Celestial Seasonings

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I personally like this better than loose leaf Chamomile. The bag delivers just the right amount of strength, especially when steeped according to your taste. I prefer it strong, just before I go to bed. It’s very soothing.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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This is a nice, sweet smelling tea. I will drink it at night when my normal caffeine laden breakfast blends just won’t do. I like it with sweetener and a milk (type) product (depends on whether I have lactose free milk in the fridge, or if I have to go with soy).

I have been serving it to my kids since they were about 7 and 9, and they love it as much as they love hot chocolate (I fill the mug 1/2 with tea, and 1/2 with milk and then add a sweetener).

It is not TOO cloying—I don’t like most fruity or other flavored teas—this allows you to sweeten it up or down based on your own personal taste.

4 min, 30 sec

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It is good for colds. It has a nice taste, and I like the cinnamon. I mainly smell the cinnamon.

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Chai is probably my favorite tea. I have tried many and often disappointed. That said, I am highly surprised by the negative reviews on pre bagged tea. The flavors are strong and clear. Included are star anise and vanilla which I look for in Chai. I steep it for 5-7 minutes and usually drink it straight, occasionally with a splash of unsweetened almond milk. I don’t detect any bitter flavor either way. Very enjoyable.

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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Sipping down the last of this iced~

I think I like herbal’s iced the best. Especially the cheap bagged kind. This is just like delicious blueberry juice only without the calories. Its best sweetened with a touch of honey. Love this stuff, and definitely doing to be getting more once I finish off some of my other teas. It’ll probably make good popsicles when it gets hot. =D

Boiling 8 min or more

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I’m the kind of person who drinks fruity things all year around, so maybe my opinion is skewed a bit here, but I absolutely love this tea. It takes just the way blueberry tea should taste. Delicious and flavorful. Definitely a new favorite.

Boiling 8 min or more

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This one tastes like the mortal human drink Aide of Cool but, it’s tea and that makes it very Adult and a Grown Up Thing To Sip Mockingly While Twirling My Mustache. It’s entirely different and I wouldn’t understand younger readers to understand the experience. LOL. (P.S. Drink with sugar and don’t steep too long, otherwise delicious.)

3 min, 0 sec

Haha awesome review

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I love peach! Raw peaches, canned peaches, ice cream, candy, you name it, I love it! I bought this tea and with pretty much any tea, I sweetened it with a few packets of Splenda, because I like at least a little bit of sweetness to my teas. I think I could have gone without any sweetener though, so I may try it again tomorrow. As soon as the hot water hit the tea bag, I could instantly smell the wonderful aroma of juicy peaches. I almost tastes like a baked good with peaches or peaches and cream oatmeal. I really enjoy this tea and since I got it in a celestial seasonings fruit tea sampler, I will be buying this one again on my next grocery shopping trip. If you like peaches, or any kind of fruity sweet tea, I would definitly check this one out.

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I just recently bought this and I was so excited to have a coconut flavored tea! I smelled the cloves,anise,cinnamon,and ginger, it smelled so good. This morning I made a mug of this tea, and added about 2 teaspoons of sugar and to my surprise, when I took a sip there was absolutely NO coconut notes in this tea whatsoever! However, there is a wonderful spice to this tea and I really love the intensity of the cloves and anise. This is a great tea if you like the spicier side of tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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A tea that I only tried because a certain (annoying female) was hounding me to drink more tea with berries in them. However, for a girl’s tea, it’s pretty delicious, just don’t tell her I said so. I drink it with sugar to give it a little more of the sweetness I’m fond of.

3 min, 0 sec
Leah of Hel

You’re welcome.

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This tea smelled like heaven on earth and tasted … well, it tasted like hot water. Really disappointed in this one.

2 min, 0 sec

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I totally agree with those who say a lemon tea shouldn’t be red. Also, if you brew over a minute or two you’ll end up with a bitter disaster. Would love it so much more if there were less hibiscus and more true lemon. It also—as far as lemon teas go—pales when compared to Bigelow’s I Love Lemon.

1 min, 0 sec

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Prep: Hot water from hot water spigot (probably 180-190* F or so)
It tastes like a cookie. a really weird cookie. Reminds me of Graham crackers. or some cheap ginger snap cookies that have a bit of cinnamon in them. It maybe the Chicory or the vanilla, but for now I am going to say it is the chicory that is throwing the flavor off.
I have a whole box that I received for Christmas. It may go up for swap soon.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Love this tea and buy several boxes at Christmas time to keep me in stock year round. I love the scent and the beautiful deep red color when it brews.

180 °F / 82 °C

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This is tea is kind of hit and miss, but once you figure out how you like it, it’s a great (also cheap) dessert tea. At first I only steeped it for 5 minutes and all I tasted was orange and hot water. But once I got up to about 10 minutes it started to have some more flavor. This is one you’ve gotta let sit for a good while. It smells almost exactly like cookies, which can make the tea, which is pretty light, disappointing. However, I added a splash of almond milk and a generous amount of sugar and it was perfect. Give it a few tries and I think you’ll come around to liking it.

Boiling 8 min or more

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This is my cheap and dirty bagged tea of choice. Minty, clean tasting, noticeably alleviates indigestion. I usually put 2 bags in one mug because I find it otherwise kind of weak. Stands up well to lazy steeping, i.e. pouring whatever-temperature-is-in-the-kettle and letting it steep anywhere from 4 to 10 minutes. You do have to drink it while it’s still hot though, or it starts tasting a bit hollow and gritty.

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I’d prefer to have some type of leaf tea blended in, as i have had before, because the orange-y flavor was too sharp for me, and at times, bitter.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea is really old so I put 3 bags in my mug and hot water and then let it sit for…a while. A long while. I wasn’t checking the time but it was a really long while and the water was only a bit warm when I finally got around to drinking it. The combination of these 2 factors meant that there was actually taste to this old old tea and while it wasn’t what I remembered, it wasn’t terrible either. Still want some new bags though.


It’s almost the season….


When does this come to stores???

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Another one from my trade with Tea Sipper!

This tea smells amazing, just coming out of the bag. It steeps to a very light blonde and you can hardly tell that it is tea but for the smell but the taste…! Truly tastes like a sugar cookie both in the taste and the after taste. This is really good. It’s January now but I may have to see if there is still some in the stores or on Amazon.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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My family has been buying this tea for nearly as long as I can remember. We originally bought it for my sister, who was in the Nutcracker, and somehow it became a family holiday tradition. I pretty much turn this into a dessert with the amount of milk and sugar I put in it! (Also not bad with a little bit of rum.)

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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This is another one of my favorite herbal teas. I believe this was the first cup of herbal tea I ever had. I remember my aunt brewing it and it just tasted perfect. A warm mix of tart, sweet and herbal flavors. I always think fresh raspberries when I drink this tea. I don’t drink this every day, but when I want to be reminded of good memories or am feeling under the weather, its just perfect.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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YUCK!! No one in my house who’s tried this has liked it (spanning 2 – 63 yrs). It was on sale and my daughter liked the fairies on the box, hands down its most redeeming quality.

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We always throw one bag in when we make sweet tea (3/4 gallon or so) and it changes the drink completely.

It’s pretty decent on it’s own also.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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