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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
17 tasting notes

After reading the reviews here, we wanted to see if we felt this tea lived up to the hype so we ordered up a packet.

52teas ships in 2-ounces packets which are solid silver on the back and see through on the front. This is a nice touch, especially when you have such a visually-appealing tea like this one. Those great images that 52teas creates (the one above) are actually the labels generated for the teas. We like these, but the labels are small on the packet and really don’t do justice to the work Frank and Company put into creating them. On the web and 52teas website, they look awesome, on the packet (printed on an ink-jet label printer) they look boring.

Our advice for this would be to simply leave the label off the packet and have those incredible images printed up as small glossy cards or inserts to be mailed along with the tea packet. It’ll add a bit of glitz and really show off the hard work done in creating the images and labels. The other upside is that there will be no label covering the front of the tea packet obscuring the beautiful tea inside.

Now, to the tea: the dry leaf really does look and smell awesome. The shavings of coconut are monstrous and the scent wafts up wonderfully. The shavings are supported by added flavorings, no problems there because it really gives a great smell. There really is no other tea on the market that we’ve been able to find that uses such enormous pieces of coconut.

In brewing, the tea brews up like a standard black tea. The tea leaves themselves are fairly small – nothing exciting. They are not fannings or dust, it appears to be machine-processed black tea that is commonly available and often used as a base for flavored teas. This is typical and we did not expect otherwise.

The liquid has a unique taste to it, we also found the “mint” flavor that Jason noted – though it isn’t a flavor inasmuch that it is a “bite” that appears as the tea dries on your tongue. It didn’t come in the back of the mouth, it comes at the front marking it as a mild bitter snap. The coconut flavor never really comes out in the liquid, but we are certain that the unique bite this tea has is a result of the coconut pieces. We did not try the latte recipe so we can’t comment on how it enhances the flavor of the coconut.

One interesting aspect we noted was the presence of the coconut oils visibly in the tea. Since oil rises to the top and separates from water, little spots of oil can be seen floating on the surface. We liked this, while we couldn’t taste a strong present flavor of coconut (beyond that unique minty-like bite) being able to see the infusion of the coconut was nice. This is a product of the large shavings used; this has not been noticed in other coconut teas.

That said, the coconut shavings do make this an interesting tea to drink plain; the snapiness that it has certainly sharpens the flavor profile. Because of the uniqueness of the tea, we did several tastings of it on several different days (ultimately consuming the entire packet just to come to our conclusions). We wanted to ensure we were thinking about it correctly.

It is an interesting tea, but as coconut goes, this batch/blend didn’t quite make it into the liquid. The dry tea is absolutely amazing, practically a work of art. If you want a decent cup of tea and don’t expect something wonderful from the cup but it is certainly worth buying just to look at the leaves and to shove your nose into the packet to inhale the smell.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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At first I let myself be inspired by Madison’s Thai Chai to have the Coconut Cream Pie from 52teas, y’know, because of the coconut. So I went to get that out of the cupboard and ended up choosing this one instead. I’d forgotten I had this, and the discovery made me want this more than the other one today.

Apparently I’ve liked it before, judging from the rating I gave it. Can’t remember what I thought of it though.

I’ll tell you know though, that I can definitely taste some dark oolong here. One of those daaaaaark flavours. Borderline pu-erh notes. It even has a touch of that same coppery colour.

…This is oolong, right?

Topped with plenty of raisin flavour (I still can’t get over the fact that I like raisins now, apparently. Weird.) this is indeed a nice cup, so I think I agree with myself on the rating points.

I think the funny borderline pu-erh-y earthy flavour must stem from the fact that I’m used to and tend to prefer greener oolongs.

Madison Bartholemew

I have this at home and haven’t tried it! Thanks for reminding me!

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Right. So the raspberry I-just-need-something phase is over with.

This one is very deliberately chosen. I was sitting here and thinking about it. Like, it wouldn’t leave my head at all. I was telling myself that I had just decided to try and finish off some of my tiny amounts, but it wasn’t working.

I’ve only had this once before and the rating says I liked it, but apart from that I can’t actually remember what I thought of it. (I do remember that eating one of the raisins post steeping wasn’t particularly successful. No flavour left. And eating one pre steeping was even less so, covered in dry-leaf-taste as it was.)

There’s a jasmine-y note to the aroma. Having checked my previous note, I can’t believe I didn’t catch that before. Anyway, this just hitting the spot right now.

I like this best after it has steeped and then cooled off just the tiniest tad, because that’s where the sweetness of the raisins come out and they rather suit the oolong.

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Raisins are a very very recent vice for me. Since december 30th 2009 actually. I was baking something that included raisins. I haven’t had problems with raisins in baked goods for years now because I’ve just learned to taste around them. But after having put my baking project in the oven, I caught myself, to my extreme surprise, standing there and eating the rest of the raisins right out of the box! This is huge, because just an hour before, if you had asked me, I would have said that I don’t much care for raisins, and I assume that this was what prompted me to get this particular blend.

Upon opening the pouch I’m immediately greeted by a smell that rather reminds me of that vanilla date concoction that I didn’t like. It’s not nearly as strong here, but it’s defintiely there and it’s the same type of smell. This has me a little worried. Also, the leaves look small and very dark, almost as if it’s actually a large leaf black tea and there are lots of raisins in it.

The tea brews up rather dark, almost like an average black tea. I’m used to greener oolongs, so that’s probably why I’m getting a little type confused here. I wouldn’t say it’s particularly oolong-y or raisin-y in flavour. There doesn’t seem to be anything very characteristic of either of the two. Deepest down I would say that it still tastes a bit like a mild black The raisins are only coming through as a slight fruity sweetness while it’s hottest. They are more pronounced as the cup cools a bit.

I like it this way. It’s not very raisin-y, but it’s enough. Had the raisins been more dominant I expect I probably wouldn’t have liked it much at all. But this way it’s very nice.


I personally love having a strong black tea with a buttered slice of home-made soda bread all heavy with sultanas. The little golden raisins are so flavorful! and that buttered raisin toast tea from 52teas is just divine.


This is a different one, though. And the raisins that I’ve been eating lately are the little dark ones, but I don’t know if that makes a difference. I tried eating one of the raisins when cleaning out the pot afterwards, but that’s not recommendable. It was just water with a bit of fruit around it after being steeped twice. :)


And any good cook knows that raisins taste FAR better after being hydrated in wine or even scotch… ;)


I think I prefer my raisins ‘raw’ or in baked stuff though. (Or, preferably, as grapes. I could eat nothing but grapes for dinner, no problem. )

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OK, Chelsea has just become my new BFF. Opened the package, and the smell of chocolate and banana jumped out at me. It’s always tough when the first whiff of something is so fantastic, it sets the bar high and often the taste just doesn’t match up. I needn’t have worried about this one, I almost burned myself trying to gulp this down, instead of savouring every sip… The mellowness of the rooibos is perfect with this!

This is going to be saved as a special treat, and I may very well hide it from the rest of the family.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Does it have actual chocolate and banana bits in it?


Yep, in addition to the rooibos, there are milk chocolate chips, cacao nibs and freeze dried bananas in there.


Cool, it always makes me happy when tea companies add real ingredients to their teas instead of just the ambiguous ‘flavourings’.




Sounds awesome.


oooh, sounds yummy!

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Opened the packet and smelled butter! I expected more of a cinnamon smell, but then, I make cinnamon toast very heavy on the cinnamon. Brewed it up, and this time the smell was raisins. I added just a touch of sweetener. (I also add sugar to cinnamon toast…) The taste was interesting. I tasted the butter and the raisins when I sipped, but the toast and cinnamon came through with the aftertaste. I liked it.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Half my normal steeping time seems to be the secret here.


You’re braver than me! I’m afraid of some of the more outlandish flavors.


Haven’t touched it for two months. I love cherry cola so my initial expectations of it were enourmous. It’s just drinkable, though. Not soemthing I’d go out of my way for.

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I’m giving this one another shot today. It’s not in the pile of teas I’m supposed to be finishing off, I just wanted it, so it’s a semi-sinful indulgence for me.

My first encounter with it was the inevitable disappointment that comes after having had seriously impossibly I’m-not-kidding expectations of it from the start. Second I tried to recreate the cola aspect in a more authentic sort of way by making a strong concentrate of it, putting it in the fridge and then mixing it with ordinary unflavoured carbonated water. This did not go well.

After that I was a bit put off and wondering what to do with all the rest of it.

Today though I’m trying again, to see what I think now that I’m not expecting it to be a miracle in a cup. I have to say I’m still getting a sort of artificial like soapy sort of flavour, but I can ignore that. Underneath is the astringency of the black tea base, which is probably in some way partly my own fault. I wasn’t being very particular about steeping parameters. I can definitely find the cola and a touch of vanilla. The cherry, apart from in the aroma where it’s strong, is still escaping me.


Ew, I hate getting soapy flavors in tea! This happens to me too. I’m glad I’m not the only one!


I know, and I always end up wondering if I’m supposed to be recognising it as something else, but all I can think of is when you’re washing your hair and accidentally get shampoo in your mouth…

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The success of the coconut cream pie inspired me to try one of the other ones I bought from the forgotten 52teas order. I’m not surprised I ordered this one and it was sort of screaming to me. Here’s the thing.

I. Love. Cherry. Cola.
Favourite soda (after orange) FTW.

Unfortunately it’s not something we can usually get here. I don’t know if you can over there on the other side of the water. I know you have Dr Pepper which to me is very similar, but also not available in Denmark unless you’re really lucky. We had it for a couple of years recently, but it was taken off the market again. Apparently it didn’t sell well enough. (I fear Mountain Dew has gone the same tragic way, because I can’t find that anymore either). Recently we’ve had a limited edition cherry cola from coca-cola which was yummy, but alas, that one seems to also have run its course. In my deprivation of proper cherry cola or similar beverage, I’ve found that I can make a relatively good substitute with ordinary cola and cherry cordial. It’s not the same, but it works okay.

What all this means is that I have VERY high expectations of this one. So high, that I’m likely to be disappointed. Anything below a clean 100 on this is not good enough. The question just is exactly how disappointed am I going to get?

The leaves actually do smell a bit like cola and something that I’m willing to call cherry-like. There is however also a note which to my own surprise I can only describe as vaguely menthol-like. This is worrysome.

After steeping, the tea has pretty much the same smell, only hot. The mentholness is sticking out a bit more here, which is a little odd to me because menthol (along with mints) is usually a cool sort of flavour.

Hmm… Flat cola with dusty vanilla. I can’t find any cherry outside of the smell. Something sour-ish, kind of citrus-soapy-like. So, yes, I did get disappointed. It’s just a question of how much.

This does require an amount of experimentation, but for a first experience, I cannot in good consciousness give it more than 65-ish.


Too bad it didn’t satisfy that your cherry cola needs!! Have you ever tried Cheerwine? It’s a North Caroline (or a South Caroline) brand. You would probably like it as well.

And we have a cherry flavored Dr. Pepper sometimes. It’s really good too.


No, I’ve never heard about that before. Is it a wine? We have this cherry dessert wine here, which I don’t much like. I find dessert wines way too sweet.
Over here it seems like traditional cola, orange and sprite-like sodas are doing best. Other types of flavours are usually made by danish brands. I don’t know, maybe we’re just too set in our ways to try new types of soda when they become available.

Peggie Bennett

This almost makes me want to ship some soda out to you. :-)


Awwww, that’s sweet Peggie. :) It’d probably be shaken flat by the time I got it though.


Dr.Pepper is sooooo different from Cheery Coke. Maybe they make it different in Denmark. But Cherry Coke is pretty common here in the States. All soda is actually.


Yes, I know it’s a different flavour, but for me it’s sort of pointing in the same general direction with the fruityness. A lot of it, for me, is probably also the similarity in colour.
I want your soda selection. :( The danes are too set in their ways.


Ahhh, I wouldn’t know. I don’t like Dr. Pepper =P. I stay away from that and Cherry Coke. If I have to drink soda, it’s coke, ginger ale or ice tea.


I’ve seen ginger ale around here, but only in these specialty bottles and really expensive. They seem to put them nearer to ciders than to sodas. I’m not very fond of ginger, so I haven’t tried them. I tend to go for cola or orange soda myself, even if the orange flavour tends to be rather artificial. I can handle a low quality orange soda much much better than a low quality cola. (Given Coca-cola and Pepsi, though, I can’t tell the difference. I can’t even tell if it’s light or regular). Other than that, I drink a lot of carbonated water, but I don’t really count that as a soda due to it not being sweetened.


You have to come down to the States one day. Soda tastes different ;)

I can’t really tell the difference between coke, pepsi and sprite, 7up. Some people hate one and love the other. Neh, they’re all the same to me. Orange soda isn’t bad. I haven’t had one of those in the longest time. Ummm, maybe next time.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t. I always get all O.o when people say things like ‘I love Coke, but I hate Pepsi’ because they taste exactly the same to me. For the longest time I thought it was more a question of brand preference rather than taste preference, but then I saw a guy on tv doing test on tv with several kinds of cola. He was blindfolded but he got all of them right. It was amazing.


I think it’s just that some people prefer one over the other. I mean there are difference, but I really don’t care enough for them. To me it’s the same soda.


For most, yeah, I think it’s brand preference. I’m guilty of it myself, but I can’t tell you why. I have NO clue why I gravitate towards one rather than the other. I just do. I do it with milk too. I prefer organic milk, but if I can’t get the one with the drawing of the cow with flowers around it, then I’ll pick an ordinary non-organic milk over a different brand of organic. Even though they all taste the same. I just like that drawing.


Angrboda, maybe steep it highly concentrated, chill, and then add carbonated water?


Cofftea, yeah I’ve considered that as one of the ways I need to experiment with it. It’s just a shame that I can’t boil carbonated water and have it stay carbonated.

Fcmonroe, I think you’re right, I think I’d like that a lot too.

.snowglobe angel.

I feel your pain. I relocated from the US to UK a few years back and the only lament of culture change is the loss of my fav things (i.e. rootbeer and celestial seasonings tea). Anyway, you know if it was kosher I wouldn’t have a problem sending you cherry coke/dr.pepper/(mt. dew is around but not so much where I live now). Anyway, just thought I’d put it out there, since a girl on another forum was like my magical lifesaver and sent me the teas I was pining for. :)


Yeah, Peggie Bennett said that too, but it would probably go flat before I got it. :)
CS has come to danish stores in recent years. A pretty limited selection though, just a handful of kinds. We don’t even have a very large Twinings selection here. There might be hope for you yet. :) I take comfort in the fact that you lot don’t have my little local shop (Luka Te) and that AC Perch’s in Copenhagen charge heart’s blood to ship abroad. So I do have some advantages. :)


Mmm, cherry coke sounds SO good right now…and orange soda…and Dr. Pepper…laments giving up soda


Shanti, come over to the dark side. You know you want to. :p


Wait, people can’t taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Srsly? o_O


Yes, srsly. :)
Or, should I say, wait, people can taste the difference between coke and pepsi? O.o


Hehe – I actually like Pepsi more… to me it is sweeter. Though I usually just drink diet sodas (or at least I used to) so maybe the difference is more obvious in the no-cal versions.


The only 2 sodas I like are Jones green apple and the old coke blak… I was SO P!$$&&D when they discontinued it! Oh 52 teas…. LOL! Seriously though. I’d love a coffee coke flavored tea!

Peggie Bennett

I don’t drink soda at all, except for the occasional Limonata, and that’s even very rare. But what about those Italian sodas? We have those here, you can probably buy the flavored syrups online, then mix it with your soda water.


Mmm, Italian soda…I would love to drink those, but regular soda water is also pretty bad for your teeth (acidity).


Hmm, you know I can’t remember the last time I had pop (soda to you guys, I guess). I pretty much swore it off a couple of years ago and honestly I haven’t missed it. I never drank much of it as a kid, my mother being big on healthier drinks like fruit juice and milk. /random post is random


But they taste completely different… mind is blown

Peggie Bennett

You don’t think you could get a syrup/fizz ratio the right way to make taste like a soda? Or is there a way to buy soda syrup, like the stuff that comes out of the soda fountains? Maybe not name brand, but it could come close.


I agree Jillian. I just don’t like carbonation. Both coke blak and jones soda seem to be quite light in carbonation.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
1353 tasting notes

First tea of the morning. How decadent!

I’m allowed decadent today though, since it’s the first day with a new age. I’m also supposed to have cake for breakfast, but I don’t have any cake handy so I’m skipping that. :) I can’t be bothered to go get some.

A while ago I had a bag of something or other where I concluded that I just wasn’t really all that fond of coconut in tea. Taking this one out now really confuses me on that point now, because I like this one and it’s very little else than coconut! How does that work? I don’t understand it.

Okay, it is a bit decadent first thing in the morning… A bit too decadent actually. I think I’ll have a more… you know… sensible one after this.


Happy first day of a new age!!! I ****WISH**** my package to you arrives today!!!!


Wishing you the loveliest first day of a new age!!! :)


Last week, my son called my “day of a new age” “another year you get to live on the planet with me in it.” Be happy!


I hope you have a lovely, decadent day!


Have an amazing first day of a new age!!


Happy birthday!


Yay! Have a great birthday!


happy start of a new year!


Thanks everybody!

JacquelineM, sorry, the postman only had a letter from my bank today. But don’t worry. The gift to myself is the only one I’m getting on time this year anyway. (And just as I was writing this the doorbell rang and it was a lady with flowers for me. With no sender on it, but the card was nerdy enough that my guess is on Lexitus)


Awwww, flowers! :)

Well, when the package arrives, it means you get another special day!! That’s not so bad :)




Hope that you have a wonderful day and a wonder-filled year! :D


“First day with a new age”—love it! Happy Birthday!! :)

Southern Boy Teas

So glad we could make your birthday a little sweeter. How about some free International shipping for your birthday? Coupon Code ANGRBODA. Vaild through the end of the month.


Thanks again, everybody. :D

52teas, ZOMG YOU ARE SO AWESOME! I loved that it even said happy birthday on the order detail. :D Thank you so much, that was sweet of you. :D

Southern Boy Teas

You’re very welcome. I was hoping you would receive that in the spirit it was intended and not think I was spamming you on your birthday. :)


that didn’t even cross my mind. But I had actually placed a tea-buying embargo on myself. :p The Kusmi sampler obviously being a celebratory exception. Embargo counts from now then. :)

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
1353 tasting notes

This is what’s for dessert today.

Lovely. Really, it is.

It’s just… I’m really craving the infamous raspberry oolong tonight and I’m coming to the conclusion that I have precious few fruity teas in the flat.

I’ll sip this and read a few pages of my book while waiting for Top Gear to come on.

(And OMG I just realised something completely unrelated RE Mariages Freres…!!! No, I’m not saying. Don’t want to get my own hopes up. Be_LIEVE_ me, if I’m right, my Steepsterites, you will find out. All in due time.)


I had this today, it was ehhh. I put too much syrup in it I think =/

Evil evil taunting us with you raspberry oolong.


But I don’t have any is the problem! wibble


But we can’t get any, that’s our problem =P


But you can haz Samovar. And H&S. And Damn Fine Teas. And so on and so forth.


Now ~$50 shipping isn’t too outrageous ;)


…compared to what, exactly?

Southern Boy Teas

Raspberry Oolong, eh? Sounds like a good combination. Maybe we should create such a blend…


And then I shall purchase it ;)

Haha, compared to ummm…….. =]


The one in question here is this one: http://www.perchs.dk/default.asp?doo=changeLang&opt=2&page=specifik.asp&id=3035
It has raspberries primarily and also black currants and it is MADE OF AWESOME! Just ask Ricky.


Amazingness! =]


Just ask Jacqueline.


And TeaEqualsBliss


It’d be rude if we forgot Jillian ;)


Who had the lowest rating of it. At 75.


Is it silly that I read this and my thought was, ‘mmmm, Top Gear’? I guess some things can compete with even dessert tea.


They were building their own electrical car. It was hilarious. :D


I. LOVE. TOP GEAR. Seriously, I heart it so freaking hard. I don’t know what it is about them three and their goofy ways. Oh, and The Stig. Cannot forget The Stig. And The Stig’s African cousin.


I totally agree! I love that show, and I’m so immensely uninterested in cars. Heck, I don’t even have a driver’s license. But that show is one of the best things north of the Alps, srsly.
Today they had The Stig’s Vegetarian cousin. He had a green driving suit and a solar panel on his helmet. :D


The Stig’s American cousin was.. interesting.


(But, also LOVE that show.)


They’ve also had The Stig’s Lorry-Driving cousin. He was overweight and had a tanned arm.


If I were a celebrity, Top Gear would be the one show I’d fight a bear to be able to go on. I’d just be afraid that I’d kill myself on the lap. And that I wouldn’t be funny enough.


What is about Mariage Freres? can you point me on the right way? I am very interested in MF!
this tea sounds interesting btw!


cteresa, the thing I realised about MF when writing this post was that I was going to Paris a few days later at the time and I thought I might be able to pick some up while I was there. Sadly, it didn’t happen (I forgot), but I did get some nice Kusmi while we were there. :)


Oh, duh then :) Thank you for the reply and wishing you many tea shopping opportunities.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
1353 tasting notes

I’ve been craving this one since last night when I went home from Lexitus’, but given the time I thought it best not to have any. I’m trying to learn to get back in the habit of getting to bed at a decent hour, and I have finally admitted that it may have something to do with the tea I’m having in the evening. I hate to admit it because this is not something that has ever bothered me before. But people change and people get older you know? Maybe it’s just one of those things. Possibly the development of Steepster into a more social site to hang out on compared to the very first incarnation of it is also making me drink more tea. Bottomline is, I knew I couldn’t have any when I got home at 10.30pm. (train delays for the GRRR)

But I can certainly have it now. Haven’t done any of my chores yet, of course, but I can certainly have my tea.

Mmmmmmm…. coconut.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Indeed. I’m also going the tea before tasks route today.


It’s seven hours later. I haven’t done hardly any tasks yet. Except buying new boots which Lexitus ordered me to do.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I think that means it’s time for another cup of tea, both to continue putting off the tasks and to celebrate the boot buy. So are the boots cute? Or are they work boots?


They’re just ordinary winter boots. I’m not really particularly in love with them, but they’re good enough. I liked my old boots, but they were worn through the soles so my choice was down to either ‘boots, feet warm and wet’ or ‘wellies, feet cold and dry’. So he said, “Buy new boots, woman!” or something like that. It was really hard to find some that lived up to all my criteria. Not too much heel, preferably none, more substantial than just a layer of leather, not out of my budget and not uglier than sin. So they’re functional winter boots, but not OMG YAY boots.


I’ve been working hard to build up a solid selection of no-caffeine tea for this very reason. Tea can be sneakier than coffee – much less obvious as to what’s happening with the caffeine!


Yeah, but herbals don’t interest me and I don’t like rooibos. The selection of decaf reasonably available to me is EXTREMELY small, and if I can get non-decaf then I’d rather have that. I’ll just have to drink something else. Or instead of making a pot with two cups in it, just make one cup’s worth.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
1353 tasting notes

Ah, so I did make an order with 52teas. The one I couldn’t remember if I made or if I had changed my mind. Either that or someone decided to send me a present which would be cool but also kind of improbable.

I’m starting with this one, mostly because the picture on the pouch looks like something that would be right up my alley. The leaves smell lovely sweet of coconut. Not so much of tea though. Dessert-like.

After brewing I’m finding an odd note of raisins… it sounds weird but somehow it fits. Again the coconut is prevalent. There is also a creamy smell which suggests that I ought to try this with milk also.

For now, I’m sticking to plain. Coconut, defintiely. Sweet, but not cloying at all. I can pick up the tea underneath too. It’s a strong base. Somewhat malty. One that would carry a little sweetener well, which is probably why it’s doing so well with the coconut.

I shall definitely have to try this with a little milk, but on its own as I’ve got it now, it’s quite nice too.

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OK, just by the name, I had to try this tea. I actually went to bed last night thinking about having this tea this morning…
Unforntunately, I was not happy with the flavor. Tea has a very earthy, natural taste that I love. Somehow this has managed to remove the natural and add in some kind of artificial taste. I’m not saying that it is not natural, it just doesn’t taste natural. The smell is not what I expected either. I have to give an A for trying though. The idea is awesome.


But earthy coconut cream pie sounds nasty to me lol.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
127 tasting notes

Whoops… forgot to log this one.

From the tasting notes I expected a lot more orange flavor, but (again) my taste buds seem to be dull to “flavorings” and the orange sections didn’t add much. I got almost entirely matcha and a slight aftertaste of orange.

Plain matcha is okay if it’s what I’m in the mood for, but that day I wasn’t, so my husband finished that cup (he liked it alright, though I think he picked up the orange more strongly than I did and he thinks flavored matcha is WEIRD).

He makes good chocolate truffles rolled in matcha, so I’d love to have that done with this. Hmm….

Preparation details: 1 tsp in 8 oz hot water, frothed by electric whisk.


Mandarin Matcha Truffles w/ Mandarin Matcha drinking chocolate… my taste buds would be thrilled, but w/ all the caffeine I wouldn’t sleep for a week! You should post the recipe in the cooking w/ tea thread and let us know what you think of them:)


Okay, your husband is like my dream man—likes tea and MAKES CHOCOLATE. Notice the caps in the second part of that sentence.


He doesn’t do it often because he says they’re a PitA, but maybe having some new matcha will inspire him???

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This is my first tea of the week from @52teas. First of all it smells amazing both in the pouch and whilst brewing. It has a lot of banana taste but not so much chocolate coming though.

Still a very tasty ‘hot desert in a cup’ style of tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
22 tasting notes

Yay, it came today! Tearing the bag open… Oh my. I can see the nibs and it smells like… Like a delicious artisan dark chocolate bar. I could barely wait for the water to heat. It steeps to a beautiful dark amber liquor. And the smell… Like melting chocolate, dark chocolate, with that faint hint of bittersweetness and the tang of the malt behind it.

Yet the taste is even better than the smell! I don’t know how these guys do it with these flavors, but the supporting base is so mellow and smooth. This reminds me faintly of Godiva liqueur, only not sweet. I’d go into overload if I actually put sugar in this. I seriously need to be alone with this. Bravo yet again.

(I have a KitchenAid mixer with attachments, and I think this spring, this would make some DAMNED incredible ice cream if I simmered it in the cream.)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec

I had the same reaction when I opened my package!:) Glad you liked your order as much as I did mine.


That ice cream idea sounds really good!


I thought of ice cream w/ the mayan chocolate chai. Yummm…

Southern Boy Teas

I have a couple of requests that we reblend this tea. Anyone else interested?


Sign me up =D


I normally don’t like malt, but I’d be definitely interested in giving it a try if the timing was right.


I like it, the malt was more of an afternote, not anything that blotted out other flavors.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
865 tasting notes

It’s been forever since I had this sans milk/creamer, but I’m not feeling well so I decided to add a tsp of rum extract. Whoa, I forgot how spicy this is. The rum extract doesn’t deter from it, but does add an extra layer of flavor. Very good! I just wish I could find a good rum flavored syrup.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec

If you find a good rum flavored syrup, let me know. I’ve been searching for one as well.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Steeped 1TB of leaves (this is a 2nd infusion) in 2oz water and added it to 6oz of coffee for extra warmth. Yum!

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Made a 6oz cuppa and put 1TB of Dark Chocolate Creme Breve creamer in it. HOLY CRAP THIS IS CHOCOLATEY! Probably the most chocolatey drink I’ve ever had other than drinking chocolate. The creamer is very heavy on the chocolate and very heavy on the creme… not so much on the dark, which disappoints me. The freakish amount of chocolate cuts the spice down much more than I expected, but it’s still very much there.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Busy day of wedding planning (my best friend’s, not mine)- had this before my day started.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Suggested preperation: 1/2 water, 1/2 Fat Free Smart Balance Milk w/ Plant Sterols

Suggested pairing: White Tea Brownies from Sanctuary T

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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