
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Bamboo Leaves, Peach, Pineapple, Rose Buds
Citrus, Pineapple, Sweet, Peach, Bamboo, Fruity, Metallic
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 15 sec 15 oz / 456 ml

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Lately bamboo seems to be popping up everywhere, from the runways to the kitchen. No wonder – it’s sustainable and fast-growing. Plus pandas love it. But that’s not all. According to Ayurvedic belief, bamboo has cooling properties, and drinking a bamboo infusion can release heat from the body. What could be better on a hot summer day? Especially when it’s topped up with the juicy flavours of pineapple and peach. Add it all up and you’ve got a summer drink any panda would love.

Ingredients: Pineapple, bamboo leaves, peach, apple, peach crunchy, peony petals, rose buds, artificial flavouring*.

Price: $7.50 per 50g

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

122 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 784. Aiming to drop my tea count low enough over the week that my meet up with Sil doesn’t push it back over 800… ahhhhh who am I kidding, I’m doomed :(

Anyways, brewed this one hot and then chilled it with the tea still floating in it – it’s pretty good! I see I rated it fairly highly previously as well, although I think I had only tried it hot and/or cold-brewed. The dominant flavour is peachiness, though I certainly taste some pineapple as well. I do understand the slight weird aftertaste that apparently other people have mentioned. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s not terribly bothersome for me.

Overall, tasty summer tea. I’d drink this again :)

Boiling 8 min or more

Wow. I can’t even fathom having that many teas. XD That’s incredible. Good luck sipping them down. Just be sure to drink the smallest amount one first to thin the herd, to make it seem less hopeless.
What’s your goal?


Yeeaaah it’s rather ridiculous. I have lots of 1-2 cup samples to drink down, but I don’t always like to focus on those. Icing things is helping me get through some teas a bit faster, though!

I don’t know what my goal is, really. It would be great to be down to 500 by September or something like that, but we’ll see how things go. More to the point, I need to stop purchasing, which I’ve been doing quite well with lately :D


Not going to happen….orders + samples from me + samples from jackieT + samples from Terri.


Excitement… but tears….


OK, I hope this is taken in humor as intended. When I read this I said out loud 800! there may have been something about crazy in there somewhere My wife says that sounds like you. I replied, why? I only have a little over 100. She looked at me like do you hear yourself? Yeah, I remember when I had a drawer full of 12 boxes of different tea bags and I was the most obsessed person I knew. We are a scary bunch.


Ahahaha. Yeah, it’s horrible isn’t it. People who come over look at the basket of teas I have downstairs and are all “WOW you have a lot of tea”. Sometimes, I just don’t tell them that it’s not even 1/8 of it all….


lol i’ve seen pictures…i know what 800 looks like. I’m deamn close to 300 and i can’t imagine tripling that. lol


800 blows my freaking mind. 800! I feel like I’m drowning in my ~60. Some of the Steepsterites ought to contact Guinness Book of World Records.


Ahaha. I think momo is in a similar position to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if people like TEB and LiberTEAS also have ridiculously large numbers of teas into such a range. I’m pretty sure that 3/4 of my stash could be sipped down reasonably quickly, but the remaining 1/4 would probably take a fair bit of work, e.g. I have a lot of those teas, and don’t necessarily like them a great deal. I have grand plans to swap things like that out, but don’t currently have the time to deal with it :(

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516 tasting notes

This tisane is delicious and refreshing! Great pineapple and peach flavour – it’s super juicy – I looove bamboo and want more tisanes with it as a base!

Of people mentioning a strange aftertaste – I get it when I ice it, but not when it’s hot. I prefer this tea hot! I also think the aftertaste isn’t from the bamboo (in my opinion) because I drink a lot of Blazing Strawberries and that doesn’t have the same taste – I’m thinking maybe the peach crunchy thingies?

Anyways, I think this blend is hilarious – it’s so pretty and bold that I feel like a kid. huge bright yellow flower buds and deep red petals! Giant chunks of pineapple! feels like I’m playing with megablocks instead of lego.

Anyways, I probably won’t stock up, but this was a nice summery treat and a great choice for tea of the month!

Autistic Goblin

to me it tasted like dying flowers hot. Cold however I found it to be just fine. Quite refreshing and perfect on a hot summer day. It’s different for each person :D

Daisy Chubb

I’ll have to cold brew instead of brewing hot then icing it! That will help with the flavour I bet


I really, really want to try this! I think I’m going to add some if I break and go for their Perfect Tea Mug promotion… :)


I love bamboo bases too! Blazing strawberries is one of my favourite iced teas, and I just tried bamboozled yesterday and it’s darn tasty too. I love your megablocks comparison – so true! :D

Daisy Chubb

haha glad to see someone gets my crazy comparison :D

This is really really good Michelle, go for it!


I don’t really get that strange aftertaste if I cold brew it.

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806 tasting notes

Pretty warm outside time for this refreshing drink :D

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1398 tasting notes

OMG Dexter season 7 finale just blew my mind. I can’t wait for season 8. June 30. The countdown is on.

I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this tea to be available in store. Finally! It smells pretty good. Very juicy fruity dry and slightly diminished steeped. I’ve never tried a tea with bamboo so I’m quite excited.

That has a fruity taste I wasn’t expecting. Tastes just like the dry smell. That diminished scent after steeping tricked me! There’s a lovely sweetness that kicks in at the end of the sip. It took me by surprise. Bamboozled, you were worth the wait. This will be upgraded to the permanent collection.

Update: Resteep just as delicious. Excellent.

Update February 17/13: Also delicious chilled.

4 min, 0 sec

I really need to catch up on Dexter! Ahhhhh!

And I was kind of interested in checking this one out, I am super intrigued by the description.


That was me too! Honestly I waited FOREVER it seemed. But it’s so delish. I only bought 10g tonight or else I’d off to send you some! And that was me with Dexter as well. Slightly embarrassing I watched halfway through S5 through to the end of S7 beginning Saturday and ending now. Amazing.


I need to do that too…I last saw season 2? Ugh :(


I will just pick some up next time I’m near DavidsTea… or I’ll order some online. It’s just, online orders require you to be pretty committed to the tea, because 50g is a pretty decent amount!

And yeah, I think season five was where I left off. I love that show, though!


I know. I’m so happy the store near me finally opened up! So good. Yep both season 6 and 7 were pretty intense. Hence why I essentially put off everything else I had to do. Once I started watching I couldn’t stop haha.


Sil! You need to get on it haha :P Dexter is such a good show. Just keeps getting better :)


oh my goodness this sounds amazing.


I’m waiting for new Dexter too :) Me and my husband are guaranteed to have some tea when we watch our shows together. This tea sounds like it’s full of fruity goody goodness. Yum.


Yikes! We just saw S6 on Netflix and I just gotta know what happens next! INSANITY.

Good to know i’ve got lots of good stuff to look forward to.

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1792 tasting notes

Whenever I hear the word “Bamboozled” I think of the episode of Friends when Joey is auditioning for the game show of the same name. The dry leaf here is all about peach and pineapple, especially peach. There is also a strange underlying damp sort of vegetal scent, I’m guessing from the bamboo? It just doesn’t seem right though.

I’m running into the same problem when steeped. While peach is in the spotlight, I’m detecting the same sort of cellar-like vegetal undertone in the taste. As my mug is cooling, I’m getting the same sensation that other reviewers have experienced. It’s a cooling, green sensation that freshens up the experience a bit, but the undertones are still weirding out my taste buds. Perhaps this is more promising iced.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

I honestly think the Bamboozled one is my favorite episode of Friends. I just… I want to play that game so much.


Yeah, I mean, who wouldn’t want a shot at the Golden Monkey?

Everyone should watch this. I’m not even a huge fan of the show, but it’s quite funny:


Me too! That was hilarious, how enthusiastic Chandler and Ross was about it once they realised that they shouldn’t pay too much attention to rules. :p Bit like Calvinball, really. :p


Oh my gosh, I totally thought of that same episode of Friends, when I first heard the name of this tea… Can’t forget to switch legs for the hopping bonus…oh! and the gimme card…bahaha! I’m cracking up just thinking about it

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6444 tasting notes

There is not much flavor to this cup which is most likely because I only has 1/2 the recommended amount of leaf needed to make this cup. However, what I am tasting is juicy and refreshing. This is not at all the grassy/vegetal cup I thought it would be. We will see how the cold brew turns out tomorrow but I might need to pick up a bit more of this in order to try it properly.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Amanda Thanks for a bit of this!

I can taste the pineapple and peach right off the bat and it’s YUMMY. The bamboo is also distinct and serves its purpose well! I can taste the apple popping in and out while I sip…kinda neat! The Rose/Peony Combo is VERY muted but I’m thinking it’s there just to pull back those fruit flavors a bit so it’s not too overpowering.

LOVING the JUICY in this!


Oh yes this IS a good one!


Try it hot, so good…

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761 tasting notes

I really really really like this tea. I was looking for an herbal to have hot since it is a bit cool tonight and I opted to see how this would handle hot instead of iced. I have to say, I think it worked well. I think I do prefer iced, but only just slightly. It is juicy and refreshing iced. Hot, it it still juicy and somewhat cozy. It is definitely peachy. I do really love the look of this tea…it is very colourful. It smells sooo delicious too. It feels like a nice fall tea…a little summery, but hot it feels a little fall. It doesn’t quite say fall to me like Alpine Punch or Amaretto do, or Orange Blossom even. Banana Nut Bread is another that feels really warming and hearty for a fall to winter tea for me. Bamboozled hot seems like a summer to fall tea.

Overall, I still really like this and will try to save what I can for next summer, but I might dabble in it again for a hot one.

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807 tasting notes

This tastes almost exactly like Mango and Friends from The London Tea Room!
Sorry short note tonight – not enough time in the day.
VERY fruity – like fruit juice you drank as a kid. Not really tea though. Still I love it!


I find it’s a bit less intense than Mango & Friends, and a bit more…. refreshing. :)


Yes not as thick and not quite as strong but wow SO close it was shocking – I had my hubby take a drink without telling him what I thought and he said “mango and friends” so even he nailed it!


Quite fruity!

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292 tasting notes

I made some jars of this for my fridge yesterday, and I’ve been drinking it a bit throughout the day. GAAAAAAAAH.

This is one of the best cold teas ever. So, so good. Thanks, Courtney. As usual.

4 min, 0 sec

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