Yogi Tea

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This has a really nice citrus aroma. Slightly artificial.

Flavors: Artificial, Citrus

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I just wanted to try something quick, dirty, and new. Well, I have no idea how long this stuff has been in my cupboard, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually had any.

So, I put the water through the keurig (the box claims you make it with boiling water, so IDEK) and brew bag for 3 minutes.

Taste is… OOUCH that hibi! I noticed on the box that this had hibiscus in it, but one sip and I would have known anyway. That’s TART! Between the hibi and the berry, it’s up there on the tart factor. Time to add sweetener.

Ok, so somehow, sweetener makes it almost worse? How to explain. The Splenda cuts the tart, for sure. But once the overpowering tart is gone, there are… other flavors that emerge. Like something bitter. I’m not sure what it is, but there is a noticible bitterness to it once splenda is added. Ew. And the overall flavor isn’t very good. It’s, how should I say this, MUDDY. It’s almost like someone was blending flavors and scents together to get potpouri, but somehow ended up with compost? I’m not sure how to describe it. For some reason the word “Dishwater” is coming to mind, but I don’t know why. That’s just what my mind thinks when I sip on it. “MMMmmmm, Dishwater.”

However, all that said, I have had worse teas. By far this isn’t the worst think I’ve ever tasted. But it is not remotely good. It’s pretty bad actually. I don’t know how much of it is that the tea is outdated, and how much of it is “This tea is just awful” but I know I am absolutely throwing this back into the back of my cupboard, never to be drunk again.

Bad stuff guys. Just BAD.

Flavors: Bitter, Blueberry, Hibiscus

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
2172 tasting notes

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
2172 tasting notes

Not my favorite tea by any means, but I’m drinking it for the digestive benefits today. It’s definitely got some heat to it, not sure if it’s more from the ginger or black pepper, but I can taste the cooling mint as well. As it cools, the dreaded licorice comes out. I can only reheat the same mug so many times . . .

Flavors: Ginger, Licorice, Mint, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
2172 tasting notes

Woke up with a headache this morning that’s making me feel sick to my stomach so I’m glad I threw this one in my bag last night for work. Must have known subconsciously that I’d need it. No sweetener in this cup since it’s already full of licorice root, which I can definitely taste. The ginger stands out too, as it should. Really only one I would ever drink if I were sick. I don’t enjoy the flavor but it serves its purpose.

Flavors: Ginger, Licorice

Boiling 8 min or more 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Moving through all the samples I picked up from my aunt’s during Thanksgiving. I generally take one of each of her bagged teas I haven’t yet tried. Bagged teas are good lull teas; lately I’ve been feeling too lazy to assume the student role with quality loose leaf. Looking forward to the moment I come to my senses and plunge into the puerh crocks. With time.

Big news (rolls eyes): this is pretty much indistinguishable from any other Yogi brand chai-type bag. It’s pretty fresh and warming, though. Turmeric forward for sure but I can surprisingly taste everything else like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and clove. The initial sips have that weird licorice sweetness, definitely not overplayed. It assimilates seamlessly a few more sips in and contributes a decent body.

But again, with Yogi teas, I usually find at least one part of the name to be missing. This time it’s honey. It ghosted. Come on.

Overall fine, nothing special but can’t recommend it because well, in my opinion, once you’ve had one Yogi, you’ve had them all.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yep. Yogi loves its licorice wayyyyyy too much!


Yeah, how unfortunate. It’s not nauseatingly sweet in this blend compared to the others I’ve had.

Shanie O Maniac

Bleh. I am NOT a licorice fan. AT ALL. It’s one of the reasons that, if by chance I do reach for a Yogi, it is strictly for medicinal purposes.


@Shanie O Maniac – Same! Only when I’m sick. My husband, on the other hand, absolutely loves them.


I’m ok with licorice if it’s light like in this blend, otherwise hell naw.

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This and a bagged Oolong are my go to teas while traveling. If you compare this slightly vanilla and other spices to a loose leaf tea, it’s going to disappoint, but I think it’s one of the more drinkable bagged teas and not as in your face clove and cardamom as some bagged chai. I always seem to have this in my travel bag, so I thought it should be in me cupboard, not that my cupboard actually reflects reality, but I’m trying to get it closer. Vanilla spice will give me an alertness boost, and has a soothing flavor profile, I’ll probably keep reaching for it as a convenient pick me up when I am away from my infuser.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Vanilla

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drank Christmas Tea by Yogi Tea
44 tasting notes

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Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices

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I have a cold.

Another Yogi tea with a ton of ingredients… with only 1.8g of material in the bag. Been dunking 2 bags in 10oz boiling.

Smells and tastes like a scented candle. Meh.

Elderberry and generic blue/purple berry taste with woody, warm cinnamon. Earthy and herbaceous undertones. Slightly cooling. Lingering tart blackberry-blueberry flavoring in the mouth. Not medicinal tasting like boiling elderberries can be. Which I’d rather be doing. I’m just trying to get rid of the box, then I’ll dip into the real deal.

For what it’s worth, the housemate enjoys this a lot.

I believe it’s a discontinued item. She found it at Grocery Outlet.

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 295 ML

“Smells and tastes like a scented candle.” *shudders.


Feel better soon, derk!


This too shall pass

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drank Choco Chili by Yogi Tea
44 tasting notes

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drank Choco Chili by Yogi Tea
44 tasting notes

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Flavors: Chocolate, Spices

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drank Digestive Awakening by Yogi Tea
28 tasting notes

This is very light herbal elixir so consider adding a few minutes to the steep time for full enjoyment. It is reminiscent of the scents of a beachside Hallmark store, Raspberry being the dominant flavor with a hint of apples and a flowery finish. As for the holistic properties of this tea umm…..I ate, drank the tea, and digested my food. Thus, success was achieved.

Flavors: Apple, Flowers, Raspberry

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drank Digestive Awakening by Yogi Tea
28 tasting notes

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
2065 tasting notes

SIPDOWN of derk’s tea (I think). Thank you.

Quote on tag: “Speak to make yourself happy, don’t speak to impress others” I guess it’s true! And many people aren’t actually doing it. So a quote to live by, I guess.

The tea. Well, I am not impressed as in previous attempts of this tea. I guess it was even worse and sickly sweet because stevia. Spices were strong, if you call spices the ginger. I haven’t noticed nothing else.

Happy to have it finished. That’s all.

Flavors: Ginger

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

Stevia in just about anything kills it for me

Martin Bednář

I don’t mind stevia. Usually. Not in this tea.

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
2065 tasting notes

Received two tea bags from derk. Thank you!

Picked one and quote on tag is saying that I am equally beautful as the universe. If tea thinks so…

Anyway to the tea. Rather short :) this time.

It is quite woody, sweet, muted spices. Boring, missing the most important part. And that is some body. Body is too much rooibos and there is on notes of lingering spices or anything spicy at all. It is sweet rooibos blend.

10 OZ / 300 ML

I have one bag. Been putting off trying it because of assumed Yogi mediocrity. Motivation? It’s the last Yogi tea in my cupboard.

Martin Bednář

Well, I don’t know if I want to laugh on your statement or cry.
But yeah, unfortunately it is very medicore. And quite sweet :/


Laugh, please! Leave the crying to me!

Martin Bednář

Okay, I will. But don’t cry too much, please.

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
2065 tasting notes

This tea bag I got as thank you for postcard from postcrossing member. From Belarus.

“If you are helping somebody, you are awakening somebody.” – a quote on tag.

I had no idea what to expect, so I just put it into cup, filled with boiling water and enjoyed tea with soft baked cookies with blueberries and cranberries. And white chocolate. Cookies were very enjoable (well, they were bought in Lidl), not sweet as some others.

The tea was letdown though. I steeped it for quite long time, but it was far from great tea. I mean, no funky notes, but still bit – too mild? Yep, this blend of chai was very mild and sweet (Stevia leaf in). I blame the stevia for overpowering the stingy notes of ginger and cloves. It was too mild (although some chais are too spicy for me). Sad.

Maybe rooibos is as well to blame (as stevia) as it is not really good as base for chai. I expect some maltiness, but nothing of it was there, of course.

Flavors: Rooibos, Sweet

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

Had I known you already received it via postcrossing, I wouldn’t have bothered weighing you down with another 2 bags!

Martin Bednář

Haha, don’t worry :) I will finish the second one earlier or later. Or give it to someone craving for caffeine-free tea.

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drank Choco by Yogi Tea
281 tasting notes

I’m not a fan of most chocolate tea’s. It just doesn’t work. So why did I try this one? A friend I work with sent this to her mom and her mom loved it so much she ordered more with a crazy price tag since it’s not available in the states (I don’t think). Of course my curiosity was peaked. The first couple times i made it as a latte. It needs milk. Without milk it has that nasty sweetened taste with a water hardly spicy chocolate taste. It’s almost like Swiss Miss hot chocolate which I kind of hate because it tastes off. I gave it a fair trial…it’s not for me. Also it is pretty weak, one tea bag doesn’t seem to offer enough flavor, even in just a little water.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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I completely forgot I have this tea + I apparently removed it from my virtual cupboard thinking it’s gone. But, opened another drawer today and voilá it’s there.

I need a lots of positive energy. I feel completely miserable in half of semester and that’s why I became completely inactive here, writing only a few lines in comments, but never a full tasting note. You know I feel nothing had some value in life. I am thinking that being in some psychiatric ward would work better for me now than trying to finish the school.

Damn, maybe I am telling way too much about myself.

Anyway, this tea is tart. Cranberry flavoured tartness. As I wrote in very first tasting note. Herbal aftertaste. Honestly not bad. But nothing I would seek for when looking for a tea. But it gave me positive energy back then. Hopefully today as well.

Liebe lässt uns alles vergeben — Love makes us forgive everything. (Quote on tag)

Flavors: Cranberry, Fruity, Herbs, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

We’ve all had days/weeks/months like this. Hang in there, Martin! :)

White Antlers

Martin Good to see you here today. I think perhaps part of what is making you feel bad is pandemic burn out. That is very real and you are not alone in your feelings.


Midterms are miserable! Praying that a little joy surprises you today.


My godson is miserable right now at school, too! Pandemic, work load, life…hang in there, it WILL get better! Praying for you!

Martin Bednář

Thank you everyone!


You are working hard and almost done with school! We’re all thinking of you, Martin.

Martin Bednář

Thank you tea-sipper! I was to therapist today and I got even stronger (and thus worse) pills; but better safe than sorry. It’s better for everyone.

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Die Größe Deines Selbst reicht bis ins Unendliche.
The size of your self extends to infinity. To be honest, I used Google Translate. And it is a quote on the tag.

I just feel somehow down. Yesterday we had big family meeting. Whole our family and father’s side of family. About 25 adults + 5 kids. I recently started to hate those family gatherings. It just sucks my energy away. But on the postive side, it is nice to see people together. But tiring, yep.

So brewed this one. After whole day of cleaning the premises. And it is not done yet. But hey, the majority is done.

Tea itself? Still same.

Flavors: Cranberry, Spicy, Tart

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Deine Überzeugung ist Deine Stärke.
Your belief (conviction) is your strength.

Just need a cuppa. Positive energy welcomed.

Martin Bednář

It worked kinda, I had positive energy all day even when job was kinda meh


That’s great!

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I do not need an Energy. But being positive. My mother had a car accident. She is okay, car is KO. She probably felt asleep behind the wheel.

I liked to drive it. It was really great car. Fast, great AC, working hard.

But it was just a car. Mommy is okay and that matters.

Tea is as before. Sweet from fruits, but bit spicy.


Oh gosh! So sorry about your mom but glad she is okay.


Glad your mom is ok – you’re right, cars are replaceable, moms are not <3

Martin Bednář

I was talking with other family members and it is bit weird, that mum remembers passing a cyclist about 50-100 metres before and then how she rotates and stopped.

So, they will check her for cardio, because it does not sound normal.


Glad she is ok!


Oh no! Prayers for your mom, hope she is okay, and grateful she was not hurt in wreck!

Martin Bednář

She is back home now, smiling, happy, trimming bushes like nothing bad happened.


Thank goodness she is ok. Whew.


Glad she’s ok !


That’s good!

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Oh well.
Long days with Swiss friend, few teas drunk, but without any notes. But that tea in tea room in Kutná Hora was great, but bit overleafed for my tooth. It was green tea from Burma.

Anyway, now I unfortunately have to drink something alone, as… okay she is still in Prague in this time. She gave me three different loose leaf teas (I will write about them later) and one box. This one is from that box and well it sounds nice, you know?
The ingredients list is long as a lecture week. But I took it out and I found out it smells nice! Quite fruity with spiciness of cardamom and ginger. As well it smells quite like an oranges.

Let´s find out how it is hot. I did recommended 5 minutes steep. Apparently, there are big pieces of Maté and other herbs I am not able to recognize, maybe I see even a lemongrass. The colour is lowly turning to the red-brown.
There is a quote on the tag: “Liebe wird immer siegen – Love will win, always”. I think it is quite nice quote.

Yeah, the aroma is strongly cranberry and I tink a bit of raspberry, but it is not inside. Maybe a combo between cranberry and hibiscus is making similar aroma? The colour is orange, bit cloudy.

As this is called tasting note, so some tastes: yeah, cranberries are dominating. Hibiscus making it tart. Actually it tastes quite watery; I expected much more “body”. Evenmore when there should be black tea in. I did not notice it at all in taste. It is bit earthy as well, I think because lots of herbs.
Overall it is quite nice, I like it is not sweet at all, rather bit tart. Let´s see if it give me a positive energy :D


I like that quote, also!

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drank Choco by Yogi Tea
18 tasting notes

To finish my day, I decided to drink “Choco” from Yogi Tea with my big teacup. This herbal tea smell creamy hot chocolate. But at taste, it’s a little bit different: licorice at first, spicy and the little bit presence of cocoa. It’s not bad but I will try with my glass teapot next time. Anyway, it’s comforting!

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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