My order of Golden Fleece arrived today!! Yay!!! Literally seconds after I just placed another Verdant order too. I think the universe is trying to send me a message that I need to stop ordering tea, but I can’t help myself! Is tea buying an addiction? ‘Cause if so, I think I have a problem.
I started with a very quick 3-4 second wash and then a 7 second infusion. This tea has a wonderful umami. The mouthfeel is super silky smooth. It’s a little light on flavor in this first steep because I was trying to be conservative with the leaf. The cocoa and bread components are still there, just very faint. Oh no! It’s a tea disaster! I just spilled tea everywhere trying to pour the second infusion into my new red lotus teacup. :( Oh, and this second infusion is so good too!
I’m adding some pictures of my new teacup and the awesome bamboo tea scoop I splurged on. :) This is the tea that keeps on giving. Infusion after infusion are tasty and illuminate different nuances. This tea is as delightful as I remember. In fact, it may be even more delightful than I remember. It has lovely bread and cocoa notes that embody tea from the Yunnan province of China. There’s also a bit of spice in the aroma and flavor. I love it so much! Increasing the rating of 93 from three years ago to 96.
Flavors: Bread, Cocoa, Spices
I totally hear you: I recently placed THREE tea orders in all at the same time: one from DAVIDS, one for Steeped Tea, the last one an Amazon purchase with mostly Stash teas. I think I ordered 20 different types of tea!
Yeah, it’s seriously a problem. I’ve ordered from Verdant Tea probably 4 or 5 times in the last 2 months. LOL!
I totally hear you: I recently placed THREE tea orders in all at the same time: one from DAVIDS, one for Steeped Tea, the last one an Amazon purchase with mostly Stash teas. I think I ordered 20 different types of tea!
Yeah, it’s seriously a problem. I’ve ordered from Verdant Tea probably 4 or 5 times in the last 2 months. LOL!
Bought the same for me and DAVIDs!