I am acting a little like an idiot in Steepster chat this morning, because I have to keep myself from making every other thing I type how good this tea is….er, was. It’s gone now and I must get more.
Teavivre is quickly becoming one of my favorite companies. Really there is nothing I don’t love about them. Their staff is great, and very much in touch with the tea community. The products are superb and I even love their packaging.
I took a leap of faith and ordered 100g of four different black teas from there. Today as I have my first cup, I am feeling pretty smug and proud of myself. I also pulled out a bunch of teas from my cupboard that I am going to get rid of because really, when I can be drinking THIS, why drink THAT?
I agree, TeaVivre is awesome. And so is this tea. <3
You crack me up. Why aren’t you telling us how awesome this tea is in the chat? You should be.
They are my new fave for black teas (well, the Yunnan ones anyway.)
Teavivire is a great company. And this tea… so good!
Feel free to rave in the chat LOL
I love this tea! And yes, TeaVivre is awesome!! :)