It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on Steepster, but I have been here wondering about. Most teas I’ve been drinking have just been my normal everyday Greens and Blacks, nothing special or worth writing about.
But today, I am drinking the Coconut Cream Pie tea sent to me by Ricky (thanks again.) Drinking this tea is odd for me considering I don’t really enjoy Coconut, but why not try it, right? The aroma does not have a strong Coconut smell to it and the taste is very light to me as well. The Coconut is easy to deal with if your not into that taste, and I just realized what I don’t enjoy about Coconut was the pulp and with this tea containing no pulp (not that you actually drink) makes this great! If your debating whether or not you’ll like this because of the Coconut…just try it! It’s quite tasty.