Yogi Tea

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drank Breathe Deep by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes


Flavors: Eucalyptus, Herbaceous, Licorice, Medicinal, Sweet

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Best bagged tea for coating the throat, hands-down.
Tastes mostly of licorice, cherry, and cinnamon (read: very cough-syrup-y), but it’s tolerable if you add honey.
Temporarily alleviates that awful tickly throat feeling at the beginnings and endings of head colds. I swear it also helped with my cough.
Benefits only apply during consumption of the cuppa. Once the tea is gone, it seems to have no residual benefits.

Flavors: Cherry, Cinnamon, Herbs, Licorice, Medicinal, Sweet

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
1651 tasting notes

Kitchen clean-out, unknown age. Why does my housemate have one tea-bag left of a few dozen teas?

Dry bag smells mostly of cinnamon and cardamom with some clove and ginger underneath. The aroma smells really good, like a spicy chai with a sweet note of syrup. First sip is has some bite and is very thin with spicy ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and clove. Finishes only a hint sweet from licorice root and very clean. No lingering spice in throat, warming in the chest.

Peach DeTox. Peach. Where’s the peach? Does anybody know where the peach is?? Peach flavor is listed as the third ingredient in a list of 17, yes 17 ingredients. This might be a record. But where’s the peach?! I think the cinnamon, cardamom and ginger oils listed near the bottom are used to cover up a bunch of stale herbs and spices or something.

If this tea were simply advertised as a spicy herbal chai, I’d be inclined to rate it higher.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Pancake Syrup, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

“Does anybody know where the peach is?? Peach flavor is listed as the third ingredient in a list of 17, yes 17 ingredients. This might be a record.”

lolol Oh man. :)

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It’sbeen a few years since I’ve had this one. I used to add milk and powdered cinnamon, and it was one of my favorite things. Since I’ve already had a few teas with milk today, I decided to have this one plain. It doesn’t need sugar since it’s already sweet. You can definitely taste the chamomile, and the second flavor is similar to licorice, but I’m not sure which ingredient it is. This tea has a lot of ingredients! It’s sad to see all these negative reviews, as I quite like this one. Without adding anything, nah it doesn’t taste like caramel, but it’s still a pleasant time, and that’s what’s important.

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drank Breathe Deep by Yogi Tea
1651 tasting notes

I’m feeling a little under the weather tonight so I thought I’d see what Yogi could do for me.

I like the herbal, dry medicinal scent of the bag in the package. First sip of this is gross. Thick and syrupy. Oh, licorice root is the first ingredient. Well that clears up quickly because of the other ingredients. On subsequent sips, they present a drying, herbal quality which cuts the sweetness. The licorice does hang around, though, around my salivary glands, back of the tongue and because of the sinus opening qualities of the eucalyptus and thyme, it also wafts up into my sniffer. Blergh. I’d be more content if it stayed in just the mouth.

This tea seems fine for 1) light stuffiness or 2) stuffiness that is so severe you won’t be able to taste or breathe into your sinuses that licorice root. Honestly, I’d rather drink two leaves and a bud Peppermint for its clean and pure menthol sinus-opening ability but the eucalyptus, thyme and tulsi are good additions to this ‘breathing blend.’ I’d like to see those 4 ingredients together.

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

Feel better soon, derk!




Stephen King

Mastress Alita

Did the licorice root at least give you some expectorant qualities to free up some mucus from your throat?


I wasn’t aware licorice root is used as an expectorant but I do know it is used to soothe a sore throat. I’m not full of mucus so I didn’t notice that effect but it didn’t give me any relief from a sore throat.

Mastress Alita

Ah. Ya, it is one of those old timey herbal remedies used as an expectorant. My favorite throat tea is a peppermint/licorice root/clove blend!

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drank Christmas Tea by Yogi Tea
316 tasting notes

I got this sample in the mail a few days ago, and it’s really nice, especially this time of year. I really like the spices in this tea, very warming !

Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
18 tasting notes

This tea is so very heavy. The flavors are overpowering and even adding milk doesn’t make this very enjoyable. The peach flavor is weak at best and the odd licorice type flavor is off putting. I got this to replace a giner tea that I used to use to detox but it’s not very good. I find myself adding so much sugar whenever I drink it it’s not an enjoyable experience at well.

Flavors: Licorice, Peach, Spices

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This tea was really calming and enjoyable to have at night. I found the ginger taste to be the strongest flavor in it. I did add some brown sugar to it after a few sips but I think I would enjoy it either way.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon

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Raspberry isn’t my favorite flavor, but I love how energized I feel after drinking this tea. It is perfect in the AM for some clean energy. I typically drink black tea in the AM.

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
5 tasting notes

I finally reorganized my tea cabinet, and I found a bunch of these! I love this tea so much. I love most spice type teas. I can never tasted the peach flavor, is it even there? I don’t actually believe that a tea could detox the body, bit I always feel warm after drinking this tea. It’s cold out so I figured I could use a cup of Peach Detox. I’m happy with my choice tonight!

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Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Choco by Yogi Tea
48 tasting notes

Varieteas Box (October) – 7/30

So, I went up to bed before my partner yesterday and forgot to prepare him a cup of tea to bring up when he was ready. I’m really trying to encourage him to drink more tea instead of beer in the evening and I’m forever buzzing around the kitchen telling him he can pick whichever tea he wants!

Well, last night he did! The look of horror on my face when I realised he’d chosen something from my Varieteas box must have been a picture! Cue lots of grumbling about how I only have one each of those samples and want to drink them myself and review them on Steepster. “But you said I could pick any!!” – “Yes… but not THOSE!” Oh dear! Needless to say, I made the poor boy share his mug of Choco with me.

And thank goodness I did! While my partner wasn’t all that impressed with it, I really enjoyed it. I wasn’t sure I was going to, because as soon as I lifted the mug to my lips, I was hit by a seriously weird savoury aroma. It was almost like Bovril! Though I love Bovril, especially in winter, so it didn’t put me off… just intrigued me. Taste wise, there was nothing savoury like about this tea. It was pure, rich chocolate. In fact, if my partner had not left the teabag in the mug when he brought it up, I would have been certain he’d made a mug of hot chocolate. There was a nice warmth from the spices and a creaminess from the vanilla. This was yummy!

I’m glad I made him share it with me. I’d definitely drink this again! And I think that was probably the last time my dear other half will ever help himself to a cup of tea from my cupboard, haha!

Flavors: Chocolate, Spicy, Vanilla

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drank Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Tea
1651 tasting notes

I could taste and smell mostly carob, sarsaparilla, and cinnamon and faint cardamom and hazelnut flavor but it was really thin and just weird. After the first sip, I wasn’t sure I’d continue but I finished the mug over the course of an hour. Way too sweet from the stevia. Blergh. Relaxing from the kava extract? Unsure. Verdict: gross.

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 295 ML

I have never had a Yogi tea that wasn’t gross.


Yeh, I’ve had a few I’ve enjoyed but never enough to buy them!

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drank Stomach Ease by Yogi Tea
1651 tasting notes

Dude, this is gross.

The aroma is a penetrating medicinal smell with a layer of caramel flavor-scent mixed in. It’s doing the opposite of easing my stomach even though I’m not drinking this for the claimed effect. Sickeningly sweet from the licorice? Can taste some fennel underneath and some peppermint cooling but mostly I feel very warm from the black pepper and ginger. Somebody out there might like this but not me.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 295 ML

I can’t stand Yogi stuff simply because they over-licorice everything.

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This one is more my style than the Soothing Caramel Bedtime, enough to drink a few cups in a row. Fuller mouthfeel with sweet cinnamon-rooibos-vanilla and faint cocoa and cardamom. Smells the same as it tastes. If I leave the bag to steep forever, it can develop a nice apple note. Lacks the punch I’m looking for, though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Soothing Caramel Bedtime by Yogi Tea
1651 tasting notes

Haven’t had Yogi teas in a while. I remember most of them being rather restrained and lacking life even when fresh. This one was no exception. It was mostly just a thin, sweet rooibos-caramel-vanilla-nutmeg flavor. Enjoyable enough I guess but definitely not something I’d seek out.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Berry DeTox by Yogi Tea
149 tasting notes

Smells and tastes like fennel or licorice (it has Fennel Seed in it). I really and truly dislike licorice. Seems like this is a cheap ingredient as Yogi Teas uses it a lot. Not buying again.

Flavors: Licorice

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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OMG I couldn’t get enough the smell and flavors are addicting, I would highly reccomend this as a night time tea it made me stress free and sleepy!

Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Lavender

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Sweet Chili by Yogi Tea
1 tasting notes

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