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Oh, this is such a ridiculous confection that it’s wonderful. The black tea smells like a very serious old-school tea but the raisin and chocolate aroma emerge after a few seconds. Steeped, the tea is naturally very sweet and the chocolate taste is pervasive.

FLASHBACK TO CHILDHOOD MEMORY: I remember, I remember—being 5 or 6 years old and somebody gave me some Raisinettes. I remember pain-stakingly licking the chocolate off the raisins and then discarding the raisins. Those were the days when I didn’t believe anyone should put “food” in the sweets.

52teas are, typically, bursting with flavor and this one is no exception. It’s excellent but does not match the Buttered Raisin Toast—perhaps because that “toasty” flavor seems more difficult to find in a tea than a chocolate or raisin taste. You’ve got to try this if you are a Raisinette fan. And 52teas might want to try more “Cinema” flavors—that would be nifty. Junior Mints. Twizzlers. Lemonheads. Charleston Chews. Hot buttered popcorn. Nibs. Jujubes. Just stay away from Dots—a confection I always found perfectly pointless.


Definitely going to order this one. I figured I’d wait though until this next week’s release to see if I want to include it in the order.

OK… I had to laugh at you licking the chocolate off the raisinettes. That would have been entertaining to watch.


Well of course I did such things very furtively. I can send you a sample of this in the package that will go out to you in just a day or two, if you like.


Sure, if you’d like, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks!!! You’re so good to me!


Funny you should mention the movie candy flavors - somewhere not long ago, similar five-and-dime recommendations were made…SweetTarts and Chick-O-Stick coming to mind.


I am suprised that this tea is very good. How could he mimic the flavor of raisins? Love the idea of cinema flavors but Charlestown Chews? Now that is a “blast from the past”…


Charlestown Chews? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them/seen them here in Canada. :D


I love Charlestown Chews (or are they Charleston?) Jillian – they have a sort of taffy-ish inside that is flavored – I remember vanilla and strawberry flavors – and then they are enrobed in milk chocolate. YUM. I like to freeze them and then break them into little bits. Brings the YUM factor up just a bit!

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This is the first cup of honeybush I’ve ever tasted, actually, and I was able to try this interesting flavor thanks to Kristin’s generosity. It’s not as strong as I had expected, and I’m not sure I can taste the cream cheese part, to be honest… just a really delectable raspberry tea. And I usually hate berry teas, so I’m really impressed. I’m learning not to say ‘never’ about any variety of tea. I’m really trying to use my imagination to get this stuff to match the photo of the gooey danish, but I think I’ll just settle for liking it as something simpler than what I expected.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I agree, it’s a great raspberry tea… but the cream cheese is all but nonexistant.


That is exactly how I felt about it. Don’t get too attached to it since they are out of it forever (unless someone convinces Frank to reblend it).


No way would I get attached to a tea that tastes like it’s missing an ingredient that’s in the name. I realize this is not a black tea- but I wonder how the cream cheese flavor compares to that in Zoomdweebie’s cream cheese flavored black tea.


Heh, what I am really jonesing to try on 52teas right now is the Peanut Butter Chai, the Gingerbread Rooibos, and the Champagne Mojito. Oh, and the Buttered Raisin toast one (but I’m not sure I want a full bag of any of these is the problem! I’m so fickle!)


Liz – the buttered cinnamon raisin toast (whole bag) is sitting in a drawer waiting to come to your house. I didn’t like it. Don’t buy it since I am going to send it to you.


I don’t think I’m going to wind up buying any of their stuff since I get all grumpy about having to buy a full bag without knowing if I’ll like it. Hmph to no samples!


I know. Every time I buy something without getting a sample first, I hate it. Although i recently had a sample of something and then ordered a whole bag because I loved the sample… and then the whole bag tastes different to me. Seems like I can’t win!


Then just put it up for swap. At least you get free shipping no matter how much you order- not many companies do that.


@Cofftea – I definitely will have a swap pile going soon too.


Idk, I probably should have tasted unflavored honeybush 1st- this was my 1st too.


Ohhhh free shipping? Ok, that’s a real bonus.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
328 tasting notes

Second nite in a row I am having this tea- I am taking a page from Cofftea’s book…anyway w/this chocolate creamer, this is a nice dessert (but way spicy from the cayenne)…


So gonna have this in 5 min. I was just gonna get up to make it now.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
328 tasting notes

Added this brewed tea w/one of those low -fat coffee creamers flavored w/chocolate. So this was extra creamy, and was perfect w/the almond and cayenne flavors of this tea,,,,Better than any dessert

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
328 tasting notes

This tea is simply excellent. Prior to tasting, I expected a slightly sweetened traditional chai with a lil’ extra cayenne pepper kick (kind of a cajun-style chai)… How wrong was I! Instead, the tea flavors are a symphony blooming in the following order : an overture of chai w/chocolate, then the crescendo of almond sweetness (yes almonds), then the cayenne pepper kick like a cymbal.

Thanks to Doulton for the sample and Cofftea for raving about this one! After I finish the 52 teas samples Doulton sent me, I plan to place an order for this tea!


This is one I suppose I’m going to have to order the next time I order from 52 Teas.


I don’t get any almond personally, but that’s ok:)


It is funny how people perceive teas differently. Prior to reading the ingredient list, I could have sworn this tea tasted like almonds. Then lo and behold- almonds are in the mix!


Haha that’s funny- I didn’t know there were almonds in it til someone said it here. And that was after trying it. Still can’t taste ’em.


I’m so excited my 52Teas order came in yesterday and this is in there. I cannot wait to try it!

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I really want to like this one. But… so far it’s not doing it for me. I’m so sad about it. It’s ok, but I am not getting much flavor from it. It’s a nice black tea with something. I don’t taste butter, I don’t taste toast, I might taste something slightly raisiny, and maybe there is a touch of cinnamon. Is it possible that the re-blend is not as good??

Maybe my mistake is that I actually had buttered cinnamon raisin toast last week from freshly homemade cinnamon swirl raisin bread? The flavors are fresh in my head.

The dried leaves smell like pez (in case you don’t know what I am talking about – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pez). And I am getting the pez flavor in the finish when I am drinking it.

Update – it’s definitely better with some soy creamer, but the flavor profile didn’t really change much.

Update 2 – .. and down the drain. Bleah. Can’t finish it.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

LOL – one of my kiddies went through a stage this winter where every tea I gave her from Teavana reminded her of Pez! You just reminded me of those moments with your post :)


Hahaha. Pez. I have yet to smell that in a tea, but though I am not very strong with the force I’m strong with the power of suggestion. I now have to tell myself not to think of sawdust when I drink rooibos, and soon I’ll be tasting Pez, I just know it.


I had my husband smell the bag of tea last night and he didn’t think pez, he was thinking of some candy from his Halloween candy bag from when he was a kid (he couldn’t remember which one). But, in any case, proves that I am not entirely crazy. :)

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
158 tasting notes


Been a while since I had any in my collection. The only matcha I have ever bought and personally owned was from Teavana, though I’ve sipped it in restaurants and other places. This, then, I will only really be able to compare to Teavana’s matcha in terms of the quality of the powder.

Not an easy prospect, because of the way in which this is blended with the freeze-dried strawberry powder. The resulting color of the matcha is pretty dark…more like a drab, olive green khaki color than that electrified, super-saturated emerald-green that I’ve come to equate with good, un-diluted matcha powder. I will have to give them the benefit of the doubt as far as that goes, and assume it’s because of the muddying of the strawberry.

There’s really no mistaking the scent, either. Anybody to have bought cereal with freeze-dried strawberry in it, or tins of unsulfered, completely dried fruit will immediately recognize the smell, sweet and, to me, slightly starchy or bready in some way.

I decided, since I haven’t had matcha in a while, to have it this morning in my very favorite way to have it: as a latte. Taken this way, it’s quite a treat!

For reference: 2 1/2 cups water heated over medium heat on the stove in a pot, until steaming but not simmering or boiling. Add 2 rounded teaspoons of matcha, sifted (I use a wire teapot infuser basket and grate it through with the end of the teaspoon). Whisk! Added 1 cup whole milk, whisked until foamy and fluffy and steaming again, then poured into a cup.

Usually my proportions here are different, and usually when it’s regular matcha I add a blob of honey, but I didn’t want to tamper with the flavor of the strawberries. I’m glad that I didn’t — that starchy, powdery aftertaste of the dried strawberry goes really well with the creaminess of the milk.

Taken this way, the matcha tastes essentially the way that it smells, but less sharp, which may very well owe itself to the milk. I like that the matcha isn’t crushed out by either the milk or the strawberry, too…it’s a really decadent trifecta of flavors. It has me thinking that it would make a really delicious ice cream.


sophistre – thanks for adding the latte recipe – I am collecting these recipes (along with chai recipes) for when I get up my nerve to try them again! I haven’t (so far) been too successful but I live in hope….


Sure! My amounts this morning were actually sort of wonky, so I’ll shoot you a message with the way I usually go (which I learned…somewhere on the internet, actually, so I can probably dig that up)…along with the way I do chai. I think my chai methods don’t really differ from the usual, though.

Lattes are surely not the most slimming way to take either of these, but it’s far and away my favorite!

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drank Malted Genmaicha by 52teas
411 tasting notes


I gave this a while between samplings, because I wasn’t sure I really had my mind made up. But I do. I’m just not that fond of this. It’s a really interesting experiment, of the sort that makes 52teas such a fascinating company, but it’s just not my cuppa. I think it’s got too much malt in it for my tastes. I do like genmaicha, but apparently I prefer mine straight up.

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
359 tasting notes

No notes yet. Add one?

205 °F / 96 °C

wikipedia says: Usucha, or thin tea, is prepared with approximately 1.75 grams8 (amounting to 1.5 heaping chashaku scoop, or about half a teaspoon i.e. level teaspoon) of matcha and approximately 75 ml (2.5 oz) of hot water per serving, which can be whisked to produce froth or not, according to the drinker’s preference (or to the traditions of the particular school of tea). Usucha creates a lighter and slightly more bitter tea. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matcha


Woah level teaspoon for 2.5oz of water… I did a heaping for 8oz of water… hmm…


Thanks for the info!


i mean….i haven’t made mine yet, and wiki could be all wrong, but that’s what i’m going to try tomorrow with my wisk and bowl!


I’m jealous! I need to purchase a whisk and a bowl already. I’ve been searching and nothing really catches my eye.


It doesn’t help that all those accessories are rather expensive when you add the costs of them together. D:

Kathryn Ann

Jillian, I know! I’ve wanted to start drinking matcha but looking at the cost of all the accessories is really daunting, and it feels like such a process! But the 52teas strawberry matcha is just too tempting!


It’s close to sixty dollars for a set! =( The nice bowls are so pricey.


actually it’s my whisk whisk….like the kind you get in the multi-tool kitchen basket at kmart :) and the bowl is my soup “mug”


Wikipedia also says 3 scoops is ~3.75g… actually it’s more like 7 scoops… blech… Kathryn Ann and Ricky- don’t make the same mistake I did and think that all matcha sets have to be expensive. Check out this link for some good ideas around $30. http://steepster.com/discuss/313-recommendations-on-a-matcha-kit Get a basic kit (chawan, chasen, and scoop) to see how you like preparing it then if you want a different set later, rehome it to another matcha newbie. Kathryn Ann, not sure what you mean by it being a “process”… the preparation? Finding your perfect water:matcha ratio is half the battle. After that, it’s just measure matcha, place in chawan, measure and heat water, add to bowl, whisk, and enjoy!=D


It depends on what you mean by a “weeee bit”- most matchas are supposed to be that way. Mouthfeel is a good judge for me as to whether or not I have too much matcha for my amount of water… it gets chalky.

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drank PBJ Rooibos by 52teas
788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 4 tsp if I had followed directions it would have been 3
Additives: none
Water:22 ounces filtered boiling, but then sat for a little as we sniffed quizzically
Tool: Cast Iron Teapot with Mesh basket strainer
Steep Time: a little over 7 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: It smells, just like a pbj sandwich
Steeped Tea Smell: Strawberry rooibos
Flavor: Rooibos, hint of strawberry, Militiajim found the hint of PB but it’s hiding from me still
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: Sweet
Liquor: Dark reddish-brown translucent

Perhaps I need to steep it longer?

Last night I drank a coconut custard pie, and tonight I drank a PBJ. I think I have a drinking problem (j/k) ;-)

Post-Steep Additives: none

images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/04/52teas-loose-leaf-rooibos-tea-pbj.html

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

A hint of strawberry?!?! Did Frank purchase way too many strawberries so he decided to drop a bit in this as well?


well they did come out in quick succession so i am betting he decided to place a larger order and do both at the same time?

Meghann M

I forgot that this had strawberry (the way I like my pbj) and not grape (the way my husband likes pbj). I may have to order this one!


I am currently downing in tea, want me to send some PBJ your way tomorrow morning – there still seems to be enough left, you might be able to try some before buying a whole thing?


I should clarify-there seems to be enough left at 52teas (unlike the run on strawberry matcha)

Meghann M

Thanks for sending some my way even though I seem to have missed this post!

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Expended all of my extracurricular babbling on yesterday’s tasting note, alas, but I don’t need to write much to say what I want to say about this one (especially since I’ve already written one for this tea):

Yummy. Apples are sweet, and it’s good with black tea, and I like it.

I’m still not really sure that I get more than the very barest impression of honey here, but it doesn’t matter, because the apples are sweet, and it’s good with black tea, and I like it.


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I cannot (in this instance) tell a lie: I have been sort of afraid to place an order with 52teas.

I’d have to say that flavored teas aren’t really my go-to cup. I really marvel over the wide variety of flavors that Camellia Sinensis is capable of producing all on its lonesome, or at least with a little bit of environmental coaxing.

More, I’m wary of flavored teas because often, the flavors are…not believable.

Today I’ve had two offerings from 52teas, and I’ve liked them both. This is my second, and to be honest it was sort of an unusual flavor for me to choose, as apples are not really my go-to flavor for much of anything. Something about the combination of apple and honey was appealing enough for me to want to give it a try, though, so…here we are.

It’s a subtle tea, to be certain, but quite good. There were chunks of dried apple in the tea leaves. Despite the warning that ‘this tea may be sticky’, there was no rampant clumping of honey-saturated leaves going on, which is good. ;) The smell of the dried leaves doesn’t quite reflect the taste of the tea.

And that taste is…again, very subtle. There’s mild black tea as a base. You sip, and if you hold the tea in your mouth, you get the taste of dried apple…and then on the swallow you get a little bit of its sweet tartness unfolding in your mouth, especially along the sides of the tongue. Definitely apple. Honey may have a presence here, but if so, it’s very mild.

I seem to remember someone always searching for well-done apple teas. I am sort of hoping it’s Jillian so that I can send her some in recompense for my perpetually delayed shipment of sample tea!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

I don’t know…I might have said something along those lines in the past, although I’ve also said the same about mango teas. But hey, if you’re willing to share I certainly won’t say no! ;)

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drank Mintastic by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

I was a bit nervous about this tea. I usually have to be in the mood for mint, and I wasn’t sure that today was the day. Steeping this tea smells exactly like the Moroccan Mint that I have which I do like, but that is a green tea base…and this is a black tea. I’m a little worried about the black tea/minty combo. Thankfully, I was worrying for nothing. The tea is light and minty with the black tea base dominating. Overall it tastes like a great black tea with a minty finish. I like this a lot more than I expected. Thanks Doulton!

4 min, 0 sec

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drank Gingerbread Rooibos by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

After much deliberation, I decided to go with another tea courtesy of Doulton. For some reason the dry tea smells minty to me…that can’t be right. But it didn’t smell like I expected. The dry mix looks pretty with the bits of gingersnaps and pieces of ginger. The tea is pretty good, after steeping the cinnamon and ginger stand out. I like this because it doesn’t have that wood taste that rooibos can have at times. I don’t know if I would have pegged this tea as gingerbread, but it is a nice, slightly spicy tea. I will certainly enjoy the rest of my sample.

5 min, 0 sec

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Finishing up the last of my pouch! I added milk and it’s smooth and creamy. What a tasty afternoon treat.

Goodbye White Chocolate Cashew Black Tea! You were a delight!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I drank this all day yesterday (one teaspoon in 12 oz. lasted me up to three infusions each). Its sweetness really help curb my trips to the office candy jar at work. But, in a moment of weakness, I actually fished out all the white chocolate chips out of the packet and ate them! :P

I’m happy to say that the the lack of chips does not affect the flavor at all. They’re there just for looks, really.


If the chips are just for looks where does the white chocolate flavor come from?

I’m quite impressed 1tsp in 12oz wasn’t really weak:)


Your moment of weakness reminds me of how when I was little, on the rare occasion that my mother would buy Lucky Charms, I would go through the box and pick out all the marshmallows!


@Erin, I did that too! I loved Lucky Charms marshmallows!


I believe the flavor actually comes from the flavoring oils. Any other additions are added for aesthetic reasons only. Ask Libertea, she can confirm this. :)


Or better yet Frank, he normally notices frequent commentations on his teas’ tasting notes:)


It’s true… the additions such as chocolate chips, fruit bits, and other things do very little to the flavor. Really, the chocolate chips add slightly more flavor than say fruit bits or other things… but, even then it is a very slight addition of flavor to the overall cup. One thing that chocolate bits DO add… is a slight murky consistency to the cup (in other words, the tea is less clear than in a tea without the chocolate bits). The main flavor from the flavored teas comes from tea flavoring oil. The tea leaves are extraordinarily absorbent and absorb the flavor of the oil rapidly… and this is how a flavored tea is achieved. That’s why you can taste flavor in a tea that may not look flavored (that is, without any “bits” in it)


There is one significant exception, and that would be spices (or herbs)… they add a considerable flavor to a tea…


@Liberteas: Because of your comment (on another note), about flavoring teas, I was confident that my eating all the chips in advance wouldn’t change the flavor. And you were right! The flavor was just as strong (only without the melted chip murkiness).


Stephanie – having a smiling moment picturing (a non-specific) you picking out the chocolate bits! It’s been a while but long time ago, I read a book by Susan Elizabeth Philips that had the heroine mad at the book’s hero and her way of getting back at him was to take his favorite Lucky Charms cereal, take out all the marshmallows & reseal the cereal bag/box so it didn’t look tampered with. He was soooo mad when he couldn’t find the marshmallows, hehehe! I think I got the details right on the book…. so funny!


lol! I have to look up that book!


Note to self: don’t order this tea, or your weightwatchers points will be history!

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I’m now having a craving for a seriously decadent dessert so—

White Chocolate Cashew to the rescue! :P

The dry leaf scent is intensely syrupy sweet! The leaves have a slight sheen from the flavoring oils. There are whole pieces of white chocolate chips and chunks of cashew mingled in. Once brewed and stirred, the chocolate chips melt in seamlessly and turn the liquid opaque.

The scent and the taste are pretty faithful to its name—like white chocolate covered cashews! But it’s not too sweet at all—I think the black tea base evens everything out with some slight bitterness.

Overall, this tea is fun to drink! I know I’ll be brewing it often for dessert!

Boiling 5 min, 45 sec

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

I am finishing up the last of my Strawberry Matcha now. Somehow… this is THE BEST chawan-full of strawberry matcha to date! As I sip this, I am sad that my pouch is empty! The strawberry is much more pronounced here, the matcha is delightful.

And now… I am even more sad that my chawan is no longer full…

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Aww…that is so sad. I really feel your pain. Savor the flavor, girl!


Dislike that chawan is empty. That’s one of the saddest feelings in the world: gazing at the bottom of an empty tea cup.


Yes, sadly, it happens very fast when I drink matcha… it disappears so quickly. But… I did enjoy it while it was there.

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

I’m having a smoothie with my lunch today – Strawberry Matcha, frozen peaches, a banana and some vanilla kefir. I’m eating some spicy Mexican food so it’s a nice way to cool down after the heat of the spices!

Even with the other fruits and vanilla flavor, the strawberry flavor of the matcha is evident, as is the fresh, sweet taste of the Matcha. Yum!

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

For this morning’s breakfast: Plain yogurt, bananas, a cup of frozen peaches, a splash of milk, and a scoop of Strawberry Matcha, whirled in the blender. YUMMY! I’m thinking I should start every day like this…


Sounds like an awesome way to start the morning!

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drank Strawberry Matcha by 52teas
4843 tasting notes

Guess what arrived today! I was very surprised (happily so!) to receive my package from 52Teas!

The strawberry flavor is a bit tart. Or it could be that the slight bitterness from Matcha brings out the tart of the strawberry. The sweeter strawberry flavor arrives on the palate in the finish as sort of a low note. The strawberry flavor is a really nice addition to the flavor of the Matcha. I think I like the mandarin matcha a little better though. Overall a very pleasant Matcha.

180 °F / 82 °C

you post made me go tearing out of the apartment to go check my mail, sadly nothing from 52teas, but at least a swap was there so it wasn’t a total let down. hopefully it gets here soon!


Mine arrived today too! I’m just staring lovely at it right now—I’m almost hesistant to disturb its vacuum-packed glory!


No fair! I want mine! What matcha/water ratio did you use?


Jealous!!! Mine won’t arrive till sometime next week!


I’m jealous too! Who knows when mine will arrive.


Maybe Chelsea likes me better than the rest of you. (evil grin)

Southern Boy Teas

FYI, all of the initial Strawberry Matcha orders went out the same day, so it’s all up to the post office now, but I would bet that everyone in the US should have theirs Monday.


Maybe the postal service likes me better than the rest of you. After all, my father is a retired postmaster. (giggle)


By the way, Frank… how about a peach flavored Matcha? Yum… or… maybe do a Chelsea special to the matcha and make it chocolate covered banana matcha! Chelsea’s rooibos is still my favorite from 52Teas!

Southern Boy Teas

I actually think the next one might be a tuna melt matcha. :)


oh… yummy! Can’t wait for it.


lol!! :)))


i vote for plain tuna salad actually, celery, tuna, mayo ;)


onion too, please… I love onion in my tuna salad.


While I totally believe that 52teas is capable of tuna melt or tuna salad matcha, cheese and mayo flavors scare me. Can they be done w/o needing to be refrigerated like the real thing?


@Cofftea – yes! well at least the tuna http://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/product/dried-tuna-flakes-3-52-oz haven’t found a dry mayo yet


waiwait not what i wanted: http://culinaryarts.about.com/od/saladdressings/ss/mayonnaise.htm so mayo is eggs (comes dry powered) and oil….so i think it can be done flavor-wise

Geoffrey Norman

Man, I wish this was still on their site.


Yes, it’s sad it’s gone, but the other ones are equally as good!

Geoffrey Norman

I was eying the cranberry matcha.


@Geoffrey – the cranberry is probably my favorite of the three most recently released flavored matchas from 52Teas – I really like this one. Although, the other 2 are very good also.

Geoffrey Norman

Peer pressure really works on here.


Haha! Ooooh yeah.

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I was just begging Erin for a taste of this when I got a package from Doulton today that included this very tea. I’ve been going crazy to try this one and I’m so happy now! Thanks Doulton!

I was worried that the raspberry flavor would be overwhelming but happily it’s not. The raspberry flavor is mellow and goes great with the honeybush. I’m detecting a bit of the creaminess but I’m not sure I’d call it cream cheese danish. It’s a nice tea in any case. I think I will brew the next cup longer and see if the flavors intensify.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Oooh I’m intrigued! :)


It’s sold out… but I’ll send you some of the sample. I was going to send you a few things soon anyway.

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drank Malted ChocoMaté by 52teas
1015 tasting notes

Enjoying a quick cup of grown-up hot chocolate before work this morning and taking the rest in my Thermos for a mid-day fix. I love the kick that mate gives and I hope that it is enough to keep me going on my first day back after Spring Break!

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