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drank Kiwi Lemonade by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 116)

Randomly found this one on the website so I bought it… I see that since Ros has added this to Steepster, that answers my question about whether this is a new or renamed tea! I can’t say that I tasted any particular kiwi, but it was a nice, refreshing lemony-fruity flavour – kind of lemon verbena-y? We had a pitcher of it iced. Not a repurchase for me but I’d drink it again.

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drank Strawberry Kiwi by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 115)

I’ve actually now forgotten what I thought of this tea, except that it was a bit sweeter than I’d like, and I didn’t love it. I preferred Strawberry Kiwi Capri.

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(DavidsTea 2022: 114)

2022 Sipdown 131/365!
Mastress Alita’s Sipdown Challenge May 2022: Tea flavoured like a favourite baked good

Picked this tea for my favourite baked good; I loooove blueberry muffins!

Got a 25g packet of this as a freebie with a recent order, and as an experiment, I brewed the entire package up into a 16(?) oz mug. It was delicious. Berries and cream, earthy, perfectly sweet, kind of like an adult juice. I loved it, and so did my son. Had a resteep that was delicious too. An expensive mug of tea but that’s ok!

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drank Orange Dreamsicle by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 113)

Iced pitcher of this; it’s not bad despite being rooibos, but there’s a bit of an oily film on it that I don’t like. Flavour is fairly creamy orange with some woodiness from the rooibos.

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drank Mango Lemonade by DAVIDsTEA
149 tasting notes

The overwhelming aroma from this tea is from pomelo skin, and the flavor is grapefruit. I like grapefruit and never add sugar to it, but this tea is no more than a “meh.” I let my husband try my cup of tea and he suggested a little bit of honey to improve the flavor. I normally do not consume added sugars, partly because I don’t care for sweets and partly because I am trying to control my blood glucose levels (and I eat a low-carb diet too). So I grabbed our bottle of lemon honey (which we accidentally bought thinking it was regular honey to use in baking and with oatmeal). A small amount improved the flavor tremendously! But I still don’t taste mango. Another review suggested that this might be better as an iced tea and I will keep it long enough to try it! But the best part is that this tea thankfully DOES NOT CONTAIN STEVIA! Stevia makes my tongue swell so I had to throw out a bunch of DavidsTea that I didn’t realize contained it. Stevia isn’t as harmless as manufacturers want you to think; some people are allergic to it. Wouldn’t buy again but will keep it for awhile.

Flavors: Artificial, Grapefruit

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Sipdown! I must have had the rest of this but I don’t remember.

I don’t hate it.
I don’t love it.

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Eh…I was expecting to love this. I love Earl Grey and I think I love creamy teas. But it tasted exactly like an Earl Grey Rooibos I had a few months back…I guess I’m tired of that flavor and wasn’t expecting it in this tea. It really doesn’t taste like Earl Grey …just weird and artificial. Disappointing.

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drank Sheng Pu'erh by DAVIDsTEA
149 tasting notes

This tea has an earthy tobacco flavor with a very forward astringency. Aroma and flavor remind me of the aroma of my father’s Holiday brand pipe tobacco in the 1970’s. A strong-flavored tea, I did not detect notes of caramel in the batch I received. As I am not overwhelmed by the flavor, I will continue to look for a Puerh I like better. This was the last of this 2 oz envelope and I will not be re-ordering. I don’t hate it, I just don’t like it very much.

Flavors: Astringent, Dust, Earth, Tobacco

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Would you like to try a few pu’er teas shared as gifts? That way you don’t have to spend any of your own money on something you might not like.


Possibly! Sounds like a good idea.

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I love cranberries but two things turned me off: 1) When steeping, it smelled like chicory, but I think that was the dandelion root. 2) It was sour-bland. It just didn’t taste like cranberries.

Flavors: Sour, Straw

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Phoenix Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
275 tasting notes

I’m giving up. I don’t know what happened with my perceptions last time as its nothing like what I taste now, which is back to what my previous notes read.

I give up. I regret spending the money on it. I’ve tried mixing it with Tangerine Tuxedo in an attempt to mask its harsh flavors, but even that isn’t working. I’m going to wait til I want the tin for something else before I dump it, but I’m pretty sure this is just heading for the trash can.

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drank Phoenix Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
275 tasting notes

Decided to give this a try again. Its been sitting a while (over 6 months) and I swear the flavor profile has completely changed for me. It has a strong floral quality to it which becomes more prominent as it cools. There might be some sweetness, but its difficult for me to say. I’m not a fan of floral flavors and it can make it difficult for me to notice other flavors.

Just not wowed by this one.

Cameron B.

I’m not a dancong fan in general because I don’t love floral notes either.

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drank Phoenix Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
275 tasting notes

So, I took a good break and then came back. Drank this the last few days. Leather has calmed down significantly. Still a little wood, a little roast (not too strong), and maybe a little bready or something similar.

Its still not something I would have on a regular basis, but I might be tempted to pull it out periodically.

Part of me wonders if summer isn’t the best time for this one as well. I am very mood driven and during hot summer, I’m just not pulled to these types of flavors.

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drank Phoenix Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
275 tasting notes

Well, this looks to be one of those situations where I read the description and reviews and wonder if I received something completely different from everyone else.

Over the last few days I’ve had this a number of times, playing with the steeping parameters (leaf water ratio, steeping time, even the temp) each time. It doesn’t seem to make any difference. The dominant flavor is that of leather. Maybe a little wood, though that seems more tied to the scent of the steeped leaves and not so much in the flavor.

Not going to rate this right now as I am still struggling with the dissonance between my expectations and reality. This is absolutely nothing like it was described. No fruit, no floral, no sweet, no roasted, just tanned leather.

In fact this very much reminds me of a pu’erh I tried once minus the mud (and thankfully rotting fish) flavor.

On the plus side, there is no astringency I can detect. I’d also say its not bitter, but I fully admit my perception there can be off as compared to most people.

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drank Movie Night by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

This tastes kind of like a caramel kettle corn. I don’t love it enough to repurchase it or really see myself reaching for it much because I’ve found I’m not in love with popcorn flavored tea, but I’m really glad for the opportunity to try this one.

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drank Jumpy Monkey by DAVIDsTEA
281 tasting notes

Not bad, I was thinking it would have banana, anything with monkey in the title tends to make me think bananas. Anywho, it does have a strong coffee taste, lotsa visible coffee beans- green beans etc. its nice although pretty sweet on its own. Liked it most as a latte. Good for coffee lovers that are looking to switch to tea…

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drank Golden Spiral by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: already recorded)

Super behind on tasting notes. I’m not sold on this tea; there’s a bit of a bitter flavour that appears to be part of the profile and not a user error issue. It’s drinkable, but there are many other black teas I prefer.

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drank Golden Spiral by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: already recorded)

Morning cup of this the other day, as it was handy. I still think it’s a bit rougher around the edges than I’d like, and prefer chinese blacks in this genre from other companies.

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drank Golden Spiral by DAVIDsTEA
6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 109)

I’d been waiting for this tea to show up on the website for a while so I could use up a free tea reward on it, and I think it was worth it. I overleafed, not considering that the rolled leaves are more compact, so it wasn’t as smooth or flavourful as it could have been, but I did enjoy it. I think the profile went more in the malty hay direction instead of chocolate (I’d hoped for the latter).

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drank Rainbow Lemonade by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

This has a fruity citrus flavor. It’s decent, not bad, but not something I would really reach for often or feel the need to have on hand.

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I really like this tea. Perfect breakfast tea with milk and sugar.. nice and strong but expensive . It’s little bits of tea and maybe overpriced. 10 dollars for under two ounces when you can get 4 ounces of Harney free shipping under ten. I think the Irish breakfast is most comparable if my memory serves. I like it… prolly wont buy it again…

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drank Bubble Gum by DAVIDsTEA
1268 tasting notes

For the May sipdown prompt, “A tea with a creative blend of ingredients.” Technically the composition of this isn’t too different from your typical fruit tea, but the flavorings make it quite unique. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tea with “juicy fruit” flavoring.

The dry leaf smells so strongly of pink bubblegum, it’s almost a little unnerving. I cold brewed the tea, and expected a purple or blue hue from the included butterfly pea flower, but instead it brewed a very faint pink-bordering-on-goldenrod. The smell carries over in the cold brew, too, though not as potent.

It tastes very accurate. It has that weird combined fruity flavor that tastes like bubblegum. It is sweet but not aggressively so given the candy tie-in. I have to really focus in to pick apart some of the fruit flavors (apple, pineapple, pear) but mindlessly gulping it ice cold to fight against warm weather dehydration, it just tastes like bubblegum. Classicly “pink” at first, with more of a “Juicy Fruit” gum flavor later in the sip that lingers on the tongue. Oddly enough, I get a very faint (a mere shadow, really) of a spearmint aftertaste, despite there being nothing minty in the blend.

It’s fun and definitely unique, but aside from the novelty of trying it, I don’t think it is the kind of thing I’d seek out again, despite being a bubblegum flavor fan.

Flavors: Apple, Bubblegum, Candy, Fruity, Pear, Pineapple, Spearmint, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more 4 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

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drank Fantasy Island by DAVIDsTEA
150 tasting notes

This is another swap sample from Shae. Realizing I am not doing as much gongfu as I intended this month. I guesss if I am drinking tea its still a good thing.

Preparation: Western (no additives)
Tasting note: Malty black tea, yum. Plus a slight be of sweetener in the blend or maybe some coconut. Anyways its a little creamy and a little sweet which is nice. I get a little bit of something nutty. And not sure if I totally get the raspberry in this cup, its the tiniest bit jammy but not distinctly fruity. Surprisingly nice.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Vanilla Bean Black by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

I got this one from the TTB and I’m quite enjoying it! It’s nice and creamy with a decent vanilla flavor and some hints of coconut. I haven’t been able to try many flavored black teas due to their usual high caffeine content, but this one says it’s low caffeine. Makes me wish I could try more black teas because many of the interesting flavors I’ve seen seem to use a black tea base!

Flavors: Coconut, Vanilla


Can you make a tiny cup of tea or share with someone? I try not to drink much caffeine, so I’m always passing mugs of tea to family members after a few sips.

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drank Wild Raspberry by DAVIDsTEA
448 tasting notes

I saw both the flavor and the stevia in this blend and knew that it called for cold-brewing as opposed to a hot cup.

I’m surprised by how much I’m enjoying this! It tastes like raspberry and hibiscus, which are perfectly refreshing flavors for the beautiful 70 and 80 degree weather we’re having lately. I do keep forgetting that this isn’t an herbal blend and theoretically has green tea in it, since the raspberry flavor is so strong. The upside to that is that the stevia flavor is also overpowered by the raspberry meaning this just ends up sweet, fruity, and refreshing

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