Read My Lips

Tea type
Black Tea
Artificial Flavouring, Black Tea Leaves, Dark Chocolate, Peppermint, Pink Peppercorn, Sprinkles
Artificial, Chocolate, Cocoa, Mint, Sweet, Peppermint, Sugar, Peppercorn, Cream, Herbs, Smooth, Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Spices, Pepper, Brown Sugar, Milk, Bitter, Malt, Spicy, Alcohol, Creamy, Powdered Sugar, Cacao, Tannin, Tea, Candy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 7 g 21 oz / 615 ml

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Kiss me, kiss me

Okay, this is probably the world’s best chocolate tea. Honestly. Better than dessert. More reliable than sex. It’s a totally decadent combination of China black tea, vanilla, peppermint, chocolate bits and spicy red peppercorns. Plus it contains little red candy lips for a kiss of sweetness. In other words, it’s a completely satisfying spring experience with no guilt or strings attached.

Ingredients: Chinese black tea, peppermint, dark chocolate (Sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin and vanilla), red lip sprinkles (sugar, rice flour, cottonseed or soybean oil, cornstarch, gum and soy lecithin, colouring), pink peppercorns, natural and artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy and may contain dairy

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

465 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Believe it or not, I bought 7 oz of this in August. On a whim. It was on sale, so that made it ok?

This is a good tea. I don’t know that it was 7 oz of hoarding good. But I am down to just a few servings of this after this cuppa! YEAH!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 9 OZ / 266 ML

Holy crap, I didn’t think you would be that close to finishing it already. Didn’t you also buy it for swaps?

I’ve yet to purchase that much of one tea in one go haha.


7 oz?! That’s impressive.


I sorta had huge cups of it everyday for a few weeks. :P
And I barely swapped any of it away. So much for that plan!

Now to get through the 7oz of Ceylon Star that I also bought on impulse a few months afterwards.


Wowwww. That’s a lot!


Yeah.! Sil made fun of me for a long time for buying it, but it was $12 or something and my brainjust went OMG SALE! I didn’t realize it was 7 oz until I got home. :D


WOOHOO! That’s awesome. :)


I would LOVE to have 7 oz of this stuff! I love it! Even my two year old is nuts for it. He bugs me for sips every time he sees me drinking it lol. A mini tea connoisseur in the making :) . I’m enjoying a nice big mug of it as I type this and I would never swap this either, it’s just too good! I really hope I can find this in bulk because it will be a staple for sure!


Keep an eye out on DavidsTea’s web specials page! You might be able to grab it there. They change the selection every so often.

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806 tasting notes

having this with marshmallows right now YUM!


Okay so I totally bought marshmallows with the intention of dropping one in a few of my blends as a sweetener. And I totally ate all the marshmallows before trying them in a single tea! Gotta buy more marshmallows! :D

Autistic Goblin

I have a habit of doing that sometimes :D the whole reason I started buying marshmallows was because Stacy (Butiki Teas) said she bought a bag of marshmallows and ate them all before blending tea. Since then I’ve had a marshmallow craving that is not going away :D It’s all Stacy’s fault :D


Me too!! It’s totally her fault. =P

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516 tasting notes

Enjoying some “Ol’ Reliable” after the worst day at work.
I made a booboo. A big one. Not a money related one (I don’t care about those when I work for a big business – well I care but not in a way that haunts my every waking moment haha) – but one that affected a customer in a bad way :(
I feel so bad, I apologized profusely.. but it didn’t change the fact. I’m also not looking forward to the consequences when I get back to work after labour day.

Ah well, we’re only human right?

Minty black chocolately goodness will get me back on track. This tea, plus I just discovered this hilarious online game called Drawception – it’s a mix between telephone and pictionary. Here’s an example of one I participated in:

It’s really fun, you should comment below if you gave it a try :D

So! As they say – tomorrow is a latter day. :) Things will look up!


Oh no :( I hope it doesn’t turn out as bad as you’re afraid it will~

Daisy Chubb

:) I hope so too! Thanks Michelle <3


=( Hugs.


P.S. Drawception is hilarious.

Daisy Chubb

:) Thanks Nik! I agree 100% :D


I’m so sorry. I self destruct when I screw up. Like being eaten alive. Horrible. Most of the rest of the world doesn’t give those kinds of errors a second thought. Shows that you are a person with integrity! Hold your head up high, I’m proud of you for caring!

Dylan Oxford

I hope it turns out okay! If it makes you feel any better, I made an $8.4M dollar mistake a little while back ;)

Daisy Chubb

Bonnie – Thank you. That means so much to me, it’s comforting to know we have that in common :) It’s true, there are so many that can just shrug things off – I can’t even fathom! Thank you – your message has truly lifted a weight off my shoulders :) < my grin is much bigger in real life!!

Daisy Chubb

Oh my gosh, thank you Dylan!
Oh my! That is quite a number! It reminds us that we’re only human right? I hope everything turned out alright for you too!

Dylan Oxford

Oh yeah, it was fine. We do a lot of back and forth financial transactions, so it was really just a matter of explaining the back-and-forth.


fingers crossed for you Daisy… don’t forget that employers still hire humans for a reason and that comes with the possibility of screw ups once in a while…As an employer, the fact that you are so concerned about it would teach me a lot about you and would make me want to keep you around :-)

Ninavampi Hope that everything will turn out ok!!! I hate that haunting feeling… I hope tea made everything better!

Everyone makes mistakes, hopefully they are aware of that! Good luck!

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15588 tasting notes

SIPDOWN!(288, soon to be higher again) also 1700th tasting note AND a thank you to gracebtlb for sending this one along in our swap. Now i’ve had this before grace sent it along but part of why i figured it would go well as my 1700th tasting note is that this is one of the first few teas that i ever tried when i started out on this journey less than a year ago. It’s nice to revisit where i started from and how far i’ve come in the teas that i’ve experienced and the flavours that i’ve come to love, hate or otherwise. This was one of my favourite teas in the beginning, but over time i’ve come to realise that other companies do similar blends that are a bit more expertly crafted than David’s Tea. It is a really nice blend though and it will always have a special place in my heart as one of the first teas i REALLY fell in love with that kicked off my crazy flavour journey :)

So thank you grace! for a walk down memory lane and a chance to revisit an old friend :) Especially since i haven’t had free time to really enjoy your other samples that i’m SUPER excited about!


1700+ cups of tea. Count me amazed!


lol it’s actually more than that if you count them as normal people sized cups…but my cups are uh twice the most of my “cups” are the equivalent of 2 heh


my random arbitrary goal (who doesn’t love those) is to get to 2000 by my birthday and get my cupboard down to 150 by then. uh…not sure either is likely lol


i’m rooting for you!! hah


Wow, 1700!!!!!!! O_o That’s just insane. Congrats!


1700!! My iron level just dropped reading that. ;)


haha this is funny because now you are at 3477 tasting notes – OVER twice as many!!!
and it’s been less than 9 months. averaging approx 180 tasting notes a month, 45 tasting notes a week, 6-7 tasting notes a day, or 1 tasting note every 2.5 hrs of general day time hours. unless you log in your sleep…. perhaps you log in your sleep????


I think she logs in her sleep. ;)


huh never thought about it that way…thanks for bringing it home for me shmiracles lol


Wow, you are a tea machine!!

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2970 tasting notes

I have melancholy tonight, for no real reason. So, I am having this sweet tea, even though its after dinner and caffeinated. I need some chocolate in my evening. Maybe that will help.
And I have an evening with my comfy chair and some books, so all will be well.


Sounds relaxing. I hope it does the trick!

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2291 tasting notes

Gotta sip down the minty stuff since I’m moving in with my BFF, who is horribly allergic.

This is from Cavocorax. :)

Kind of disappointing today really. Not much tea, lots of mint (which is surprisingly ok for me this morning) and the DavidsTea chocolate flavour of meh.

Generally I do like this one as an occasional treat, but I’m not too disappointed I won’t be able to have it again.

Thanks for sharing, Cavo!

3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I’ve never heard of a mint allergy before – I feel so sorry for him or her! I am a mint addict. MMMM.


This was THE tea that started me down this path, my very favorite tea for a long time.
Until I found Della Terra’s mint chocolate teas….then this one became kind of meh.


Yeah, it’s interesting. And it’s just peppermint and garden mint. Flavourings as well as the plant. Well. Interesting. Her throat closes up and she can’t breathe, so it really is horrible.


I have mint lotions and aromas and tea and anything else I can get minty. Almost all my lip balm would be awful for her. I used to have a field of mint when I was a kid. It was lovely. It must be hard for her to avoid mint, it is a pretty common aroma/additive. I have a personal loathing of coconut but at least it doesn’t try to kill me!


Boo… sorry it was disappointing. I find it never hurts to overleaf this one, and then you’ll be done it sooner!


Cavo, one cup left! Hopefully it’s more like I remember. :)

Uniquity, she has to get off transit because people are chewing gum, leave cafes because people get mint tea, and recently had to evacuate her shared office because someone came in with mint. She had to go outside the building and get someone to bring her all her things. Allergies suck!

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709 tasting notes

Oh, Read My Lips – I love you so! When I first smelled and tasted you, I thought you could never be the one for me…but now? Now I don’t know how I ever lived without you. I just sent some of you off to a co-worker who also loves mint and chocolate but I can’t help but mourn that cup I’ll never have. Luckily there are 50 more grams of you at home, and tonnes more at the store. You might just be my winter indulgence this year!

ps – Thanks for making me love chocolate teas…I never knew what I was missing!


Just finished this as a latte of sorts with Vanilla, Almond milk. Oh and I melted a square of an Aero bar in the milk. It was amazing. I really love this tea.


I felt the same the first time I tried it! It reminded me of chocolate lip smackers (which for me was not a good thing at all!!) and now a absolutely love it! mmmm…


Mm I’m also a fan of this one. @Cattibrie, that latte sounds fantastic!

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676 tasting notes

In another Universe a long time ago, this was to me, one of the finest tea’s ever. Really.
I was new to loose leaf tea and waited impatiently for my packages of flavored tea’s from Canada to arrive. Oh, they were so yummy good!
Oh Canada, Chocolate Orange Puerh, and Read My Lips! Slurp!

As the months passed, I tasted tea’s from Teavivre, then Butiki and Verdant, and so many other tea companies that opened my mind to the realization that the Tea ‘World’ wasn’t FLAT like a tea bag, but FULL of FLAVOR without being chemically ‘flavored’. My ‘World’ was set free, expanded and became ROUND!

I had a little bit of Read My Lips left in a tin and went back to taste it. What would I think?

Remembering my first love of the peppermint scent, I smiled. It was still as I remembered…almost like candy canes in the snow. Cool, with a chocolaty smell that is a vision of peppermint bark frosted with dark chocolate. Oh I hope my daughter makes some of this candy this year!

I took a sip of tea and the memory was ‘Oh yes, I am back at the beginning of my tea journey’, but the taste was…‘Oh dear, I don’t think I can finish this sour, over-flavored artificially spiked tea!"

Where was the tea? “Yoo Hoo, tea? Where are you?”, I wanted to yell into my cup.

Memories are often like this.

My first trip to Disneyland in 1955 at age 7, and later in High School were completely different experiences. Had Disneyland SHRUNK?
Of course not. I had changed.

Looking back, I had a great time with this tea.

I can’t say BLECH…I have to say…HUM.


Could also be that the tea has aged?


where was the tea ? I laughed reading this…this is exactly what I think each time I had a DT …yelling where are you ? …it never answered me !
I am still at the beginning of mt tea journey and drink mostly flavored teas but I have to recognize there are flavours and flavours…and some brands respect the tea base and some not always.unfortunately.


Don’t know I-bloom, don’t think it’s old enough and it wasn’t contaminated by other tea’s etc. either (I’m really careful because I’m very taste sensitive…smells too…the fibromyalgia heightens both). It just doesn’t taste as good to me. Too flavored and the aftertaste becomes SOUR!


I’ve noticed I’ve felt this way about jasmine flavored things. In the beginning of my tea journey I loved them a lot, but now I feel like they almost overpower the tea :(


darn, I was hoping that we could salvage David’s. So sad too bad!


Well Davids has less flavored tea’s and natural tea’s and unflavored tea’s too!


I never had their unflavoured ones but need to try, absolutely.


Read My Lips is a staple for me right now but it serves more as an over-glorified, powerful hot chocolate mix than anything else. I can see where you would get “sour” too. I wish David’s Tea would embrace subtlety and “tea-ness” but I guess that’s not what they’re about.

Terri HarpLady

Your comments about disney cracked me up! Growing up in San Diego, we made the pilgrimage to disney every year (sometimes more, sometimes less…carosel of progress & pirates of the Caribean were always my fav rides). So jump ahead 30 years in the future when me and my kids went to FLorida to visit my folks. We went to Disney, and I was so excited…and it was SO lame. The rides WERE shorter, and my kids were bored. Bummer.


I remember going into Space Mountain and laughing till I cried because the planets looked like giant cookies.


space mountain!! that was my fave ride when I went! the big drop into the darkness, omg that was amazing.
and the cookie planets :P

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1112 tasting notes

Delicious! Just the right amount of chocolate and mint — neither overpowers. I’m not sure what else is going on in there (i.e. what role the pink peppercorns play? Depth and gravitas?) but OH did I enjoy my tea this morning!!!

I may tell you that I got this because I was out of the generous amount of Harney’s chocolate peppermint black that ashmanra sent me, and I missed the flavor profile. I may tell you that I got this because it is so well-liked here on Steepster. I may tell you that I got this because it has a Chinese tea base. But make no mistake. I got this because of the WEE RED SUGAR LIPS!!!!!!!!!


They are also very Robert Smith-esque, but I’ll quit it with the 80s references (I can point to “Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me” too, but I said I’d be quiet now!). I wonder if the person who created this blend is about my age, and swirled and twirled to the post-punk that I still hold near and dear to my heart?

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Pink peppercorns are just too cute to have gravitas :)


this post made my day.
i’ve been debating for weeks weather i should stock back up on this tea. cuz damn do i have too much tea already but this is one that i drink every day HOT HOT HOT!!!


Just like Heaven ;) (Yes, fellow Cure fan here too lol)

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1184 tasting notes

Mmm, last cuppa of this jem!

I made this on the stovetop this time with half milk and half water. It is delicious this way. As usual, minty and chocolate. Nice Sunday treat! I don’t know if many people make their tea like this or not. But I tried it with pumpkin chai, and then I was curious how it would work with another black tea!

Tina S.

Try it with Cinnamon Rooibos Chai – its delightful!


Thanks for the suggestion, I will certainly try that!


Sounds delicious! Will have to try it this way sometime!

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