6444 Tasting Notes
A friend gave this to me for the holidays. I am not overly excited about it but it’s super simple and that counts for something. So I broke this out for the first #matchamonday of 2022 and paired it with my first book of the year, The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas. If I’m being honest, both the tea and book are better than expected.
Smooth and sweet with a classic grass profile that a proper green tea/matcha tends to have. For a teabag and a straight green, significantly better than expected.
Check out the pic here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYR3KY1OnnU/?utm_medium=copy_link
First tea of 2022! Bringing in the year with some sparkle!
I was expecting this to be tasteless based on Roswell Strange’s review but it was fairly nice and smooth vanilla flavour. Not in your face but definitely flavoured. I added a splash of eggnog to this because why not. The last sip was grassy but it’s matcha so that’s not completely surprising.
The glitter in this is just so much fun though that it could have tasted like crap and I still would have been fine with it.