1598 Tasting Notes
This tea is a BEAUTY! And another little sipdown. (155)
I don’t normally care for green teas, and jasmine isn’t really my thing either, but I guess the guys at H&S noticed I’d only ordered blacks and gave me this and a white tea as a sample (possibly in an effort to convert me over).
It’s very grassy and silky and greeeeeen. I like it. I don’t love it though – it’s fantastic for when i’m in the mood for a green, but probably not something I’d stock up on. Maybe my taste preferences will change and I’ll drink less blacks in the future but that’s where I am now.
Thanks to Sil for the sample, and the easy sipdown! (156)
So I can’t cheat with this and read the description, which is unsettling. What am I drinking? What should I be looking for? Well… it’s a black tea?
It’s also a little heavy, like the cinnamon swirl. I should have checked to see if there was puerh in the leaves, but now I’ll never know. It’s amber coloured and smells slightly sweet too. Hmmm… It’s a bit rich? It’s tasty? It’s MYSTERIOUS. I wouldn’t say no to more of this either, but I think I’d rather just drink the Cinnamon Swirl since it’s incredible!
I decided to try this iced, although I’ve enough left to try it hot later on.
So far it tastes like bark – that special type of bark I associate with white teas, especially DT’s Cookie Dough. It’s a little creamy, and it’s a bit sweet, but I’m not really getting chocolate from it. I’ll try it hot before I rate it.
ETA: I drank the second half of my sample hot. (154) It is MUCH better this way. I still get that barky-white tea taste, but this reminds me much more of white chocolate. This is sweeter, and creamier and very good.
Now if only I were crazy about white chocolate! :P I just had to try it though. Just because.
Eeee! I’m so excited to try this one after reading Terri HarpLady’s tasting notes! And she sent me some and it’s in my hands and I smelling the wonderful cinnamon and sweet potato aroma wafting from my cup! Thank you!
And it’s every bit as good as I had hoped it would. It’s warm and comforting but with enough of a cinnamonyzing that I don’t want to get too comfortable. So satisfying. And I can really taste the sweet potato! That just seems like such an odd add-in but it’s so great.
Man, but why? Why does Adagio have to be so awesome and let people make all the fandom teas at fairly reasonable prices, and then be so awful when it comes to customer service? Even if the shipping charges weren’t astronomical for us poor Canadians, hearing things like this: http://steepster.com/biancag/posts/179849 makes me not want to give them my money even if I could afford the shipping. :| Seriously – they should just say they don’t ship to Canada if they don’t want to support International customers fairly anyway.
(oh but this tea is so good… why????)
This is a strange looking assam – it’s ground completely up into little bits! It makes me think of coffee. I had it before and wasn’t wowed by it, so I thought I’d try cold-steeping it overnight. It wasn’t enough – I needed a touch of agave nectar and now it’s drinkable. Far from amazing, but drinkable! :)
Still it won’t go to waste and I’m happy to have tried it. Thanks KittyLovesTea!
My tealog might not indicate it as I did a lot of re-steeping, but I drank a lot of tea today! I even managed to sneak this one in as a sipdown too. (157)
I have so much honeybush though. I feel like I need to get other bedtime options besides 20-30 honeybush and/or rooibos blends. :P
This is really good. The base is very sweet and fruity and it reminds me of the mouthfeel I got from Tardis. There’s a bit of astringency at the end of each sip, but it’s pleasant. The bergamot is just a touch strong, but it seemed to mellow out as it cooled a bit.
Yes. I think Steven Smith teas are something to keep an eye out for! Hard to say whether I like this more than Tardis, or Mount Gray as they have similiar profiles, yet are still unique. Stock up on all three?
I’m resteeping my second cup of this now. I have so much tea that I’d like to drink and enjoy, but I also don’t want to waste the stuff that I have.
So, I’m going to resteep this at least once!
It tasted much like I expected: warm yunnan notes balanced against a bit of earthiness. And, for some reason, I get a touch of smoke at the end of the sip. I really enjoy Yunnans so it was nice to try this as I’m trying to get used to unflavoured puerh. I’m not sure I would buy more of this as I prefer Yunnans but it’s nice to mix things up, and I wouldn’t say no to a cuppa.
Thanks JustJames for giving me such a generous sample! I’ve got several cups (+resteeps!) of this to look forward to!
And there’s my sipdown for today. (159)
I meant to make this last longer but it was just so darned tasty and I said why not have it again. :) I get a sipdown, and a great cuppa! WIN.
ETA: I really really enjoyed A&D’s Mount Gray yesterday, but this one is equally impressive. I practically have blueberry mouthfeel in each sip! And I know it’s not blueberries in this blend, but I don’t care!