Well, I went to check the mail today and SURPRISE a package from Doulton. Before opening the package I could smell chocolate. I raced inside and ripped open the package to find a great assortment of goodies including this one. Since the chocolate aroma was so strong, my decision had already been made. I was going to pick this tea to try first. The given time range of 4-10 minutes was a bit large, so after reading a few tasting notes I decided on 5 minutes.
Let me just say, the smell of this tea is absolutely a chocolate lover’s dream. My entire apartment smells like chocolate now! I’m also excited because this is mate and I absolutely love mate, chocolate and malt. This tea is possibly the most perfect tea of my dreams.
The dry tea is obviously mate and includes little chocolatey chunks of heaven. The smell while steeping was too good, I was getting very impatient waiting for the 5 minutes to elapse. Without additives, this tea tastes like a dark chocolate, slightly bitter. I added a splash of milk and a pinch of sugar and WHOA!!! This tea is amazing. Very malted chocolate, rich and satisfying. This would be a fantastic dessert tea, but since it has caffeine from the mate, it is a good excuse to have dessert after breakfast. I haven’t had many chocolate teas, and the ones I have had included mint. This obviously chocolatey chocolate tea is a step above the rest. It is also my first 52teas and I am certainly impressed. Once again, much appreciation to Doulton!
This is one of my favorites from 52Teas.