really, really good!

Ost, not try it until next week while it’s sitting in your house? you are a master of self control, I admire you :-)

Roughage, lol, it’s just a tiny little note of hazelnut and chocolate I get, hence the nutella reference, don’t let it scare you ;-)

Nightshifter, hard not to like this one, right?


I got my shitload yesterday and right after I finish this cup (my last cup until the mail gets here) of COCOA AMORE, I’m going to make some of my very own LBCG!! Very happy!


MzPriss, Did you open the pouch and sniff it yet????


Of course! I got this awesome ceramic canister at TJMaxx on Sunday (big enough to hold it all) and I’ve already put it into the canister an I lifted the lid and smelled repeatedly and I’ve just had it since yesterday evening. It’s gonna be a chocolate morning


Haha, this cracks me up! So I have to ask. What amount quantifies as a “shitload”? I am so glad this finally arrived. Can’t wait for the rest of you to get your orders!


Haha, this cracks me up! So I have to ask. What amount quantifies as a “shitload”? I am so glad this finally arrived. Can’t wait for the rest of you to get your orders!


hardly a shitload…8oz?

And MzPriss might have gotten slightly more…


Slightly more…not a lot more. LTF – you don’t think 8 oz is a shitload?


Well, since I use 1 big tbsp per cup, it’s almost as if it was just 4oz really…


Well that’s true – I like the way you think LTF


Yay, mine is coming soon! And if I do love it as much as I remember (I needed a refresher), I am buying mountains of this too.

Terri HarpLady

I have a shitload of this…I always buy the 8oz option, & I think I have 2 backups in the attic.
Maybe I should drink a cup now?


I say yes! And I will as well :)

Terri HarpLady

ok, then it’s next in my Q


Meeeee tooooo!!!!


My kettle is on


YAY! LTF – Sars is a huge enabler…..


Are you not at work?


Nope. I’m home. I was too tired and I’m doing some work here

Terri HarpLady

maybe we should try that Google + tea party I’ve been talking about


Terri, I’m almost “tech illiterate” for these things…would have to learn how it works first and that could take a looong time :-O
It’s the kind of chat we hear each other talk?


I don’t know much about it either. I want to try it. I do need to try and see if I really can’t get even a 30 minute nap so I can try to go in


I feel like that should be in the commandments of tea or something : When you fall in love with a particular tea, thou shalt order shitloads of it.


TeaterTotter….I fully endorse that commandment.

Terri HarpLady

I second that motion!

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Lots of yixing teapot discussions going on lately. Today I decided that I haven’t been using mine and really should be. I did season it a while ago, but figure with lack of use it could use another bath.
Wild Monk is of course my favorite sheng, and seasoning yixing is an investment in the future so you should use good tea.
My teapot is now happily soaking in it’s bath, and it’s not possible to make Wild Monk and not drink some. I was using the – one pot for the bowl, one pot for my cup method.
This stuff is fantastic, it just makes me happy to be playing with my teapots while drinking such an amazing tea.




So Mandala pot for Mandala tea, totally makes sense. I’m glad you are having a good time;)


LOL I think all my pots will get seasoned with Mandala Tea – I’m a huge fan. My favorite shou is Noble Mark, and my favorite dark oolong is their Big Red Robe – if you are going to invest in yixing might as well season them with the best…


Woohoo! Sheng Gang!! I’m on Hot Cowboy sheng right now!!


(I was also drinking this out of one of my new Noble cups from Davids – it’s officially – enjoy your teaware day in my house)
Yay for good sheng tea!!!


And Dexter, I am so happy to know you are spending good quality time with the monk and your little mandala pot today :-)


Dexter: do you use one pot for all your pu’erh or do you use a separate one for sheng and shou? Does it make a big difference or is it a personal preference? Thanks. :)


I will have a separate pot for shou and one for sheng (once my project seasoning gets fully going). IMHO they are different teas, it would be like drinking black tea from your dark oolong pot. I’m even considering doing yet another pot for Special Dark because of how different it is to other shou.
What YOU chose to do is up to you. I think they are cute, and I like them, I would have more if I could afford it. You just have to find the pieces that work for you, and then adapt them into your tea drinking routine. (I don’t really drink green oolong – therefore I don’t need a pot for them).
I’m not sure that answered your question…


LOL. It did. I ended up buying two yixing gaiwans, and I could see myself buying more because they are so darn adorable. I’ll use one for sheng and one for shou!


My Hot Cowboy isn;t here yet – but it has been mailed because Garret is awesome. Wild Monk is also my favorite sheng Dexter and that’s what I’m gonna season my sheng pot with. Although I really love love love the Wild Mountain Green.

I agree with Dexter that Special Dark needs its own pot because it IS different.

And Sars – I think you really need separate ones for sheng and shou


Dexter I love enjoy the teaware day :)


Thanks, HoneyBelle. I got a plain yixing gaiwan and one in a pretty lotus shape. I’ll keep my sheng and shou separate. :)


I hollered at LTF about the lotus gaiwan. We both have a lotus problem


I have a Mandala pot also.


mrmopar which one do you have?


I have one from a different site that I seasoned with Mandala tea.

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Lazy people of the world: please join me because I am about to share the most amazing news about this tea.

There is no need to brew hot, then chill, because this makes an incredible cold brew. MIND = BLOWN

Being a lazy brewer myself, I knew I had to try this cold brewed. I placed all the ingredients in my large libre tea glass with room temp filtered water, then put the whole thing in the fridge overnight. And today: amazeballs chocolatey mapley sweet tea. I made my co-worker try it and she immediately proclaimed me to be a genius.

OK, that last part isn’t true, but she did like it and ask for more. So there you have it!!!

Edit: please note that I heaped the tsps when measuring the tea and berries, so the end result wouldn’t taste weak.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I’d assume its slightly weaker coldbrewed and with more elderberry notes, right?


Putting some in the fridge NOW, genius :-)


Brenden: I used a little extra tea (heaped the tsps). I should have noted that. I will edit. It actually tasted more chocolatey to me, but the berries also seemed more pronounced. I wouldn’t have called the first attempt bitter, but cold brewed it seemed a little smoother. Not sure how to describe it. Oh wait, I do. YUM :p

TTF: let me know what you think. I’m pretty impressed with my mad skillz on this one. Just think – we can brew gallons and gallons with no need to heat all that water!!!!!


Sarsonator, I cold brew pretty much anything too…I cold brewed some used leaves of Port the other day for 24 hours and it was fab!


I keep meaning to try that with Port, TTF. I wouldn’t have thought to add used leaves. Learned that from you. I tried it over the weekend with used Golden Fleece leaves. Took that hiking and it was deeeelish! I love cold brew!!!


I do that with oolongs a lot when I don’t have time to do many sessions. Also, Brenden taught me to keep all the leaves I use during the day and make a cold brew of everything mixed together. It’s fun cause it always tastes good, but never the same :-)

Will let you know how my NST turns out tomorrow!!


Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

Cold Brew Tea Leaf Hodge Podge???? That sounds so freakin’ good!!! I am going to try that tomorrow!!!


OK Mz Genius – I’m on it as well


Hahaha! Love that, tea hodge podge :-)


I hope you like this cold brewed! It’s just easier, IMO. I have these cool glass 1/2 gallon “milk” jugs that I use for cold brew teas. I’ll be making this in those jugs to take to barbecues, etc.

I’ll report back on my Tea Hodge Podge experiment. :)


I do that same thing – all the leaves in a jar – The Tea Hobbit has good ideas.


You like lotus stuff, TTF? Come to my yixing gaiwan discussion topic. MzP thinks you’ll like my newest tea ware!!!!!!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I’ve made HUNDREDS of “hodge podge’s” and not a single one was less than awesome :)


I keep forgetting about the hodge podge. I really need to do that.


Wooo! I’m making my first tea hodge podge later, so I can take it to work tomorrow. I am saving up my leaves from today. I wonder if it works well even if there’s stronger pu’erh leaves involved.


The cold brew was awesome sars :-) MOARRRRR!!!


LOL!!! So glad you liked it!!! I’m making up a big batch tomorrow night!!!!


(I wish my tin of GO was a bottomless pit though….)


I know, dearest. It did occur to me that if I am going to continue drinking NST at this rate, I’ll need to have the GO auto-shipped once a month of something like that LOL.


Haha! let"s ask brenden for GO auto-shipped!!
(And Port….and Aila…and Cocoa Amore….Snaily yums…oh, and Sleeping Bear…crap!)

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Not feeling so good tonight, I’ve had a really hard time sleeping this week end, worse than usual…running on just a few hours of sleep, I thought of drinking this tea. Cause it’s my lullaby tea, puts me in a gentle state of relaxation :-)

There’s something enchanting about this blend… From what I understand, Brenden the owner of Whispering Pines, goes in the forest every month to harvest a new batch of pine needles, just the right amount to keep it sustainable. The fact that he harvests his own product makes it that much more special. And every time I buy this tea, I can be sure it’s at its freshest.

When I opened my pouch of this month’s blend and inhaled its beautiful fragrance, I noticed something different. It seemed more piney and a little more earthy, also less jasmine scented than usual.

I asked about it and was told that the pine needles were now lightly roasted. I’m thinking this process might concentrate the flavours and make the needles a bit more fragrant. A new jasmine green is also in the mix. I like that I can smell more pine, but that the scent remains so soft.

The taste is as delicate and fluffy as I want it to be. The difference from before is very hard to describe though. It’s like rain in the forest. Have you ever opened your mouth while it’s pouring in the woods, and try to catch the droplets? You know it doesn’t taste like regular water, but how do you describe it?

This tea has an undulating texture, it just coats the entire mouth with something floral, buttery sweet and evergreen. It’s not exactly jasmine, it’s not exactly pine, it’s just the perfect fusion of the two…symbiosis, I’m drinking “jaspine”.

It’s sweeter than the previous blend. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted something so fresh and clean. It truly is wonderful.

Being already in love with it, I was skeptical about the change, cause I thought it was just perfect the way it was. Well I must say, it is better.

And yes, another WP blend I don’t see myself living without.

Terri HarpLady

I hope you get some rest & wake up refreshed, my dear TF.
This is another one I’ll have to sample sometime.
Sweet dreams!


I agree 100%. This blend is perfect for me. I wasn’t sure if I should order it since I don’t really like jasmine. But it so subtle and it’s still there. And this combo with pine makes it kinda cooling sensation. I’m wishing you good night sleep. :-)


Aww, you gals are sweet….I’m chilling now, I should be ok <3


Terri, I can send you some whenever you want :-)

Boychik, the fact that you don’t like jasmine but appreciate this blend says it all!


I just need time to sort through all of my untasted WP, Mandala, and Verdant teas to try my SB. Sounds like I need to make time for this one. But…..so many choices, so many teas! :)


Haha! I hear you inranger!


ah you make me want to taste some Whispering Pines teas…I love the name of their teas and your reviews really exhort me to try them !


This sounds bear-rilliant. That’s another one to add to the wish list then.


Ysaurella, WP teas are full of magic :-)

Dr. Roughage, with bear-serker and now bear-rilliant, i officially declare you my favourite bear pun maker… Keep them coming please, bear puns make me beary happy :-)


Gahh I now want to order this iteration of sleeping bear! I’ve tried 2 in the past and loved them both, and if this one is even better…. :D I see yet another tea order in my near future lol


Truly addictive MissLena, but there can never be too many WP orders :-)


Don’t worry, Tea Fairy, I have bearly begun. ;)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

The amount of awesomeness happening here right now is almost unbearable ;)


Sounds like I am not the only one with bear puns bruin! ;)


Awww, These bear puns make bears sound like the sweet things they are and much less barbearian.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Haha that one’s good…You got me laughing on the floor doing bear-a-rolls!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

We should stop before I go into kodiak arrest!


Ok, that one is hilarious….but no worries, if you keep eating elder-bear-ries, no risk for Kodiac arrest…

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Whew…bearly made it out of that alive!


Oh lord! Gotta love those bears.. Did you see the strawberry???

Terri HarpLady

You guys are unbearably cute, I can barely bear to be-hear, big bear hug to all!


Those are awesome bear puns, Whispering Pines. I shall make sure to use them all as soon as I possibly can. My friends will hate you for this! ;)


This all started with Goldilocks Dr. Roughage, remember?


I do indeed remembear, Tea Fairy. I still need to write the best-selling children’s book ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bearserkers’. Maybe I should make it a horror story instead …


Meme bear puns = all kinds of awesome! Super cute and funny and fuzzy. I can bearly stand it


Haha! Glad you enjoyed mandy :-)


I ended up just googling bears and annoying my boyfriend with my constant “OMG baby look he’s soo cute I could just die! Wait no, look at this one! Babe, get me one! Babe, I want. Babe, babe, babe”. I’m pretty sure he hates me now, lol

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Ok, I made several Mandala’s orders in the last few weeks. It just seemed that every time, I had forgotten something or I just needed more of something else.

The last order was triggered by looseTman. He reminded me of something I had said in a previous review about this tea.

I had written that this was a very masculine tea, a “Stetson and Chaps” kind of guy.

That made me realized I had completely forgotten about it cause I had only a sample at the time.

I don’t know about you ladies, but I just can’t resist stetsons and chaps. So I placed another order for it and now well it’s here!

This tea is solid. It’s a hugger. I just want to cuddle with it.

Oh, the smell of leather bindings and old books, so lovely! Earthy and musty, very sweet with zero astringency. Just a tad of menthol at the end of the sip.

It’s spectacular! This is possibly my favourite loose shou pu’erh ever.

(dare I say it, it might have surpassed special dark just by a tad)

LooseTman, thank you for reading my previous review, the fact that you reminded me of it made me order this and now I’m in tea heaven because of you :-)


I love this too. A lot;)


Stop, you make me want all the teas!


Boychik, I so love it!! And I can’t wait to try phatty cake, got one of this babies as well.

Mandy, that’s only because I keep drinking all the best teas!!!


Cowboys! Oh wait. tea.


And I love this tea. But not more than Special Dark. The Phatty Cake is awesome. And I also have to do yet another Mandala order. I can’t even make that one your fault. It’s Sarsonator’s fault.

Terri HarpLady

This review made me smile :)


I’m having this right now. Leather and prunes my perfect combo


Hee Haw!!!


And Cowboys.


But I need some help. (No not with the Cowboys – I got that) but I want to mae sure I don’t miss something and have to oder again after this because really. I can’t. I already need to have my credit cards taken away.


I just looked at my shopping cart over at Mandala and I felt very afraid. LOL. But what the hell? You only live once and pu’erhs are meant to be aged, so it’s not like they’ll go bad, right? RIGHT? :p


Haha! so you also got this one? Oh, I’m glad you did…can’t wait to find out what you think of it :-) Hee Haw!!!


I didn’t place the order yet, but I added some of this.

Can you tell me the difference between this and the phatty cake? Because it says the phatty cake is pressed from this. So do they taste much different? Should I get the loose or the cake?

Thanks, dearest!!!


I haven’t tried the cake yet, it’s one of my new pu’erh!!! I got it only because I like the loose one so much I figured I must get the cake, lol. let’s ask honeybelle, i think she has the cake.


You know I should try them side by side – never done that. Mostly I think of the loose as easier


Would y’all like for me to set up the side by side test RIGHT NOW and tell you?


I guess I’ll just have to get both and compare them. In the name of science, of course.


Oh well. Then yes. YOU do the science. I’ll wait :p


Starting on it. I will put pics on flickr


This is so fun! I love little comparison tests!!!


Oh, totally missed the experiment! How’s it going? Oh, now I understand the other thread’s comment !! I’m a little slowww today…


OK – after a side by side comparison, I believe I can say with some confidence that it would be up to your personal preference. I used 6 grams of each – did two rinses and 4 steeps of each. It would take a FAR more refined palate than mine to really tell an appreciable difference. And what else did we learn?

I am a badass gongfuy mistress – I can pour two gaiwans at the same time with equal success yo.

I have now dumped them all in one mug which I am enjoying now.

What else did we learn? Don’t use your lacy white gaiwan for shou. It’s little bottom got stained – but fear not! I have magic miracle soak http://shopmandalatea.com/smart-soak-tea-stain-dissolver.html from Garret.



Nice!! I know that miracle soak is awesome, but I always forget to get some!


It is lifesaving to me – especially for my white things. I drink a LOT of Special Dark


Added miracle soak to the cart! I’ve actually been meaning to so that for awhile

So I realize the loose tea is more convenient, but I’m really digging the cakes, so I think I’m getting the phatty. I really aappreciate the comparison.

I thank you. Science thanks you.


Oh and also, the tea tray is gorgeous!


You are welcome. Science is welcome. You will thank yourself for the miracle soak


We also learned I need a &^^#$%# pu-pick


Ah yes. I have one of those in the cart, too!!!! I figured if I’m buying all these cakes, better get the tool to go with ’em.


You will have the perfect haul Sars, so excited for you!!


Please someone remind me to do that and LTF – will you please help me remember what all I need to get?


Oh I’m glad you like my tray. Guess what??? You might tsake a little gander at Garret’s trays while you’re over there….it’s really reasonable too and I LOVE it


What is it you need??


I need to find what we talked about this morning. I have Autumn Song, but I think I need Temple Stairs? And something else. And a pu-pick


Don’t forget the heart of the old tree!


YES! That! See?? See why I need help? And Cowboys?


Good thing that sars came to the rescue, I had no idea that was the one you were looking for…(we all need cowboys)


Yes, yes we do. That was one of the ones. So I need those two and a pick, cause I’ve been using all kinds of weird things like knives and screwdrivers


I think you’ll really love the HOTOT.


Oh and yes, cowboys, pls.


OK I’m off to get a mug warmer back soon.


Haha! HOTOT Cowboyzzzzz
(i will be calling my old tree cake hot cowboy from now on)


The hot cowboy tea cake. Love it!


Never seen live cowboy but firefighters. Omg they are so hot in Brooklyn haha


(Ok now, boychik, you are bringing this topic to a whole new level…let’s try to keep Steepster PG13…)


I want to go hoomeeee


Haha! Firefighters will have that effect on you I guess ;-)


Yep, I can’t sleep here. Too quite. I need police, ambulance, fire truck siren , helicopters. I go to bed at 2am then by 5-5:15 I’m up because birds chirping
Oh man, I need to feel I’m safe haha


I used to live next door to a fire station


You are so lucky MzPriss! I remember we had blackout some years ago. Ppl used candles and then our neighbors had tiny fire across the street. I think it was just smoke. Anyway 3 fire trucks came to our block at 6am. Everybody wearing practically nothing (hot summer night) got on a block to stare at those gorgeous men. It was like a show. Free show.


They used to work out outside. Yeah it was nice

Terri HarpLady

Awww, you got some cutsie tea pets! Look at all that pretty stuff! That lacey taiwan is like what you’d get if a white porcelain taiwan & a bad mitten shuttlecock had babies ;)


Thank you Terri :) LOL that is EXACTLY what that gaiwan looks like. It was the first gaiwan I ever bought and I still love it, I like pretties


My tea is now so far out of control I don’t even know what I have anymore. I HAVE Temple Stairs. SMH. So now maybe I just need some Hot Cowboy and a pu-pick


Garret – when you read this, sorry we’ve turned your beautifully named Heart of the Old Trees into Hot Cowboy. Sorry about that. Sorry.


It might be slightly more accurate to say that I would like to be sorry HOTOT is now Hot Cowboy


(I’m gonna drink me some hot cowboy this very minute…sorry too Garett for the brutality of this…but Hot Cowboy Sheng makes me such a happy fairy)


I’m working on the last steeps of my Wild Mountain Green from yesterday – just got my assistant all shenged-up as well so she can keep up :)

A happy Fairy is a good thing Garret


You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re in “Heaven” and thoroughly enjoying your “Stetson and Chaps” so much! However, I’m now confused. How can you rate Loose and Luscious Lincang – 2007, a shou you “forgot”, higher than your beloved Special Dark of which you’ve waxed poetically about numerous times on Steepster? It doesn’t even contain the most Special tea flavor: Chocolate!


Haha!!! LooseTman, I guess I’m all confused cause Mr. Garret Awesomeness makes too many excellent teas and they seem to compete with one another!!!
Can you have too much of a good thing? And this is all your fault, I totally blame you for this….I had forgotten about this tea…thank god you did remind me ;-)


No, you can’t you have too much of a good thing! It’s not my fault. The Devil made me do it! :-)
Did SD just increase from 93 to 96? Thus, making it 1 point higher than your “Stetson and Chaps”.


Yes, forgot to tell you…in all seriousness, SD in a yixing clay pot is very close to perfection, and will probably reach 100 on my next session…


Wow! This sounds very intriguing. I’ll have to check out your most recent SD tasting notes & comments.

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I need Sheng! This and Wild Monk are my default shengs and there is a reason for that. Hot damn this is wonderful!

I put 7 grams in my awesome red gaiwan, 212 water, rinse followed by two infusions of 30 seconds, then five 1 minute infusions

1st steep green and shengy with that little bit of pucker and the tinest hint of grape

2nd getting the green floral with a slight bitterness and a touch of camphor

3rd Oh hello darling – Ive missed you! Opening up into that sublime deliciousness

4th There’s the grapey lovliness I adore so much with this tea

5th – 7th Still the grapes with a stronger camphor note and the most pleasant bitterness ever. I’ve got the tongue tingle, the chi buzz, the warm feeling all through my body and THIS
is the way to start a Sunday morning y’all. I will likely sip on this alllllll day!
Garret – I appreciate you for many reasons – this sheng is most definitely one of them :)


OMG I forgot a song! How about the Zydeco Boogaloo? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZHnu_mgQBs

Flavors: Floral, Grapes


So cute! Happy Mandala sheng day :-) I had mine yesterday pretty much all day too!!!


More grapey flavors in a pu’erh! I will note this one to try next!!! Wishlist! Wooo!


@Sars – this was first sheng and still one of my very favorite. I LOVE this one


LTF – you did the Autumn Song right? I may have to have some that later


Well I have to order from Mandala again soon b/c I have decided that I simply cannot live without the Heart of the Old Tree. I am really taking a liking to pu’erhs because I feel like I can buy them, and not drink them all right away, and that’s totally ok because of the aging!!!!


I need some of that Heart of the Old Trees. I can’t believe I don’t have any. Right now I have buzzy sheng head and seriously – better than a lot of drugs I may or may not have tried.


This sounds superb. I need to add this to my want list.


The Wild Mountain Roughage? If so, YES you need this. It’s delightful. I’m ordering the Old Trees as well :)


Love this: “better than a lot of drugs I may or may not have tried”

Yeah, I am going to order more Mandala soon. Before I do, are there any other pu’erhs that you think I simply can’t live without, HoneyBelle? I want the Wild Mtn and more Heart of the Old Tree.

How about you, TTF? Let me know!


What I love: Special Dark of course, Imperial Bulang, Noble Mark(!), the Lincang. I have more but haven’t spent time with them – just got the Old nuggets. Shengs I love: THIS ONE!, Wild Monk(!), I’ve only done one roung with the Silver Needle – but I liked it, and I’m looking forward to the Autumn Song


Thanks so much! I did get special dark. Loved it. I also just received the wild monk, but I did not try it yet. I need to get over my desire to keep it in it’s beautiful wrapper. LOL.

I will check out the other suggestions!!! <3 <3 <3


Sarsonator, I loved all the ones MzPriss just mentioned…but I also loved Imperial Dark and Temple Stairs shou pu’erh which I only got to try lately. Yesterday’s session with autumn song was also unbelievable!


Sars – you wrap it back up in that beautiful wrapper so you get to keep looking at it :)


OK… I got temple stairs, but I’ll add some imperial dark, too. Thank you both!

And MzP… I know. I just think it’s so pretty that I don’t want to mess it up! I’ll work carefully. :)


Yes you have to be sweet with it, but you can do it!


Oh! I forgot about Lincang and phatty cake!! They are a little bolder though, having lincang right now…whoa!!!


OMG – Phatty Cake! How could I forget phatty caek? Probably because my cakes are in a box and I didn’t see them…


I need to quit typing because I am not good at it.


Typing is overrated. You’re good at tea. :p


I <3 you Sars


I will review lincang again shortly….YOU HAVE TO ADD THAT ONE Sars!


I’m about tmake my Dark Beauty cocktail. I told someone I would make a listing on here with instructions. I should do that today too.


Steepster ate my comment!!!

I heart you, HoneyBelle!

Lincang was added! Can’t wait!!!!

What is Dark Beauty??? Sounds deeeeelish!!!


OH well now. Don’t know about my Dark Beauty cocktail? I will (very carefully this time) tell you:

16 oz boiling water
1 TBSP Special Dark
Big ass pinch of Black Beauty (Mandala)
Steep that bad boy for a while 5-7 minutes

Hellllllllo happiness. I have it every, single. morning. Makes the world turn right.


I would like to the clarify the above statement. It makes the world turn correctly not right.


What a lovely picture of a perfect Sunday morning! I’m saving this for future use as a background on my computer. For the next couple of weeks, that place of honor goes to images of the Tour de France.


AWWWWWWW thanks Hillel – it was for Science!

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Yum yum, more Whispering Pines! I really love these light, golden Yunnans so far, from every company. This one has beautiful, puffy golden leaves that are covered in fuzz. Their scent is lovely – light malt and creamy honey with a surprisingly strong stonefruit note.

The first time, I followed the package instructions and steeped for 3 minutes. The aroma was honey-glazed toast with some golden raisin fruitiness. The taste: lightly malty with honey and dried fruits (apricot?). Maybe a little bit of cocoa. There was also this weird bitterness that I didn’t expect.

So I did a 2 minute steep (new leaves) to see if the bitterness would go away. Mm, love the flavor of this one. It reminded me of a buttery croissant with a touch of honey. There’s also a light toasty note that makes me imagine toasted almonds atop the aforementioned croissant. Maybe a little stonefruit in the aftertaste? This steep wasn’t bitter, but it was almost bitter. It had the potential to be bitter. But it was still delicious.

So my question is, what else should I change to prevent the bitterness? Is it overleafing maybe? I am usually a little bit generous with my leaf measurement, and since the recommendation is in volume and not weight, it’s hard to be precise with a larger leaf. Any suggestions (or measurements in grams) would be appreciated!

Flavors: Butter, Cocoa, Creamy, Dried Fruit, Honey, Malt, Pastries

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hmm, I steeped this yesterday for an hour with no bitterness…maybe it’s your water?

Cameron B.

Ironically enough, I used filtered water. I guess I could try tap…

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Also, 1/2tbsp of this one is 1.75g

Cameron B.

Is there any way that a lower temperature than recommended would produce bitterness…?

Cameron B.

Thanks, I’ll write that on the package for next time. :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hmm…It’s possible…if your filter doesn’t filter out chlorine, that could cause bitterness.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

You should really be using spring water for your tea…there’s 17 springs in your city ;) http://www.findaspring.com/locations/north-america/usa/peerless-spring-saratoga-springs-ny-12866/

Whispering Pines Tea Company

And come to think of it, lower temp could totally bring out bitterness…with most tea, the bitterness is caused by tannins, and if I remember correctly, tannic acid is water soluble at a lower temp than flavonoids. It could be that you aren’t getting enough flavonoids to hide the tannins with a lower temp.

Cameron B.

Okay, I’ll definitely try it at boiling then. Or at least 200.


Really smooth tea for me also…but I think I only drank this one with the gaiwan, 5g for 5oz. I would not think that lowering the temp has anything to do with the bitterness you get as it usually diminish it. I agree with Brenden on this, I’d blame the water, and don’t forget that Dasani is NOT spring water!! If anything, it makes things worst :-)


200 is my comfort zone cameron. I very rarely get bitterness in anything I brew, but I know it also has to do with tastebuds :-)

Did not know that brenden about the tannic acid, interesting….


5g(yay for scale) 205 or 200 4oz rinse/5/10/15/20sec or 15/30/45 sec
Works every time


That is interesting about the lower temps and tannins. Had no idea.

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Oh So I lied I will review my Kombucha, it IS after all a Whispering Pines Tea :)
So put some Chaga and Reishi mushroom tea in my North Winds Kombucha this morning and it was pretty good.
I can already taste the malty, cocoa sweetness of the North Winds in my kombucha and the brew itself has the perfect tangy sweet slightly sour bite that i’ve tweaked to my personal taste which is i’d have to say is just slightly a bit more sour than a kombucha that you’d buy at the store, very good imo :)
Now with the added mushroom juice it’s about as tangy as a store bought kombucha with awesome woody, earthy,mushroomy notes that really tastes like something from the forest, something magical even, I love it!! It makes me feel good and happy too.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Mushroom revolution!!! :)

Tommy Toadman

Yes Sir! You should try it in the kombucha, it quite nice!
If it don’t take ya to the forest nothing will lol ;)


I need to start some kombucha


OKI’m off to get a bottle of Kombucha. Also, Brenden I need do my chaga. You said 5 grams before but in how much water? 8 qt stock pot?

Tommy Toadman

Yay!!!!! :)

Tommy Toadman

Your gonna love it :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Realized recently that weight isnt the best way to go by since dryness level varies so much. I’d say about 2 tablespoons per 4qts…how big are your chunks?


Like 1×2″ some 2×2

Whispering Pines Tea Company

okay…you should chop them into 1×1″ cubes and then use 1 cube per quart :) Simmer for an hour. it would be good if you chopped them into 1×1″ cubes, then weighed it out to get an average weight, chop them up smaller and then go by weight instead

Whispering Pines Tea Company

more surface area will give more extraction

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Also, i like to add a teaspoon of elderberries per quart


OK. I just got back with kombucha and my tea is cooling so I will chop chaga

Terri HarpLady

Where’s you get your Chaga, Priss?

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Mz HoneyBelle Priss and I were sent this sample for review. She received hers a while ago, but waited that I get mine here in Canada so we could have our tasting together last night. Ain’t she the sweetest thing? Must have been a torture for her to wait that long…

This tea is so darn sexy… parlarmi amore!!

With Elderwood, I was expecting Golden Orchid on steroids, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Well, Cocoa Amore is definitely my Golden Orchid on steroids. If GO had a lover, it would be this bad boy.

I’d say our Tea Whiz Of The Woods Brenden is building a trademark for himself with his Vanilla Dreams collection. This new vanilla he uses is insane. And must I insist on vanilla beans here as opposed to vanilla flavouring? HUGE distinction.

Ok…so you know how much I love dark chocolate.

And you know how much I love cherries.

A lot. I mean these are possibly my two favourite things to eat ever.

Combined together with this sophisticated exotic vanilla, they create the perfect storm of nominess. Imagine that for a second. A STORM of nominess.

Just to be clear, the cherries and the chocolate are notes, not flavouring, and this blend is a lot more satisfying than any flavoured tea out there.

The sweet black cherry and rich dark chocolate notes are rounded by the creamy and decadent vanilla, rendering a silky and velvety mouthfeel.

Also, there’s just a glimmer of spice in the background.

It’s so smooth, it never gets bitter or astringent.

Now…When I’m having a mug brew, I generally don’t re-steep. I know, I know, some of you will say, what a waste. This however, with its high end list of ingredients deserves a second infusion…and a third…and dare I say it…a fourth. Yes, excellent re-steeping value. It’s barely diluted. And I’m cold brewing the leaves just in case there’s something left in there for me.

I really don’t need a new favourite tea. No I don’t. But, but…I love my Vanilla Dreams Tea Family. There’s Papa Port, (tommy says Port is masculine) Mamma GO, lovechild Elderwood and new kid on the block Cocoa Amore. Hell yeah, I need them all!!!

Thanks again HoneyBelle (aka MzPriss) for waiting for me so we could drink together from a distance, and thanks Brenden for allowing me to try this scrumptious new blend.


I love this review!!! I love all these Vanilla Dreams teas as well. I really love this one a lot. And I will be waiting impatiently until I can have more.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hehehe, yes, love it! How about Pappa Port, Momma GO…Elderwood is the son and Cocoa Amore is the daughter…and of course El Dorado is the dog :D


LOL I’m trying that El Dorado puppy today

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Don’t worry, the spices don’t bite ;)


I’ve been looking forward to wee snaily chai


Hahah! Yes, one big happy family! Can’t wait to try the doggy as well….now will there be a kitty in that collection?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

There might just be ;)


I am not at all surprised by that


This sounds amazing. I love your reviews.


(I loove kitties)

Cheri, thank you. This tea is amazing…I have just enough for another cup and I think it won’t be long before I have it!

Terri HarpLady

Sounds wonderful!

Tommy Toadman

I sooooo can’t wait to try this one, payday just don’t come soon enough tho, i may have to let Lance buy me some before i get paid hehehe :)

Tommy Toadman

I’ve always thought of my teas as masculine or feminine i dunno why it just always made sense to me


I hope you can get your hands on that one soon enough Tommy!

Tea always has a gender to me, and sometimes, it is androgynous!


Sounds so good!


Terri, can’t find the post anymore, but I got my tea, I can totally do the Manistee moonrise tasting with you guys tonight!!

Tommy, do you own that tea? We’re paying the full moon a tribute tonight by having this tea all at the same time :-)


I was just going to ask about that – what time Terri?

Terri HarpLady

Oh….whenever the moon is rising in each of our respective cities? LOL
OR….we can select an actual time…hmmm
Whatever you guys want to do


What time is it for you now Terri?


Terri are you Central Time?

Tommy Toadman

I’ve got the Manistee moonrise too, Full Moon tribute sounds cool to me :)




Anyone else reading this thread is welcome to join us tonight :-)

Tommy Toadman

Hellz Yeah!! Who all is doing this tonight??

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Cocoa Amore is now available for anyone interested! :)



Terri HarpLady

So I’m in Central time zone, with a moonrise of 8:30pm…
Tonight is also suppose to be a super moon, or something like that
Of course, it’s a little over cast in st. louis, so I may not even be able to see the moon rise…sigh…

Terri HarpLady

cocoa amore…well, I sold a few more CDs this week on iTunes/CDbaby…


Haha! Terri’s got some Playpal moonies!!!!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

:) has Terri become a WPTealiever?

Terri HarpLady

maybe… :)

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So. yesterday was my steepsterversay except i didn’t drink any tea. So today i’m celebrating with this cup and taking a look back at the last year or two just for fun. :) I’ve not been on steepster for 2 years.

Year 1
874 different teas
2101 Tasting notes
235 teas in my cupboard

Year 2
1058 different teas (so i’m up to 1932)
2446 tasting notes (up to 4547 now)
174 teas in my cupboard – with only 4 teas being from 2013 and those from December of that year

random stuff
I have figured out that i don’t like 52 teas; David’s tea; teavana; adagio much.

I prefer blends that are flavoured with natural flavours OR simply be adding herbs and other fruits/berries etc…

Black teas are still my go to teas followed by puerh, though i am learning to appreciate the occasional green, oolong and white tea.

I have made lots of awesome steepster friends this year and had some great times with ppl learning about their tea preferences and their lives :) After two years around here, I’m still having a blast, loving tea drinking and loving this place! In case you guys didn’t know this – you’re awesome and quite possibly one of the few places on the internet where the trolls don’t come out :)



YAY! kermit arms


Happy Steepsterversary Sil!!! I agree LOVE how nice and non-trolly people here are


Happy Steepsterversary!


Don’t jinx the troll-free zone. :p

Happy steepsterversary!!!

Terri HarpLady

Yay!! I love the stats! I’m so glad we connected on Steepster, you’re the most awesome tea sister, happy steepsterversary!


Yayyyy! Happy steepsterversary!


Happy steepsterversary!

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Tony became a gramps last night! His daughter & her wife had their first baby, a little boy, & of course, he is adorable!

On another note, Leif (my son, age 21) & I made an awesome breakfast frittata this morning, & I enjoyed my half with a pot of 1910, the quintessential English Breakfast. Next up: Bubble Bath.


Congrats Tony !


WOOHOO!! grats to Tony!


Congrats to Tony!


Congrats! :)


Congratulations to Tony (and his daughter’s family!). :)


Awwwww PapaTony. Congratulations! And the bubble bath sounds like a perfect idea.


Cigars please all around….;)

Terri HarpLady

Thanks everyone! He’s feeling pretty proud

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Good morning Steepster!
This is a sipdown for me and I am just getting around to reviewing it now. I like the elegant snail shape of this tea and this is a lovely and tasty yunnan. It has a very smooth finish and a honey-like flavor. It’s good with soymilk and it’s also good without. This morning I am drinking it Western style and it’s very tasty! I was near Aroma Tea Shop yesterday and really had to resist going in there. I just don’t have a lot of money for tea right now and meanwhile, I have lots of tea in my stash. The one thing I am really missing is a nice Golden Monkey.

I’m not looking forward to the rest of my day, since I was just prescribed an antibiotic that has a reputation for causing massive stomach upset. I guess I will try taking it at lunch time along with some Pepto Bismol. Something tells me I will be drinking a lot of chamomile and/or ginger tea later. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Whispering Pines is going to be the death of me, but at least I’ll die a very happy, tea-drunk death.

Method: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz, 203 degrees, 3 minutes, French Press

Dry Leaf and Brewing Aroma: light malts and honey

Flavor: Why, WP, WHY?!?!? Every time I think I’ve found my favorite tea, I end up with another beauty. And then I have to go order some. This was a sample from MzPriss(HoneyBelle) and I was dying to try it after her glowing review.

This tea is just lovely. Really wonderful. It has a very mild, smooth feel. It’s naturally sweet, and very noticeably so. It has a light malt flavor, but then there are these juicy fruits on top of that! I’m really amazed at how good this is. This is going on my list of teas that I want to drink every day.

I had a wonderful evening last night with dinner at the Macaroni Grill and then some RiffTrax Live Sharknado! I woke up in a great mood and this tea just enhanced my morning. I’m starting to think that MzPriss may be a Tea Secret Agent, writing amazing reviews and then sending out samples to make me buy more tea! LOL. And her co-conspirator is TheTeaFairy!!!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

They are both registered Teacret Agents. That is all I can say on that subject, the rest is entirely confidential :P


Laughing extremely hard


I KNEW it! I look forward to the day when I am recruited into the Teacret Society as a Teacret Agent. Wait, I mean, no. Not interested. You keep your Teacret Societies to yourselves. wink wink


All these people blaming my totally innocent self for their tea addictions. TeaTiff blamed me for her Golden Monkey problem this morning too.


I call shenanigans on your innocent act! :p

In all seriousness, I think we all love you and TTF and your passion for awesome tea. My bank account doesn’t appreciate it, but I know I do. :)

You two make excellent Teacret Agents. I hope you’re well-paid! With extra tea hazard pay!


Well the thing is there is awesome all over the place. The one thing you won’t ever see is me being passionate about tea that isn’t spectacular IMO. So whether it’s this or the Golden Monkey or Special Dark or Golden Orchid or Wee Snaily Yums (I mean Golden Snail) or Wild Monk or Laoshan Black (etc, etc, etc) I will assault you with superlatives – but I will also share amazing tea :D


No one will ever accuse you of being blasé about tea while I am around! Or else!


Hahaha! Too bad i missed this post this morning :-)
Oh, this is so hilarious.

Thank god me and MzPriss have some kind of credibility here…at least I’d like to think we do:-) (we’ve both been steepster members for 3 and more years)

I have tried and seen many companies through the years, I’ve also been approached by a few to get “involved” with them. I can tell you that WP is at the top right now with just a few other places I order from, and I would NEVER say this if he was paying me to say it. I buy and pay my tea (except for the occasional teacret samples:-)) and the day I try one of his tea I DON’T like, I will not be afraid to say so (but really, I doubt that this will ever happen!!)

Like MzPriss said, if the passion isn’t au rendez-vous, than you will never read a raving review from me.

(Sarsonator, I will strongly recommend your recruitment!!! You seem to be teacret worthy…or i never said that…wink, wink,)


I think it’s wonderful that you give totally honest opinions. And I know they are honest because when I later try those teas, they’re just as amazing as you said they would be!!!

Oh and thanks so much, TTF!!! I really want to learn the teacret handshake! :p


Haha! Will be working on that :-)
And I forgot to say, I’m really glad you liked the tea…I start my day with this one almost every morning!


I can see why! It’s really impressive. I may try this with a little maple syrup next time. Somehow I think it might be good that way!


Maple syrup gets the seal of approval in EVERYTHING!!


Yes, I have noticed that it seems to be the holy elixir of steepster! I assume that it is the official sweetener of the teacret society.


I call maple syrup in tea “Terri-style”

Terri HarpLady

Does that mean I get to be a teacret agent too? ;)


Absolutely. In fact, I’m pretty sure that if a tea technique is named after you, you won’t even need to do the interview portion. Lucky!


Teacret Terri-style

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drank Golden Monkey by Harney & Sons
155 tasting notes

Tea of the (actual, yet early) morning. So I got the MOST beautiful little tea set yesterday (thank you for the inspiration TeaFairy!). It is pink-flowered and girly and just lovely. I love the convenience of my brew-in-a-mug thingie. It’s efficient and not fussy.But.

There is something just so civilized and deeply soul-satisyfing about brewing beautiful tea in a beautiful pot and pouring the beautiful tea from the beautiful pot into a beautiful teacup.

This is beautiful tea and I am having it from my beautiful tea set. This tea is everything me (and everyone else) says it is: smooth, caramelhoney sweet, malty and delicious. I am just purring with contentment.

And it’s FRIDAY!




Wow that is gorgeous.


Thank you! TeaFairy pointed it out and I only ordered it after putting two of them in my cart to make sure there would be one left for her and then taking one out (though I see they are sold out now), so I feel slightly guilty about snatching it – but it’s just SO pretty! And it wasn’t expensive. And I love it very very much. Petting it right now :)


OH and thank you Marizpan for the tip on making the letter accents on a mac


And it seems the pot is still available – just not the cup


Yw – hubby is foreign so it’s an everyday thing here.


You must NOT feel guilty you silly!! I was so happy you liked it and bought it it made my day :-)

And it makes my day that you are enjoying you pretty tea in your pretty tea set this morning!!


I’m about to get out my gaiwan and tea try and gong-fuy the Moonlight tea. I will quit feeling guilty and pet my teapot some more.


tea TRAY


And I totally noticed the “voilà” but I miss “viola” a little ;-)


Well I can keep doing it that way :D


I blame you MzPriss for my Golden Monkey addiction:) I opened my 3oz tin this morning and thought hmmm maybe I should order more already! It is one of my favorites right now. I saw the picture of your teapot. It is really nice! I am glad you are enjoying it.


I blame you MzPriss for my Golden Monkey addiction:) I opened my 3oz tin this morning and thought hmmm maybe I should order more already! It is one of my favorites right now. I saw the picture of your teapot. It is really nice! I am glad you are enjoying it.


Haha, I have no idea why that posted twice.


It just does that sometimes. And I’m sorry(?) for your GM addiction – but I shouldn’t be all alone in mine should I?


Good tea with beautiful objects is an all around sensory delight.

Cameron B.



Love the tea set! I am not reading this review because I do not need another tea addiction! I already ordered tea today b/c of you and TheTeaFairy!!!


Ah I want some Golden Monkey!


And this is the BEST Golden Monkey I’ve tried so far, although Inreally really like Teavivre’s too – this is one of my happy places.

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My WPT package came in today and the first thing I did was open and smell EVERYTHING. I probably looked like a crazy person, huffing tea. I have a keen sense of smell and I swear I caught a buzz haha. After a moment’s deliberation this is the one I chose to try first.

It is smooth, smooth, silky smooth. It opens with notes of sweet vanilla and evergreen trees. There’s the gentle touch of warm spices, like a lover’s fingers on the back of your hand. It’s light and soothing; perfectly balanced. The texture of the liquid is velvety. After the spice I notice a buttery, honeyed flavor coming from the base tea. (I think the comparison to chocolate-filled croissants is appropriate here.) It’s like flaky, buttery croissants kissed by chocolate malt! It’s not an overwhelming flavor—it melds with everything else very nicely—but it washes over your tongue with honey, malt and baked goodness. Seriously, soooo good. I rushed to make another cup as soon as the first was empty. For me, resteep value is a good indicator of quality chai. (If the second steep of any tea doesn’t compare to the first, it seems a waste.)

Aaaand it’s still as good as the first cup! I’m in HEAVEN! Melting butter, stronger chocolate notes, vanilla and honey, spice still there! I love this! It’s wonderfully balanced. It’s everything I want, everything I need in a chai. This is perfection.

Brenden you are seriously awesome.

Flavors: Bread, Butter, Cedar, Chocolate, Creamy, Honey, Pine, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Vanilla


I leave for work in fifteen minutes, and I literally walked over to my housemate’s front door JUST to make her try this tea. She wasn’t there. So I made her husband try this tea.

And he liked it.


Do you make yours with milk on the stove?


No. I drink my chai straight without milk.
I prefer it that way, unless it’s not that good..then I use the stovetop method and sweeten it a LOT.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hahaha, I love those times where you just MUST share tea with someone :D

Cameron B.

I always open and smell everything when I get a tea order! :D We’re huffers!


Me too! She missed out. (:

If you can’t try EVERYTHING in one day, might as well smell all of it, right? It’s all in the nose! Third steep STILL delicious, by the way. This is the best day ever.


Cries because mine isn’t here yet…


I cannot wait
Excellent review!


This sounds amazing…I join MzPriss for the cry of the century…


Right???? I NEEEEED it


(Mine isn’t here either – oh wait I didn’t order this one, but I did get the chocolate chai – does that count?)


totally counts


… And you know I’ll put some in your next box :-)


LOL of course you will – did I not JUST get a box from you with a bunch of WP samples….


Yes, but this one is a must,..I can feel it. (From afar at Customs)

Cathy Baratheon

Now I definitely have to try WP

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This tea was my companion in the garden this morning. The task at hand was to water the Northwest Quadrant & dig up the rest of the garlic. While doing so, I came across a burrow of baby bunnies, in a little hollowed out place under the straw. I admire their cuteness, but didn’t touch them, & gently layer the straw back over them & went on with my work.
I grew 6 kinds of garlic this year! My whole house reeks of freshly dug garlic, & that is awesome! There’s lots of hanging & braiding to do, & hopefully I’ll never have to buy garlic again!
Lovely tea, by the way. I’ve reviewed it plenty of times, so that’s all I’m saying.


So cute! What’s your secret of keeping garlic ! Mine stunk the house and hubby said its either him or garlic. I bought a lot on farmers market


Those bunnies are so adorable :-)


Just read your Golden Monkey/breakfast post, now this one – I’m jealous of both.


Oh, those bunnies are so cute.

Terri HarpLady

Boychik, I’m hanging it from the pipes in the basement, at least for now. There are photos somewhere in my FB page of the first garlics & shallots I harvested this year & braided. So the soft neck garlics are being braided, & the hard neck ones are just being hung up from string until they dry out, & then I’ll cut the stems off & put them in a basket, I guess.


Ok I have to put them in a basement otherwise … I don’t mind the smell actually but I have allergies. I should look up pics on FB

Terri HarpLady

While you’re there, friend me!



Terri HarpLady

We have so many rabbits in my neighborhood already, it’s ridiculous. They aren’t even hardly afraid of people, they are out all day, but at night it’s like they are taking over the place, they are everywhere.


Makes me think of my time at UVic. It got to the point where the university set up a spay/neuter plan for the rabbits. Catch, fix, release. They were burrowing under a couple of the old buildings, but people got so upset with the idea of a cull.

Terri HarpLady

We also have foxes, hawks, owls, raccoons, & coyotes in the area, & although a lot of people are freaked out about that, I personally love having so much wildlife around, & of course rabbits are food for all those other creatures.


We ended up with one or two cougars living on campus, which was a little worrisome because they can be large and dangerous cats. Puma. Those things. :)

Terri HarpLady

We get reports of mountain lions in St Louis county every so often. :)

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I haven’t had this in a while because I couldn’t get my tin open. I finally exerted the full force of my will and viola! The question I have for myself is why in the hell did I only rate this at 89? I LOVE this tea. Love love love it.


Viola…so cute. Makes me think of purple.

Love this tea! Well deserves a ninety something!!


I don’t know how to make the little French accent symbols. And right? I have no idea why it was in the 80s. Silly MzPriss.


Lol, it’s “voila” but I’m now saying only vi-ola, so much cutter :-)


Oh hell! Sorry to murder your language :(


Nooo! That was such a cute mistake :-) lol, you should see how French themselves murder our language, a real butchery!!!


At least you didn’t type “walla” – that makes me crazy.


It makes me crazy too


Hahaha! Marzipan, is that for real??? Voilà as walla? Ok. That is hilarious!!!!


Try this link to get those symbols for French:


If you are on a Mac, just hold down the letter and a menu pops up with all of the variations.


Oh! I am on a Mac -thanks!

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I got my free samples this week and why not start sampling tonight!

Using the full sample in a 6oz gaiwan.

Well…hello beautiful.

Talk about a full cup of yum.

This is everything I like about a high mountain oolong…and more.

The elements I’m really digging are usually the floral, spicy and minty aspects, and I get them all here. Nice florals that might be a little more perfumed then what I’m used to, but really, I can’t name the flowers cause it’s none of the ones I’m used to find in greener oolongs, which are orchids and lilacs.

The usual spiciness which translates into nutmeg for me is also there, and so is that fresh mouthfeel I get at the end of the sip.

What’s really different about this oolong is its fruitiness. It so full of fruits, it almost tastes tropical to me. The fact that it’s also creamy makes me think of Pina Colada. I also get grapes and apple notes.

There’s a certain bite to it also, a briskness. I wouldn’t say it’s bitter, but it’s a tad astringent. Nothing offensive though, makes the flavours pop even more.

I have many more steeps to come, and might finish it with a cold brew.

I am very impressed with this first sample.

Thank you so much Green Terrace Teas for this opportunity.


I know, at one point I really tasted pins colada. I normally get gardenia, in green Oolong’s. A scent I only know well, because we used to have a lovely mature bush at a house we had when I lived further south from here. The scent is spicy and intoxicating. I got lilac on this one ironically as it reminded me of this huge bush around the corner from me. I loved the fruit notes in this one.


It really is interesting, I like it a lot! I don’t even think I know what gardenias smell like, but I envy you for having had some near by :-)
I can’t find the thread, but I remember reading something about getting 20% off for reviewing their teas, do you know how it works, do I just send an email when my three reviews are done?


The instructions were on the card the sent. I think they want us to post our reviews on their site.


Ahhh! That’s it!!! Thanks, it must still be in the envelope, silly me :-)


I need to write about this one yet, but this was so nice! I couldn’t believe how smooth and strong the flavors were.


I just ordered my samples – I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier.


Teatiff, I drink loads of green oolong and this one is truly different…can’t wait to read your review.

MzPriss, I will let you know when I see promo stuff from now on :-)

Have you guys requested your $6 gift card from Teavivre?


I did not know about Teavivre – I can always use some more Bailin GF. I will go check their site


Apparently I was not quick enough and the gift cards are all gone – oh well, they are doing other stuff later


Shout, so sorry you missed it :-(




Did you miss it also DEX? If so, I haven’t been a good tea friend, so sorry :-(


No I got one – I got an email about it from them (I seem to be signed up to a gazillion newslwtters). I was just pondering a comment here.


Haha! Think I know which one…oops.


I got this one too! Can’t wait to try it. ^^


(I thought we weren’t ordering more tea….)

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So, although I haven’t been on steepster much the past few weeks, I fortunately happened to have the time and focus to check on the day it was announced that A&D were having free shipping to Canada – yay! So I decided to try a couple thing I have been wanting; this being one of them.

I made a cup of this shortly after my package arrived, and was quite pleased with this tasty keemun. Earthy, floral and fruity, with perhaps the lightest hint of smoke. Delicious and flavourful!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec



Can’t wait till mine gets here :)


:) Shipping was surprisingly quick!!


Nice! Mine should be here soon then. :)


It will probably be there tomorrow! I ordered on the 1st, it shipped on the 2nd, and then arrived yesterday. :)


It’s very good and different from other Keemuns I tried( not that I tried many)


I went back to my notes. You should try it @ 5 min. If doesn’t get bitter or astringent


I will try longer next time. It might have been more like 3 minutes this cup as sometimes I don’t pay attention.. :)


If you try longer steep can you tell me if you noticed this tea gets slightly salty? It really bugs me that nobody mentioned it in their tastings. Am I the only one who got it ?


I remember reading that note about it being salty! I’ll try and have some tomorrow with a longer steep.

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Method: 1 tbsp, 8 oz, 200 degrees, 3 minutes, Forlife brew in mug strainer

Dry Leaf Aroma: malty and sweet

Flavor: Oh my. Something seems amiss because this is very bitter! This was the sample I was most looking forward to, but I had to add sugar to drink it. I know the temp was exact, and I also have a separate tea timer. I tried this at 2 min, 30 sec and it already had a tinge of bitterness, so I stopped it at 3 min, instead of the 4 I had originally intended. It’s good with sugar, but it lost the maltiness from the dry leaf aroma.

I appreciate the sample, but this one just wasn’t for me.

Update: it seems the brewing instructions on the website were more general, and not specific to this tea. GTT has offered to send me another sample, so I’ll try again. I’ve removed my numerical rating for now. :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

Wow, I wonder what happened. :( Everyone has been having such good experiences with Green Terrace’s teas…


I know! I tried an oolong yesterday. It was lovely. I still have the Eastern Beauty to try. I have high hopes for that one!


Maybe it should be a short steep black, I have a few that must be brewed like that.


I think you’re probably right, but I don’t have any more. :(

I did check the website for instructions, but I think this may have been better with only 1-2 minutes.

Cameron B.

Don’t have any more, what? I have enough for like two more cups and I’ve already had two!


I went and looked at other ppl parameters . 1 tsp for 8 oz. if you were using 1 tbsp it had to be less than 3 min


I wouldn’t rate it.

Cameron B.

boychik I wasn’t really able to measure this one since the leaves are big and fluffy. I don’t think a teaspoon would be enough with the amount of air in there…


Don’t want to scream at ya but 1 tbsp is gongfu method haha
And you should get scale, it’s not expensive and you don’t have to guess
Just my 2c


Not sure where you’re looking, but it says right here

Western Style, black tea, 3 grams (1 tbsp) 200 degrees, 3-4 min.

That’s what I did, and the review stands. :)


Oh and Cameron: They were very generous samples, but I brewed 2 cups for me and my BF this AM (actually I let it go the full 4 min). I was having such a terrible morning and I left the mug at home! I was so upset. So I only had enough to make one cup when I got home. :(


I’m sorry you are having a bad day. I said I looked at other people tasting notes. I rarely trust generic parameters fr companies. Sorry if my comment made you more upset


I’m not upset, that’s why I added a smiley face, so you’d know there aren’t any hard feelings, Boychik. I prefer when steeping parameters are on the package, but they weren’t here. So I went to the specific page for this tea on the GTT website. I didn’t see any info there, other than temp. So then I saw the link for their brewing parameters, and I went there for instructions.

I feel like a tea company SHOULD know the best way to steep all of their own teas. And to be honest, I don’t always have time or the inclination to check a bunch of different places for instructions, you know? If it’s not on the package, it should be on the tea page. I did the best I could with their instructions, and the tea was bitter. It is what it is.


That comment about scale was for Cameron. But I’m sending fr iphone so many times my reviews or comments are crooked. I only trust Stacy with her instructions. If you look at H&S website everything should be brewed 205F for 5 min.


A good scale cost me $8 at Amazon.com. Just do it! lol


Sarsonator – thanks for your honest feedback. It sounds like you definitely used too much leaf and oversteeped the tea. The samples sent were a total of 10g, so if you used all of the leaves for 2 cups, the recommended steeping time would only be 40-60 seconds. The brewing instructions on our website are general guidelines for steeping loose tea, and we take the blame for not being more specific. Generally, we always recommend our tea be brewed Gongfu style for the best taste. Per your feedback and the feedback of others, we will definitely work on providing more detailed brewing instructions for each tea and include it directly on the product page. Your review has been very helpful to us, but we don’t think a good tea should take the fall for our misguidance (we are sending you another sample as an apology). We hope you can try steeping this one Gongfu style for about 40 seconds, and adjust your review accordingly. Have a great day, and sorry you had a “bitter” morning!


That’s so nice Green Terrace Teas. Maybe it’s better not to have that general steeping page at all


Thanks, GTT! It was actually 3 cups from one sample. 2 cups in the AM, and one cup that I tried after work. I used 1tbsp for each cup. I’ll absolutely try again. Thanks for the offer! How much tea should I use in the Gaiwan?


Sorry you had a bad morning Sarsonator :-(
But very happy about GTT’S response, that’s great customer service! I will start tasting and reviewing my samples tomorrow, can’t wait.


Brewing gongfu-style, you typically want to fill up about 1/3 of the gaiwan with larger, strip-style leaves (this applies to our black, green, and eastern beauty teas). If you brew our oolong tea, which is semiball-rolled style, you will only need to add tea until you can’t see the bottom of the gaiwan (about 1/4 or less). For our Honey Black, try about 40 seconds for your first steeping, and then add 10-15 seconds to each subsequent steeping. You can of course add/subtract leaves or brewing time to suit your tastes. Our general brewing table is coming down, and we are adding specific brewing guidelines to each tea. Thanks again for all the great feedback!


TTF: thanks! I agree, GTT has been very helpful. I’m really looking forward to trying this tea again. :)

GTT: thanks so much for the additional tea and the instructions. I’ll update when I get the tea and try again. I am drinking your Eastern Beauty now. It’s really lovely, and I’ll be reviewing that soon. :)

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