Oh well.
Long days with Swiss friend, few teas drunk, but without any notes. But that tea in tea room in Kutná Hora was great, but bit overleafed for my tooth. It was green tea from Burma.
Anyway, now I unfortunately have to drink something alone, as… okay she is still in Prague in this time. She gave me three different loose leaf teas (I will write about them later) and one box. This one is from that box and well it sounds nice, you know?
The ingredients list is long as a lecture week. But I took it out and I found out it smells nice! Quite fruity with spiciness of cardamom and ginger. As well it smells quite like an oranges.
Let´s find out how it is hot. I did recommended 5 minutes steep. Apparently, there are big pieces of Maté and other herbs I am not able to recognize, maybe I see even a lemongrass. The colour is lowly turning to the red-brown.
There is a quote on the tag: “Liebe wird immer siegen – Love will win, always”. I think it is quite nice quote.
Yeah, the aroma is strongly cranberry and I tink a bit of raspberry, but it is not inside. Maybe a combo between cranberry and hibiscus is making similar aroma? The colour is orange, bit cloudy.
As this is called tasting note, so some tastes: yeah, cranberries are dominating. Hibiscus making it tart. Actually it tastes quite watery; I expected much more “body”. Evenmore when there should be black tea in. I did not notice it at all in taste. It is bit earthy as well, I think because lots of herbs.
Overall it is quite nice, I like it is not sweet at all, rather bit tart. Let´s see if it give me a positive energy :D
I like that quote, also!