Eeee! I’m so excited to try this one after reading Terri HarpLady’s tasting notes! And she sent me some and it’s in my hands and I smelling the wonderful cinnamon and sweet potato aroma wafting from my cup! Thank you!
And it’s every bit as good as I had hoped it would. It’s warm and comforting but with enough of a cinnamonyzing that I don’t want to get too comfortable. So satisfying. And I can really taste the sweet potato! That just seems like such an odd add-in but it’s so great.
Man, but why? Why does Adagio have to be so awesome and let people make all the fandom teas at fairly reasonable prices, and then be so awful when it comes to customer service? Even if the shipping charges weren’t astronomical for us poor Canadians, hearing things like this: makes me not want to give them my money even if I could afford the shipping. :| Seriously – they should just say they don’t ship to Canada if they don’t want to support International customers fairly anyway.
(oh but this tea is so good… why????)
I’m glad you like it! :)