615 Tasting Notes
1 tsp Hibiscus (Jamestown Teas)
3/4 tsp Pomegranate (Dori’s Tea Cottage)
12 oz water
I used the last teaspoons of each of these together in a cold steep.
The result was very tart and hibiscus-y with a sweet-tart pomegranate aftertaste. There wasn’t much in the way of the coppery flavor I associate with large amount of hibiscus, so that was refreshing. Sugar helps this along, but it was still on the far too tart side for me. It was definitely drinkable, and probably a good way to jump start your mouth in the morning, but it’s not something I’d do again.
Rating: 66/100
I have a bunch of tea backlogs from last week, where I jotted a few things but didn’t bother making sentences or reviews, so I figure I may as well expand and post them.
Last week, though. Yikes.
We’d been planning a pre-holiday get together here for a while, not really large, but 9 or so people. So, of course I got sick on Monday. And was still sick Tuesday. And Wednesday. And at this point I’m wondering if this is all going to fall apart because I only feel, like, 20% human. Thursday I started feeling better, so I started cleaning and Lysol-ing everything. And Friday I feel closer to 80% human, so I finished cleaning and Lysoling even more. So, the party happened. It was awesome. Everyone had a good time. So, I guess it was a success.
This one is primarily peachy and pineapple-y. It’s very sweet without any add ins, and seems to leave a tingly, cooling feeling on the tongue. It very much like drinking fruit juice instead of tea. I can see why everyone prefers this one iced, though I did like it hot, as well.
Thanks Courtney! I can totally see how this would be amazing with pineapple juice too!
This starts as a whipped buttery vanilla frosting, or a glaze flavor and feeling. As I work down the cup and the buttery-type flavor builds on my tongue, there’s more of a cakey crumb kind of flavor. The whole cup and mouthfeel, while very smooth feels really delicate and airy to me. It’s absolutely more angel food cake than birthday cake to me.
I see a lot of comparison with the Creamy Eggnog for this one, but I really only see it myself in that they are both very smooth on the tongue and have a lingering vanilla flavor.
If nothing else, this definitely makes me want a big bowl of strawberries.
Thanks Short Sorceress!
Peaches taste like summer to me. Which I miss. A lot.
I seemed to like my cup today quite a bit more than I did last time, though I didn’t change anything up. The peachy flavor didn’t seem artificial (though not nearly as good as Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Pearls peach flavor), and while black tea isn’t my first choice for peach-pairing, it hit the spot.
I steeped this up as a latte, because pumpkin anything is supposed to be creamy. It’s like, pumpkin law. So I added 2 oz of frothed milk and a tsp of brown sugar to my 8 oz cup of this, and I can see why everyone likes this tea so much. It’s creamy, and rich, with real pumpkin flavor and just the right spices. Also, the brown sugar adds a kind of caramelly layer of flavor, which is awesome. I sometimes like adding maple syrup to my pumpkin pie, and I bet that would be awesome here too.
DT is so hit and miss, but this is definitely a hit. Right out of the ballpark. It’s not really chai-like in the spicing, but more like pumpkin pie — subtle and not in your face. Like chai, though, it needs the milk and sugar to make the best cup.
Thank you very much jeweledthumb!
Hmmm, not sure I’m getting chocolate from this, but it’s not dirty tootsie roll either, so I’m happy. The fenugreek is definitely a potent note here (and the one I was least expecting), adding a very mildly bitter burnt sugar/molasses flavor. The hojicha comes through quite clearly as well, adding a roasty note that lingers. I think I’ll keep looking for the chocolate tea meant for me.
Thanks for the cup TastyBrew!
I haven’t found too many chocolate flavored teas that are for me. I like teas with Chocolate/cocoa notes though. But chocolate in tea just never tastes quite right.
I’m really frazzled from life and the upcoming holiday today. It seems like some huge catastrophe happens every october/november (this year is was both our cars) that prevents us from having any disposable income for gifts. Or anything, really. It’s like no matter how hard we try to get ahead (and are for a while), we’re going to get slammed.
So it’s just a milk and sugar and make me happy kind of tea day. The cakey pineapple sweetness here is really hitting the spot.
It’s cold. There’s snow. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. It must be December.
But anyway! Thank you, thank you Short Sorceress!
Eggnog is easily one of my favorite parts of the winter months, but it’s not exactly health food. And usually sits heavy and uncomfortably in my stomach. This tastes like silky vanilla custard with a slightly sweet, eggy cream finish. Add milk, sugar, and the tiniest pinch of nutmeg and you pretty much have spot on eggnog (sans guilt and pain). Aaaaand to the shopping list.
I’m in a place where we don’t get any snow usually, but we just got an inch or two this weekend. Everyone FREAKED OUT! Schools actually closed. It’s ridiculous. I’m over winter too.
oooh….. sounds like a plan to me. i haven’t been able to do eggnog in years (amazing they can still make money).
The last of this one is in the fridge in a pitcher right now. It’s a great way to deal with Adagio’s really fickle, bitter black base.
Very fruity, apricot-y, with slight mango flavor. Mildly artificial, as a lot of Adagio blends tend to be, but still an okay iced tea.
Fiance is catching up to me in his True Blood watching, so we can watch the must current two seasons together. It’s like my guiltiest of guilty pleasure shows ever. Anybody read the books, and are they worth it? I’m not typically into paranormal romance stuff, so do they veer too far that way? (Like more than the show?)
On a tea note, though. This is so creamy, and such a solid version of a pretty classic flavor combination. I’ve gotten really picky about my chocolate flavors in tea, and this one is definitely very good. I’ll miss you, Peppermint Patty.
(I totally thought of her http://bit.ly/J4XlBi as I typed that last sentence).
The newest two seasons are not great and the books are not the best I have read. They are quick reads that you don’t need much brain power to follow. Personally I prefer the show though and they veer into supernatural romance about the same amount or maybe a slight bit more than the show but not much if I remember correctly