Gave this one another shot. The first time I tried it, it tasted like overboiled green beans and made me gag.
Today, for some weird reason, it tastes much better. Probably because I gave it a longer steep time.
Green teas, even humble bagged ones, make me nervous. Your sense of timing has to be perfect to make them right. This one seems to be 25% actual green tea and 75% other unknown, funky herbs (Yogi is fond of adding things like that to their stuff), so I think allowing a longer steep time to let the flavors of said herbs develop can only help it.
Today, I’m getting a bready, sweet taste. No bitterness or grassiness or vegetal qualities to it, mercifully.
Will not be purchasing again; however, it does make for a nice tea to drink at work. Mostly because it helps me avoid the near occasion of sin, in the shape of vending machine snack bags of Cheetos.