Featured & New Tasting Notes


don’t brew this on western. Today i had a mini gonfu session with this tea and it is MUCH better. It’s still a little “heavy” for me, so maybe i need to get through the first infusions a little faster (akak don’t drink them). but this works with shorter steeps. Still won’t be a favourite tea, but at least i know how to make it work better for me now :) very leathery and earthy.

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drank Golden Fleece by Verdant Tea
639 tasting notes

My order of Golden Fleece arrived today!! Yay!!! Literally seconds after I just placed another Verdant order too. I think the universe is trying to send me a message that I need to stop ordering tea, but I can’t help myself! Is tea buying an addiction? ‘Cause if so, I think I have a problem.


I started with a very quick 3-4 second wash and then a 7 second infusion. This tea has a wonderful umami. The mouthfeel is super silky smooth. It’s a little light on flavor in this first steep because I was trying to be conservative with the leaf. The cocoa and bread components are still there, just very faint. Oh no! It’s a tea disaster! I just spilled tea everywhere trying to pour the second infusion into my new red lotus teacup. :( Oh, and this second infusion is so good too!

I’m adding some pictures of my new teacup and the awesome bamboo tea scoop I splurged on. :) This is the tea that keeps on giving. Infusion after infusion are tasty and illuminate different nuances. This tea is as delightful as I remember. In fact, it may be even more delightful than I remember. It has lovely bread and cocoa notes that embody tea from the Yunnan province of China. There’s also a bit of spice in the aroma and flavor. I love it so much! Increasing the rating of 93 from three years ago to 96.


Flavors: Bread, Cocoa, Spices

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

I totally hear you: I recently placed THREE tea orders in all at the same time: one from DAVIDS, one for Steeped Tea, the last one an Amazon purchase with mostly Stash teas. I think I ordered 20 different types of tea!


Yeah, it’s seriously a problem. I’ve ordered from Verdant Tea probably 4 or 5 times in the last 2 months. LOL!


Bought the same for me and DAVIDs!

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This tea is very different from any pu erh I’ve tried. It is very interesting! And so different, that I really don’t know how to describe it. First, I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a wonderful energy. My fingers and toes were tingling after the first cup. And I feel just very wide awake and present. I often judge a tea based on how it makes me feel, rather than analyzing the flavors, and this felt very nice. That being said, the first steep was just surprising. It was very bitter, with almost a charred type bitterness. At first I thought maybe the leaves got burned in processing, but this was not the case after seeing the leaves. It was a very different kind of bitterness than one usually finds in pu erh. The flavor was – I don’t know, just different. You just have to try it to see what it’s like. Today, me and my wife got through probably 10 steeps. The bitterness cleared after 3 or 4. The broth was a bright and deep gold. The flavor kept changing, it was a very dynamic tea. It just kept getting better, and I found it quite addicting. We are going to have more tomorrow, as I’m sure there are a few steeps left to go.

CL has some pictures of the wild giant trees in the forest from which this tea was picked. From such trees, I can see why it would be very different than a typical pu. This tea is expensive, but really cool to try.

Crimson Lotus Tea

Glad you liked it!


Yeah, it is a really fun tea. I’m going to order a cake shortly. Do you put 7g in those little sample packs?

Crimson Lotus Tea

Awesome! Yeah we put 7g in those sample bags.

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drank Wenshan Baochong Oolong by Tea Ave
2816 tasting notes

Trying this tea from my recent TeaAve haul. I don’t really have the capacity (or time) to gong fu things at work so I made this Western style in my glass tea tumbler this morning.

First of all, this tea smells absolutely amazing. It is worth it for the smell alone, I think. It’s definitely honeysuckle and very intense! If you don’t like floral smelling teas, this may not be the one for you. The taste is really nice, buttery with macadamia nut, a hint of fresh greens and flowers. And maybe a bit of coconut? le sigh

I will have to gong fu this soon because I’m most likely missing out on some really subtle flavor variations by steeping it once Western style. Still I’m pretty impressed with this so far. Glad I bought some!

I also like how TeaAve has such informative packaging, For instance this tea has a roasting level of: 01, An oxidation level of: 1.2, a mountain altitude of 400-800m, an Origin of PingLing District in New TaiPei City and a Cultivar of Quixin. Plus you get steeping insructions — that’s a lot of cool information about your tea. ;)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

floral is ok, but, too much is not to my liking

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I started this morning in my favourite way – with a matcha latte! Grace & Green kindly sent me a sample of their Morning Organic Matcha to try, and as a matcha fan, I was very keen to give it a try!

See my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/07/13/morning-organic-matcha-grace-green/

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drank Boston by Harney & Sons
2970 tasting notes

And this is my restful pot in the middle of the busy day.
I am a little nervous about how busy I’m going to be, even though I’ve done all these jobs before, and know the drill.
I didn’t sleep well last night, which did not really help, so the tea has got to be black, and due to nerves, has to be beloved. Thank you, Boston, for helping out!

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Evidently combining spearmint and peppermint is a mint melange? I think there should be at least 3 ingredients to qualify as a melange, but I guess I’m being picky :)

I was jonesing for a simple mint tea the other day. My old standby, Twinings, was at home so I decided to get this from the Spicely store. It’s a pretty standard mix of peppermint and spearmint and kind of tasty. My main complaint is the price – $10 for 20 teabags seems like a lot when we’re talking about plain old mint. Bonus that it’s organic but I wouldn’t buy this again unless I was feeling desperate. I liked it better with a little plain cane sugar.

Interesting that they recommend steeping at 190 F as I’ve always used boiling water for mint teas.


Wow, $10 for 20 tea bags is a lot. Can’t say I’ve bought peppermint tea bags in a long time but I know at David’s tea you can get 50 g for $6.50 (CAN) and it’s enough to fill a tin. And it’s organic.


…Spearmint is the same as well.


Right? I think I bought the same exact tea at Trader Joe’s for $3!


wow, that`s one heck of a mark up!

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Backlog – I had a few cups of this while watching the storm roll in last night – our first major storm of the season! Finally!! The lightning was gorgeous, the thunder loud, and this tea…perfect for the occasion. Warming and cozy like a warm blanket. Rich and slightly sweet. Slightly energizing too, yet also calming. Ah, I love storms and good puerh. See previous notes on this tea :)

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drank Milk Caramel by Lupicia
639 tasting notes

Thanks to TeaBrat for sharing this sample! I believe I last had this tea about five years ago, which predates my finding Steepster. The aroma is familiar and comforting. Milk Caramel is a lovely tea. It doesn’t taste like a flavored tea. Rather, it tastes like an unflavored tea that just naturally has this amazing flavor.

It’s a houjicha base, which is a roasted green tea. It has a lovely roasted, warm aroma and flavor that is very representative of high quality houjicha. The added flavoring listed is just almonds. Well, that’s why I love this tea so much. Give me almond anything and I’m in Heaven!

Milk Caramel is an interesting name because while this tea doesn’t have overt milk or caramel flavorings, it does evoke these notes. There’s a creaminess and a sweetness that is reminiscent of both milk and caramel. Mmmm, toasty and delicious! I am definitely a fan of this one! Maybe I’ll pick up some for the office…nooo! I must resist!

I’ve done a good job of resisting Verdant Tea’s latest sale and clearance and now they’re sold out of the teas I wanted. :( Sad for me but good for my wallet. I’ve already placed three orders with them over the last few months! I simply have no budget left for more tea. That’s why I’m especially thankful to TeaBrat for making this tasting possible. I’ve found a good tea friend in you! :)

Flavors: Almond, Creamy, Roasted, Sweet, Toasty

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I should drink this stuff more often, I keep forgetting about it. :P

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“When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.”

In this case it is true, though I admit I am not a religious person. With the loss of my shrimp tank I thought it be best if I try to recuperate with a day or two of reflection, memories and mourning. It would seem that was not meant to be for long. Last night at 9:15pm there was a knock on the door from my two neighbours (who I had never met nor seen before by the way), they were holding a small black kitten and asked if it was mine. I replied that it was not my kitten, eventually finding out that some children saw it wandering the street alone so they got their parents and ended up knocking doors trying to find the owners. I believe I was one of the last stops as they asked if it would be possible to look after him with intentions of advertising about the kitten. I said yes (much to my husbands distaste) and so I welcomed him into my home.

Don’t mistake my husbands tone, he truly does not want this kitten and has made it quite clear, as he did with our other 4 cats; but I do admit that 5 cats is perhaps a bit too much. Well if I could I would offer a home to all the cats in the world, were it large enough. So for now I have my hands full with a black male kitten, I believe he is roughly 8-9 weeks old. Far too young to be roaming around and I for one could not turn him away. We called him ‘Ollie’ after Oliver Twist, we needed a name for him because I call my other cats names like ‘baby’ and ‘little pudding’.

A part of me wants him to be collected from his real owners but a larger part of me wants to keep him. One of my cats has taken such a shining to him and they are the best of friends. Perhaps because Mr Sooty Pants is also a pure black cat and as he was the youngest of our four he must remember what it was like coming into a new house for the first time.

So how long I have him for is beyond my knowledge but while I have him I’m going to make the best of it. And yes I realise this was a long story about nothing tea related, for that I am sorry. So to finish this post off I am sipping some of this Ruby black tea, though it has gone cold as little kitty is asleep on me and I can barely reach for the drink. A tea chosen to cherish the wonders of life, the good times and the bad times…it’s truly random and amazing.


You have such a sweet caring soul!


What a lovely note. My husband doesn’t care much for my cat either, but it’s so hard to turn away sweet little helpless animals!


You have such a sweet caring soul! +1

Perhaps the timing of young wonderful Ollie’s arrival is not a coincidence but rather a God-incidence? Perhaps your sweet caring soul comes from your most caring heavenly father?


Thank you all :) I discussed Ollie with my husband and told him pretty much outright that if no one comes for him (as I oddly suspect they won’t) then I am keeping him. Two cats don’t mind him, one cat adores him and has taken on the roll of father while the other cat is afraid of the male dominance. Something he will get over in time. We can make this work. Plus it would seem that Ollie has bonded with me! He won’t go to my husband to sleep. he comes to find me. If I walk out of the room he has to follow me so he can see me. He is so young to be without a mother and it looks like I need to take that roll, which I am happy to do.

He is certainly a special gift from ‘someone’ or ‘something’ in the universe.


Aww, I’m so glad it’s working out!



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drank Hello Sweetie by Butiki Teas
681 tasting notes

This is the first cup of loose leaf tea I have drank in months. I picked the perfect tea to remind myself why I love it so much. I have been absent for good reason, and there are some personal issues I’m still dealing with, so it might take a while for me to ease myself back into writing proper tasting notes, but I’m glad to be back. These last few months haven’t been the greatest for me, but I’m hoping that the worst is now behind me and I can move on – with tea! This is the third (I think) time I’ve drank this, but I don’t remember it ever being so totally delicious. Banana is on my list of hated flavours, so on paper I shouldn’t enjoy this tea, but Stacy suggested the banana was light enough that I’d enjoy it and I’m pleased to report that she was right. Brewed for 5 or 6 minutes (I got distracted) the Premium Taiwanese Assam doesn’t go at all bitter, but rather becomes delicious and caramelly. I added one sugar but after trying it like this decided against adding milk as it was already so perfect and I didn’t want to ruin it. The banana flavour is actually really enjoyable blended so well with the other flavours, and the praline is definitely dominant long with the caramel. The sugar brings out the coconut flavours too, which are strongest in the aftertaste, which I really enjoyed as coconut is one of my favourite flavours. A really great tea to reintroduce myself with, but I’m still praying that Stacy will get bored of her freedom and come back to making teas! Her talent is far too good to disappear ):

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

welcome back! hugs


Thank you! ^^


Welcome back. :)


Thanks! (:

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Sipdown (134)!

Thank you Liquid Proust for the sample.

I’m a big fan of tangerines (currently there are about seven in my fridge), so I’m definitely excited to try this blend especially given how much juicy tangerine I’m smelling just from the dry leaf. I decided to cold brew my sample because for jasmine teas with a green base I prefer drinking them cold over hot.

I definitely think this comes off as a pretty traditional green jasmine pearl tea; a good balance of both floral and vegetal flavours. It’s definitely one of the better green jasmine blends I’ve had as well given how natural and unobtrusive the floral notes are. However the tangerine, which is the twist here, is pretty light handed. The sweet citrusy tangerine note really only pops up at the end of the sip when the jasmine is dying out, leaving for a tasty finish but slight feeling that this tea is uncompleted. I know that Liquid Proust was aiming to be subtle with the tangerine but it is more gentle than I’d anticipated it being and I do find myself wanting more.

However, overall I really appreciate the unconventional take on a traditional tea. I also have to point out that as someone who isn’t a fan of green/jasmine pairings (which I recently mentioned in my Moment of Zen review as well) I’m obviously not the target audience and I was probably looking for that additional tangerine flavor more than someone who likes green jasmine teas on their own would have so that should also be taken into account.

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This tea is not smoky. It is very similar to Yunnan Sourcing’s Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong of Wu Yi Fujian Black tea. I think this one is the better of the two (at least comparing the 2015 from YS). It’s sweet and malty with chocolate notes.

When I was looking on Ebay for this type of tea it’s very confusing whether it’s this type of lapsang souchong or the smoky one. I like both but prefer this one. I just wonder why it’s called lapsang souchong when I thought the name “Lapsang Souchong” meant smoky?

Flavors: Chocolate, Malt, Sweet

1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

I saw your review on that tea but it might not be the exact same tea. I think your tea had golden tips in it.

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drank Lychee Oolong by Butiki Teas
1113 tasting notes

While I have a love for Butiki… this was a let down, mainly because of the experience I had with my bestfriend with the Dragon Lychee Pearls from TeaLux. My frame of reference for lychee will always be those pearls because we put all my other teas to the side to resteep that tea until it honestly wouldn’t steep.
The lychee taste is quite strong and pleasant in this tea, yet I cannot say that it is better than what ETTE Tea has done with lychee recently. Somewhat conflicted because I always want to rate Butiki high, but this one lacked integrity from the oolong itself.

Roswell Strange

For me this is my favourite lychee tea not because of the base (which I view as solid but not mind blowing) but because of how accurate the lychee flavour is to the real fruit. I am sorry you didn’t love it though.

Liquid Proust

It is quite accurate!
Its just that the more I drink, the larger my frame of references become for teas. Such as pu’erh: At first I only had cheap $2/100g type and thought it was pretty good, but then I began to have W2T, YS, Bana, and others which completely obliterated those prior thoughts.
Have you had the Lychee Dragon Pearls? I was blown away by the black tea pearls first of all, but the flavor… it just made me sit there and look at the liquid like ‘really?’

Roswell Strange

I have not, though I’ve now added them to my wishlist. I think I initially avoided them because I’ve had really bad experiences with black based lychee teas.

Liquid Proust

If you ever get them, mark my words, I will reimburse you the cost if you don’t find them lovely.


I find that I agree with Roswell Strange, the flavoring with that lychee oolong is quite remarkable in the accuracy to the fruit. Also the flavor blended so well with the oolong base. I remember this tea wasn’t even available for the final sales because Stacy reserved all that was left for her husband. I was quite devastated. I haven’t yet found one that’s comparable.
The black lychee pearls are quite lovely, but they do give a distinctly different profile, not least because of the difference in base teas. It’s also probably down to a preference thing, I know for sure I’ll probably pick Butiki’s, even with a large bag of the Lychee Dragon Pearls in currently sitting in my cupboard; but my preferences also lend towards me picking oolong over black most of the time.

Roswell Strange

I, too, was devastated it wasn’t available for sale – though I messaged Stacy and was able to buy an oz. off her from what she’d set aside. This is one of those blends that, had I not gotten at least a little ‘top off’ I would have been CRUSHED about. Also, I agree it comes down to personal preference though personally I usually reach for black tea over oolong and I find this much superior to any lychee black I’ve ever had.


Sadly, this is one of the Butiki blends I was never able to try. Hopefully someday I will track down at least a cup’s worth to sample.

Liquid Proust

TeaNTees check your PMs :)


Midbrainthis is best ..Fantastic work and very well-written article. I will recommend reading it to all my friends.

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drank Shirley Temple by DAVIDsTEA
15588 tasting notes

yep. still enjoying this one. Made a few cups of this as a cold brew yesterday – it’s really freakin’ hot here in toronto… and drank them all while playing some games last night. I am a fan, though it’s not exactly a shirley temple…but it does make up for not having any of my snow cone left.

Final Count: 110


I have some snow cone for you, I think.


oooooooohhh….. also have your teas here heh

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I pulled this out of my stash after the recent clean, forgot how amazing these leaves look. They are large, long, thinly rolled and consist of dark green, green and yellow tones. Very large and full leaves, so beautiful to look at. Scent is smooth, sweet, fresh and floral. Mix milk, honey, butter and flowers in a bowl and that would reflect how this one smells. (I can imagine).

Leaf: 5g
Teapot: Gongfu 200ml
Temp: 90C

First Steep – 1 minute
The colour is yellow.
The scent is buttery, floral and soft.
Flavour is as buttery and soft as it smells, also floral with peony and sweetpea notes in particular. An after taste of milk and lightly toasted grass with a dry finish.

Second Steep – 2 minutes
More floral tones echo among the toasted grass, butter and milk that blend into one delicious, smooth nectar.

Third Steep – 3 minutes
Mild astringency starting to form around the toasted grass. Also the flowers are thickening to resemble perfume, with a dry finish. Lingering aftertaste of sweet flowers. A bouquet of flowers.

Fourth Steep – 4 minutes
Mild steep and completely toned down from what it was. Subtle sweet but toasted flowers is pretty much all that remains, with a light dry finish.

Fifth Steep – 5 minutes
My last steep. The toasted flowers finish what was a beautiful Oolong.

The quality throughout this was exquisite!
Perhaps one of the nicest Phoenix Dan Cong that I have ever tried. It was a complete surprise considering it was from AliExpress and not a well known company. It just goes to show that sometimes it’s worth the risk of trying something from somewhere new.

For pictures: http://www.kittylovestea.co.uk/2015/07/17/nonpareil-organic-phoenix-dan-cong-feng-huang-oolong/

Flavors: Flowers, Grass, Honey, Perfume, Sweet, Toasty

195 °F / 90 °C 5 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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I drank through all of the green tea samples I got from Beautiful Taiwan this week! Next week will be Oolong Time :D

This Fish Hook and the Dragonwell were my top favorite greens. This one is sweet and vegetal and addictive. I think I SLIGHTLY preferred the dragonwell for its complexity, but I would certainly not turn down more of this one or the other green I tried from BTT, the Twisted Green.

Very impressed with all the offering so far. Seems to be a top notch seller for sure :D

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Thanks so much for the teas, MissB! This one was a surprise but it’s a Bluebird tea I haven’t tried yet! It seems to be chai but with coconut added. I used two teaspoons: 1) Bluebird’s black teas are usually light to me 2) I want to drink it before the coconut goes bad 3) there is a lot here! Two teaspoons didn’t ruin this at all – it was the perfect briskness that I like a chai to be – a pretty dark cup! This black tea might be different from the other blends. A decent chai with plenty of spice flavor and hints of coconut but it lacks the specialness of a Bluebird tea! The other blends are so unique! But I’m glad MissB sent it my way. :D
Steep #1 // 2 tsps. // just boiled // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 minute steep

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A few years ago I went a bit crazy with buying FF darjeelings and samples and ended up with a lot of teas I couldn’t drink before they went stale. Last year and this year I got the FF darjeeling sample packs from Happy Earth Tea and really liked trying a few to see which ones I liked the best. Now I’m only going to have one FF darjeeling in my stash for now and that’s the Arya Ruby which I bought a full size of.

As for the Muscatel Valley, I drank this at work so I don’t have an exact idea of my water temp but it was well below boiling. Color of the tea liquor is a medium yellow and the aroma of the brewed tea reminds me of bee pollen and a flowery meadow.

This is a gentler tea without a lot of astringency and definitely doesn’t need milk or sugar. I don’t know why you would add milk to a darjeeling but maybe some people do.

This has a nutty taste that reminds me of some green oolongs I’ve had. Definitely picked up on a mango note and a slight muscatel finish that’s a bit zingy and cleanses your palette. It has a very relaxing and happy quality as I’m sitting here sipping it. If I had more of this to play around with I probably would try steeping it for shorter periods of time, say 1 to 1.5 minutes. Enjoyable, though the Arya is still the winner for me this year :)

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I got full size of Arya Ruby too. And it’s enough for me since I don’t drink much FF .


Bee pollen and a flowery meadow…what lovely imagery!

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This tea was part of a monthly service from ChaHoney. ChaHoney is a monthly subscription plan that sends you 4 teas from a company so you get to sample them before you decided to place a full fledged order. They don’t create the teas but more or less provide samples from tea companies that maybe you wouldn’t think about ordering from. I kind of like this idea.

This particular box from ChaHoney featured Tribute Teas. A company I had never had any teas from before. First one I tried was this one, 2014 Yunnan Moonlight Buds-White Tea. I am impressed. Sweet, stone fruit like, delicate white tea love hit me all at one from the first sip. I’m now on the 5th infusion and the tea is starting to turn more sour and I’m liking the contrast. Not sure how much more this tea will give, but I’m thinking I’m about at that point.

For more of my ramblings. . . http://www.cuppageek.com/index.php/2015/07/17/chahoneys-monthly-box-review-tribute-teas-2014-moonlight-buds/

Flavors: Malt, Peach, Sweet

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I was pretty ill over the last 6 months. During this time I had this tea waiting to be reviewed but never got to it. Sorry What-Cha. So, I pull it out today, took pictures for the blog, but all the time I had decided this one was just for the love of tea. I just wanted to enjoy the look and the smell of the leaf. To watch the dance, and breath in the brewed aromas. To taste like it was my first cup. Lately I have forgotten how to just let the tea take me on a journey.

It is a good thing I went in with this attitude as this tea is no longer available and may never come back. Well poo. Not sure if I’ll go ahead with a blog post or not. Either way, I really enjoyed the trip.

The dry leaf is really dark for a green tea. It is lightly twisted and curled. It smells leafy and loamy with some tobacco notes, and an earthiness to it that made my mind briefly envision puerh.

I steeped in my clear glass teapot so I could watch the dance, and dance it did. Some leaf stubbornly clung to the surface while others white knuckled the bottom. It reminded me of school kids at a first dance – boys on one side and girls on the other. The brave leaf that did dance, swirled with abandon and glided about, occasionally tapping one of the clingers and dragging them to the dance floor. Thank you for the dance.

The wet leaf is large broken pieces that become green and revived. What really struck me as unexpected was the wet leaf scent. I can think of no other way of describing this. It is the aroma of a filtered cigarette. Not the nasty ash kind but the sweet and fragrant kind. I have never been a smoker, but there are certain brands that from a distance I enjoy the scent of in the open air – for a brief period. This is like the that.

The liquor is a beautiful mix of honey and orange in color. The taste is… oh yes this is green tea. It is sweet with a solid bite. Underneath is a subtle smoky note that is welcome. It is not like the wet leaf scent, and not like a camp fire. It is a roasted kind of smoky. This is also quite crisp. The aftertaste is sweet with a light fruitiness.

Glad I got to try this one.


Love this review. I think sometimes we get excited about writing a review (etc) and forget to just sit back and enjoy the tea itself and the journey it takes us on. Beautifully written!


Good grief, talk about typos. Glad you figured it out and enjoyed it.

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This was another sample from MissB, albeit one I’ve had before. Apparently MissB actually sent me previous sample I had, too! I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding because MF also has another tea called “Lune” that is not this one, and that I haven’t tried, but I am still happy to have more of this. Previously I had a sachet, and now I have loose tea.

Today, my cup was super almondy with a hint of spice. Before I had issues with what I thought was cherry flavoring; I think I had gotten the ideas from previous reviews, and somehow my brain convinced me that even though there is NOT cherry flavoring, that I was tasting cherries. I’m not even sure I would call this cup distinctly fruity (there are some unspecified fruits in the blend), I mostly just tasted almond and a hint of spice. So I am glad that I got a chance to try this again, to set me straight on it. It is, in fact, quite delicious.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Thanks Tea Lizzy for giving me a sample of this to try, it definitely has long beautiful leaves. I decided to steep it Western Style this morning. I’m getting a very light infusion that is slightly malty, light and also has a definite sweet aftertaste. The fruity element is quite prominent here with notes of apple and apricot. This might have been a better tea to try gong fu’ing instead of steeping western style but that’s all I had time for today. This is nice and refreshing, would be a good choice for afternoon tea I think. Thanks again, TL!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Glad you liked it!


i’m such a slacker with trying my new stuff. gah

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Are we at the point where there are too many high-end, farm to cup tea purveyors? It’s very easy to be seduced by the burgeoning websites touting personal relationships with family farms in China or Estates in India. How much variety is too much? How often is the Chinese black tea from X an upgrade from the one you’ve been enjoying for a while? Maybe the answer is a resounding, “Variety is the spice of life!” But it’s a question I ask myself as I find fewer and fewer of my forays into the offerings of new (to me) sellers end up replacing the teas I’ve come to love and drink regularly.

Now, this is not meant as a criticism of Joseph Wesley’s teas which I’m trying for the first time. I really enjoyed his high end Qimen (not reviewed yet) and this Bai Lin is certainly pleasant. But is the Qimen better than the ones I’ve had from Upton, a place I’ve been ordering from for years and from whom I can order a whole variety of excellent teas? Hard to say. When I go to the store, I can choose between 20 different kinds of olive oil or yogurt but the myriad of choices just makes me anxious (or maybe it’s just the fluorescent lighting).

Anyway, back to this tea, which I’m finding hard to categorize. It’s not as chocolatey as its nose suggests it will be; it’s actually more vegetal and grainy. I think I went too heavy on the leaf the first time—when I used less, I had a better result.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
Joseph Wesley Black Tea

Hey, Doug. I’m sorry to read that you’ve reached your existential crisis with our teas. But, it sounds like you’re in a really good place with your available options of tea. I hope that we find more people like you who have taken such time and commitment to sample so many teas. Keep up the great work and keep spreading your love. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Qimen! -Joe

Doug F

I have the same problem with books and music. But I do think your Qimen stands out from the rest and is actually a bargain to boot, so I plan on reordering. I do like your focus on black teas as I’m not a big drinker of greens or oolongs. And again, no reflection on your business or teas; if there are enough loose leaf tea drinkers to support everyone—that’s great!

Joseph Wesley Black Tea

It’s been fascinating for me to discover not only the diversity of responses to our teas but also with the reaction to my little project: Joseph Wesley Black Tea. Thank you for your openness and especially for taking time to write a review. I sincerely appreciate the feedback.


lol on the existential crisis comment. it’s fun tasting new teas but I reached my peak on that about 2 years ago and am less inclined to want everything under the sun.

Doug F

Me too. I’m trying to become more of an essentialist, but it’s hard.

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