Yogi Tea

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Steeped for 6 minutes, in 10oz of purified water, at a temperature just less than boiling (office hot water dispenser.)

Dry smell is sweet, citrusy, and pleasant. Exactly what you might expect by the description.

Bright, lovely-light, offering a bold but delicate feeling on the palate. A great deal of citrus fruit mixes with syrupy sweetness on the finish to bring the tangerine front and center.

Looking at the blend on the box, I feel this tea offers a great melding of Assam with herbaceous flavors while offering a great pick me up especially when compared to a weaker drip brew coffee or K-cup level of caffeine. That green tea extract packs a punch without negatively affecting the flavor whatsoever.
Since I used a tea for one set for this infusion, I will be experimenting with double infusion when two bags are used at a lower steep time.
I am also limited by the fact that my water source is just less than boiling.

Overall, I feel that this tea offers a tremendous value when it comes to a coffee replacement. It is a run of the mill mass-produced tea but with that comes the convenience of availability and low price. Would keep in my rotation to buy again! Especially compared to some other Yogi teas.

Flavors: Fruity, Smooth, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Cinnamon. It tastes like cinnamon. I had this several days ago and have tried to come up with more nuanced thoughts, but I really don’t have any. It’s a good cinnamon! Strong and spicy, likely due to containing the oil as well as the bark. But, it doesn’t taste a lick like what it’s supposed to, even if it does smell a bit vanilla-ish still in the bag. Even there, the cinnamon predominates. Rename it cinnamon swirl and I’ll rate it higher, Yogi.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

What if you only try steeping the first steep for about a minute? (I’d do a second steep just to feel I wasn’t wasting a tea on a minute.) Sometimes I find flavor pops more with shorter steeps.

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
1650 tasting notes

Sent a few bags to Mr. Bednar without trying it myself first.

It’s fine, nothing special and not worth the sometimes steep prices Yogi teas can fetch. I smell it all, I taste it all — rooibos, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, clove (barely on swallow), stevia. Despite the nose-burning spice of the dry bag it’s not spicy in taste. It’s not initially sweet but much later after a swig the stevia comes out as a kind of superficial sweet slickness lining my mouth. The brew is watery. Another meh by Yogi.

Martin: my bag tag says, “In life, don’t create just an impression, create a trust.” What?? On some level I get it but it’s so vague, kind of like Yogi teas themselves. Anybody want to enlighten me because I feel I’ve failed, haha.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
Martin Bednář

Yeah, their quotes sometimes hit the nail on the head. But sometimes they are weird or vague. Their blends sounds in theory usually so tast, nice packaging; but they should focus on teas I guess.


Taking a mental inventory, but I don’t think I’ve ever liked a Yogi tea. Always far too slick and sweet, as you’ve mentioned here.


Never had a Yogi that I’ve liked, either. They go way too hard with the stevia and licorice root. I feel like Yogi makes blends that are meant to appeal to people who have deprived themselves of sweets for years and have forgotten what caramel or mocha or whatever actually tastes like.

Martin Bednář

I kind of enjoyed Yogi (but European version) with name “Positive energy”. But I rated it “only” 75/100.

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drank Ginkgo by Yogi Tea
2065 tasting notes

Prepared this tea, because I need ssome brain work to do. And I feel bit meh as for thinking today. Maybe just a bad day.

But, whatever, it is time for tea!
It seems it is only Ginkgo in, so – it is naturally herbal. Little musty as well. But it smells pretty and okay.

When drinking – it is again herbal, but as I let it steep all the time I had it in the mug it became spicy in the ned. That’s kind of weird.

Flavors: Herbs, Spicy

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Mastress Alita’s Monthly Sipdown Challenge
September 2022 → A yerba mate

This is a whole mix of ingredients, including the mate I needed to complete this sipdown prompt. And it is, in fact, a sipdown! We’ll probably get more of this one at some point, it’s one we both really enjoy.

Flavors: Orange

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Not too much licorice?


I didn’t taste any licorice at all! I tossed the bag already, but I don’t see licorice on the list of ingredients on the Yogi website. It looks like it does have monk fruit and stevia, but I didn’t taste any of that artificial sweetener flavor. I’m usually pretty sensitive to that.


For a Yogi tea, that’s just flat amazing!

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I was grumpy this morning and annoyed, not for any reason in particular really. My husband casually suggested I have a cup of Positive Energy, lol. I can’t say it worked, though I did get less grumpy as the day went on. Maybe it did it’s thing after all.


Heavy duty on the licorice like most Yogi’s?


Looking at the ingredient list now and there isn’t any licorice root (surprise!), but it does have stevia leaf if that taste bothers you. I’m not a fan of stevia sometimes, but I didn’t notice any weird aftertaste in this one. This is one of the few Yogi teas I really like and (usually) drink by choice.

gmathis I’d consider stevia the lesser of the two swee-vils ;)

I actually don’t mind licorice root in the right places, but stevia and especially monk fruit are a huge no for me.


I’m not sure if there is really a difference or if my mind is playing tricks on me, but I feel like I can tell the difference when the ingredients list stevia as opposed to stevia leaf. They may be using the same stuff, but for some reason I don’t tend to get as much of an aftertaste with the stevia leaf. Again, might be my brain assuming the leaf is more natural or something. I don’t think I’ve tried monk fruit, but I normally don’t like artificial sweeteners of any kind and licorice root reminds me of that flavor.

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I’m really enjoying this one, which I can’t say often for Yogi teas as a whole. It’s a nice, comforting cup. I’m a sucker for adaptogens so the ashwagandha in this excites me.

The flavor is nice. I could see it being more tangerine than orange. I’m not sure if it’s the weather or if it’s just anxiety kicking in more than usual lately but I’ve been struggling with the positivity lately. Not that this one tea can fix everything, but I thought it couldn’t hurt.

Flavors: Citrus Fruits

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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