drank Phoenix Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
275 tasting notes

Well, this looks to be one of those situations where I read the description and reviews and wonder if I received something completely different from everyone else.

Over the last few days I’ve had this a number of times, playing with the steeping parameters (leaf water ratio, steeping time, even the temp) each time. It doesn’t seem to make any difference. The dominant flavor is that of leather. Maybe a little wood, though that seems more tied to the scent of the steeped leaves and not so much in the flavor.

Not going to rate this right now as I am still struggling with the dissonance between my expectations and reality. This is absolutely nothing like it was described. No fruit, no floral, no sweet, no roasted, just tanned leather.

In fact this very much reminds me of a pu’erh I tried once minus the mud (and thankfully rotting fish) flavor.

On the plus side, there is no astringency I can detect. I’d also say its not bitter, but I fully admit my perception there can be off as compared to most people.

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Due to Steepster instability, I have moved to my own system for logging/rating/tracking and I have chosen to move to a 10pt rating system. (As of 7/2023)

All new teas will be rated using this new system. Existing teas will not be modified unless I try them again.

Rating Details:
100 – Amazing
90 – Excellent
80 – Enjoyable
70 – If I’m in the right mood
60 – Nothing Special
50 – Interesting elements, but doesn’t work as a whole
40 – Disappointing
30 – Not for me
20 – Harsh/Bad
10 – Absolutely horrible

All reviews are purely subjective based upon my personal preferences alone.


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