I was dying to hear how the meet up went! Thank you so much for posting some details of the event, and I’m delighted that y’all had a great time :)
It is a more subtle cup, for what it’s worth…which is probably why I like it, given my tastes! I wasn’t sure about the first cup, but the subtle sweetness sort of grew on me…the flavors seem well-paired. I think it does have a sort of mild astringency akin to the astringency you get with dried apples, but not the sort that comes along with bitter tea, like assam, if that makes sense — at least, that’s what I get from my batch.
the gadget
my pictures / notes on the meetup:
AmazonV: Thanks for the pics and the writeup! I have to admit that I’m sort of disappointed that the overlords weren’t wearing capes or something more “overlordish.” ;)
@Rabs, yeah it was a small group, but it was cozy. Basically we tried five samplers and had some other teas on the side.
@sophistre, hmmm, I feel like many of Frank’s teas grow on you. The flavors are always so subtle but as you drink it, you get more accustomed to it and the flavors seem to show up more. If I had a choice between an orange or an apple I’d go for the orange. I don’t hate apples, but it wouldn’t be my first choice as a fruit. I think I can see what you mentioned about the apple tartness.
@AmazonV Thanks! =]
@JacquelineM Oh no! Poor tree! I was surprised you weren’t there since you always go to radiance! It was such a nice day too.
I was dying to hear how the meet up went! Thank you so much for posting some details of the event, and I’m delighted that y’all had a great time :)
It is a more subtle cup, for what it’s worth…which is probably why I like it, given my tastes! I wasn’t sure about the first cup, but the subtle sweetness sort of grew on me…the flavors seem well-paired. I think it does have a sort of mild astringency akin to the astringency you get with dried apples, but not the sort that comes along with bitter tea, like assam, if that makes sense — at least, that’s what I get from my batch.
the gadget
my pictures / notes on the meetup:
AmazonV: Thanks for the pics and the writeup! I have to admit that I’m sort of disappointed that the overlords weren’t wearing capes or something more “overlordish.” ;)
Hehe! And yes, thank you AmazonV for the write up!
I wish I was able to go! Bad timing w my tree problem. It looked so fun, informative and delicious!
@Rabs, yeah it was a small group, but it was cozy. Basically we tried five samplers and had some other teas on the side.
@sophistre, hmmm, I feel like many of Frank’s teas grow on you. The flavors are always so subtle but as you drink it, you get more accustomed to it and the flavors seem to show up more. If I had a choice between an orange or an apple I’d go for the orange. I don’t hate apples, but it wouldn’t be my first choice as a fruit. I think I can see what you mentioned about the apple tartness.
@AmazonV Thanks! =]
@JacquelineM Oh no! Poor tree! I was surprised you weren’t there since you always go to radiance! It was such a nice day too.