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Decided to put 2TB of vanilla creamer in my 16oz chai misto today. It’s funny, I keep various flavored creamers in my fridge for both coffee and tea, but this is one I don’t put in my coffee. Just not a vanilla girl when it comes to my coffee. But I think that’s cuz it’s the only flavor in it. I’m not a fan of vanilla flavored teas if it’s not blended w/ other flavors. Unless it’s vanilla green:)
Hadda get up at 5:30am to go to the bathroom (Dang chai at 9pm)… came back to find my dog hijacked my bed so I had to lay cross ways on my bed. Surprised I was even able to sleep, but I layed there for 4 hrs. I need something to wake me up and ward off possible pain that may result from my contortion. So I steeped 1tsp in coffee. HOT! Complex. Rich. Not so chocolatey. YUMMY!
Taking a break from my orange spiced iced tea to have this. 16oz cuppa. 1TB tea, cup each water and Smart Balance milk. Yum! Over half done w/ my liquid intake for the day and done w/ my plant sterols. Yum! Who ever knew plant sterols could be so yummy?
Celebrating Indian Independence Day w/ a 16oz mug of this!:) This’ll be my last tasting note til Sat. Going out of town to watch an Extreme Makeover Home Edition build.
Thank GOD yesterday is over! In spite of 2 fans (we have no A/C) going and chugging 80z of cold tea I was terribly over heated and ended up getting heat stroke. I wanted this so bad, but was not physically able to boil water. Today is a LOT cooler- I haven’t even had to turn on my fan (one of them died last nite). So I think I’ll make up for yesterday:
2 TB each MCC and LatTEA steeped in 4oz almost boiling water, add 4TB instant double chocolate cappuccino mix and stir the heck out of it to make sure it’s mixed (I pretty much stirred it til it was cool). Add 4oz cold water and 8oz Fat Free Smart Balance Milk and stir again.
WHOA! VERY Chocolatey. And thick. And Creamy. The cayenne is in the back ground, but very mellow and the intant coffee gives it body. Not your typical chai (think blended iced latte vs frappuccino), but oh so good. Definitely put a smile on my face =D
90 degrees, high humidty, heat index in the mid 90s, and no A/C means I’ll be drinking very little hot tea today… so I wanted to do this right!
Equal parts MCC and Caramel LaTEA (1TB each), 1 c. water and 1 c. fat free Smart Balance milk.
Whoa! I may die of a caffeine induced heart attack, but I’ll go happy. Chocolatey. Caramely. Sweet. Savory. Thick. Chewy. A bit lighter on the cayenne than I expected. Hello perfection! Now if only I could physically and financially afford to drink it like this every day:)
The usual. 1TB steeped in 8oz water, add 8oz Fat Free Smart Balance Milk. I’ve offically reached my goal liquid intake of 80oz once I finish this. Although I think I should have drank a little faster today. I have a feeling I’ll be getting up tonite.
In honor of Caitlin’s bday, I decided to have something special w/ breakfast:
1TB tea
8oz water
8oz Fat Free Smart Balance HeartRight Milk
4TB instant double mocha cappuccino mix
2 TB caramel coffee creamer
Yummm! Rich. Sinful. Lucious. Chocolatey. Caramely. Sweet. And just a bit spicy. Perfect! I can rationalize this w/ the fact that my breakfast was 3/4 cup Fiber Plus cereal, right? And P.S. contrary to how it sounds, the cereal is really good!
Ok, there’ve been like 6 different chai tasting notes on my dashboard today so I just had to have this tody… haha… yeah right… like I needed a reason:) 1tsp on top of a mix of Mayan Chocolate Chai, Caramel LatTEA and Mocha LatTEA at various stages of steeping plus 1tsp of caramel macchiato creamer.
In spite of only adding 1tsp of creamer, this seems pretty thick… almost… chewy… I’ve never used that to describe tea before and I’ve never even understood that verbiage til now… but I do think it’s on the verge of being chewy. No flavor is really strong which shocks me… hm. Strange. This is certainly an odd cuppa tonite. Oh well, that’s ok- it keeps me on my toes. Haha I’m full of jokes tonite=D
I just had a splash of Smart Balance milk left, so I dumped it in. Not really a “splash” kinda girl when it comes to milk in my chai, but what else am I gonna do w/ this little bit of milk?
Blech… extremely watery spicy chocolate milk…
Personal message to Frank: I propose you create a tea blend called Dirty Tortuga Chai. Read below for a description and why I think you should create this wonderful blend.
I love what I call Dirty Tortuga Chais (yes an espresso drink, but read this tasting note on how you can enjoy this beverage in an all tea version). Tortuga is Spanish for turtle- what the combination of chocolate and caramel is often called. A DTC for me, until about 2 years ago, had always been a caramel mocha latte w/ chai bags. Then I found Dr. Tea’s Coffee Oolong. SCORE! I love this oolong because the flavor comes from the process, not the addition of flavors. Upon this discovery, my DTC became an all tea beverage- equal parts of Coffee Oolong, a caramel flavored black tea, a chocolate flavored black tea, and a chai. Then I found a Creme Caramel Oolong. And THEN I found and fell in love w/ Mayan Chocolate Chai. The new formula (Equal parts MCC, Coffee Oolong, and Creme Caramel Oolong) was improved w/ the addition of almonds and cayenne, making my DTC much more authentic. Dr. Tea must have heard my prayers for an even better blend because he created Caramel LaTEA by adding caramel to his Coffee Oolong. That is the blend I am drinking today. 1/2TB each MCC and Caramel LaTEA, one cup each water and Fat Free Smart Balance milk. Now on to my cuppa…
This blend is divine… chocolately, yet sweet from the caramel… spicey, yet more subdued due to the the reduced amount of cayenne as well as the extra flavors. A richness is given by the Coffee Oolong, yet it does not contain the acidic burn that espresso often has.
But… yes… but… Yes I know. I had you all drooling over this cuppa, wishing you had some. But. BUT! It could be better!
This blend, while wonderful, needs tweaking. Tweaking only you can do. You see, only so much blending can be done w/ two teas. It needs more- more coffee, more cayenne, more chai spices, more chocolate, more caramel. I propose 1 tea. One tea that is better than the some of this tea’s parts. I propose a tea much like your already wonderful Mayan Chocolate Chai, but with a few changes. I suggest roasting a black or oolong tea like Dr. Tea has to create the coffee flavor w/o the need to add coffee itself and using that as the base for the chai. The only other addition I suggest is the addition of caramel. These 2 changes would make the PERFECT chai. This tea would make coffee drinkers all over the world go “Star….who?!” Dr. Tea is grabbing the attention of coffee drinkers and you need to show them what REALLY can be done w/ tea!
Any other chai, mocha, and/or caramel latte drinkers out there with me? I used to say “I love drinking tea all day, but I also love my coffee”, but if I could grab this perfect tea for my daily chai habit (I go thru a 2oz pouch in less than a week), I promise I will never drink coffee again.
Good to hear mrawlins2- but seriously, at the rate I would go thru it, it would be financially advantageous for Frank to put this blend in the permenant collection (and hopefully on Man Teas like MCC) just based on my consumption- I don’t even go thru matcha this quick:)
Had this, neat, with a brownie (plain, no matcha sugar topping). This is a new pouch and I’m noticing a few more almonds in this one than normal- unfortunately not as much as the MC Pu Erh. What the dry leaf didn’t tell me was there’s also a LOT more cayenne in this one. WHOA! Almost too much, even for me! I’m so glad I had the brownie w/ it. It’s 10:40 here and I have a feeling I won’t be falling asleep any time soon- but it won’t be due to the caffeine in the Assam. It’ll be cuz of the cayenne- wow, it actually made me kinda hyper…
FINALLY finished off the last of that dreadful decaf instant coffee so now I can make a REALY dirty chai misto.
1c. coffee (I used half caf)
1 heaping TB tea
1c. Fat Free Smart Balance milk
1 TB Creme Brulee coffee creamer
Reheat the coffee once brewed so it’s almost boiling, pour over tea and steep 6 min. Decant into a large glass w/ the milk. Reheat and add the creamer.
Spicy, rich, smooth, creamy, chocolatey, and sweet. (i.e. perfect).
Ack! Forgot mom made mac n cheese so I only have a 1/2 cup of milk left:(
1 heaping tsp tea
4oz just below boiling water
4oz cold Fat Free Smart balance milk
1tsp Creme Brulee creamer
Served regular latte style.
YAY! The creamer isn’t sickeningly sweet this time! There’s a bit of sweetness, but I wish the brulee aspect was stronger. I think 1tsp/6oz will be the perfect ratio.
1TB tea
just enough just below boiling water to cover the tea while it steeps (4oz worked for me)
enough cold water that the total water volume is 1c.
1c. Fat Free Smart Balance Milk
2TB Creme Brulee Creamer
Steep tea and decant, add cold water, milk, and coffee. Serve James Bond Style.
Whoa… unlike the chocolate chip version of this creamer, I can VERY much taste it’s presence. Both the (extremely) sweet creme and the caramely burt sugary aspects are very much here and have no problem fighting thru the cayenne, spices, and chocolate- but they don’t hide them either. This is DEFINITELY a dessert type chai. I love the burt sugar taste, but the creme is way too sweet for me. I wish the brulee came across stronger in the chocolate chip version.
Dirty Chai Misto!
2 individual packets decaf instant coffee (it’s what I had)
1TB tea
just enough just below boiling water to cover the tea while it steeps (4oz worked for me)
enough cold water that the total water volume is 1c.
1c. Fat Free Smart Balance Milk
Steep tea and decant, add cold water, milk, and coffee. Serve James Bond Style.
I’ve been using Taster’s Choice brand coffee- I gotta find a different brand, this is so bitter.
I’ve put that in several tasting notes and you’re the 1st one to notice. Or at least voice that you did. The same way he likes his martinis “shaken, not stirred”. I can’t wait to get my milk frother, but I’m gonna miss saying that lol.
That’s awesome. I did pick up that youentioned how frothy milk gets just shaking it cold in a post, so now this makes sense. I like it!
Bond movies aren’t movies I rewatch, but I’ve sat through most of them. I’m going to see if my cold brewed chai with chocolate turned out and will serve it bond style. Did your cold brewed Mayan Chocolate chai turn the milk dark at all? Mine still looks the color of skim milk. Maybe I needed to rinse the leaves with hot water first…hrmmm.
I wouldn’t rinse the leaves, I’d be terrified of wasting some of the chocolate. Yeah the milk did change color, but really only after it’s shaken or stirred. I was kinda tempted to get this one, and may eventually since it’s a permanent collection tea, but I’m hesitant because I’m almost certain I’ll have the same reaction I’ve had w/ nearly every black based chai since I’ve tried this one. “It’s missing something!” This chai has me so insanely spoiled that it’s not even funny. I’m definitely a chai snob now. I just hope the cheesecake in the chocolate cheesecake chai is enough to make me not miss the cayenne. Although a Mayan Chocolate Cheesecake Chai would be AMAZING. Have you tried cold brewing it yet?
I did. I just tried some off the top of my French press I stuck in the fridge and I think I may let it go overnight. It was a bit weak. I think I used too much milk. 34 oz to 4tsp. But if it doesn’t get stronger it will sure make my plain oatmeal taste better.
I looked for smart balance milk at two grocery stores today and nada. Hoping the place by work may have it. Otherwise I’ll try a new brand of soy!
Did you use all milk or milk and water? Yeah I think you way over did the milk lol:) at least for my taste. I’d use 24oz (total liquid, I suggest half water and half milk) for 4 heaping tsp. Hope that works better!:)
I need my chai again… and while it’s not quite as warm and humid today, I still don’t want to monkey around with a hot cup. So… I’m attempting to cold brew this. I personally can’t understand why a person would want to disreguard time and temp parameters (they are there for a reason)… but I really want my chai so I’m giving it a go.
1 heaping TB steeped in 1 cup fat free Smart Balance milk left in the fridge for 1 hr.
I have no ice cubes left so I added 1 cup of water to it when it was done steeping (The only reason I did it this way rather than adding the water right away is I didn’t want to risk having to fish a messy tea bag out of 16oz of liquid.) and served it James Bond style.
Slightly frothy, thick, and rich. The chocolate, black tea, and chai spices are slightly more subdued than when hot steeped but the cayenne is more pronounced. I can see where it would be too much for quite a few people. The other components probably could have stood up to a 6-8 hr steep, but I think leaving the cayenne in that long would have caused physical damage loI. I think I prefer it hot steeped even if served chilled, but this is still very good and I will absolutely be repeating this method again when my only other option because of the heat is to skip my beloved chai.
Lol, I’d first have to purchase it. I may try with my Chai with Chocolate first. Mayan is going to be included with my next purchase. Then I’ll try, if I’m still alive, I will note the tea tasting :)
I’d make a small batch, maybe a cup. That way you only waste 1/2 of a heaping tsp of tea and 1/2 of a cup of milk if it’s a fataliTEA… I just hope it doesn’t cause a fatality LOL. Might want to also make an iced white tea chaser to cool yourself down:)
Oh man I am definitely going to have to trawl through peoples Steepster notes to find iced tea methods when its summer here! You could also make icecubes using brewed chai to help with the flavour being muted, I usually have a staple iced tea that I drink throughout the summer and have icecubes to match. Interesting that the cayenne is more pronounced when cold-brewed though!
Miss Sweet- I definitely make tea cubes, but the problem is I can’t reach the freezer so I can only use them when my mom is home. Another reason I love tea cubes is you could mix n match. I was home alone and very over heated and this worked WONDERFULLY… I was originally gonna say “I was home alone and very hot”… then realized that sounded VERY bad lol! If you just add cold water to the milk mixture I would definitely serve it James Bond style like I did, otherwise I think it may just taste like watery VERY spicy milk.
Hahaha that sounds like the start of a trashy romance novel. Maybe you could mix it with another chai when brewing cold to help amp up the chai spices without the letting cayenne taking over? Or cold brewing in chocolate milk! Yum I definitely need to try that…
Oh I like the chocolate milk idea! Do they have Smart Balance milk in your country? I use it cuz it has the texture of 2% milk w/ only 1g of fat. Anything w/ a thinner texture would be too watery I fear… but you could skip the water and just do a chai milk. I’m so picky about my chocolate chais… I have yet to try their Chai w/ Chocolate, but you could probably blend it w/ that- otherwise blend equal parts Mayan Chocoalte Chai w/ Harney & Son’s Florance and then just add extra chai spices- like maybe half the amount of Florence you use?
UGH! It’s so hot that heating the milk for this was miserable. But it was SO worth it. 1 heaping TB steeped in 1 cup fat free Smart Balance milk, then chilled. Blended w/ 1 cup ice. It’s too hot to even eat a cold meal in the house and this gives me a cooler internal temp and some nutrition.
1/2TB each MC chai and MC pu erh. 1 cup each water and Fat Free Smart Balance Milk. Drank while watching a documentary on the Titanic. You’d think I woulda gotten my fill in 7th grade (when the movie came out)- but ever since I can remember (probably kindergarden or before) the 2 things that have always interested me have been the Titanic and the Holocaust- and they still do.