Whispering Pines Tea Company

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Oh North Winds, you really are quite lovely. Tbh this cup is more astringent than I remember the last one being but it does not mean this is unpleasant in any way. It is chocolate and honey that lingers long after the sip is done. Yum. Thanks again Cavocorax!!

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Thank you Cavocorax for the sample. I am a fan of this one as well. This and Golden Orchid are probably both going to be stocked as this is a rich chocolatey blend while Orchid is a creamy vanilla. Both are delicious and both will probably find a home in my cupboard.

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I purchased this from Shadowfall in her recent stash sale. Had to scoop up those Whispering Pines teas! I’ve actually never had a keemun before but I was willing to take the risk for such a reasonable price! :) The leaves are small, short, and extremely dark. I would describe it as “generic black tea” and I don’t mean that in a bad way. Dry, it smells a little musty with honey and raisin notes. Steeped for 3 minutes.

My first impression of the aroma was that it smells like an English Breakfast. There’s a little smoke and honey in there. The taste is quite bold! The strong flavor is the main event but it also has some very nice subtle accompaniments. There’s a lovely honey quality to it, and a very light smoke in the background. It’s a tad malty. I added about half a teaspoon of sugar and it brought out some lovely dark fruit notes that remind me of raisins or dates. This tea is a bit bold for me, but the sugar really helped the round out the flavor and I’m sure it would take milk very well.

A great experience for my very first Keemun! Thanks Shadowfall!

Flavors: Dates, Honey, Malt, Raisins, Smoke

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Interesting…I haven’t tried this one, but then again, it isn’t selling anymore, at least not under this name. Wonder if it was just replaced by Pine Peak Kummun.

Cameron B.

I just ordered some Pine Peak so I can definitely let you know if I think it tastes the same. :P If not, I can definitely send you some to try!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

It was replaced by Pine Peak, which is like 97x better ;)


Cameron, thank you so much, you are sweet but I’m gonna pass….I have a hard time keeping up with my own stash right now, and I have tons more on the way :-o

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OMG this tea smells like CHOCOLATE! The taste too is roasty, toasty, smoooooth chocolate. Um. I can haz moar? There is no bitterness and no astringency. Just a little piece of tea bliss :-). The cool thing about this tea is there a wave of chocolate flavor that rolls over my tongue after the sip and it’s more intense than the flavor during the sip, at least for me. I still love Ailaoshan black a little bit more, but this tea is excellent! I used a full tablespoon rather than a half, which turned out to be a good decision.

Also, I had a weird dream that there was a communal Steepster refrigerator. MzPriss opened it up and opened up one of the fruit/veggie drawers and it was full of mushrooms and dirt. She looked at me and said “Oh look, Brenden teleported us some mushrooms!” I have no idea what MzPriss actually looks like, but this person in the dream was her somehow. What is wrong with me?

Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Roasted

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Snort laff!! If Brenden could I’m sure he would teleport us some mushrooms. And a communal Steepster fridge would be awesome!


Hahaha! You know your addicted to tea when??? this dream was hilarious and I wished it was for real! A communal cupboard would also be awesome!

And yes, told you this tea was pure gooey fudgy chocolate goodness :-)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

This is the best thing I’ve read, like…ever. :D


This is not the first tea-related dream I have had. The problem is fully developed, I think. I suppose this dream came from my not-so-subliminal desire to eat all the good things TheTeaFairy and MzPriss are always talking about and for Brenden to have the ability to teleport things, which I think I can safely say would improve all of our lives. Thanks for the dream mushrooms, Brenden :-). And yes, a communal Steepster cupboard would be completely clutch!


Haha that’s hilarious! XD


Oh cool! A shared Steepster cupboard! Wouldn’t that be fun?!?! Although, with as much swapping as happens around here, we may not be too far from that :)

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I’ve been looking forward to making cornmeal pancakes with fruit (started out thinking about ripe Texas peaches) and cottage cheese all week. One of my favorite breakfasts. I decided to use a different cornmeal pancake recipe this morning. And who better to go to for a good recipe than Mark Bittman? Apparently, in the case of cornmeal pancakes – almost anyone. I have no pancakes. I have a bowl of fried-ish polenta-ish cripsy globs with some AMAZING cherry compote I made from frozen organic cherries, some lemon zest, freshly ground cardamom and little maple syrup. I knew better than to attempt pancakes with no leavening. I started in my extremely well seasoned cast iron skillet that is basically non-stick because it’s been cooked in for well over 50 years as it belonged to my grandmother. I used a little oil to ensure success. My poor skillet has crunchy chunks of polenta-ish stuff clinging to it like I would be to George Clooney’s leg if he showed up. I decided to try in the non-stick skillet which I almost never use. I have chunks of crunchy polenta-ish stuff which was scooped into a bowl along with the yummy cherry stuff and some cottage cheese.

In need of comfort and reassurance and inspired by TheTeaFairy, I turned to this tea. Chocolaty, chocolaty goodness. It goes really well with my cherries (also inspired by TTF this morning), and I am getting less hostile toward Mark Bittman by the minute. A big chocolate bomb that is smooth and delicious with zero bitterness or astringency even when steeped around 5 minutes is something that makes my semi-broken heart happier.

Flavors: Chocolate


I’m sorry for your epic pancake fail but this made me laugh so hard!

Cameron B.

Pancakes with no leavening…? How bizarre. Imagining the clinging to George Clooney’s leg… Priceless. :)


The recipe ingredients:

1 1/2 cups fine or medium cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk, or more as needed
2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil, plus more for frying
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup pine nuts
Honey, for serving

The recipe: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/19/dining/19minirex2.html


oh god, i’m so hungry…. this sounds soo good.


@Sil – it does until you try to MAKE it. I still kind of have a heart ful of hate for ol Mark Bittman at the moment. I wanted pancakes


LOL we love bittman – have 3 cookbooks in our kitchen haha


I do too! Who would have thought he would try to pass off fried polenta as pancakes????


I got one of those skillets, over 100 now belonged to my great grandmother. And I miss her so and how she taught me to cook.


How did I ever miss this note this moning? Omg my spleen hurts that how much I laughed!
(Being attached to George Clooney’s leg brings all kind of images…)

And really, homemade cherry compote? Let me book a flight to Texas…

And count me in! I also have my grandma’s cast iron skillet…with a wooden handle. Almost as heavy as I am, but everything tastes better in it!!

Mrmopar, this is so priceless that your grandmother taught you how to cook…how precious that skillet must be.


@mrmopar – I learned to cook from my grandmother and great grandmother as well and I miss them both. My cast iron skillets are priceless to me

@TTF – LOL I’m feeling better about the whole thing now (except for the having to clean my skillet part) but I was grumpy this morning. The cherry compote was easy-peasy, just simmered the cherries and lemon zest and cardamom and some maple down until it thickened up some. I have some left for later.

Terri HarpLady

Poor girl! I hate when something like that happens.
I’m thinking this recipe needs to have eggs in it, or egg replacer. Or ground flax seeds would probably work. Something that would bind things together.
I have one of mark’s books, in my crazy who’s who collection of vegan & vegetarian cookbooks from my 30+ some odd years of non-meat eating. Lately I’ve been feeling really nostalgic about all those tasty grain & bean based dishes, I really miss that stuff.
Side note…I use to love polenta, especially Fried polenta!
Maybe you were suppose to refrigerate the recipe in a loaf pan & slice it before cooking it? :)
At least the cherry compote was good, & thank god for tea!


Well if I had thought it through, I would have realized how it would turn out. I did briefly think about no leavening or egg – but Mark Bittman! They really are polenta cakes and not pancakes – but he calls them pancakes and they look like them in the recipe photo. I’m mostly over it now because I had great tea and I hsve some of the cherry stuff left over

Terri HarpLady

You could spread it on toast (another food I REALLY miss).
Or layer it in a fancy wine glass with coconut whipped cream & other yummy stuff…


It JUST so happens I have some coconut whip and that had occurred to me :)

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This tea is so pretttttyyyyy! Is this the one that MzPriss called “wee snaily yums”? If not, I think this could also merit that term :-). To me, the smell is very bready and it greatly increased my anticipation of the first sip. My nose did not lead my astray; the taste is also very bready, with a big dose of honey dolloped on top. So good! The finish is really clear and fresh tasting- a characteristic I’m noticing with Whispering Pines teas and that I really appreciate. It looks like this one will be a repurchase as well. Brenden, we are all just putty in your hands.

Flavors: Bread, Honey

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Love bready teas! And snaily, too; it’s just such a friendly little shape.


This is indeed the wee snaily yums – see why?


I call adding a little bit of maple “Terri-style” :)


I do see why! This tea is absolutely adorable in a snaily kind of way. Like these snails here: http://www.lifebuzz.com/snails/#!89xnh So cute!!


OMG! Who knew snails could be so cute?


Awwwww!!!! So adorable!!! Who could possibly want to eat them now?
And yes, MzPriss’s way of calling this tea is the cutest thing ever :-)

Terri HarpLady

I feel special :)


@Terri – only because you are

Terri HarpLady

You get a big hug!
LOL, auto correct changed hug to hog, but I saw it & changed it back.
Then I thought about the big mandala puer sale discussion group from a few days ago… :)


Laughs! Well yeah, there were hoggish tendencies on display during that time….


And you get a big hug back. I tried a Terri breakfast this morning which was an epic fail – but I maintain it was Mark Bittman’s fault.

Terri HarpLady

What did you fix?


Cornmeal pancakes – see my note on Fujian Black from this morning :(

Terri HarpLady

I hate when things like that happen.

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Time for afternoon tea! I had a stomach bug for several days, so now that I’m feeling better I should be back in the swing of things! I missed all youse guys.

This cup is courtesy of the lovely Veronica. Brewed up, the tea is a clear shade of warm amber. I’m catching scents of wet wood, bonfire, dark chocolate, and sea salt as they waft from my cup. There’s some fruit tones there too, but I get “berry” while others have gotten “citrus”.

Each sip starts brisk, with a fruity sweetness that to me is reminiscent of Ashes of Autumn and its “longan fruit” flavor. Is this what longan fruit tastes like? I couldn’t say! It’s still not citrus to me. From brisk and bright it moves into a smooth roastiness with undertones of sweet, fresh wood. There’s some cocoa and some malt at the very end, but the predominant tone is a light honey-sweetness. What is that fruit…it’s not citrus, but reminiscent of citrus. Phooey. I give up. There’s a light, hazy smokiness that persists throughout the cup. It gets sweeter as it cools and it gains a sort of thickness in body. More malt—it coats your tongue. Delicious! I’d love to have a cup of this with an omelette or a plate of crumpets. That’s my fantasy and I’m content to live it in my head for now.

Thanks Veronica!

Flavors: Campfire, Cocoa, Dark Chocolate, Fruity, Honey, Malt, Roasted, Smoke, Smooth, Wet Wood

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The leaves of this tea are long, dark, and twisty and when I see leaves like that I can’t help but think spider legs. And it’s all TheTeaFairy’s fault. Luckily, I’m a spider sympathizer, so it doesn’t bother me :-). Like, maybe spiders are just misunderstood. There’s even a meme about it (warning: contains spider pictures)

Anyway, this tea lives up to the level of excellence I’ve come to expect from Whispering Pines. It starts out a little earthy, which then gives way to a fresh floral quality. My favorite part though, is the end of the sip which just tastes unbelievably refreshing and pure, like I just drank out of a crystal clear stream. Is this what pine tastes like? If so, more of that please! Also, thanks to boychik for recommending that I use a full tbsp of leaf. It turned out great that way!

Flavors: Floral, Wet Earth

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Glad it turned out great! I tried 1/2 tbsp and then second time I used scale which was equal to full tbsp. (liked it more 2nd time)


Hahah! The meme is so hilarious and so true!!!

Oh well…maybe I am to blame a little :-O

Glad the tea is good, I have some on the way, never actually tried that one yet!!


Spiders actually help me with mealy bugs or scales on my house plants. I never kill them, but my girls scream every time they see them


That picture on WP’s scrolling header of up close Dian Hong leaves reminded me so much of spider legs that I had to click away quickly to the tea selection page! Too creepy. I know they are helpful but when in my house, they need to go away.


I came across this today and it seemed relevant to all the spider talk on Steepster lately:
I must say though, I have serious issues with the section regarding fear of spiders in twins and their conclusion that it is inherited. Obviously, twins share the same childhood environment and many of the same experiences. Based on how this was written, they did not consider that when drawing the conclusion that fear of spiders has a genetic component. Ok, science rant over. It’s still interesting though.

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Tea of the morning. I’ve been curious about this tea for awhile, and thanks to kimquat I am finally able to try it. My recent experience with the Unflavored Traveling Tea Box has made me much less afraid of pu’erhs, so this made me doubly excited to give this tea a try.

My first thoughts with this tea were earth and smoke. I get forest floor and wet granite with a campfire smokey note. As the tea cools there is some honey like sweetness and a sweet/tart berry flavor. I like the berry flavor mixed with the earthy notes a lot. The combination is delicious. When the tea was close to room temperature the earthy flavors were a little too dark and dusty for me. This is a tea I’ll drink hot.

I’m so glad I got to give this tea a try. I’ll likely pick up more of this come autumn.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I’d be happy to send more your way. (:

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This was generously included as a surprise sample in my Whispering Pines order. Thank you!

I can see why this tea gets a lot of love. Not only does this have that delightful cocoa note that I adore, but the texture is also thick with a milk-like quality.

Although I drank the first steep too quickly to discern any other qualities past “creamy”, I’ve had more time with this second steep. The cocoa and milk are still present, but there is also a distinctive fruity note, like sweet, tangy plums.

It’s a delicious cup, and I think I’ll appreciate its profile even more in the fall or winter. As it was, it turned out to be an awesome rainy evening tea.

Flavors: Cocoa, Cream, Malt, Plum, Stonefruit

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Sounds like pure yummy awesomeness…thank goodness I have some on the way. I was always forgetting to order that one!


I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did! I think it may have made my evening.. receiving the parcel and finding this sample definitely made my morning. :)


Aww, so happy it made your evening CrowKettle :-) and yes, receiving a tea parcel is a great way to start your day :-)


I don’t remember hearing about this tea company even a couple of years ago, but some of their stuff sounds really good. Will have to try! :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

@Nightshifter, I started the business in 2012 :)

Glad you like this one, CrowKettle! :D

TTF, I think you’ll enjoy this one, too :)


Ah that explains it. Sounds like you are off to a great start though! I have already started making a little list of teas I want to try. :)


Oh my gosh, this tea has the best flavors!


@WP: I know I will…i’ve already tasted what it’s made of ;-)


Nightshifter, you know I’ve been on Steepster for a while…believe me when I tell you, this company has some of the best teas I have ever tried, and I’m not that easy to please!!


Awesome! Will be ordering for sure. :)

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New blend! :-D

The Legend of El Dorado tells of a majestic place deep in the wilderness of South America. With streets paved of gold and sacred temples of silver, this mythical place was filled with riches…

Luckily for you, you don’t have to search the jungles of South America in search of untold riches, for you can find them in your cup with El Dorado Chai! With a base of our Bi Luo Chun Yunnan Black, hand-cut Madagascar vanilla, holy basil and the four classic masala chai spices, you’re sure to strike gold with your first sip!

This lightly-spiced masala chai is smoother than a street of gold and sweeter than untouched jungle spring water. El Dorado Chai opens with pure wildflower honey and creamy vanilla, giving way to a hint of pine. The body is rich like a fresh croissant filled with the finest dark chocolate. A warm, tingling spice lingers near the end of the sip, reminiscent of the sweet spices on an apple pie crust. The finish is mouthwatering, with a full honey sweetness and a touch of malt.

Enjoy the immeasurable riches of this golden chai fit for the Gods!

""Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied—
“If you seek for Eldorado!”

-Edgar Allen Poe

Notes: Honey, Chocolate-Filled Croissant, Cream, Pine, Vanilla, Malt, Apple Pie Crust

Ingredients: Bi Luo Chun Yunnan Black Tea, Organic Ginger, Organic Cardamom, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Cloves, Hand-Cut Madagascar Vanilla Beans


Cameron B.

Sounds amazing! I thought you should, uh, have a 4th of July sale now… ;)


Placed my order. :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hmm…10% off sitewide begins right now! :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Ohhh you just missed it :( Sorry!


That’s ok. Given the limited amount I’m glad I ordered when I did! :)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

:) Thanks for the order!


We need one of those pneumatic tube thingies like at the bank between Texas and Michigan. It would make things faster and simpler.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

So true! Hmmmm…maybe…I know someone that might have a jet… ;)


Of course it would also have to go to Canada too

Tommy Toadman

I might have to put in an extra little order for this one ;)


Please get this baby here ASAP!!! Send the tube over here you guys, thanks for thinking of your Canadian girl here :-)

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Sipdown (1462)!

I felt like there was a lot going on with this last mug; it’s such an interesting and complex tasting blend. Surface level vanilla (authentic vanilla) but then there’s this burnt sugar/marshmallow note with elements of char and mineral to it alongside deep bitter cocoa and a little natural smokiness. It’s so rich, and a little intoxicating. I’ll miss this one, but I feel like I have similar now in the Vanilla Osmanthus from Marika’s family shop and the newly discovered vanilla blend from The Silk Tea Co – so this was a well timed sipdown.

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Sipped on this one yesterday afternoon and was just swept up in the deliciousness of the vanilla and cocoa notes; like a perfectly malty, sweet and fudge-y black tea combined with the most marshmallow-y vanilla. A deeply enjoyable mug!

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Samurai Travelling Tea Box – Tea #38

I’ve had this one in the past & loved it in the past, but I wanted to revisit it because it’s been years since I last steeped it and my palate/tastes have changed and (I think) become a lot more refined. I’m glad I tried it Gongfu this morning because it absolutely blew me away!

For what is essentially a very simple blend of black tea and vanilla, this is mind blowing! The tea is quite sweet/rich. It’s very hard to describe the flavour as tasting like anything other than creamy milk chocolate and fluffy marshmallows with vanilla. The liquor is like velvet; as much of a “melt in your mouth” feeling as something that’s already liquid can have. I got about five very good infusions!

What a WOW start to the day!

Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWXsg3AJzo/

This beautiful new teacup is from a local QC potter – I have another cup from her in green, but I couldn’t resist this beautiful blue one as well.

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1EpaboCERg

Daylon R Thomas

That one was always better Gong Fu to me.

Martin Bednář

Wonderful teacup!


Wow! I need to try this one!

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Sipdown (146/153)!

And here’s where the crazy weekend kinda begins. Sorry guys, mostly this notes not gonna be tea relevant; just sorta a heads up. I mean, there’s some tea relevant stuff but not a tonne. And I guess I’ll just get the tea relevant stuff out of the way first, sorta.

So Tyrell picked me up from work Friday night and we went to Lucas’s house warming party, which was definitely an unplanned venture. I pretty much didn’t know anyone there except Tyrell and Lucas/Gwyn (DT Friends) who actually didn’t show up until a few hours before we left, and it was their party…

So the first couple hours of the night I just kinda sat super awkwardly on the patio sipping this tea from my timolino. I’d made it for work but hadn’t had it yet so I took advantage of a hot beverage on a cold night. Tea is comforting. I added milk to this in the morning, and I remember the whole thing tasting very smooth and like cocoa/vanilla/malt. Definitely pleasant, and it helped me relax and feel at ease.

And now is where pretty much all tea relevant stuff goes out the window, because once I’d finished sipping down the tea I started to sip down other stuff. Yeah, I sorta refilled my 12 oz. timolino with 12 oz. of straight gin, which it turns out was NOT a good idea. At this point my evening goes really, really fuzzy.

Basically I remember talking to Tyrell’s friend Josh about film school which he went to in Regina! Turns out we have a couple mutual friends. I remember vividly wanting to cry because I miss my Regina friends, but not actually doing it. And then I remember just shouting “PETER CAPALDI” very loudly. According to Tyrell it turns out I had quite the in depth conversation with many of the ‘party goers’ about Doctor Who and my favourite Doctors and all the routes they could take with Capaldi. And apparently I insisted to several people that he is an owl. Ok.

…And then my memory jumps to being at Tyrell’s place where I ended up spending the night. I have vague, general memories of falling off the bed and flat out refusing to get back on it, searingly bright lights (the bathroom?), and making out before passing out. So I’m gonna go ahead and say it was a good night.

In the morning Tyrell basically tried to sum the night up for me because man do I have gaps. This is the first time he’s seen me really drunk and I guess I didn’t visibly look drunk at all until we got to the car (which I have no memory of; I have no recollection of leaving the party and getting to Tyrell’s) and at that point he was sorta just like “Oh shit, she’s really, really drunk”. Like, apparently I faked being mostly sober super well while we were around his friends to the point where everyone was/is just convinced now that I’m like pretty much an alcoholic because I drank 12 oz. of straight gin with “no effect”. Yeah, there was totally an effect.

But good for me I guess; I didn’t embarrass myself in front of a bunch of strangers, and according to Tyrell I’m a really fun/ny drunk so hooray! Man did I feel like shit in the morning though. Like, I definitely only got a couple hours of sleep after having passed out – after that I pretty much was awake all night because fuck beds. I don’t know how you crazy people all do it (and yes, I am aware that really I’m the weird one). Couches are so much better.

How I survived the drive home and getting ready for work (yeah, that’s right: I totally worked the day after – I am not a responsible adult…) without curling up on my couch and falling asleep is definitely a mystery to me.

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Sounds like my tea twin VariaTEA had a cup of this one too this evening; it’s been a while since we both made the same tea during the same day I do believe. Although, I do have to thank 221Tea because she was the lovely human being who provided me with a sample of this one!

Mostly, I think my thoughts on this echo VariaTEA’s; a little malt, a little bread, a little cream, a little chocolate and a whole heaping bundle of vanilla! Gotta add in too that I thought this one improved the cooler it got; it was somehow smoother and richer at a lower temperature.

Overall I thought this was good, dare I say it very good. Would I order it? Maybe. But I don’t know if I’d need to get it in any sort of quantity. More than likely I’ll just occasionally swap other Steepster members who are obsessed with this one for cup or two sized samples of it. I feel like that would be enough to keep me happy.

Terri HarpLady

I just ordered some of this & some samples in a tea ordering frenzy a couple of nights ago :)


i love this one…. vanilla chocolate ice ream to me =0)


Oh Roswell Strange…I have missed the days when we were so in sync with our tea drinking :P


Vanilla? Malt? Cream? Chocolate? I’m so in!


@Nightshifter – you want some of it


is it august yet?

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Quite literally the best tea I’ve ever had.

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No I am not drinking this right now and I didn’t just finish any. I’m SQUEEEEEEEEEING because I HAVE some now and will get to have it before bed.


Oh my goodness!! She s back and she’s got the BEAR!!!!!!


YES! She’s back – with very little sleep and I’m about to get all beared-up y’all!


NOW I’m having some. Tastes different his time, but still just so good. LTF – lullaby indeed


I love the way the hand-blending makes it just a little different every time. Soulful.


Me too! I love not knowing who different it will be the next month. So relaxing right? Yay!


Ye I am relaxing with my dogs and my SB. I am NOT: working, flying, sitting in an airport, drinking bad tea.


Life is too short to drink bad tea. So one your travel set arrives, will you be bringing good shengs on business trips? I feel it’s important for me to ensure that you have appropriate tea experiences while traveling.

Friends don’t let friends drink bad sheng.


Yes! I will taking the good sheng and Golden Orchid. Comfrt zone!
I hated my hotel this time too – smelled like stale cigarettes in my allegedly non smoking hotel. It was icky


Yuck! Hopefully all your rooms in the future will be wonderful, but if not, at least you’ll have good tea :p


Welcome back! We missed you. And Enjoy This Tea!!!!

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Texas has been in a drought for quite a while now. It has been dry and sad. A few years ago, Texas caught on fire. I wish really hard for rain all the time.

This afternoon on my way home from work, I stopped at my local herb shop for some additional dried elderberries because of Northern Sweet Tea (ask Brenden). The shop is in a small stone house in a neighborhood and is a magical little place. In addition to herbs, they have tea and teaware. I got my elderberries and a darling little tea mug with infuser in a delicious green.

Just as I walked out of the shop it began to rain slowly at first but with great fat drops that increased in speed and decreased in size. I stood on the sidewalk and let the rain pour down on me for about 10 minutes. I’ve missed it so much.

As soon as I got home, I washed my new mug and brewed 2 teaspoons of this dainty looking little tea in 12 ounces of 180 degree water for 1.5 minutes. Now, I’m not a huge fan of green tea. It has to be right. I was not surprised to find that this tea is very, very right.

TeaFairy called it a lullaby and I agree. It would send you off to sweet dream land. But I can also imagine this iced on a brutally hot August day in Texas when it’s 109 and I’m in need of sweet cool salvation. The combination of sweet clean green tea with wildcrafted pine needles and a delicate jasmine is perfectly balanced. None of the ingredients overpower the others. Too often jasmine tea takes up your whole mouth-space with JASMINE – not this, it’s sweet and tastes like pure floral rain after a long dry spell. ADORE!

Brenden sent this tea as a sample a while back. I’ve been ignoring it in favor of all the other delicious tea I have. The other night I read a note on it by TheTeaFairy. It reminded me I needed to try it. Another new WPTC addiction.

And here’s the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N1DdwrsdTo (heh :)

Flavors: Jasmine, Pine

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Love that you just stood in the rain…I do that to. I’m really glad you got some.

And this tea is fantastic…


I love the rain – and we got big thunder too – it was AWESOME!


I’m in PA and we had huge thunderstorm for more than 2 hrs. I’m sure it’s flooded in some areas. At some moments it felt like it was right above my house. And electricity went off several times.


Every time I want to order this blend its out of stock. I want to place a big order by Fall cause some blends just meant for it.


I love those kinds of storms boychik – the big bangs right on top of you :) I’ve missed those. I will be ordering some of this as well.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

@boychik, there’s 4 ounces in right now from the July pine harvest :)


Very tempting…


@MzPriss, I miss those southern thunderstorms! They are few and far between here north of the wall (GoT reference). Also, this tea is perfectly balanced? Totally shocked (need sarcasm font!)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I try to reduce the balance on some teas just for the fun of it ;)


@Brenden – I woke up and had Northern Sweet Tea first thing. It’s a glass-licker.


Lol, totally glass-licker. Can’t wait for my elderberries :-)


I can’t wait until your WP box gets there either!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

:) Don’t you love it?!


Yes I do! And I was going to link to your recipe on my blog – but, ahem, it isn’t up on your site yet.


Me too, can’t wait!!!! Have you tried the you know what???


No. I’m totally waiting for you.


Haha! You are so cute :-)


What I AM going to do today though is make 2 quarts of the Northern Sweet Tea. It was amazing o wake up to. I want some all weekend.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I’m out of maple syrup :’(


:O oh no!


Fedexing you a few litres now. No one should ever be without maple syrup, ever!!! :-(


You guys crack me up. :)


Speaking of crack – this Ailaoshan Black is pretty crack-y


I want to try it!


Sarsonator, join the party :-)

Yep, Ailaoshan made a junkie out of me….


@Sarsonator – check your PM missy


PM checked!

And now I’m looking around my house to figure out what I can sell in order to feed my tea habit…


i sold the kids and then the grand-kids for tea money and now….anybody need a cat?


that was dual-purpose mrmopar – now you have room for more cakes

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Sad Sipdown (made even sadder because this was removed from my cupboard so my number doesn’t change).

Anyways, I decided to splurge since tomorrow I am starting a clean eating challenge and that means no tea. So, for my last day of tea (for the next two weeks), I decided it was finally time to break out the last of this amazing sample courtesy of Cavocorax. This tea is creamy, bright, fresh and delicious and I am sad to see it go.


No TEA?! That sounds horrible. ;) Good luck with your challenge.

Roswell Strange

D: No tea at all? Not even herbals? Tea twin you’re crazy.


Good luck!!!
And that’s a good tea to go out on!


Thank you. So far so good though I miss my teas. I am wondering if maybe I can drink caffeine free since the reason it says no tea is the caffeine (though it does allow for three cups of green tea)


I think as long as you avoid overly sugared drinks it should be fine. :) I’ve actually stolen a couple recipes from that to use in my daily life. The overnight oatmeal microwaves up perfectly in the morning with no cooking required! Just 50 seconds and it’s warm.


I had the overnight oatmeal today. I liked it though I think in the future if I made it on my own, I would use the vanilla almond milk as opposed to the unsweetened. Also, the plan is meant to be a cleanse but I am just following it to get back into the habit of healthy eating and to pick up some new recipes so I am thinking that tea isn’t such a big deal.


I don’t like yogurt in it, so I used a bit of ahem cream. That might be why it was so tasty. I made more for tomorrow, using dried currants. I need to get back into eating breakfast, but I know that camping is going to be full of weird and unhealthy foods. (Toasted marshmallows FTW!)

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What’s one of the best things about living near other steepsterites? Drive-by tea drops. Today I was able to pick up two boxes outside Cavocorax’s door (one for me and one for Sil) and deposit a box for Cavo in it’s place. I was so excited to go through the many samples I had to try and after four long hours of work, I was able to come home and brew up a cup. I went straight for this given the love it’s been receiving recently on this site.

I gotta say, I am jumping on the Golden Orchid bandwagon because this is delicious. It’s a little malty, a little bready, a little creamy, a little chocolatey, and a whole lot of vanilla. Mmmm tasty! Thank you Cavo!!! I now see a Whispering Pines order in my future but first to try the other samples Cavo generously shared.

ETA: I am not loving the resteep of this cup. The vanilla is gone leaving behind bread and chocolate but not in a way that the flavors are meshing as nicely as they did with the first steep. Usually I don’t resteep my teas anyways so I am not too bothered by a poor second performance (and by “poor”, I don’t mean bad…just not as good)


Mmmmm… I had a cup of this early this morning, but it was a bit weak. I’m going to steep it for longer before I do my first review. It was very promising though! I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Also drive-by-tea drops!!!


I’m sorry your cup was weak. Mine wasn’t in-your-face but I think that’s what I liked about it.


OMG love this tea. I hope you like it just as much


Yup, my next tea purchase will be from these guys. I need to try this!


Yeah, it might be better for later in the day. I think early morning teas need to slap me in the face!

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Drinking this “Laoshan style”… I used to drink only my Dragonwell this way, but a certain Tea Whiz of the Woods mentioned that method worked with pretty much all teas.

For those who are unfamiliar with the method, this is how I do it. I use a tall glass preferably, and poor low temp water on the leaves. When they sink at the bottom, I start to drink. When the glass gets 2/3 empty, I refill. If you are using good quality tea, it NEVER gets bitter.

I like using a crystal beer glass cause I don’t burn my fingers this way. Here’s a few pics:



Now the tea. It’s such a lovely pretty tea. (Aren’t WP teas all pretty? What’s up with that?)

The taste is so friendly, it’s smooth, not overly vegetal nor grassy. It’s got sweet tender buttery green beans notes.

It’s got that marine breeze saltiness I like so much, I’m eating macadamia nuts and it just goes so perfectly with that taste.

If you shy away from green teas because of their ususal grassiness, this tea is for you. Oh, and please don’t throw out the brewed leaves. They are so good and tender. Add them to green smoothies, stir fries or salads. They are delicious, not bitter at all!

Now, a long Story…skip if uninterested.

My dog Dexter has been a little nervous at night lately. We’ve had a possible beak in attempt a few nights ago…while I was in the house. The alarm company sent the police over, big commotion, could not determine what really happened.

My dog is a big baby, but he can be such a bad ass mofo (this word is a courtesy of MzPriss)

The police told me he does a better job than any alarm system will ever do. They say if a doberman lets you in…it won’t ever let you out.

So the next night, when I heard him growling at the same door from which the supposedly break in attempt happened, I got scared.

So I did what any bad fake blonde actress in a lame B horror movie would do. I did it people. I opened the door and got out on the deck. (Fake dumb blond reenactment) «Hello? Hello? Someone there?» Silence. Pitch dark, I don’t have city lights in my neck of the woods…but then I heard alien noises…hmmmm…was I about to have an encounter with the third kind? Flashlight time, pointed it towards the noise source. This is what I found:


Awwww…. Little baby raccoons feeding off my bird feeder!!! They froze and stayed there. I had time to go grab the camera, put it on night mode and get this amazing shot.

Now, was this dynamic duo responsible for the break in attempt? They would not tell me. But I’d like to think they were…and I’d say that’s a guilty look if I ever saw one!


Eww, raccoons. Not a fan after seeing coons larger than dogs in the city boosted by human food growth hormones. Nice post about the tea, however^^


Lol, but racoons are so cute!!


Aaaaww they are so cute! Remind me to tell you about Mr. Peepers sometime.

I had a break in once, while I was in the house. Now I have 3 dogs and I’m armed. I used to have an alarm, but that just went off for no reason. If anyone so much as breathes outside this house, the dogs let me know.


Oh how horrible Sars… Good thing you are well protected now. And yes, I’d love to hear about Mr. Peepers :-)


I’m glad you have Dexter, even if he’s a big baby, as you say. He still undoubtedly has impressive hearing and the fact that he probably LOOKS scary goes a long way!!!!


How adorable!


(I really need to change my screen name…..)


LOL Dex :p


Hahaha! So sorry about that dexter…don’t change your name please, maybe i should just call him DeDe around here like I do at home ;-)

Sars he his a big baby, but don’t underestimate him: he can flip into serial killer in no time! Two years ago, he came back with a peeping tom’s piece of ass in his mouth…good boy :-)


So adorable! That’s great they stayed while you ran for the camera – such a good photo!


Caile, It was so funny, they were like frozen in time, caught in the act!


ROTFL!!! Omg, I guess that’s why some people don’t like them…But they are just hungry little fury balls, poor things.


Soo cute! But I would piss in my pants. I’m scared of wild animals except squirrels haha


Wow.. So glad it was mischievous raccoons & not someone tryi to get in. What a scary adventure.


We had one that visited the well where we keep the garden hose in the front porch. One day I lifted off the cover only to be greeted by a furry face. The poor thing was only looking for water. It had been very hot, but it made me jump back a little.


Yikes! I hope it turns out the little robber raccoon were responsible for the whole thing, how terrifying!


Lol, boychik, How do you survive the whole summer over there??? Now you must have critters all over the place no?

Suziqzer, dunno if they are guilty, but it reassures me to think they are, that’s for sure :-)

Yyz, I guess they can be surprising, no matter how cute they are!

Amanda, yep, I sure hope so….


I saw coyote last week. He was running to my neighbors drive way. Needless to say I run to the house. I think he got scared as well;)


Omg, they’re sooooooo cute!! I love raccoons :) I hope they were the guilty party for the attempted break-in. They’re easily distracted by shiny things :)


Oooh, coyote…they can be dangerous though when they are hungry…but you’re right, most critters are more afraid of of then we are of them!

mj, they were just the cutest thing ever!! i do hope they were the ones playing with my door nob, haha!


They probably smelled you brewing tea and wanted to come in for a tea party… They figured they could jiggle the doorknobs and get your attention. It’s a little known fact that racoons can’t knock on doors.


Well sars…then tea would be the culprit???


And your sparkling personality. I’d totally crash your tea parties. I’d just knock first. :)

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Tea of the night…

I love my little green teas. Yes, they are my little ones. I don’t drink them as often as my blacks and oolongs but I do appreciate them. Yes, I play on the dark AND the green side!

This is like drinking morning dew. As if I had gone out at the first hour of the day to collect in my glass steeper enough little grassy drops to fill a decent tiny cup. In French, morning dew is called “la rosée”, I love that word, it sounds so soft and fluffy, just like this tea is.

I took a picture…

I know, I know, I often like to show…well see, I don’t have a blog but I take pictures all the time, especially tea pictures, so why not share them? Of course you don’t have to click, I won’t be offended… But for those who love to watch, here it is:


Isn’t it pretty and tender looking? Like beautiful seaweeds, moving in slow motion.

It tastes so fresh and vegetal, a bit salty and marine. It’s a pure and clean taste. The type I love to pair with fish.

I threw this one in my cart on last order cause ya know…my plan is to try ALL existing Whispering Pines teas!!!

I’m glad I did.
Christina / BooksandTea

That does look lovely. Why must you tempt me so! I told Steepster and my entire family that I wouldn’t buy any more tea until September!


So pretty in that glass. Do you love that steeper? I’ve been thinking about one…


Christina…just give in…september was way too ambitious ;-)

MzPriss, I love my test tube! Short steep for the lazy…works really well for green and shou but not so much for larger leaf like oolong, it gets too jammed packed.


I like the pictures you post :-)


Thanks mj :-)


@TeaF I’ve been eyeing one at I think Verdant. What I need to be eyeing is where I’m going to put everything that is either alresady here or coming to my house.
@Christina – she is a total temptress…


Oh, I hear you on that…massive shit load of tea coming our way…i have 2 yixing pots on the way also. Sigh.
(I did buy my test tube at Verdant…totally worth it…you should seriously consider…just sayin’)


Maybe when the Laoshan Choky Genmaicha comes in. I have massive shitloads still to come, but I’ve been putting Madala in tins this morning and it makes me happeh :) I have also been LOLing at my messages this morning but now I want chai, so that will be my on the way to work tea…


2 yxings??? LOL. I LOVE you.


Hahaha! I don’t blame you, I cold brewed some right after that conversation!


Well you obviously don’t know my relationship with yixing pots…I buy them, I break them…then I buy some more, and I break some more….CLUMSY!!!


I a breaker too. Well more of a chipper actually. Although, my sweet little cup w/infuser that I reviewed on here recently? I had it for a week and a half before I broke the mug :(


’scuse my typos. not enough sleep :(


Off to work (with my chai) Have a good day


Lol, you too :-)

Cameron B.

Why don’t you have a blog? :)


I love your pictures!

Terri HarpLady

Lovely pics as always, & we have matching test tube steepers :)
I love that thing, wouldn’t dream of brewing green teas in anything else!
On the topic of breaking things (rolls eyes dramatically), my desk & studio are both littered with chipped tea cups, because once I chip them I won’t serve tea in them. So they become holders of things: pennies, paperclips, a wet tea strainer, the weird little Bingo keytags that I write my daily tasks on (in hopes of actually getting them done), etc.
I have a fantasy of rounding them up this fall & planting a small succulent jade plant in each on, to give as winter gifts to my students.
Gratefully, I haven’t broken any of my yixings (knock on wood). I would be heart broken.


I love that jade plant idea! Teacup planters are adorable and I have a very handsome jade plant that I enjoy a lot. It’s one of my favorites (shhhh don’t tell my other plants)


Yixings? From where ? Links ?
I love the pics and you should blog, telling ya


Thanks you guys, but no need for a blog, Steepster is my tea-home, I’m way happier here with you all :-)

Terri, what a great idea!

Boychik…dunno if you remember, but when you were buying yours from Zen Tea, I told you I had purchased the pumpkin one and that IMHO, their prices could not be beaten for signed handmade pots. Well….I cracked it. It’s not conpletely broken, but can’t be used anymore. I liked it soooo much that I repurchased it…


And…couldn’t resist this one in the process…does it look familiar?



Oh I love the pumpkin and second looks very familiar. I just checked prices went up, mine was $29
Oh well, it’s worth every penny.


Lol, yes, it’s totally worth it…I have bought lots of teaware from them and I know they are 100% reliable. I don’t know any other places where you can get a certificate of authenticity for such low price. Kenneth, the owner had told me it was his last batch in inventory, he wouldn’t be able to get them anymore. So I made my move before they’re all gone :-)

Terri HarpLady

Mine are all very plain, but wonderfully functional, all from Mandala. However, there are others I’ve been drooling over for awhile…


I got 2 fr YS some time ago but they are 200 ml. At that time I didn’t realize that they are huge. I really want them to be 100-130ml .

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Thanks Courtney for allowing me to steal a small sample of this from your stash! it was just as dark and rich and chocolatey as I imagined and I can totally see how this is the perfect base for the Chocolate Chip tea.

OMG. Just. It’s so good.

Thanks! (157)

Cameron B.

I ordered a sample of this earlier today and I’m pretty excited about it. :D


feck. i want to place an order…. whines


Sil, you already know what I think of your pseudo hesitation…we both that you will end up DOING IT!!!


hey… i have not yet succumbed to a Mandala order..i know that i WILL end up doing it…but i’m TRYING for August…

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