Featured & New Tasting Notes

drank Dark Beauty by Mandala Tea
155 tasting notes

This is my 100th tasting note! I’ve been drinking plenty of tea, but I haven’t made a formal note on them because I was saving #100 for something meaningful to me. The very first what I call “real” (not grocery store tea bags) teas that I fell passionately in love with were Mandala teas. Garret was my first tea-pusher. I realize “tea-pusher” sounds a bit questionable and unromantic for the ever so charming and graceful Garret. But I mean it in the most affectionate way possible. Good tea is like the very best kind of addictive drug and dealing with Garret is an addicting experience: beautiful tea made possible by a soulful, ethical company. I will be a lifelong Mandala customer.

I’ve mentioned drinking my Dark Beauty cocktail many times and have had a few requests to add it to the database, so violà! (that was for you TeaFairy).

You won’t find “Dark Beauty” when you go visit Garret at the Mandala site because it’s a concoction of two of my very favorite teas – two great tastes that taste great together if you will. Dark Beauty is a blend of Special Dark Loose Ripe Pu’er and the sweet, mildly chocolate Black Beauty.

Both of the teas are spectacular on their own. I have Special Dark either alone or in this mixture pretty much every morning of my life. Special Dark is very different from most ripe pu’er – there is no leather that I detect, just a deep smooth bass note of heavy chocolate goodness. Black Beauty isn’t a bug bitten tea, but it has those very sweet lychee-honey notes that good bug bitten tea has.

Here’s how I make it: I take a 16 ounce cup or teapot, I put a scant tablespoon of Special Dark in whichever infuser basket I’m using. At this point, once you’ve boiled your water, you can give the SD a quick rinse if you wish. I usually don’t bother because it doesn’t seem necessary to me for this tea – sorry tea careful tea-crafters, sorry about that. I steep the SD in 16 ounces of 212 water for 3 minutes. Then I add a big pinch of the Black Beauty, give it a stir and steep for another 3 minutes.

UPDATED to add the new, lazy, awesome method. I’ve been losing patience with what I call The Dark Beauty Two-Step, so it’s time to make it simple. Now, I’m putting both teas in at the same time (and skewing the ratio slightly more to the Black Beauty side), pouring in the water and steeping it all at the same time for 4 minutes. Works a treat and less fuss If you’re a DB fan, try it this way and let me know what you think.

Yes, that is a LONG time to steep. No, it never gets bitter or astringent. It yields the deepest, darkest cup of sweet comforting awesome you can imagine. Earthy and chocolate with an undertone of caramel lurking back there, especially noticeable as it cools a little and a lilt of the floral-lychee bit from the Black Beauty at the top.

When I’m feeling particularly indulgent, I go Terri-style with this and add a little maple syrup and on occasion, a little bit of milk or almond milk. I have insomnia and lots of stress. This is the tea equivalent to me of the heavy, snuggly quilt my great-grandmother made that I cocooned myself in as a child. This is my pure comfort tea. When I drink this, I hear pretty much everything these guys ever sang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nedEEL37Lvw

Christina / BooksandTea

I’ve never had anything from Mandala, but this tea sounds like it would be quite the experience. Congrats on your 100th note!


Happy 100 :)


:) thanks y’all. Christina – Mandala is all the awesome. I especially love their pu’ers


woohoo! grats on 100 notes!


That blend sounds amazing!


Making this tonight. I specifically bought Black Beauty so I could try this!!!!!


You’re super! I just adore you AND your lovely tasting notes! Have a wonderful day, HoneyBelle!!!!


Stupid steepster… That said You’re super!!!

And it had a heart. Steepster hates hearts!!!


Awwwww thanks for the <3 Sars. I adore you right back and I think you will love Dark Beauty.


Congrats on 100!!!


Dark Beauty recipe is going to go on our site soon, if that’s alright with you, Mz Priss! Naturally, I’ll credit you as the contributor. We are changing up the site over the next few months and I think this will go on the blog that I just started there and also in a recipes section. Great stuff, the Dark Beauty!!


I’m making mine now!!!! Wooo hoo!!!! 30 secs left!


And the verdict, Ms Sarsonator?


Reminds me of my Nana. But probably not why someone might think. LOL. I just posted my review. Yay!


@Garret – of course it’s alright with me – I’m glad you like it. It’s my happy place, as Sars would say: Of Happiness.


Yep. That’s exactly what I would say! I think you really did a great job with this one, HoneyBelle!


Thanks hon. I’m enjoying my Jabber, thinking about what to put on a tortilla for dinner


Beans and hummus?
Veggies and hummus?
Veggies and SPICY hummus?


I have both of those things. Good idea, and maybe a cup of Black Beauty w/o SD since my Jabber is allll gone


I need to try the Black Beauty on it’s own. Maybe I will do that for tomorrow’s AM tea. I got excited and went right for your blend. :)


I love BB. It tastes bug bitten like an OB, but it’s not. It’s yummy


Oh, what a lovely review! You make everyone want to try this beauty cocktail…and guess what? I just got my black beauty in the mail, so tonight is the night!

Haha! And thanks for “violà” much appreciated :-)


Congrats on your 100th tasting note! Creating your own “Special” Mandala cocktail is an awesome way to celebrate #100! MzPriss, your truly an original!


Thanks looseTman – I hope you enjoy it if you try it :)


I love the new Lazy DB!!! Great idea ;-)


Lazy DB FTW!!! I am on my 2nd steep at 6 min. Still good!


MzPriss, You’ll have to add a just-brewed image to complete the database description of your original chocolaty cocktail!

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drank Caramel Apple by Butiki Teas
15575 tasting notes

Let’s talk about how awesome Stacy is. I allowed myself ONE small order for my birthday because mostly people forgot and it was from stacy because of the red Queen Cupcake and the limited Edition Boracay Breeze. included in the package that i picked up from my tea mule were a couple samples of some of the teas that stacy’s working on. So of course….i came home and have started in on them :) This is the first one i tried – let me tell you, this smells SOOOOOOOOO delicious. The Caramel is really present while the apple is hanging out in the background. I made my other half stick his nose in the cup and his response was…caramel…fruit? smells like a baked good. soooo he couldn’t place the apple but it was close.

Brewing this up – no steeping paramters really so i opted for “oolong” setting on my kettle and let it steep for about 3mins. Initial sips i get caramel! OOLONG! and then apple. it’s roasty oolong, so that’s ok with me. The apple is mostly present in the after taste and currently, the oolong is the dominant flavour. But there is for sure, both apple and caramel here.

not sure how far along stacy is in the process, but i WILL be buying some of this when it comes out because, while i am not a fan of oolongs, i can see how delicious this one is going to be. Thank you Stacy! soo good!

Cameron B.

Sounds so good! I love caramel apple. :D

Butiki Teas

That sample is close-ish to the final product. That will be one of the new teas we are releasing on Friday! :)


oh god.. you’re killing me Stacy. Want Moar!

Cameron B.

Hooray! I will definitely be ordering some then! :D Are you going to be releasing the Mimosa one too?

Butiki Teas

Sil-Hahaha :)

Cameron B-Nope, sorry the Mimosa one just isn’t going to make it in time. Not sure if that one will work out. I can’t get it to stop tasting like bubblgum but it still tastes good.


And… I’m away this weekend. Leaving Friday morning. Hope you start the sale bright and early, Stacy! :)

Cameron B.

Hah! Well I’m glad you’re not going to release it tasting like bubblegum, ew! So excited for the sale. :)


nomnom. I have never really found a good apple tea. If anyone can do it, it’d be Stacy!!


Also, happy belated birthday!

Butiki Teas

OMGsrsly-We will be previewing the sale on our blog on Thursday and everything will be available by midnight on Thursday for purchase. :)

Cameron B-I was actually thinking about just calling it orange bubblegum. It’s a really interesting flavor but I also may just scrap the mimosa idea for the puerh at least.

Indigobloom-I think the apple works so well with the Gui Fei. Delicious!

Roswell Strange

So excited for caramel apple! (I still think you should do Caramel/Pear, though; Butiki needs a killer pear tea!)

Butiki Teas

Roswell Strange-I was desperately trying to make poached pear with caramel sauce and the pear and caramel flavoring just clashed horribly. I wish that one turned out. Maybe Pear Bellini?

Roswell Strange

That could be good too; I don’t know if I’ve ever had Peach & Pear together…

Butiki Teas

Rosewell Strange-I wouldn’t add peach to that one. I’ve seen “bellini” used for things other than peaches though that is a traditional bellini. I went to this fantastic bar in NYC that had so many types of bellinis that were amazing. I think I would try doing a pear and champagne flavor but maybe add a little brandy flavor and possibly some dried rosemary.


I’m still sad about the poached pear one :(

I’m tired of eat each, so I’d much rather see something like apricot heh


I’m ordering it today Stacy, I can’t wait!! :D


I had to get some of this one, even though my BFF hates caramel and the order was (mostly) for her birthday. I’m really hoping I like it, or I’ll end up sneakily sending it to someone. :)

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Free sample from Green Terrace – thank you.
Gongfu method
4g 100ml gaiwan 200F
Rinse/ 10/10/15/15/20/30 sec etc
Taiwanese teas are perfect for gongfu method. Lots of steeps, some flavors show up and disappear in next steep.
This tea is flavorful and malty. Apricots, plums, cherries and nuts detected. Some steeps I combined in one cup.
Thank you so much Green Terrace for letting me try this tea. It was fun.

0 min, 15 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I’ve been really impressed with the GTT teas that I’ve had so far. I’ll definitely be ordering from them in the somewhat near future.

Cameron B.

I think I have enough of mine left for a gong fu session. I’ll definitely jot down the parameters you used! :D Love this tea!


Made it last night, still keeps pumping;)
Go Cameron! Gongfu is the best for Chienese and Taiwanese teas.
Ppl think its time consuming, but you can combine steeps (I always try before combining) and to Timolino it goes

Cameron B.

boychik, I don’t mind as much about it being time-consuming because I’m at home all day. Muahaha! :D


I do my “pseudo gongfu” at my desk at work. I just have a small cup that I use with an infusion basket, and do it that way. I’m lazy, plus I don’t have a gaiwan at work, but this works really well for me.

Cameron B.

Cheri, I don’t have a gaiwan, so I use two small cups with lids. Sometimes I’ll use my brewing basket just as a sieve to make sure no tea bits get into my drinking cup. Works well enough! :D

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drank Yi Mei Ren by Yunnan Sourcing
437 tasting notes

Today I tried the spring harvest of this tea using short steeps and boiling water, covering the bottom of my 150ml Gaiwan with leaves. My timings were 15,20,40,65,100,120s.

This is the spring harvest of this tea and I am not sure whether the differences I found in flavour are the result of using different techniques or a different season.

I found that this time the cocoa notes were intensified over my previous tasting. The fruit notes found were longan and blackcurrant. Cashew butter and cream notes were also present. The caramel notes were present but not as distinct and I did not find the grainy notes of the last steeping. I’ll have to try my longer steeps and lower temperatures to do a true comparison with the previous season, but I did really enjoy it this way.


Seasons definitely affect the teas. I like doing side-by-side comparison for some teas and sometimes from different years if I have them. Great note!

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As I’m having a sleepless night, might as well drink something spectacular.

Using my newly green oolong seasoned yixing pot.

This tea…oh my, this tea.

It’s beautiful. Long twisted strands of jade tentacles. From the most luxuriant tea plantations, one of the greenest oolong there is.

The ultimate refinement. A gleaming Rolls Royce.

Creamy and buttery mouthfeel, French pastries with lingering lilacs in bloom. The taste creates an imprint in my mouth that stays forever. Angel breath…

Needless to say, this is a staple. Been restocking on this for a good two years now, I don’t plan on stopping.

This gets the Fairy stamp of approval!


Well good morning, early bird!

This sounds really lovely. TeaLux sent me a sample of something. Now I really hope it’s this!!!!


So now I need to try Tealux too?


Well apparently. :p

I got their Dragon Pearls along with my houhin. I really hope this is my sample, but I’m not ready to get out of bed to go look….


Oh guess what… When I do make it out of bed, I’ll be making some cocoa Amore in my new vanilla pot!!!! Eeeeeeee!!!!!


Well good morning to you too lovely ladies…this tea is really something. Missy Prissy, we talked about this one a little while ago, it’s in your box…I’ve been sending so many Tealux teas, I ran out of most of them, but some are just stunning. But now with WP and Mandala madness, I don’t think I will restock them all. If ever you girls want to place an order, let me know first, I have tried almost all of them, lol. I can give you good recommendations. Their assam #8 is stunning, and so is Da Yu Ling oolong…


Awww, sars, vaniila pot is going to knock your socks off!!


This one is not my sample. The sample is Feury Doux Champagne. Tried that one?


Does that translate to “Fairy Dew?”


I’m in bed ignoring my dogs and drinking Fujian Black. Sars you will LOVE CA in the vanilla pot. I’m going to do my purple pot for oolong this evening.


It’s actually Fleury Doux Chanpagne, but I like your translation better


I think my translation is best! Fairy Dew Champagne!


I had to get up b/c my kitty overlord wanted breakfast. But now I’m back in bed.


My dogs want to get in the bed which usually I let them, but yesterday morning they made me spill my tea and I had to change my sheets and get them in the wash before it stained and it was a LOT of trouble for a Monday morning. So they are looking at me with the BSEs cause I won’t let them up right now.


Haha! You crack me up you two…Fairy Dew? So cute, I want that!!!

Fleury Doux means soft floral…and it’s not even on their website, so it must be something new…sounds really good though.


Oh no! Not bed change again???

And BSEs??? No human can resist canine BSEs…


Mine get in bed whether I let them or not. Me, Brian, 3 dogs, and Chairman Meow. It’s only a queen sized bed!!!!

It’s a white tea, TTF. I’ll try and report back!!!!


Yes, wicked doggies. Good thing they are adorable. I know, I feel like I;’m giving into the BSEs


3 dogs???? Awesome!


Happy 4 legged family you have there sars :-)


Try saying that when they have you sardined into your own bed, and you can’t turn over, AND the little monsters have stolen all the covers!!!!!

And the Chairman sits on my head and meows for breakfast!!!!


Haha! Love that you have a chaiman to control the madness…


Oh mine lay on the covers really HARD so you can’t pull the covers out from under them and cover yourself up. They make themselves HEAVIER somehow


The chairman incites the madness!

And yeah, that’s what I mean! They lay on the covers and weigh them down then you are left with none!!!


But then they snuggles up all around me and I melt into a pile of puppy-love


EXACTLY!! I have only one dog (and cats) but he makes himself so heavy (well he is over 100 pounds) that I can’t move a god damn thing from underneath him. Oh, and he snores…not doggy snore…big fat beer belly lumberjack snore!


One of mine snores hard


LOL!!!! Abby snores, too. Neither of the other dogs do, though.


nother cup of tea. I think it might be CA time


I.cannot.wait.to.get.CA.over.here. In the mean time, I’m getting some snaily. Have I told you gals that WP and Mandala are making almost all my other teas taste bland? It’s a curse.


Yes. Brewing mine now… Join me.


I have mine. Holy shit it’s good in the vanilla pot LTF!!!! I want yours to get there!


I’m taking my new wee tray to work today and I’m gonna do some WMG. Work sheng!


Enjoy some CA for me ladies…Snaily Yums isn’t a bad replacement though…and I just smelled my little VD pot and it’s full of Port smell and that made me happy.


MMMMMM nose tea is sometimes almost as good as mouth tea


LTF – when I’m done with this cup of GO – I’m going to RE-STEEP! Vanilla Dreams in a yixing is turning us into re-steepers


Haha! Nose tea :-)

And yes…re-steeping is a must in the little pot. I had Port gongfu yesterday and it rendered so many steeps I was amazed!


Oh I should try gongfuing my Port


Nose tea is totally a thing. It doesn;t even have to be brewed – sticking your nose in the bag of GO or Golden Fleece or CA is nose tea!


So true!!


OK lovlies – I need to get in the shower and get to work. I will check in with y’all later.


Have a great day missy :-)


And my work day begins… I’d rather drink tea with you two all day!


Me too Sars. I’m out the door. Toodles!

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drank Anji Bai Cha by Butiki Teas
3294 tasting notes

I’m happy to report that I brought a thermometer with me, because when I pulled this one out of the bag, I realized that the recommended temp is 165! I have 2 samples of this, I think one is from Sil & this one is from Stephanie. So although this is a sip down for the tea I brought with me, it’s not a real sip down, because I have more at home.

I’m sad to report that the zyrtec I’ve been taking only really worked for the first couple of days of my visit, & each day I feel worse, so today I totally feel like crap. However, the silver lining is that last year (& every time I come to visit) I started feeling like that almost immediately after leaving the airport, & so the experiment has basically been a success, because I’m going home to my usual allergens tomorrow & I probably won’t even notice them upon re-entry.

Although you might not want to trust my taste buds, what I’m getting from this is lightly steamed green beans, with a creamy mouth-feel, and a lingering thick tongue sensation.

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drank Cookie by Lupicia
2816 tasting notes

Good day Steepster…
I had kind of a rough morning, I was over at my boyfriend’s house in Berkeley and woke up with itchy hives again. Decided to go home and take some Benadryl and that seems to have helped the problem, though it made me so sleepy I didn’t wake up again until almost 11:30.

I decided to have some of this as my wake up call. This is actually a fairly decent breakfast tea and goes well with a slice of gluten free toast. This really does taste like someone crushed up a cookie and threw it in the tea. Very caramel, sweet type of flavor.

I know my immune system has been out of whack lately and I’ve been very prone to stress related illnesses. I think I’ll try to focus on green teas and decafs for the rest of the day.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Oh, itchy hives, so nasty. Hope it goes away soon…


Good day to you.

Sami Kelsh

Ugh, I know the feel of itchy. I feel your pain. :(


Thanks everyone :)


I had a problem with hives for about six months after I got a GIANT bug bite from some indeterminate insect. Seriously, the bite took up about 3/4 of my inner thigh. Anyway, the doctor prescribed me a topical steroid which helped a ton! Maybe look into that?


mj – if I continue to have these problems I will def. go see a doctor. It’s only been a week and I’m just hoping they go away! Thanks for the tip…

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Whoa! Port in a little pot.

Ambrosia, liquid gold for the gods.

So I now have this little yixing clay pot seasoned especially for Whispering Pines’s Vanilla Dreams collection.


Though it is hard to decide, Port is probably my favourite in that collection.

It’s got such distinctive notes of eucalyptus and camphor that marry so well with the saffron and the vanilla. I love that you can definitely pick up the saffron, it brings the flavour to another level, hard to describe…almost savoury, umami…

Not easy to go back to regular stuff once you’ve experienced that. This tea is like no other, and though it might not be for every palate, it’s a must try.

Every time I have it, I’m loving it a little more.

(I’m at infusion six right now, and it keeps on giving…)


The pot is gorgeous!!! Enjoy this special tea in a special pot!


Thanks boychik, it’s my smallest one at a130ml!!

Sami Kelsh

Wowzers, lovely!

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I’m kind of a grumpface today… Our new roommate (and my boyfriend’s friend and coworker) has only been here a week, and he already bought tickets for some girl to come visit him. For a week. And they’re not even dating, and she’s 19 to boot (no offense meant to the younger people on here, but I generally do not like or get along with teenagers)… Seriously? And since he and my boyfriend generally work from about 8 to 5 during the week, I will most likely have the pleasure of entertaining this person all day long. Seriously? I am at a loss as to why this is going down… But you know, clearly my opinion doesn’t matter as long as he asks my boyfriend about it, who is never going to say no. So yes, grumpface.

So, on to the tea then. The leaves are what I would call “medium-sized” and twisty. They’re mostly dark with little spots of gold. They smell mildly malty with honey sweetness, yum. I did a 3 minute brew just out of habit.

The aroma is quite dark. Very malty, with a syrupy deep raisin note and something somewhere between honey and molasses. Wow, the flavor here is deep. I definitely agree with Terri about this being a manly tea. That dark raisin aroma carries over into taste, but it’s not sweet at all. Needless to say, this is quite malty. There’s tobacco and soft leather, maybe a touch of earthiness. There’s also an interesting almost bitterness that I feel is inherent to the tea (meaning not a result of incorrect brewing). It melds nicely with the leather and tobacco notes.

Nicole mentioned maybe a bit of smoke in here, and although I wouldn’t call it smoke, I can see what she’s talking about. It’s definitely dark and intense, and the earthy quality could definitely be described as almost smoky.

I quite enjoyed this tea. It’s amazing to see (or rather taste) the wide range of flavors and experiences that can come out of one region (Yunnan). The golden, fuzzy Yunnan teas are light with pastry and honey-sweetness, while the darker varieties can be very assertive and rich, with deep and developed savory flavors. Amazing! I’m so glad I’m getting the chance to try all of the different kinds, especially since most of them were from swaps! Thanks everyone, and Nicole in particular, who provided this sample, along with many others! :)

Flavors: Bitter, Earth, Leather, Malt, Molasses, Raisins, Tobacco

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

You know the saying, fish and guests stink after three days.

Cameron B.

HAH! I have never heard that, but you made me laugh with it. :P


Totally justified in your grumpface, in my opinion! I had a friend who was in a very similar boyfriend + roommate living situation and it is tricky to say the least!

Sami Kelsh

One of my flatmates currently has her parents visiting, and while I super don’t mind at all (as I’m barely home myself on weekdays) I have to be super noise-conscious as it means my flatmate’s sleeping on the living room couch. And her folks decided to stay on an extra week, poor dear!


ugh, maybe you should go somewhere while she’s here. :)


That would make me a grumpface also. That’s just rude.

Cameron B.

Honestly, I’m sure it’ll be fine, hopefully the time will go by fast. And after talking to my boyfriend about it, I think they might work from home while she’s here so I don’t have to babysit all day. I’m just a bit peeved over the whole thing. :P


I would recommend spending the week visiting all of your local tea houses! Carpe Diem! ;-)


Oy. Yeah, teenagers suck. Good luck you ya!


teenagers are horrible

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Sunday morning yums!!!!

I made this in my new banko clay pot that was seasoned for unflavored black teas.

I’m working up some motivation for a hike, and today Brian & I will also be picking wild blueberries and huckleberries along the trail. The plan is to pick enough to make some wild blueberry huckleberry wine. Fingers crossed!!!!! Wheeeeeee!!!!!


That sounds like a much better plan for the day than mine – which is restoring order to the chaos that is my house and mostly my meditation/yoga space which has gotten taken over by all the extraneous crap in my room that I use for that. Organizing some tea would help my sanity level too


Well I DO need to clean my house. But this is a prime weekend for blueberries, so those win out. :)


As they should!


Sars – I’m thinking about possibly doing that Tea show in Philly in the fall


OMGeeeeee really? You totally should!!!! We can meet and it would be so fun!!!!!


I’m thinking about it. I have a hotel room reserved, but I’m waiting to see if more vendors ign up. It’s looking a little sparse at the moment


Well they better sign up!!!!!


Holy. Shit. That is amazing. Just fantastic!!!!


My day will also resemble yours Missy :-(
Need to clear that tea chaos!!

Also…a tea show? For real? Ghawww.


Sars, have fun, blueberry picking is just awesome, you can even try a batch of NST with freshly picked blueberries, yum!!


You should come to the show…


I think I may dry some berries, TTF. If there’s enough after I make wine, anyways.


(Come to the show? Oh, there’s a few things you don’t know about me!)


So… Many… Berries….


yay! I got some (more) cherries


Holy shit, MzP. You just reminded me that I have fresh cherries in the fridge!!!! Gotta eat them up!!!

Terri HarpLady

I love that tea pot!
One of these days I’d like to go to a tea show :)
A friend of mine is going to the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival. I told her to find Bonnie & give her a big hug from me :)


I’d love to check one out! Philly is so close that I’d be nuts not to go. :)

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Good morning Steepster!

When I woke up earlier, I had a lychee craving. I happen to have some in the fridge. And I happen to have these delicious lychee pearls, so why not create a lychee feast?

This tea is very unusual. I personally don’t know any other lychee Dragon Pearls.

They are big and fragrant, but not soapy. The taste is so juicy, just like plump lychee. I get this lovely chocolaty smooth and malty Yunnan taste which makes this lychee tea so different than all others out there. I get none of that heavy perfumed lychee after taste you get in most black lychee flavoured teas.

It’s like drinking chocolate lychees. Not that I ever had any, but I’m sure there must exist some chocolate lychees somewhere. After having this tea, I can totally see their sweet floral taste work perfectly well with dark slightly bitter chocolate.

(And I just realized I wrote the word lychee way to many times in this review)

I other news, today I’m seasoning another one of my Yixing clay pots. Fun times!


I LOVE lychees. I wish I had some in my fridge right now. I haven’t had any lychee tea yet, but I did recently acquire some Lychee Oolong from Butiki I need to try. I’m going to season a Special Dark pot and I think maybe do my other pot for shous that are not SD today and when my purple pot comes, have it for my straight blacks. The SD pot will be that new Mandala one with the bamboo design.


Chocolate lychee sounds really good!


MzPriss, Butuki is my favourite lychee tea ever! That oolong she’s using is spectacular on its own…and yay! You seem to have a good plan fir your pots :-)

Ck, I guess having this tea is the closest I can get to chocolate lychees for now!


I don’t think you wrote “lychee” too much – it’s a word I love to SAY leeeeeecheeee


Lol, it’s one of those words that will have me make funny noises too ;-)


Lycheeeeeeeeeeeee! Yum!

Which pot are you seasoning, TTF?

Also, good morning, my lovelies!!!!! I am making Alia for breakfast in my new black tea pot wheeeeeeee!!!!


I just finished some Snaily. I think I’m going to give the Dragon Balls another chance and try them the Stephanie way to see if I like them better


Mmmmm, will most certainly catch a cup of Aila soon as well! Let me how it turns out in your newly seasoned pot!!

I will season my green oolong pot. It’s much larger than my other pots, that’s why I chose it for oolongs.


Which ones MzPriss?


The Teavivre ones


We call those dragon poop.


It’s deeeeeeelish in the new pot, but was there a doubt that Alia would be good? :p


I’m trying to learn to love this dragon poop – but I’m not there yet. And of course there was no doubt the Alia would be good :D


OK the dragon poop is tasting a little fruity to me at the moment – I’m getting zero chocolate and zero malt. Maybe zero chocolate because I’m eating toast with chocolate almond butter?


Sars – does it taste different to you in the pot? And if so, how?


Well HoneyBelle, I’m not sure. I got enough for two cups from Cam, and I tried the first round in the new pot, yesterday. I liked them! I am really starting to think that there’s something to this whole thing about the clay influence. It was very smooth. I definitely found malt and cocoa.

Mmmmmmmmm choco almond butter!


The choco almond butter is new obsession. I was in my little hippie co-op grocery and you know those machines they have that are full of peanuts or almonds and you grind your own nut butter? They had one with chunks of roasted almonds and dark chocolate chunks. OMG – blissful. I’m having it on my Canadian Squirrely Bread – it’s full of nuts and seeds and is so good toasted. It’s in the frozen section at the co-op.


Squirrelly bread??? OMG. I want a hippie co-op.

Speaking of squirrels and Canada… Have you ever been and seen those huge black squirrels they have? The first time I was there, I saw one near the water out if the corner of my eye and couldn’t tell if it was a squirrel or a beaver. So I decided it must be a hybrid: The elusive Canadian Squeaver.

TTF: do they have these in your area?


I have never been to Canada. Yet.


Well when you go… Beware the Squeaver!!!!!


LOL I will be on the lookout


Haha! Sorry I was off the computer for a bit…dragon poop. And Squeavers!!!

Lol, yes, we have huge squirrels! And I have a thing for them. I even name them. This is the most special one. Mr. White. Very rare. Been around for the last four years.




this is especially awesome, Foxy, b/c the unofficial mascot of my mom’s town (Palmyra, PA) is an albino squirrel. They call him whitey and it’s quite the honor to see him frolicking in your yard. I see you’ve met his cousin. :p


Haha! So awesome :-)

hippiechick 42

What does lychee taste like?


Very hard to describe hippiechick. It’s very sweet and juicy, a bit like grapes can be, but a lot more perfumed.

Terri HarpLady

Dragon Lychee Pearls…this sounds amazing!
I have to agree, Butiki’s lychee oolong is the best lychee tea I’ve had so far.




It makes me think of the Anthony Bourdain episode in the bayou where they ate “sqweazel”.


(just for the record – considering some of you think I eat eat weird – or least unheard of things – squeever and sqweazel are not on the menu in my house)

hippiechick 42

Thanks teafairy, for the description. :)


Dex you can cover anything in yumyum sauce and make it good. :)


Squeavers are no laughing matter! They’re bloodthirsty beasts! They’ll bite your ankles off!!!! :p

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Sorry, but skip this note if you’re looking for some insightful adjectives on how good this tea tastes.

I’ve been a sleepy head all day…just can’t shake the blues and the tiredness.

Just wanted something magical, that might chase those feelings away. Think I may have found it.

Wild Monk is one of those tea I keep in case of emergency.

Thank you Garret for making this so special, it nearly brings me to tears…good tears that is.

I just got “shengged” by The Monk, and I liked it…a lot.



Sorry you’re being chased by the blues. But I’m glad this helped! I haven’t tried my wild monk yet. Sounds like I need to do that tomorrow. :)


i need to buy this


Thank you sweet girl..I will get by. This tea is just fantastic, and I need some time alone when I have it, it’s just that good. I’ve had that now and feel much better :-)


Apt, this one is a no brainer…and I believe there’s only a few 2012 cakes left…





Hey! I put way more hearts on that comment! Steepster ate my hearts!!!!!


No worries, one heart from you is already full of special meaning :-)


This is one of those teas that makes me feel better too – glad that it’s working for you – enjoy your time with it and feel better. :))


Feel better dear TF!


Wild Monk to the rescue! Hope you feel better!


Sounds like this will end up on my list of Magic Mood Teas, but I won’t know for sure til tomorrow. :)


Seepster has been eating my characters all day. This sheng <3. I’m grumpy headache girl as well. Grrrr Instead of sheng though I just made up some GO in my newly-seasoned Vanilla Dream pot! LTF!!!! It worked. It steals very little even at this point after that long hot bath. I would say it takes a wee bit of the chocolate flavor and pretty much none of the vanilla. It’s awesomely good.


Thank you deaf friends <3

Sars, I cannot wait for you to try it…


(“deaf” friends??? I OBVIOUSLY DON’T KNOW HOW TO WRITE!!)


I don’t hear that well…


But I DO have some badass tea!


Same here…shitloads of badass…


You win the typo of the day award, Foxy!

Whaaaaat? I can’t hear youse!!!!!




Hugs, TTF! I hope tomorrow is a better day :)


Thank you sweet mj, feeling much better this morning :-)


Excellent :)

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Hello everyone, I hope you’re all having good weekends! I decided to do gong fu with this tea today because I felt like I wasn’t getting the full potential when I tasted it western-style. I mostly used TeaVivre’s parameters, but adjusted the amount of water to 4 ounces and then used 4 grams of tea, which turned out to be 4 pearls. I also used 200 degree water instead of boiling.

The method: 4g tea per 4oz water, 200 degrees, 10s rinse/30/50/70/90/120s

Rinse (10s): very light, woody, golden raisins (the pearls puffed up but held their shape)

Steep 1 (30s): strong bitter cocoa with some woodiness, burnt sugar (the pearls fell apart completely!)

Steep 2 (50s): very earthy in a mineral sense (licking a rock comes to mind), bitter cocoa

Steep 3 (70s): mellower earthiness, autumn leaves, dark but not bitter cocoa

Steep 4 (90s): very similar to steep 2, earthy and highly mineral

Steep 5 (120s): similar to steep 3, mellow earth with autumn leaves, buttered toast!

So, I was not a big fan of those highly earthy and mineral steeps… In fact, I didn’t finish either of them. Just blegh. My favorites were the first and last steeps, which suggests to me that maybe I should try this again with shorter steeps? Or maybe I’ll just stick to western-style with this one.

Any suggestions for a gong fu method that won’t bring out so much earthy/mineral flavor would be greatly appreciated! I only have enough of this left for one more cup or session… So I want to get it right! :P

I also noticed that there’s a tad bit of water left in the bottom after I drain the leaves. I’m assuming this is okay, since I don’t see how I would get all of it without dumping into a strainer. Would love to be corrected if I’m wrong!

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Burnt Sugar, Cocoa, Earth, Mineral, Toast, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

This is a great tea! Hope you are having a good weekend too! I’m at work actually, boo.

Cameron B.

Thanks Stephanie! What’s your favorite way to brew this one? And I’m sorry you have to be at work! :(


I like it semi-western! Long and super rich steeps for me :)

I usually only get 2 or 3 steeps that way though. Sorry it’s not tasting like you’d hoped!

Cameron B.

How long do you usually let it go for? The website recommends 5-10 minutes, sheesh. :P


4-5 mins usually


It DOES take a while for those pearls to unfurl!


I am dying to try this!!!!


Oh Sars – I have a shitload and I don’t love it so I can send you plenty

Cameron B.

MzPriss, I don’t love it either so far. Going to try the Stephanie method last and hopefully that makes it for me!


I can try the Stephanie way – people seem to love it, but I havent so far


Cam sent me some, MzP. I’ll try it and report back. :o)


It sounded like just the kind of thing I would love so I got one of those Teavivre tins of it. I can’t get it to the point where it tastes the way others describe it tasting.

Cameron B.

Luckily mine was one of the free samples I chose, so I didn’t pay for it. It’s not bad, but it seems fairly nondescript to me, and I don’t seem to get chocolate like others do. :(


I used 4 pearls in 6 oz. for 5 min. Seemed to work pretty well. I thought it was good! I definitely found a little cocoa.


Interesting that everyone’s experience is so different!


Stephanie it always surprises me how differently people experience tastes and smells in tea

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Aaaaah Saturday morning yums!!!

Method: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz, 200 degrees, 3 minutes, French Press

Dry Leaf Aroma & Brewing Aromas: Chocolate cake. Om nom nom

Flavor: yum! This has lovely cakey and cocoa notes. I wish it was a little sweeter, but that’s easily remedied. I am going to try a second steep and see how that goes!!!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

MMMM that’s a good morning nom


I wasn’t feeling as poetic this AM, so I kept it short, but yeah. This is great. I love that I have more to look forward to with these vanilla teas because they do improve with age. I can’t wait to get that vanilla pot seasoned!!!


Oh, great choice!! my session of this was so good yesterday…the rest is cold-steeping.


My vanilla pot will be finished in about 3 hours (I’m going longer than Brenden’s 3 that he goes) and it’s sitting on the warmer. I can’t wait!


The second steeping is niiiiice. I put in a little maple syrup because, why not?


I just went Terri-style with my GO as well. This is so freaking good


Mmmmmmm Terri-style.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I’m so glad that maple in tea is getting such good recognition :)


You don;t very much at all and it just elevates it.


Oh HoneyBelle! I missed the note where you’re seasoning your vanilla teapot. I think you may have said before, but which one did you pick for vanilla? Sometimes I’m super senile…


I’m using my “bigget” one (220) – it’s my expensive one that I got a while back and haven’t seasoned yet. But since I will be drinking the vanillas out of it, I decided to use the biggest one


If you have a pic,I’d love to see it. Hooray for vanilla teapots!!!!!


I think there might be on already up on my flikr. Lemme go look


It’s the one on the left:

I think my bamboo pot from Mandala may have to be my Special Dark baby


The one in the middle is going to be shou other than SD and the one on left looks a little different now as it had a long warm bath in Wild Monk and is now my sheng pot. It’s already darker.


O.M.Geeee. Those are so adorable!

I think you picked out some lovelies. I especially like the Mandala pot with the cute bamboo pattern. I can’t wait to start seasoning mine when they arrive!!!!

Oh, and we have matching laptops :)


I have a love/hate relationship with this laptop. I’m boiling my bamboo one right now and it will have a Special Dark bath later after we get back from the vet


Oh crap I mean the one on the RIGHT is now my sheng pot and looks different. I have a very adorable purple one coming that will be for oolongs


Reeeally? I adore mine. It’s the second of its kind. The last one went 5 years before the video card died.

I’m so jealous of your seasonings LOL. But soon I will have my own seasoning adventures. The vanilla houhin is scheduled to arrive Monday…

Vet? I hope everything is ok! I have to get my “kids” in for their annual checkup and shots soon.


“Oh crap I mean the one on the RIGHT

I knew what ya meant. :)

Eeee!!!! I got one for oolongs toooooo! Uh oh. I’ve gone to multiple vowels…. must be excited. Time to make some tea…


I’m making egg and kimchi braekfast tacos and deciding on the tea to take along with me to the vet. Wee Snailys I think


One of my dogs is having (sorry) anal gland issues.


Taco Queen!

I have been hoarding the last of my wee snailys, but Brenden just said that he received a huge order, so I can happily drink them again!

It’s ok. My little princess has AGIs too. Gross, but it hasn’t been a serious problem for her. Hopefully it’ll be no biggie for you, too.


I’m hoping that as well, but we’re on the second round of antibiotics which I hate to give her and she doesn’t LOVE yogurt which I want her to have when she does the antibi-s.


Trying to get motivated enough to leave the house in search of kimchi – yes this would be MzPriss’s fault. Where do I buy Kimchi? Should I go to China town, which is sort of right here, easy to get to – OR do I need to go half way across the city to my favorite Korean market? I can proabably buy it at the HUGE supermarket too, but will that be as good as the stuff you would find in an Asian market?? I love Kimchi, but never buy it, I just eat out whenever possible….


The Korean market is probably the best bet, but I suspect you’d do ok in Chinatown also.


OK – I’m a little frightened to go to China Town, you never know what cute teaware you might run into. Thinking the Korean Market will be safer on that front. Need motivation to get up and moving…..one more cup of tea…


Either way probably. I buy it at my local hippie co-op grocer – there is a small local company that makes various kinds here in town and they sell it at the co-op. I started putting kimchi on tacos when I was out of salsa one time. Last night I just had kimchi tacos for dinner. Oh I also got this really awesome Madras Curry sauerkraut salad – so good. I like the fermented veg thing a waaaaaay lot.


Thanks, I’m going to go and venture out into the world and see what I come up with. I live in a fairly large city I should be able to find real kimchi….
Will report back later…


FYI – Mission kimchi was successful… :))


Someone is going to have a nice dinner :-)


I also had a MzP influenced dinner. Faux chicken, beans, rice, and my world famous Asian peanut sauce on a soft taco shell. I wrapped it up like a burrito b/c I do t have taco shells, but close enough. It was deeeeelish!

Dex: we need a full report on the results of Mission Kimchi!


I think you can wrap anything in a soft taco shell and it would be good. :)) Would famous Asian Peanut Sauce? That sounds interesting… like Thai peanut sauce?
While I was out on Mission Kimchi, I also bought concentrated tamarind paste? I usually buy blocks of Tamarind to make chutney – hoping that this will be good and take out a step. (Also hoping that I can just add a little to black iced tea….)
As for the kimchi – not sure yet. Probably some sort of noodle stirfry. Garlic, ginger, soy sauce, fish sauce, veggies, chicken – and then toss in some Kimchi on the plate… that’s the plan, but things change as I cook… never quite sure what I’m going to end up with


Yeah Dex, kinda like a Thai peanut sauce.

Tamarind paste!!! Yum yum yum

How did your stir fry turn out?

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I had a nice oolong afternoon with this baby. All gone now, I had just a enough left to make a Gaiwan session.

This baby is a decadent one.

Floral notes of lilacs, creamy and buttery, with a minty fresh finish.

Love that thick texture, a total PUDDING MOUTH!!

It’s from the highest plantations in the world, maybe that’s why it tastes like the sky…

I’ve reviewed it a few times before, this resteeps for a while, and though it looses its floral notes, it remains creamy and buttery all “oolong”…

Just yum.


I don’t think I got that oolong. I got a couple of their others which I need to try. I hear rumors of a sale though.


Oh lovely! I haven’t tried Butiki’s DYL, but I have Yezi’s and this style is definitely yumz. :)


I got the Da Ye Aged and the Reserve Four Season – LTF made them sound good – I’m gonna break into them and the blue tea tomorrow :D


I love butiki’s oolongs!! Are you planning to try the aged ones this week end Honeybelle?

Sars, I haven’t had Yezi so I can’t compare…but this one is more than lovely!


LTF makes everything sound good! Luckily she always seems to be right! :p

Yes, blue tea!!! Drink it and report back!!! It’s such a party tea. It’s kinda hard not to smile when you drink it. I recommend white tea ware. :)

TTF… You should let me send you some. Seems like the perfect thing for a tea fairy.


Yes I’m gonna try the aged ones and a little TGY and the blue tea. OH and my taster is back and I’m enjoying the SB


Oh, missed the comment where you said “I’m gonna try them tomorrow” lol.

Loke Sars said, can’t wait to find out what you think of them!

Cameron B.

TeaFairy, which of the oxidized oolongs would you recommend? I’ve been looking at them and trying to decide! Between the two aged ones, the four season, Doke rolling thunder, and the Gui Fei. I know I’m getting Oriental Beauty! But any suggestions would be awesome. :P


(“Like”, damn typos)


Oh, I got the OB too – I got the leafhopper thingie and got a cute bug magnet.
Dang. Now I want OB


OMG. I got the magnet too, but I swear I’m not tea gear stalking you. It was weeks ago. Isn’t it the cutest thing ever!?!?!


I was not crazy about doke rolling…but Gui Fei is bug bitten, just like OB and they are both fantastic and super honey like!


It is very cute!!! I like bug-bited teas!


I ordered a wee bamboo tea tray for my office today.


With the crazy shipping?


Did you see the cute little cups I got today Missy?


No, with Amamzon even though I’m wanting to quit doing anything with them. I got my assistant to try sheng the other day and it was messy- water and tea on my desk – so I just ordered it. The are a shitload of things I want on that site though


Pics or it never happened. :p

And OMG I totally forgot to show you two!!! I finally found the tea tray of my dreams after weeks of searching.



I did! they were adorable!!! I have that Buddha Hand holding a lotus one coming and the purple one and the crackly one from the other day. I LOVE that earth and stars one you’re getting! All of them are cute


OH that’s PRETTY Sars!!!!!


Wow, very nice sars, and it’s darker like you want!


I’m pretty excited. It was so hard to find a larger tray with the dark finish for a reasonable price. Every time I would find one in my price range, they were sold out. I’m really happy with this one.


That is just the cutest thing ever!!!


Cameron, I just tried a bunch of oolongs in the Education TTB 2; four seasons and oriental beauty were my favorites!


I love that set! Which tray did you end up with, MzP?


I’m excited to try them.

@LTF – RIGHT????

Cameron B.

Thanks mj, I did read your notes! :) I’m so jealous, I want to do a Butiki educational box! I’m thinking I’ll definitely get Oriental Beauty and Gui Fei, I may choose another depending on how many things I end up getting… ;)


I,m pretty sure you’ll like them cameron!


Ok…wasn’t going to say anything but….i just got the last cherries of the season. 6 pounds. All to myself…and now, I feel like drinking you know what.


I’m glad you found a beautiful one that makes you happy!


Of course you do – I will drink some with you


Love the tiny tray, just perfect for the office :-)

And thanks for drinking with meeeee!


Kettle just beeped


That little tray is so cute!!!!


I really like that little set with the bamboo cut-out in the top and all the stuff to with it and easily packable though. What is this “Best offer available” thing and how do I do it?


I’m pm-ing you missy!


Because I can return the amazon thing


Make an offer! Woo! Haggling is kinda fun, IMO. :)


It’s not fun so far


Oh. Well poo. :(


MzPrizz that’s a pretty good price for that one. The store where I first saw that type wanted 4-6 dollars more. If you do buy from Shanghai story, I’ve heard that their jinjunmei is pretty good.:)

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I’m feeling so restless today. I want to do something, but I don’t know what I want to do, so I do nothing, then get annoyed with myself and even more restless. Rinse. Repeat.

I was going to try the Elderwood this evening, but I grabbed this instead because I thought it might have a calming effect.

Method: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz, 180 degrees, 1.5 min, muggy strainer

Dry Leaf Aroma: wow, gorgeous. Pine/evergreen and a very strong floral, like jasmine

Brewing Aroma: heavier on the floral

Flavor: the floral is first, with some gentle piney notes. Then there’s this fascinating and totally unexpected nutty note. It’s strong, too. It’s also got a creamy feel and a buttery taste. It’s also a little sweet and has a nice lingering aftertaste.

Is it bad that I have a reminder on my calendar to get this in August before the batch is gone?

Edit: Ehrmagerd!!!! 2nd steep. 3.5 min. Sipping this. Yum. Ok yum. What’s that? Holy crap! It’s pine nuts! This tea tastes like little pignolis on the end of the sip. SB- I love you!!!

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I have a Friday miracle Sars! A wee teaspoonful magikally appeared in my little sample bag. I’m having some TOO!!!!


Dear Universe, Thank you v. much for making a weeny bit of SB appear in my house. I really, really, REALLY needed it and I can’t get any for a couple of weeks til it comes back. grateful…Love, MzHBP


LOL aaaaaw HoneyBelle!!!! I’m so glad you found some! Now we can drink it together!!!!

I’m really looking forward to August!!!!


Me too!!!!~ I’m sipping this very, very slowly. I’m gonna try an additional couple of steeps – cause the Tea Hobbit says you can, although I don’t usually re-steep. This is just so dreamy.


I just did a 2nd steep, too. I let it go to 3.5 min and used a little less water. Want. More. NOW.


You and I will chill out together Sars. Just smell this tea. Calming. I need chilling out majorly and it sounds like you do too.


Yeah, it wasn’t even a bad day. I’m just feeling all jumpy but I want to be calm. Was your day stressful? I hope the tea is helping

I have to edit my review because I figured out what the nutty flavor is! So exciting! Pine nuts!!!!!


Most of my work days are stressful. It’s just been a mofo of a week. And the tea is totally helping! I love this tea too much


I need to eat some dinner and I’m thinking of having something really odd for dinner. Kimchi Tacos.


Oh wow. That sounds interesting. I like kimcheeeeeee!!!!


I love it. I’m making some with Terri’s recipe. But this one I bought. I was gonna have bean and cheese tacos on corn tortillas and came home and realized I had no beans. Then I noticed the kimchi in the fridge and I’m like “hmmmmm” We shall see. I’m gonna make a couple and re-steep this tea and be back to have SB with you and LTF

Terri HarpLady

hmmmm….now that sounds interesting…

Cameron B.

No fair, I want to join in on the fun! :P


OK report….(first of all Cameron – come have some SB or something with us) So I warmed a couple of these really delicious corn tortilla this lady makes here in town that they sell at my co-op. and then just barely warmed some kimchee – enough ti take the chill off and keep it from coolng down the tortilla but not enough to kill the good bugs. Annnnnd – it’s not bad y’all! Pretty good actually.


But in Austin we tun everything into a taco :D


and oh Sars – I DO like the second steep of SB. I like the first better – but this is still really really good!


If I had more, I’d send ya some, Cam. But I only had a little sample. I’m impressed tho. I highly recommend this one.


I’m on the 3rd, MzP. Still good!!! Glad the experimental tacos are yum!!!!!


I’m gonna go for a third when this cup is done. I like the tacos and I didn’t want anything heavy. I had some lentil curry in the fridge too (which will also LOL become tacos!) and this was just the perfect thing


The curry would have been too much. This is nice and light and has two of my fave things: corn tortillas and kimchi


I clearly need to follow in your footsteps and become more creative with my taco fillings!!!!


Dude – you can turn ANYTHING into a taco. We have tacos for breakfast here. A potato, egg and cheese taco with screamingly hot salsa and a Dark Beauty cocktail are the best. hangover cures. ever.


I’m already planning some faux chicken with bean and rice tacos for this weekend!


I literally put anything in tacos. Salad. Sometimes peanut butter and creamed honey


I dub thee Lady HoneyBelle, Queen of the Taco Fillings, Ruler of the Corn Tortillas.


Laughs! Tacos make life easy and tasty.


I agree, LHBQotTFRotCT. :p

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drank Anxi Tie Guan Yin by Butiki Teas
2816 tasting notes

This is a sipdown for me…

I have been so stressed out this week trying to negotiate my severance package, I’ve broken out into hives (!!!) twice and I think the two must be related unless I am developing a new food allergy. I feel like I need a vacation.

This oolong is a bit like a vacation in a cup, very soothing. I love the buttery and slightly vegetal flavor that reminds me a bit of sweet peas. And the aroma is so nice and flowery! I went for 3 steeps of this before I decided to finish it off. I do feel more relaxed somehow after drinking this.

I don’t have any unflavored green oolongs at the moment and I feel I should remedy that situation. More tea shopping may be in store for me :)

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Oh man, hives are the worst. Hope you find some relief soon!


I get stress hives. On the left side of my face and neck. It’s awful. But I’m glad that the tea helped.


Cheri, what do you do with yours? Benadryl cream seems to help me, anyway

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First of all. I need some moral support. I’ve only been drinking my loose pu’erhs because I can’t bring myself to break apart my new pu’erh cakes!!!! They’re just so pretty and perfect, all wrapped up with so much potential!!!

This video is making me super sad LOL

So this tea…

Method: 1tbsp, 8 oz, 30 sec (1 minute) (1 minute), 208 degrees, brew in mug strainer

Dry Leaf Aroma: Earthy, but with a chocolate note that’s very enticing

Flavor: it tastes a little musty, but smooth, and I’m enjoying the chocolate notes. I guess that earthy sort of note is just the usual for many pu’erhs?

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

Maybe take off the papers very carefully and keep them! Or frame them! :)


LOL Cam! Maybe I need a pu’erh wrapper scrapbook!

Do most people break them up all at once like the video, I wonder? I got the impression that little bits were just broken off here and there.


Some pu’erh is “earthy” – like a forest in the rain, fresh clean mud (if such a thing exists)
some is earthy – but more in a cave subterranean sort of way
some is earthy – but musty, barn yard esque
I love all of it – as long as it’s clean fresh dirt. The bad pu’erh is swampy, dirty, icky


I don’t break up a whole cake – I just unwrap them, break a chunk off and rewrap them. You’ll be ready soon, the OMG I have to try that will kick in, and you’ll be diving in…


The third steep at about 1.25 minutes was nicer. Thus definitely was NOT swampy or icky, so maybe it’s just a matter of being an acquired taste.

LOL. If I still can’t bust one open tomorrow, I may have to employ you as the Pu’erh Cake Breaker Enforcer. :p


Anytime – just send me your cake, I’ll break it up and send it back to you – well send most of it back to you, might take a little as payment…. :))


Just break off the amount from each cake or brick and keep the rest intact if you don’t plan to drink it quickly. makes storage easy. When I break a cake I start from the circle indentation on the back and work from there. Gives you a good starting point.


Hahahahahaaaa!!! OMG you are super funny!

I think I’ll just bite the bullet and break up my own cake, but I’m more than willing to share if you see anything that interests you. :)


Sorry, mrmopar, not sure what you mean when you say that you start from the indentation. Do you mean that you break tea off from the “rim” of the indentation?


Me too – I break from the indent. Turn the cake over, so that the smooth side is down, indent is up. I press gently down, circling the around the cake (especially if it hard compressed)listening for cracking sounds. I find it easier to loosen it up a bit first. Then I insert pick into the edge of the indent (pick facing outward towards the edge of the cake). I really need to just find the video that I used the first time. Your video was ok, but that was a pretty loosely pressed cake, they all don’t break that easily….


This is the video from Teavivre… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vAq1vU4YcU She says to break from the back to keep it looking good…
This one has the first step I was talking about – to loosen it a bit before you start stabbing it. I only do this is it’s really compressed.
You just need to find a technique that works for you,,,

Terri HarpLady

I’m with MrM & Dex, prying off tea from the center of the back of the cake, so I can keep the shape for as long as possible.


Awesome video and suggestions! I’ll try the indentation method tomorrow. Thanks, tea friends!!!


Yep that’s the way. It also helps make them easier to re-wrap.


If it really a difficult cake, start the car, place cake behind back tire and put it in reverse. ;)


So happy you’ve started enjoying your pupu haul :-)

And break them cakes please!!!


Cwyn, that is too funny!!! I can just picture my neighbors and the police officer who lives behind me looking out their windows and being like WTF is Sarsy doing this time!!! I live in the city, so were closely packed here. :)

TTF: today is the day!!!!

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Sad Sample Sipdown! Thanks again Terri!

I’m definitely going to order some first flush dragonwell next spring. Not sure from where yet but the stuff is DEELISH! I’m ambivalent about regular dragonwell though. It’s not bad but doesn’t thrill me like this really young stuff does.

On an unrelated note- I think I’m going to make some homemade matcha and frozen yogurt popsicles this weekend. Doesn’t that sound fab? Oohh maybe I’ll throw in some avocado too…

Cameron B.

Maybe with a little bit of mint or lemon too? :D


OoooOoooh! That sounds good. I’ve also got some rhubarb I need to use. Might cook some down into a compote and make ice pops out of that at some point :)

Cameron B.

Strawberry frozen yogurt with rhubarb swirl! ;)

Terri HarpLady

Glad you like the tea! I’m jealous about the pop cycles!


That could be good. In Ecuador a store near me used to make a strawberry and Avacado shake that was amazingly good.

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Worst Starbucks experience ever
I’m at the St. Louis airport, & I have a routine when I fly of getting a Starbucks soy chai.
So… They’re out of soy milk…
So…can I have a hot black tea?
As I’m walking away with my cup, I catch a whiff & she gave me earl grey.
So…I return the tea, the girl starts saying, “well, you didn’t specify…blah blah”
Are you kidding me?
Turns out they are out of Awake, except as iced tea.
Then another chick who works there starts bitching at me….
They were all glaring at me, like I was wrong.
I hope she didn’t spit in my tea…


Customer “service” :( I’m sorry Terri. Being at the airport sucks badly enough all on it’s own with this Starbuxholes experience. But I’m assuming that you are now happily and safely arrived in Florida and drinking the good tea. What tea did you end up bringing? If I could, I would teleport you a big fat Dark Beauty to make up for your airport experience.


Sorry that happened to you! Safe travels, though!


Wow ugh!

Cameron B.

People must never order tea there, considering they don’t know the difference between black tea and earl grey… Or they’re just poop faces!


Most people aren’t actually aware that EG is flavoured and the leaf is black tea, and since flavoured is default for many anyway, I’m sorry, but I can’t really see how they were supposed to know you didn’t want EG…


Didn’t specify? It’s their job to ask. If it were your regular stop, I’d say complain. Since it is not, let it go and move on. Just found out last week that despite my telling them every week to use Splenda and not to add the syrup to my green tea frap, they have been doing it anyway. When I caught them I was told you can’t make it without the syrup. I said yes you can, just don’t put it in. When she handed me the drink she commented how she thought it was going to break her blender. Good grief, give me a break. All the syrup is, is sugar water anyway. Knuckleheads. Look now you have me wound up. Why should we expect different from coffee people? Oh, wait, because it is their job!

Terri HarpLady

oh well…
The main thing that pissed me off wasn’t the mistake, nobody is perfect.
I was polite when I returned & asked them to redo my tea & explained why.
I couldn’t believe the blatant rudeness & defensiveness I was met with.
When I was in food service, the customer was always right.
Anyway, yes, I AM in FL now.
Priss, I brought way too much tea, LOL! More will be revealed ;)

Cameron B.

Yeah, the rudeness is definitely the problem. Especially considering that redoing a hot tea is nothing, it’s just hot water and a tea bag that costs them basically nothing. It’s a little ridiculous that they got so defensive about it with you…

Terri HarpLady

I know!
That’s for letting me bitch, you guys. I know I’ve been a grumpus lately…

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This is my “Hot Cowboy” sheng.

Heart Of The Old Tree…How did such a zen and peaceful name ever became “Hot Cowboy” is absolutely preposterous. And would be too long to explain. All I will say is this: gather a few silly minds together and that’s what you get… MzPriss and Sarsonator, I will not say your names

(If you are crazy curious and feel you must know, you’ll find the answer somewhere in there):


This is a sheng, and therefore, I drank it all afternoon long a few days ago, and took some notes.

It’s fresh and clean. The early steeps gave me peaches.

I found citrusy notes, flirting with a light astringency. It’s almost effervescent, like a sparkling wine. I got the tingling tongue.

I did not get that the first time I drank it a few months ago, but there seemed to be a very faint campfire smoke taste this time around, barely noticeable.

Later steeps brought buttery, vegetal and mineral notes…a little oolong-esque I’d say.

I did not count the steeps, but my session lasted all afternoon…this is a delicate and delightful sheng. It’s wonderful.

I’ve had this tea twice, and can I say that my cat Wizz is going berserk over the smell of it? He does all kinds of weird things, as if this was kitty grass.

I guess even the cat got all “shenged up” :-)


Sounds so tasty! This tea has been #1 on my wish list! I’ve been wanting to try it out for a while, but I already exceeded my tea funds for the month. sigh


I have yet to find a mandala tea I don’t like, to tell you the truth…and yeah…maxed out tea funds suck!!


Hot Cowboy!!! Mine came yesterday and I will be breaking into this on Saturday. And I just re-read that thread from the other day. My only excuse is that I was all shenged up – I don’t know what you and Sars’ excuse is. We need to hide Garret’s eyes though. He makes all these gorgeous and majestic names for his beautiful teas and we turn it into Hot Cowboy.


Lol! Oh, those names are so beautiful. Did you know I actually bought this one only because of the name? I figured to earn such a meaningful title, it HAD to be good…and it was :-)


I can’t wait to try it. I got a pu-pick from Garret when I got this too so I have a proper tool! Oh and right this minute, I’m using my mug warmer. The Tea Hobbit is right – it rocks!


I’m still using my silly nut pick! I’m getting a knife and a pick today.

Also, I’m going crazy over this tiny thing:



Good morning my Fairy Princess Schoompie. If you’re looking to me to discourage you, I think you know you’re barking up the wrong tea tree. That is freaking gorgeous and it doesn’t cost hardly anything. I would have already bought it. * Dusts off hands * My enabling for the day is done. Nice to have gotten it out of the way early.


Haha! And good morning to you :-)
(Shipping is $17 BTW!!)
How was your night with all that sheng you had to drink “for the cause” last evening?


Holy shit! Really? OK I take my enabling back. That is a pretty cup though. You know, I don’t know how it happened – but I slept like 5 and a half hours. WTH? Maybe I should sheng at night more often. The mug warmer is bril!


Yeah, too expensive for one tiny mini cup. Lol, yes, we definitely should have sheng more often.
(I just sent you a pm)


I am trying Yu Lu Yan Cha from Verdant for the first time, having already sucked down my Dark Beauty and some Zhu Rong. I LIKE this new one. I’m going to have a hard time writing a note on and describing it. It’s like woody-insense. mmmm likey!


Ummm, Teafairy, I spent some time at the site again and learned 2 things……1. You can order 25g of any tea even if it is not sold as such on the site. 2. They have recently started epacket service out of Kunming, so if you are really interested the shop owner said to email him about your interest in said product and you can probably get a cheaper shipping rate….

The owner is out of town until July 28 so don’t expect an immediate response, but maybe that tea cup can be yours.
[email protected]


Haha! Yyz you are so sweet!! I can’t seem to get that cup out of my mind :-)


I really love that cup. So pretty! Love the contrast of it.


Looks like minty frosting :-)


Yes, all cool and minty and then the more rustic clay. It’s sweet.


DAMMIT! I just looked at all of the “Tea Hardware” which is an odd thing to call it. I now need about 10 things from there. How did this go from me enabling you to me trying to justify $17 shipping to myself? How???


Read yyz’s comment above…she’s the sweetheart who pointed me in their direction :-)


It is really pretty. He has some pretty nice teaware. Epacket is for up to 2 kg. If the shipping is a lot cheaper a tea tray for 15.00 is looking reasonable right now too.


GAH! I just keep finding things – there are lotus cups and cute gaiwans and teapets. I even want to get a present for Awkward Soul because there is the MOST adorable little owl cup.


Yes, I guess the low cost of items absorbs the shipping costs…


Hehe…did you see the blue lotus cup? And the little piggy pet?


YES AND YES!!!!!!! The laughing piggie on its back? And the lions playing with the ball? And yes! They are so reasonably priced that the shipping might be starting to make sense. Epacket would be better though?


OH and a wee small CHEAP tea tray for my work tray that I was just saying yesterday I needed?


No, did not see that one…that would be great!


Its true, once you start thinking about a few things the price isn’t so bad.


Except – when I added all the items and I wanted and estimated shipping to Texas – I had TWO choices $40 or $60 in shipping. Um, what?


It goes up with weight. That’s why I started thinking about epacket. The prices for China post go up after 150g. Given epacket ends at 2 kg you may need to break up the order.


Actually its 50g for small packet, and then increases again significantly over 1 kg


Epacket rates look to be under 11 dollars for 2kg Max to the US but I’m not sure of what handling fees the seller would add on.


I need to figure it out. Because I WANT those things


This post just made me want to get a cowboy hat! So wonderful. Great to see you all on here. Life is such a gift – smiles and laughter make it all the sweeter!

TheTeaFairy Garret, I have a tendency of “naming” my favourite teas and love this mao cha and its original name, and again, sorry for that :-o

(But get the hat!!!)


I don’t know exactly how HOTOT became hot cowboy, but whatever!

TTF: that cup is gorgeous!!!! Love it. Am I supposed to be enabling you or not enabling you currently?

HoneyBelle: those lotus cups are gorgeous. Not sure which one you liked, but they are all pretty.

I see several things I could use. If you guys find a better shipping option, let me know. I am taking a break for awhile, but I still have a wishlist!


I’m waiting until the 28th when he comes back. Hopefully then I’ll find out the cost of 25g of their dark teas and have an idea of shipping rates. I’m tempted by too many things there. The good thing about time is it gives me time to edit.


The prices are just amazing, and there’s a great variety. Let us know what you find out, yyz :)

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I have been excited to try this since my favorite Teacret Agents: TheTeaFairy and MzPriss, posted their reviews from the samples they received. So here we go…

Method: 1.5 tsp, 8 oz, 200 degrees, 3 minutes, brew-in-mug strainer & Dr. Who mug

Dry Leaf Aroma: I do not work for WP and I am telling you the honest to goodness truth – this smells EXACTLY like those gooey chocolate covered cherry candies, specifically the ones with the cherry surrounded by cherry goo and vanilla goo, then covered in chocolate. I brought the bag of tea into the living room, and I’m sitting on the couch, opening it and smelling the tea, then closing it to let the aromas accumulate again, then sniffing. It’s like a cherry-vanilla-chocolate heaven.

Brewing Aroma: Oddly, this just smells like tea, with a light creamy note. I don’t smell cherry. I start to get a little sad.

Flavor: I take a sip. Tastes like black tea, with a lovely sweetness, but WHERE’S THE CH…

Ooohhh. There you are, sneaky monkey. The cherry is hiding on the end of the sip, and it’s not on every single sip. However; when it’s there, it’s just lovely.

I have a feeling that this one may even get better with a little age. I have about 8000 lbs of pu’erh to keep me busy for awhile, so I’d like to try not to drink this, let it sit just a couple weeks, then see what’s what.

Even though I know this isn’t scented or flavored with cherry, my mind doesn’t seem willing to believe it. What tea magic is this??? :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

All of the vanilla teas with real vanilla beans get better with a little age They get smoother and even more lovely. I am enjoying a cup right along with you right now.


Yep, that’s what I was thinking, schmoopie. I know that my GO improves with a little time, so I hoped this would be the same. Not that it’s bad AT ALL. I just think it’s the sort to mellow nicely and get smooooooth, like buttah.


(It’s subbliminal cherries!!!) Yay, glad you like this one….I like it so much, I ordered the poster to have it framed in my kitchen, lol. (And I would love to get me a few beans of that tahitian vanilla!)


I have some sort of vanilla beans… I wonder what kind. I will have to look!

I gotta try this with some fresh cherries. Or dried cherries. Or cherry pie. Or some of that coconut cream.


Yes! Some sort.


Oh I did cherry compote with the Terricreme


I know, I’m still gushing over that picture!


Pics, pls. And speaking of, I posted my pu haul for you on the Today’s Mail post, but here it is again.


Also, picture, in your mind, my new shelf on the wall above this table. It’s white. And it will have my cute little yixing gaiwans when they arrive from far away lands. Can’t wait!


(Sars that photo makes ME happy and it’s not even MY tea….)


Lord…I’m in awe. Best “starter kit” ever!!!! Actually, this will not only start you, it will last you for the next five years!!!


There’s a saying: Go Big or Go Home. LOL I went big!!!!

I really do need to stop now. For realz. I have a few things I want if the Butiki sale happens, and then I want some sleeping bear and jabber. But that’s it. Two orders. Then NO MORE TEA.

I know I am (sort of) a grown up, and I should show some self-restraint, that’s not really my thing. Moral support will be appreciated!!! Whatever it takes! Dex: please drive to PA and hip check me if I even LOOK at a new tea! :p


Got it – Butiki sale and TWO teas from WP… and then no looking – but for how long? What’s the goal?
I think there are a bunch of us who should be stopping, and we should be supporting each other – not that I would complain about a trip to PA for a little enforcing… ;))


Good questions… At least 2 months. Hopefully more. The goal, beyond not buying more than I can drink, is to be happy with what I have. That’s more of a personal Sarsy goal.

Also, I am going to stop enabling all of you! Instead, I think we should find new ways to enjoy our existing teas, either by mixing, icing or mixing and then icing.

Maybe we need to do a google+ Teahab Support Meeting once a month or something.


Oh, and I am cancelling my subscription services.


I know it’s going to be hard for all of you but you HAVE to stop reading about tea and looking at websites and seeing what everyone else is drinking. I didn’t have a problem as big as yours might be, but it was a problem. I was spending money I didn’t have on tea. I mean if I had the cash maybe I wouldn’t have worried. But I was borrowing money (credit card) to buy tea. So I kinda stopped looking around at all the tea I didn’t have. I read steepster notes but without focusing on the specifics. So “oh my god, that sounds so good, what tea is THAT?” turned into “that’s nice, she’s having a good time”.
I made a purpose of not looking up websites of tea companies. Cause once you’re there the pictures are pretty and they show juicy cherries or something equally colourful.

there’s always gonna be tea and no matter how much you try, you can’t drink all the tea because the tea makers just blend new stuff all the time. So just forget that. But hey, keeping up with the jones’ is an old, old habit. And if you do have the money, I don’t really see a problem with pleasuring oneself :)

I know, it’s unsolicited, but your chatter was inviting.


Good thoughts, Nxtdoor. I’m not going into tea-debt or anything, but I do (just as part of my personality) tend to go overboard on things in life, not just tea.

I have a good selection of teas now and I think it’s time to focus on enjoying them, which is what I plan to do. :)


Unless you get high on buying, not so much on drinking. Like someone I know, not naming names!


I get high both on buying and drinking :-o
Seriously, I totally understand what you are saying nxtdoor and thanks for bringing that out of genuine concern..,
I joke a lot about it all but things are not as out of control as they seem…oh, they are in the sense I could totally put that money somewhere else, but I don’t have kids and have pretty much only myself to take care of… But it is definitely an addiction, not gonna lie…


Totally agree, TTF. We have quite a few parallels.

I am guilty of retail therapy and I like shopping, but I genuinely love tea. I also joke around about my tea addiction, but I haven’t taken out a 2nd mortgage or anything. :)

Also, no kids, so no one is impacted by my little sprees!

I go back and forth with these attitudes:
-Life is short! Spend it all! Have fun!!!! Wheeeee!
- I am an adult. I will behave with decorum. Look at how grown up I can be.


What LTF said. I could do other things with the $ nand really I have too much tea – but it’s GREAT tea and I really am figuring out what I love and getting rid of the things I just HAD to try and now I have some and don’t LOVE it. And I got more mail just now. I got some HOT COWBOY and a pot. But SHOULD I slow down? Absolutely.


OMG! Which was the hot cowboy? The HOTOT right?


Yes ma’am


These days, and I mean by that in the last 2 months, I hardly bought any tea I dislike. That’s why I keep writing raving reviews, cause I pretty much only drink the teas I love. I’m also getting rid of all the stuff I don’t like and buying those allowed me to figure out what I definitely DON’T like.

And HOT COWBOY…and that pot…lol, thats all it took to get me going again.



You know that’s me too – I’m just drinking stuff I don’t LOVE. I’m rooting around for last little bit of SB


I think I’ll make that in the AM, HoneyBelle. Last time I had it, I felt happy and serene. Seems like a great way to start my day!


I only have enough for one little cup because I only had a sample and I didn’t know how awesome it was and by the time I did, this month’s was already sold out.


I got a sample today. But I did talk to Brenden about it. He gave me the timeline, so I’ll be sure to get some of the August harvest. That’s one of my pre-approved purchases. :p


Good sleepytime tea


If you change your mind and still want me to send you some just say so:-)
I’ve been having it almost every night, that’s why I need a monthly subscription…


I’m going to try my sample tomorrow night. I love a good evening tea to wind down the day with.

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drank Jin Jun Mei Black Tea by Yezi Tea
1040 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this tea at work for a couple of days now. The last time I wrote about it, I thought it was finicky and “white wine up you nose” odd.
It seems to have been behaving since then, and we are friends once again. While this is not my favorite Jin Jun Mei – it has been really pleasant the last couple of days.


It knew it better behave!! i approve that you bring such good teas at your workplace :-)
(Now can I get my maocha?)


You cannot bribe me with compliments…..
If you want maocha – then that counts as EITHER your SALE tea for July OR your Aug purchase (it also pushes back sheng pot purchase). ;))


Hmmm….we do sound like a married couple, haha! Then be it, that august purchase can be pushed to September…this way I can have WP AND BUTIKI…in JULY!!!


Wow, Dex… you’re tough. Are you for hire as a Teahab Purchasing Restriction Agent? You’d know this in hockey terms as “The Enforcer” :p

I’m only half kidding. I need help.


Yes you can have WP and BUTIKI in July, but then NOTHINGNADAZERO tea orders in August – then back to ONE order per month starting in Sept….


Sars – I’m not sure I’m very good at this – I usually get told about the rule breaking AFTER the fact…. LOL – I usually pretty good at talking out of orders IF informed BEFORE it’s placed. LOL You are almost close enough that if you broke the rules I could come down and “Enforce” in person. ;))


Dexter does a GREAT job with me…many times she has helped me “sleeping on it” instead of clicking the evil “order now” button!!


Haha! Sars, needs you too….do you even know Dex what I can only imagine she just spent on a pu’erh starter kit???


TTF! You snitch!!!!


Snitches get stitches!


Haha! Try to find me in my woods, its full of traps!!


Dex: For realz. You need to start a business. Teahab Enforcers, Inc. You can hire agents in different parts of the country so you can physically restrain people, if needed.

And listen up, Foxy. I could find you ANYWHERE. All I have to do is follow the smell of the tea. So there. :p


Why didn’t I know about the starter kit?


I like this tea some – but I really like Yezi’s Yi Fu Chun way more. Dexter – I need an enforcer.


Haha! Then come on over my dear Sars, the kettle is on :-)


MzP: You did know! It’s not exactly a kit, per se. I just ordered all the teas you two told me to get! I just posted them all on the Today’s Mail thread. Dex… I need you…

TTF: If we lived closer, I would make you help me drink all this!!! :)


If we all lived closer we would have tea parties all the time


You guys, first, I’d I need a peeing device attached to me at all time. Just sayin. I spend way too much time in my bathroom. (Too much information???)


Aaaaw. I want a tea party! No one else I know likes tea this much.


They make those LTF – I think they are catheters.


(I want something more girly though)


(a _pink_catheter?)


Have yo’all SEEN my cupboard?!!!!?? I can’t take on anymore clients…. you mention Dex talk me out of buying this tea – hey I can do that no problem, but UMMMM I go and look at it and the next thing I know it’s arriving in the mail….


Oh, poor Dex…I do try to help you sometimes…does it count????


MzPriss – “but I really like Yezi’s Yi Fu Chun way more”
I’ve moved this into my purse for a work tea tomorrow – it will be my “inspiration tea from my dashboard” tea for tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.


You’re welcome. I like it a lot. I bought more after I had the sample.

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Somewhere out in the Wild Piney Woods dwells a Tea Hobbit, Brendenol PinePeaker. He spends his days in his wild piney woods collecting pine needles to roast, picking mushrooms and dreaming up dreamy teas.

One recent morning, he chortled to himself as he mixed:

“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

I was chortling the same thing as I sipped this tea. The very first thing you notice as you sip is the sweetness. The honey-nectary sweetness rolls around with the warm bready bottom while a wee bit of minty freshness breezes through at the end. The sweet fruity-floral to me is very slightly reminiscent of that bug-bitten/Oriental Beauty sort of flavor. My beloved malt makes an appearance to keep everything reassuringly grounded.

The Lovely Tea Fairy (LTF) and I were given this tea to preview. As is usual for our first try, we followed the steeping instructions Brenden provided to the letter: ½ tablespoon of tea to 8 ounces of 205 degree water , steeped for 3 minutes – no more, no less. LTF and I are both what I call “heapers and steepers” in that we generally use more tea than called for and we frequently steep for a longer bit of time. We agreed Brenden’s parameters for this were perfect. On the first sip, the following conversation ensued:

LTF: “Oh crap, not another one.”
MzP: “yep.”

I don’t know how The Tea Whiz of the Woods keeps dreaming up these amazing teas that demand a permanent place in my cupboard. But he does. When he says he is a Tea Mixologist, he speaks the truth.

I know the base of Jabberwocky is Fujian Black and I know some of the high mountain wild picked purple leaf tea that is in Port is in there as well. This is not a big chocolate fudge bomb – there might be a very light waft of chocolate here and there, but you don’t immediately think chocolate. This is a medium bodied tea that will serve multiple purposes for me – a sweet comfort after a hard work day, a sprightly little wake up or a nice afternoon treat. This could easily be a daily drinker.

As I write this, I’m sipping on my last little bit, but I know I have more on the way (maybe even today or tomorrow) so I’m not sad, but I am savoring every mouthful, rolling it around my tongue and inhaling the malty-sweet updraft and enjoying that fresh little breeze at the end. It makes me hear this:


And because I think everyone should read The Jabberwocky as often as possible:

This tea? ‘Tis brillig.

Flavors: Bread, Caramel, Eucalyptus, Honey, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 0 OZ / 0 ML

Haha!! Oh crap is right :-) you crack me up!!!!


Oh, and you have all my admiration for doing this on tiny wee iphone!!!


My darling LTF – it was a mofo! And I have to fix stuff when I get home :)


Another great WP review!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Such a lovely review :)


Wonderful, as always. You both get to keep your Teacret Agent titles :p


Thanks for a superb and entertaining review. You really make me want to try this.


Awwww thanks y’all so much. I love this tea

@Roughage – I’m glad to entertain and I think you will like it very much if you try it. It’s happy face tea for me and Pudding Mouth for the Fairy :)


Haha! Did I say you crack me up?


Happy face and Pudding Mouth? Most excellent. :)


No YOU crack ME up schmoopie!


Schmoopie is one of my fave pet names LOL. That and PookiePie


Oh! I love being called schmoopie :-)

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