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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

I love drinking this as my first tea of the day. I added a bit of cane sugar and a splash of dark chocolate creamer today and it creates a very grown-up hot chocolate taste. This is absolutely delicious! I’m definitely looking forward to the mate kick this morning.

8 min or more

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

I am so glad to see this tea on the Permanent Collection! I tried this tea a little over a year ago from the generous Doulton but at the time it was still a long sold out limited edition tea! The best part? Not only does it taste better than I remember, but I also received 2 other teas from 52teas in the mail today!

I added just a bit of sugar and a small splash of Dark Chocolate Breve Cream and this tea is crazy good tonight!

5 min, 0 sec

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

I found the rest of my sample that Doulton sent me ages ago in the back of my tea cupboard so I decided this would give a nice kick of energy and be a change from only having black teas in the morning. It is still really good. I added a bit of milk and honey which makes it very enjoyable. I remember from the last time I had this that it can easily take multiple infusions so I will see how long this lasts today.

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

I had a third steep of this earlier and it was still going strong. I could probably take this for several more steeps but it is almost 11pm and my husband wants to share some caffeine free tea. I have enough for another pot of this for another day – I will be planning on resteeping until the taste dies off just to see how long it can last.

7 min, 0 sec

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

Second steep is still fairly strong. I was afraid the chocolate would be lost after the first steep, but it is still hanging around for the second.

6 min, 0 sec

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

Well, I went to check the mail today and SURPRISE a package from Doulton. Before opening the package I could smell chocolate. I raced inside and ripped open the package to find a great assortment of goodies including this one. Since the chocolate aroma was so strong, my decision had already been made. I was going to pick this tea to try first. The given time range of 4-10 minutes was a bit large, so after reading a few tasting notes I decided on 5 minutes.

Let me just say, the smell of this tea is absolutely a chocolate lover’s dream. My entire apartment smells like chocolate now! I’m also excited because this is mate and I absolutely love mate, chocolate and malt. This tea is possibly the most perfect tea of my dreams.

The dry tea is obviously mate and includes little chocolatey chunks of heaven. The smell while steeping was too good, I was getting very impatient waiting for the 5 minutes to elapse. Without additives, this tea tastes like a dark chocolate, slightly bitter. I added a splash of milk and a pinch of sugar and WHOA!!! This tea is amazing. Very malted chocolate, rich and satisfying. This would be a fantastic dessert tea, but since it has caffeine from the mate, it is a good excuse to have dessert after breakfast. I haven’t had many chocolate teas, and the ones I have had included mint. This obviously chocolatey chocolate tea is a step above the rest. It is also my first 52teas and I am certainly impressed. Once again, much appreciation to Doulton!

5 min, 0 sec

This is one of my favorites from 52Teas.

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drank Pina Colada Honeybush by 52teas
111 tasting notes

Got this from AmazonV and I am so glad that she was generous enough to send me it as I’ve been dying to try it. Thanks AmazonV!:) I wasn’t too surprised by the dry look of the (bush?) heehee but the smell was amazingly good just like a pineapply, coconutty, pina colada smell so that was a good start then poured the water and let it steep and set the timer for 7 minutes. When the buzzer when off I was a bit surprised by the dark liquor in my cup and I have to say first off that I have tried about 5 other 52Teas blends and haven’t really cared for any of them now having said that I do have an order on the way because I really want to find something I like from 52Teas and this P.C. Honeybush maybe my first really enjoyable 52Teas experience. I cannot tell you what Honeybush tastes like as I’ve never had it plain but this blend is pretty good a nice tropical tasting cuppa!

Sorry guys but this one I find totally hard to describe, there’s not like alot going on here or anything its just very tropical and not in an extreme way in a good way! Way to go 52Teas and Muchos Gracias AmazonV!!

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec

it is so far my favorite 52 teas :)


I have to agree with ya! Thanks :)

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drank Tuna Melt Green Tea by 52teas
359 tasting notes

When Frank sent out an email announcing a new blend this morning I was shocked. Tuna Melt? I mean come on. I like Tuna Melt paninis, but Tuna Melt tea? And it’s not even black tea. It’s green! What was Frank thinking? Clearly, he wasn’t. American cheese, buttery, greasy fries and tea. Somehow that combination doesn’t strike me as being particularly good, in terms of taste and for your health.

I pulled out my trusty cellphone that’s been dropped quite a number of times (poor thing) and speed dialed to 52teas. Frank picked up, but only after what must have been the hundredth ring. He was probably getting overwhelmed from the Strawberry Matcha orders a few days back or was it numerous phone calls asking him about this crazy blend of his… tuna melt. I still don’t know what Frank was thinking. I told him, I though he was crazy. He told me it was amazing and I should try it. He was like, you know what? I’ll even send you a pouch for free, rush delivery, free of charge, cause your my number one favorite customer. Wait, or was it Chelsea that said that? Ahhh, I forget, I’m getting old. Must be all that ginko tea I’ve been drinking. Was it ginko? Darn it, I forgot what I was talking about.

Oh yes, back to topic. Tuna melt! Argh, the idea still disgusts me. So yeah, an hour later the guy in the brown suit arrived with a brown package. I signed for it and unwrapped the package, sorta. Well, you see. I think the UPS guy got a bit hungry, the package was already torn open. At least he saved me half of the contents. I got out my Sorapot for this special occasion and patiently waited for my Zojirushi to drop to 175F. Pondering why this is a green tea base. Ring ding, plays a melody. Whatever, I meant to say the zojirushi made some noise and the water was finally ready. Wohooo, three minute infusion and I was ready to dive in!

Woah. Takes another sip. Woahhh. No seriously… WOAHHH. I thought Orange Ginger was good…. but this? You’ve out done yourself Frank. What does it taste like? Well, if you think of your favorite tea, for some people that might be matcha, for others it may be Japanese greens or pu-erhs. Whatever it is, close your eyes and just imagine it, imagine drinking it and sharing a cup with your favorite person, OR hording the cup. I mean if it’s your favorite tea you’d probably want to drink it all for yourself. Okay, now imagine all that plus your happiness moments in life. Yeah, it’s that good.

Yeah, that’s actually all a pile of BS. It tastes like nothing at all. It’s like drinking air or waking up from a bad dream. Darn you Frank!!! You would have totally gotten me if you had created a Peach Matcha blend. At least I didn’t get rick rolled ;)

This note is dedicated to Frank for making great, interesting, (insert adjective here) tea all year around. Sure there are some hits and misses, but in the end it’s the good ones that matter.

And our fellow Steepsterite member, Cofftea. Cheer up, it’s April Fools. Sure these jokes can definitely be annoying at times, but hey, we’re all adults and we only get to be pranksters children once again every year. If it can brighten up someone’s day, why not. Let em have their fun and games.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Vaporware tea!


WOOT Ricky! :D


Your review is wonderfully evocative and beautifully written.


Thanks all :)

I bet Frank is secretly making this tea and it’ll really be a blend next week and we’re all going to be like, Frank, April’s Fool was last week and no one’s going to purchase the Tuna Melt. Wow, talk about run on sentences. I went to the park and I bought an ice cream and it dropped on the floor and I cried and I really didn’t do anything of this, but I just enjoy using the word and and that’s it.


I love it! Amen to your tiny print.


Go, Ricky!!!


Thanks all. Tuna melt is most popular tea! Success!


Amen to your fine print section- I ‘liked’ it for that reason and because the joke make me happy on april fools, which it apparently didn’t do for some people. Cheers!

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Guys I know I recently decided not to rate my own teas, but I am going to make this one exception for this truly amazing blend. Everybody keeps telling me how weird or gross it sounds, but this is truly an amazing blend. Worthy of a 100 rating from me and everyone else!


Ok seriously. This got old hours ago. After today it’s just deception (not that it wasn’t today), because I doubt people will check the forum to make sure this is legit. It is not an amazing blend, because it doesn’t exist. It probably would since pu erh already is defined as “fishy” to some people, but currently is not. If you’re gonna rate your own teas, at least rate one that actually exists.

Southern Boy Teas

I personally think it’s even better with a little mayonnaise.


Since I like onions with my tuna, I think I will infuse mine with a little chopped onion and see how that turns out. Maybe add a squirt of mustard… although the mad hatter might not approve.


Chunk light or albacore? Water packed or oil packed? Cheddar or provolone? As my 6 year old would say: “made you look”!

Peggie Bennett

Maybe a little chopped celery would lend a slight vegetal taste too. And some lemon, because it goes with fish and tea, giving it a zesty zing!


52teas, this post + responses just proves you are the greatest.


Roflmao, I’m so sad that I just now joined Steepster and missed out on this whole event!

Ashley Bain

I second Shanti. Where was I a year ago, dangit. Re-blend, pretty please?


Ashley, there was no first blend. That’s the entire point.

Ashley Bain

I know. I’m joking with the “re-blend” … that’s my point. lol.

Daisy Chubb

lol @ these comments :D


I really want a tuna melt now.


So this all happened 3 years ago, and I’m laughing now (May 2013), because I completely fell for it. :)

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Words cannot describe the amazing taste of this tea. The sweet taste of premium Tuna and aged Cheddar is a perfect match for this Green. I drank this tea while eating a Tuna Melt Sandwich and had a hard time telling which was which. Masterful blend. Hats off!


: ) Bought this one, too! Can’t wait to try! YUM, Tuna. Cheese. Green Tea.

Tea Love and Care

wow, i was waiting to see when you might rate a tea 100. Did you get another sample package?

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drank Shamrock Tea by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this all afternoon – iced – and it’s been delicious. It’s even better iced than it is as a latte! YUMMY!

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drank Shamrock Tea by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

I haven’t had this for a while, and when I was rummaging through some of my green teas, I happened across it and decided it sounded good. This is one green tea that I like with a little steamed, frothed milk… it really brings out the creaminess to the tea and gives it more of a milkshake kind of flavor.

Smooth, sweet, minty and creamy! YUMMY!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

One of my faves!

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drank Shamrock Tea by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

This is one of the only green teas that I enjoy as a latte… and it is YUMMY!

The creamy vanilla flavoring in the tea is accented well by the addition of the steamed milk. I like that the mint is strong here but not so much that it overwhelms the grassy nature of the green tea.

2 min, 30 sec

I’ve been wanting to try this for AGES!!!! :P

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Got a little behind on my teas of Christmas posts, as this is yesterday’s tea. I was so excited to open this sample as my 2oz pouch has long since been gone. This was one of my first teas from 52teas and still a very favorite tea to me. I love the strong black current aroma this tea gives off even though it is light and sweet in flavor. I find this bai mu dan base very fearful. Have a second steep cold brewing in the fridge to drink this evening.

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Brewed up a large glass of this iced today (quick brew method over ice). I’m impressed at how naturally sweet this tea is, no need to add anything to it. The currant flavor came out strong to play in this iced tea. I’m loving it! I think I’ll need another pouch to get through summer. I hope they will reblend this one if their is enough demand, must keep in stock!

Iced 1 min, 30 sec
Southern Boy Teas

I SHOULD tell you, “oh no, this one is going to sell out and be gone forever, order it now while you can,” but I think if this sells out, I will have to reblend it just so I can keep some in my OWN cupboard. :) This is (I may have mentioned elsewhere) my new favorite. I could drink this all day. It’s really a shame it has not been as big a seller as some of our other blends. Some folks are really missing out.


Stop making me want this tea! I have no room in my tea cupboard! NO ROOM!

Southern Boy Teas

But it is jus’ a tiny little pouch. It is vafer thin…


tea cupboard explodes

Southern Boy Teas

LOL. I’m glad someone caught the reference. I was thinking I did a terrible job trying to imitate a French accent in text.

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I brewed up a big hot mug of this last night. Used 4tsp to 16oz (per instructions). So many leaves! The leaves have such a large percentage of black currants mixed in with them, they smell so delicious! White tea was a good base for this blend, mellow and smooth and not overpowering the black currants. Delicious! Can’t wait to try this iced!

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drank Mintastic by 52teas
259 tasting notes

I received my Mintastic today and decided it was just the thing. Dry, it smells lovely with spearmint perhaps winning the mighty contention between minty compadres for the “lead” aroma.

Once brewed, the odor is of a toothpaste/mouthwash mix. Pepsodent with a touch of Listerine? Ipana with Lavoris possibly, although I know that’s a little bit Ike and Mamie. Crest with extra whitener? I was a bit perplexed at first, but gamely sat down to drink my tea, knowing that I’d end up with minty fresh breath at the very least.

On taste, however, any serious intimations of toothpaste or mouthwash or anything medicinal, disappear. The trio of spearmint, peppermint, and wintergreen dance a lively gavotte in my mouth. No, it’s more like a Morris dance, where they take turns leading. No, it’s more like an English country dance, which Henry Tilney tells us is an “emblem of marriage”. The three distinct tastes remain distinct, and yet know when to blend and when to dip and when to “do si dos”. In sooth and in truth, it’s a delightful marriage of mints.

I can certainly see this as making a great iced tea too. Totally refreshing!
I have been consistently pleased with 52teas and consider their quality and their level of invention one of the best deals in the tea-buying world.

I like this as much if not more than I liked it yesterday. I used a smidgen less tea and this time I added a very small brown sugar crystal or two and a quick dash of milk. Although toothpaste overtones remain to the aroma, it’s a satisfyingly minty blend and it tolerates the milk very well.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I haven’t thought of Ipana in a long, long time. Brusha brusha brusha.


sounds like a great summer tea! I’ll have to try this one


I wasn’t that excited when I saw last week’s tea of the week, but, after reading this review, I’m rethinking it… maybe I will have to order it. There is one or two others that I want to try of theirs, but have been waiting to see what this week’s offering will be.

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
37 tasting notes

This isn’t bad but I prefer a plain genmaicha, The malt kind of overpowers the roasted rice flavor.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
37 tasting notes

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drank Apple Pie a la mode by 52teas
1908 tasting notes

Sip down! This has been a staple in my cupboard for ages, but now it’s finally time to bid it adieu.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Wow, this one must be old!

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drank Apple Pie a la mode by 52teas
1908 tasting notes

Adding milk really gives this tea a decadent, creamy, rich vanilla flavour that’s pretty close to the flavour of vanilla ice cream. Unfortunately I still think the apple in the blend could stand for having more of a presence, but otherwise this tea is quite yummy.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Apple Pie a la mode by 52teas
1908 tasting notes

Mucha thanks to Ricky for sharing this tea with me! blows a kiss ;D

I’ve been eyeing this particular 52Teas blend for awhile, being a big fan of apple pie. The interior of British-Columbia is orchard country so in the summer and fall there’s always a good supply of fresh, tasty apples for baking and my dad can bake the best pies completely from scratch.

This tea doesn’t quite make me think of those pies, the crust component is missing for one thing. The apple flavour is nice, but it could stand to be a touch stronger. The sweet vanilla and spice notes are what really completes this tea though. I’m drinking it plain this time, but I can’t wait to see how it’ll taste with some milk and/or honey.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I thought it was better with some added milk, actually.

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drank Cinnamon Fig Rooibos by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

Well, it’s getting late, so it’s time to switch to some caffeine free tea! This is the last of my package of this tea… I have enjoyed it.

This is definitely a rooibos blend that benefits from an extended brew time. I allowed it to steep for 10 minutes.

The flavor of the cinnamon is pleasant. Not a strong, spicy presence, more of a sweet cinnamon-y taste. I am not sure if this is because of the rooibos – perhaps the natural sweetness of the rooibos brings out the sweeter notes of the cinnamon?

The fig in this blend is a bit softer than I would like it to be – I love figs! But I really like the combination of fig and cinnamon. A decent cup.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Cinnamon Fig Rooibos by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

After all the tea that I’ve drunk today (I managed 4 infusions from the Bai Yun!), I’ve decided it’s time to make some non-caffeinated choices.

I like this one pretty well. The fig flavor is a bit more mellow than I remember it being in previous infusions, but the cinnamon is nicely pronounced here – not a strong, spicy-hot cinnamon but a spicy-sweet cinnamon. There is a fruity presence also – but, it doesn’t taste definitively of fig.

It’s still quite good though and it’s a nice, mellow cup. Pleasantly sweet.

Boiling 8 min or more

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