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I’m glad I decided to brew some of this last night for iced tea today… because it’s supposed to be super hot today. It makes an absolutely superb iced tea. Very vibrant and flavorful, pleasantly sweet and oh-so-refreshing!
Here is my published review of this tea, if anyone cares to take a look:
Oh… and I increased the numeric rating on this a bit, because it’s really really good!
Enjoying a cup of my favorite Rooibos! I love this blend!
You can read my full-length review of it here:
I enjoyed a cup of this with the birthday cookies I made for the birthday party (my daughter requested cookies – her favorite peanut butter blossoms – instead of a cake for her party)… and it is so good with dessert! Then again, it’s good instead of dessert.
Still my favorite… although I think that the chocolate malt honeybush may give it a run for it’s money.
Know what? I like having enough of this on hand so that I can drink it whenever I want without worrying that I’ll run out and not have it on a day that I really crave it. Thank you for reblending it Frank. :)
Yum. Yum. Yum.
As I said in my Butter Pecan Post, I am not normally a big fan of bananas. I do like bananas with ice cream (cold stone), I like chocolate covered frozen bananas (but they aren’t really a favorite treat, they are more like a treat that I have when I’m someplace like Disneyland more because its a “tradition” than because it’s my favorite), I like bananas in smoothies and now, I like banana flavored tea… (I have a banana green tea that I haven’t yet tried from Tea Farm, going to have to actually crack that one open and try it soon). But, as for peeling a banana and eating it… well, I’d rather eat just about any other fruit. I like bananas ok… but they aren’t my favorite fruit, not by a long shot.
And, I’m not particularly crazy about rooibos. I don’t DISLIKE rooibos, but, I prefer honeybush (or even green rooibos) to red rooibos. And sometimes I do dislike rooibos if they happen to have been blended in such a way so that the saccharine-y taste comes out. Because that is just icky. I don’t have to drink saccharine sweetened drinks anymore because I don’t live with my stepmother anymore… (cue the little munchkins to sing that song when the house landed on the witch)
I actually probably wouldn’t have tried this tea if it weren’t for Frank’s explanation of how it came to exist in the first place. I felt sorry for Chelsea. So I ordered this tea.
And I LOVED IT. It is my favorite from 52Teas…. well, that I’ve tried thus far.
Chocolate. Bananas. YUM. YUM. YUM.
As my last steeped cuppa for the evening, I chose one of my favorites! I ordered a sufficient supply of these recently so I don’t feel the need to hoard them anymore – plus Lori was kind enough to send me some as well – THANKS Lori!
Delicious chocolate and banana – not much more to say than that! This rooibos blend reminds me of Disneyland, when I lived in California, I used to visit Disneyland pretty regularly, and each time I’d visit, I’d indulge in a frozen chocolate covered banana on Main Street!
Actually, UNLESS I overdo it with sweetener (I add just a little bit to this to enhance the flavors, but, not enough to render it too sweet), the rooibos flavor is not strong with this, which is one of the reasons why I like it so well. I’m not a big fan of rooibos. That’s one of the big reasons why it surprises me that I love this blend so much, because it IS a rooibos blend.
We actually toyed with doing this one as a black tea or a honeybush even, but we came to decide that the rooibos really set the right tone for this blend (which is something of a rarity for me—I too am more fond of blending with honeybush and bases other than rooibos). So glad you are enjoying it.
@TeaEqualsBliss, yes I did… I’ve just been away from the computer for a few hours so I’m catching up a bit.
@Frank, you did exceptionally well with this blend… not to say that your other blends aren’t very good as well, I don’t think I’ve encountered one yet that I haven’t enjoyed. But THIS one is the best.
There are very few teas (that I haven’t flavored/blended myself) that have earned a spot on my “permanent” tea shelf. This tea – which isn’t a tea at all – has earned that coveted spot. I love this tea… and I’ve been hoarding it until I knew for sure that I’d be able to get more. Fortunately, more is forthcoming!
Yummy. Chocolate. Yummy. Banana. Yummy!!!
And I’m not that big on bananas, nor am I big on rooibos. But this blend – as Randy Jackson might say – worked it out! Dawg!
Awesome. Absolutely my favorite blend from 52 Teas.
Oh… I forgot to add – I made it “latte” style tonight, with steamed, frothed milk, and I didn’t think it was possible for this tea to be any better (well, possibly 2 points better) but, the latte makes this a lot like a chocolate banana milkshake! (which I love!)
Love the Randy Jackson reference, DAWG! I have to get some of this when it’s back in stock. Such great reviews from some great reviewers, including you!
Frank, err… um… let it slip under err… um… interrogation… err… no… no… not interrogation, nothing coercive or anything like that, no! But… yeah, he has a few of them left after the Samplers Festival. But their mine, you understand? Mine, all mine! Muahahahahaha!
I’m enjoying a Matcha smoothie at the moment – Kefir, frozen peaches, banana and Mandarin Matcha. This time, I am using coconut milk kefir, which adds a very interesting dimension to the flavor – it has a bit more tropical flair that I’m really liking.
It appears that I only have enough of this Matcha left for one more serving… perhaps I will finish that off with a chawan of Matcha in a bit.
You know, we put some of this back behind the counter in a jar for serving to our in-shop customers, and they never really wanted this one much. I’m thinking I might have enough left in the jar for ONE more 2oz. pouch…
Currently out of matcha. Going to order some more with my next tea order (should be soon). Will see what we can come up with then.
The Zoomdweebie’s site is about to be completely revamped. We’re moving completely away from ecommerce. We’re only going to carry 52teas and ManTeas blends, and maybe a third brand in the future. But everybody has essentially the same base teas. There are very few true importers in the US, I think we have worked with all of them. The new Zoomdweebie’s site is coming along: http://zoomdweebies.52teas.com Almost ready to transfer to zoomdweebies.com
Actually there are quite a few teas Zoomdweebies carries that I’ve never heard of- but then again maybe I’m not looking in the right place lol.
If there are some you are interested in, I’m open to suggestions. I’m trying to figure out how to clearance them out.
Watermelon matcha would be really good… or a cantaloupe (muskmelon) matcha would be really good also. mmmmmmm… But… don’t make it next week… or even the week after that. Give me a while to catch up on my tea purchases here!
What a nice after lunch treat.
I’ve reviewed this one before… and the flavor is still quite the same: sweet with just a touch of bitter. One difference today than in past tastings is that I notice more mandarin bits in my chawan. I don’t know if there have always been this many and I’m only now noticing them, or if somehow I managed to scoop out more this time than previously. But I don’t think that this presence of more bits of pulp make this tea more or less fruity… it just makes it look a bit different.
So, Frank… what is your next Matcha flavor going to be?
My 3rd 52Teas tea today! I was actually CRAVING some matcha today, I didn’t want to break out my ceremonial matcha, so I opted for this lovely tea.
I think I am enjoying this a little more each time I prepare it… and I think that the next time I prepare it, I might mix it with a little bit of the ginger matcha from Art of Tea – can’t really go wrong with mandarin and ginger! Sounds awesome to me.
The flavor is smooth and delicious and sweet, just as I expected it to be. I love the orange flavor with the bittersweet matcha, a very nice pairing! And it coats the throat quite nicely… which is a bonus when one is feeling sickly!
Matcha! I was going through some of my stash and decided to have some of this – I hid it from myself for a while so that I wouldn’t be tempted to drink it!
So good! Better, in fact, than I remember it being, so I will up my original score just a bit. Creamy smooth and sweet. The sweet, juicy flavor of the mandarin cuts through some of the “matcha bitterness” I normally do not mind the matcha bitterness, and in fact, have an appreciation for it, but, it is also nice when a matcha comes along that is different.
I am still waiting for chocolate matcha, Frank. :)
I need some caffeine – black tea style! This is not what I consider to be the stoutest tea out there, but it is black… and it is yummy! So this is what I grabbed from my stash.
As I’ve done before with this tea, I’ve added just the tiniest pinch of salt to it to enhance the cashew flavor. If I hadn’t done this – this time – I don’t know that I would have detected it. (Again, not the tea’s fault, but my taste buds) With it though, I can taste the sweet, nutty flavor of the cashews as well as the smooth creamy flavor of the white chocolate.
The tea is pleasantly brisk and provides a nice base for the flavors here, although I think that the white chocolate cashew flavor might be quite interesting with a green tea base as well. Overall, a very nice offering from 52Teas. Deliciously different for a morning tea.
I wrote a review for this tea which appears at the Tea Review Blog (http://www.teareviewblog.com). I am really enjoying this tea. Right now, my favorite way to drink it – and the way I’m drinking it now – is with a bit of raw sugar and the tiniest pinch of salt.
No, I don’t ordinarily add a pinch of salt to my tea, but, with this tea, it seems to bring out the flavor of the cashew nicely as well as cuts through some of the sweeter notes of the white chocolate. I like white chocolate, but I sometimes find it just a bit too sweet.
Overall a very nice flavored black tea.
actually, I like the combination of chocolate and salt – and especially caramel and salt! I didn’t think I would like it the first time I tried it (It’s been years since I first tried the combination) but now, I actually find myself looking for salted caramels and chocolates.
I don’t consider white chocolate overly sweet though… actually kinda savory since it’s a butter. Doesn’t the sugar and the salt just cancel each other out?
Not really. In this particular case, the tea remains sweet, but just not too sweet. The salt isn’t really a discernible “flavor” in the cup, it just gives a proper accent to the flavors – the cashew tastes a bit more like a cashew, and the sweeter nature of the white chocolate is a bit less so, but, somehow still tastes a bit MORE like white chocolate.
No, I find that the combination actually enhances each element. I love sweet and salty foods—like kettle corn popcorn, seal salt caramels, salt water taffy…they’re all yummy!
As someone who has blended/flavored teas for eight years, I will offer this: Salt is a difficult thing to add to a blend. I’m not saying it can’t be done, of course. But the problem is that the salt would settle to the bottom of the package and would not be evenly dispersed throughout, resulting in a very inconsistent tea, with some infusions being way too salty, and some not being salty enough (or at all). Also, since salt is sort of a personal thing (much like sugar), perhaps it is better that it is left to the individual to decide if they wish to add it.
LiberTEAS, I can totally understand that- but couldn’t there just be a note on the package to shake to disperse the ingredients much like chai?
Yes, there could. I haven’t yet tried the smoky bacon, although I did try their maple bacon which I really liked. Is it really smoky? I’m not a big fan of lapsang souchong (one of the only teas that I’ve actually THROWN OUT in my life because I couldn’t bear the scent of it).
It’s more beef jerky-ish vs. bacony where I think regular lapsang souchong is more campfire-y. The only way I can drink it is w/ southern comfort or breakfast food.
Thanks. I think I can easily forgo the purchase of it then. Some months ago (before 52 Teas came out with the Maple Bacon) my husband had been pushing me to come up with a bacon flavored tea, so I actually have some Lapsang Souchong on hand that I had planned on using to create a bacon blend, but, I never did use it. I hate throwing tea away. I will probably send it to the Tea Guru, I think she likes it.
Decided to try this in my wee oolong pot. 1 teaspoon to 4 oz of water. One thing about white teas that I don’t like is that you have to use so much! This little pot preserves the illusion of only using a teaspoon a pot, and you get plenty of tea from the multiple infusions (again, why did I wait so long to try this little wonder pot??!!)! There are a few tea leaves in my poured cup, but nothing terrible! Perhaps I can read my tea leaves after I’m done :)
My kettle only goes as low as 175, so I decided to brew at a higher temp than what is recommended on the package. The tea tastes just as spectacular thankfully! I might even prefer it a notch more – it’s more tea-y (and not bitter, which was my fear). I think I’ll continue to brew this at 175.
The black currant flavor and the mellow, delicious white tea is so enjoyable in the afternoon. Each successive steep is milder in both fruit and tea flavor, but very good. I made 5 steeps altogether, increasing a minute each steep.
Yay! This made my afternoon!
If you are curious about my tea leaves, I saw a:
BIRD – good news, psychic powers, movement, motion, good luck, a lucky sign; good news if flying, a fortunate journey
DOG – good friend, love, fidelity, faithful friends
LEAF – prosperous results of your diligence, new friends, and satisfaction
LETTER – signifies news
I have my favorite link bookmarked at work – I’ll send it to you tomorrow! But at home I have a Nelros cup and little book about it.
My cup is like this one:
and you can read the pictures on the cup and tell time and seasons and stuff, or read what you see like you would on a blank cup.
LOL! I almost choked on my bagel when I read your comment Frank XD
But Frank — think of the marketing possibilities! You could put a tiny prize in each tea like Cracker Jacks, most kids cereals, or Wade of England ;)
I did get an order of calendula (marigold) petals once for our teas, and it had FEATHERS in it. I haven’t ordered from that supplier since.
FEATHERS, Large feathers signify achievement and prosperity; to authors, literary success; small feathers denote something of which you are afraid, but which you will meet with courage. (he hee)
…and if anyone doubted the tea leaves – I got some good news regarding work – a summer stipend for additional work to be done :) It was what I had in mind when I was drinking and swirling. !!!
I am drinking the best iced tea that I have ever had in my life!!! 4 tsp of this tea for 8 hours in 4 cups of water cold brewed in the refrigerator…and the best part? The tea resteeps beautifully! I added 4 more cups of water to the leaves and left them to cold brew for 12 hours. It’s a shade lighter in color and just a little less amazing white tea and currant flavor. I may have to buy out 52teas stock of this tea!
Glad I just ordered a bag of this, I’ve read such great reviews of this tea from you and a few others, I just had to get it (and Pina Colada Honeybush).
Deeeeeeeee-licious!!!!!! If you are a black currant fan (I am! I am!) you will love this tea. I never knew I liked black currants so much until I tasted Angrboda’s Raspberry Oolong, and for that I will be forever grateful!!! I kind of feel like they are grown-up sophisticated little raspberries. I am now always seeking them out!
The white tea is delicate and without bitterness, and the black currant addition is just perfect. In the description, it says that twice the amount of currant has been used, which to me tastes exactly right!! It’s fruity but I can still taste tea AND fruit. I didn’t think any sweetener was needed. Wonderful! I think this would be great iced, and I am going to make it for my next iced tea!!!
Steep 2: upped the steeping time to 3 minutes. Very similar to steep #1 (which means it’s still delightfully fruity! YES!
Steep 3: did 3 minutes again. A little less fruity but the tea tastes great!
I am now full of tea but I’m going to save the leaves incase I feel like a post lunch cuppa. Will edit this post!
I’ve had the same sort of raspberry-oolong-y thoughts towards this one… As well as the base being my favourite white type. I just can’t justify a purchase at the moment.
I thought it was interesting to note that growing black currants is still BANNED in New Jersey because of a white pine rust they can harbor (they were banned in the entire US until 1966!). I really wanted to grow some bushes in my garden but alas!
…and after a little more digging I found that there are 4 types of black currants you can have in NJ but you need a PERMIT!! One day I will call the state and see how complicated that is…
OK last comment about growing black currant in NJ! You need to draw up a map to show where you are planting your bushes, and they have to be available for state inspection, and you have to pay $75 a year and renew each year or destroy your bushes. I will just have to purchase pre-made black currant delicacies since I need to save my agricultural fight energy for getting our town to change the rule about keeping chickens (no farm animals allowed! I just want 3 chicken ladies for fresh eggs and so they can peck about the grass for mosquitos!!!)
Hee hee hee! It’s a bit like ringing a bell. Ricky has developed a Pavlovian response to The Tea We Shan’t Mention. :D
Okay so I’ve now had this tea three times. I waited awhile to review it as I thought maybe this is the kinda tea blend that will grow on me. Sadly no it’s not growing on me I do enjoy the smell of the dry leaf but once steeped I don’t get raisin I get fig or plum? On my last sip I do get a little crisp toasty flavor so while I don’t get the butter flavor which maybe a good thing. I don’t totally hate this tea I can see while people do enjoy this tea and I think that the flavors are there I just prefer a stronger range of flavors in my tea. Unless I’m having a green or white tea of course. I’ll rate this one high up there for being spot on flavor wise but it is not something I personally would reorder.
My hubby and son say this tea smells just like Honduran tamales. Which would make since since one of the ingredients in a Honduran tamale is raisins. I know your thinking raisins in a tamale(?) LOL all I can say is it’s a tropical thing! You’d have to taste to understand.
I had this a few times as well before I could figure it out. It did grow on me though. I wish it was stronger too =(. That’s my only complaint about 52teas. I feel that their teas would definitely be better as an afternoon tea instead of an early morning one.
I know I’ve tried the mojito, chocomate, and the one above and none of them are strong enough. I am hoping the I will like their Pina Colada Honeybush that AmazonV and I have arranged to swap! :)
True mojito, chocomate and pina colada are all strong enough. It’s the black flavored teas that aren’t. Though coconut cream pie was pretty strong. It’s weird… some flavors are stronger than other. Where’s the consistency!
Okay so I received this as a gift from AmazonV thanks AmazonV!:) I don’t totally hate this tea it’s not something I would ever purchase to drink but it’s not disgusting either.
The smell when I opened the envelope was amazing but I know from 52Teas Chocomate that smells can be deceiving! So I proceed to steep it up following the directions and the result is a very dark liquor it’s quite nice looking the taste isn’t what I was expecting after reading others reviews comparing this to girl scout thin mints while I am more of a Caramel Delights kinda gal myself I thought what the heck!?!
The flavor allows you to still taste the tea base which is a plus (to me) but the chocolate and mint just don’t pack enough punch to balance out the black tea base.
While I am not a huge Adagio fan I would rather drink cocomint green tea by Adagio than this. Or H&S chocolate mint. I guess I am still on my quest to find a 52Teas tea that I adore. Thanks Again AmazonV! It’s not a total loss my son is enjoying it iced with milk, sweetener, and crushed ice.
While i can’t remember the exact taste of this tea it is the one that my wife has requested every time we go into the shop. I am hoping that one day Frank @ 52teas will grace us with this blend again. If there is enough interest in the two that could happen sooner than later.
Steep Information:
Amount: 3 tsp
Additives: none
Water: filtered boiling
Tool: Cast Iron Teapot with Mesh basket strainer
Steep Time: a little over 4, 9 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: cinnamon, apple, vanilla, MilitiaJim also gets caramel
Steeped Tea Smell: cinnamon, apple, vanilla, MilitiaJim also gets caramel
4 min: light, watery, cinnamon, vanilla
9 min: bitter black, cinnamon, vanilla, hint of apple
Body: 4-Light, 9-Medium
Aftertaste: 4-sweet apple 9-bitter black tea
Liquor: 4-translucent light reddish-burnt orange 9-darker reddish-brown
I think I need a steep in between what I did, however I was distracted by dinner.
The smell delivers on the pie. I assume “a la mode” = vanilla (assuming target was vanilla bean ice cream but I am not getting creamy or dairy so no vanilla bean ice cream).
The taste on the first steep was very weak, but held promise of being a light, but not too subtle, spiced black. The second steep went off the deep end because I forgot to watch it and it turned out very bitter keeping me from appreciating it.
I am going to give this tea another shot some other time as I think it has promise.
Post-Steep Additives: German rock sugar-brought in more the sweetness I expect from pie, I also like sugar
images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/03/52teas-loose-leaf-black-tea-apple-pie.html
Okay so my first order from 52 Teas arrived and I rip it open and smell this wonderful deep dark chocolate Mate smell. I boil some hot water and let it go for about a 5 minute steep and to my surprise the liquor is not very dark in fact it is kinda ambery in color. I then take a whiff and I still get chocolate only not as much as post steep. I let it cool and take a sip and I get nothing! I mostly just taste hot water and a hint of chocolate flavor. If this is the case I’ll be sticking with Teavana’s My Morning Mate but I won’t give up on it just yet I’ll try some different steep times and maybe more Mate and see what happens I’ll wait till then to rate it to give it a fair shot.
Update: Giving this tea a second time this time going for seven minutes at the suggestion of some of my fellow steeps and I still get a hint of cocoa flavor but honestly nothing about this tea is WOWing me. :( I like big bold flavors unless of course I am drinking a white or green tea but otherwise I like big bold flavors and this just doesn’t do it. My rating on this tea is not because it’s bad but because it lacks flavor.
This is the 1st mate I’ve had so I’m leary to mess w/ the steeping time too much. More leaf maybe? I agree w/ the “not so chocoaltey” though.
in the past i have to say for mate in general i steep like 7 minutes, and with heaping tsp’s not even (my morning mate teavana, ROT double chocolate mate etc)
@cofftea I love mates but all the mates I have tried have been from Teavana (I liked them all) because they have alot of flavor and was disappointed because I expected 52’s to have just as much flavor but it’s just not there so far. I know people say that the flavors of 52teas are very light but I only want “light” if I am going for a green tea or a white not a MATE:)
@AmazonV I will try the 7 minute steep time tomorrow morning. I almost always use heaping teaspoons with mates too!
I should update that in my profile, i like teas that are “in my face=D” i think that does describe my likes well….weak teas i have on occasion but i don’t really fall in love with them and want them around all the time
AmazonV I am with you I like in your face teas too! I also like your profile “I love caffeine” I love caffeine too!
I definitely brew this one for 7-8 minutes to bring out the flavor. Although it is not necesarily chocolate-y, it does have a strong, bold flavor to me.
Although I haven’t tried Teavana’s My Morning Mate yet, both Teavana’s Matevana and 52teas Mate are comparable. Both are great in the morning as a substitute for coffee.