493 Tasting Notes
this tea was free with my Frequent points.
Gongfu method
6g 100ml 185F
rinse/5/10/10/15/20sec etc
its is floral, nutty and mildly roasted(too mild for my taste;)
longer steeps bring astringency and bitterness. I suggest to prepare it Gongfu(pseudo gongfu if you dont have gaiwan). Otherwise tea is kinda flavorless and bitter. More leaves, less time.
It is a quality tea, just not my taste. But it was free, so no complaints.
i love this tea. its so good.
Its fruity and sweet with some savory smoky meat notes. Smoke is not overpowering, i quite like it.
Gongfu method
5g 100ml gaiwan 200F
rinse/pause/5/3/5/5/10/15/15 sec etc
some bitterness shows up at 3rd steep but nothing major. in fact i like it, makes it more interesting.
This tea was a sample from very generous Steepster fellow. Im so glad to be able to try. Thank you so much.
I’d like to pick up couple cakes, the price is $5.50 on US site
I could not agree more. As you know, I am a big fan of this one and with Scott’s current sale you actually pay less than $5 for this little 100g gem – that’s unheard of!
Asian supermarket find.
I bought it more than a year ago. Several times made western. Boring. wanted to toss until today i found from Mark T. Wendell website its “grown in the northern Wu Yi mountains of China’s Fujian province, this oolong is a unique find. Its leaves are robust and twisted with a high aroma, typical for this special grade of tea. Min-Pei is light in character with a natural orchid-like flavor and produces a clear, bright amber cup color when brewed.”
Today i made it my usual Gongfu method
6g 100ml gaiwan 200F
rinse/pause/10/10/15/20sec etc
this tea is very good. Very sweet lingering long aftertaste. Roasty and sweet.
So glad i gave it a shot.
I have an unopened package of Puerh from my local Asian mart bought about five years ago. Maybe if I open it and try it I will be as lucky as you. I love the tea aisle of my local Asian Market in Henpstead, LI. NOt too far from you in Brooklyn, called V&T Supermarket. Got a couple of half decent shous from them but nothing great. I did find a nice tea steeping mug for $5. It was similar to what the Pleasures of Tea was selling for $13.
Allan, that’s the place I got it from on Ave U. Haven’t been there for a long time. Perhaps I should ;). You are right about the mug, got mine around $5-6 . Very nice design.
Not everything but I’m thankful. I cannot sort my cupboard but I’m so happy it’s running, updating, I finally can send messages. Lets keep it this way
I bought 25g sample of this some time ago.
I think its first time im tasting wet stored aged sheng.
its sweet and herb spicy. Also menthol pretty pronounced in the beginning. i pick up some earthiness, like dump soil, but its not much,some trace. its not unpleasant to me. had more than 6 steeps, color is orange tinted. Again, my steeps were very short, maybe if you steep longer color would be brighter. Long lasting sweetness. Coolness in my mouth remained for a long time.
I think i like it a lot.
Gongfu method
5g 100ml 200F
rinse/pause/5/5/10/10/10/15sec etc
i got 2013 brick too. im just afraid it wont be able age the same. its humid in NY but is it enough? Anyway i think i will pick up 2005 brick. The leaves are black, no green spots.
Origine: Fu Jian Province
Harvesting area: Inner Wu Yi
Harvesting: ~ 600 meters above sea level
Plantation altitude: Spring 2012
Tea varietal: Shui Xian
This Wu Yi Shui Xian was heavily fermented and baked with hard wood charcoal thus making it a oolong tea that can be stored for a few years.
Eye: Light amber
Nose: Toasty, flowery, touch of acidity and sweetness
Mouth: Medium thick tea liquor, mild acidity, flowery, good freshness, long and sweet aftertaste
I copied most recent info on this tea sample i got.
This tea is great. Toasty, roasty, sweet, stone fruit notes, raw nuts(cashew?) and some cannabis. Long lingering sweet aftertaste.
Gongfu method
6g 100ml gaiwan 195F
rinse/pause/5/10/10/10/15/20sec etc
it is my second day of steeping this fabulous tea.
Gongfu method
5g 100 ml gaiwan 200F
rinse/pause/ 5/5/7/10/15/15/20sec etc
Quite unusual for me. Dry leaves are so pretty silvery green and uniform in size.
Sweet, somewhat floral with pine notes. Later steeps introduce anise maybe, but its faint and I’m not sure its anise, but its there. pretty thick, yellow. there is some bitterness but its slight and welcoming to make things interesting.
i’m so glad be able to try such unusual and great tasting tea.
Many thanks to the an amazingly generous Steepsterite.
Flavors: Pine