993 Tasting Notes
Overboard TTB #12
I must admit, I’ve never actually tasted buttered rum. But I have tried the Buttered Rum blend from David’s Tea and I was expecting this one to taste similar. But it’s completely different! This one has a vaguely fruity flavor (strawberry, maybe?), a bit of creaminess, and a strong, malty black base. It certainly wasn’t a bad tea, but it wasn’t at all what I was expecting.
Flavors: Fruity, Malt
Oveboard TTB #11
What a fun, unique blend! I could see this making a fantastic Hanukkah gift (the little sprinkles are so cute!) or a great party beverage served in a glass teapot (it’s full of little gold sparkles!) The flavor isn’t super special, but it’s delicious: very smooth and creamy with a lot of marshmallow sweetness and a hint of burnt caramel that mostly comes out in the aftertaste.
Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Marshmallow, Smooth, Sweet
This came in my Lupicia Happy Bag and I’ve been afraid to try it…I’ve never had a barley tea before and the strong roasted aroma had me convinced it was going to be way too strong and bitter for me. But I finally tried it and it’s actually quite tasty! The flavor reminds me of whole-grain toast…very comforting and not bitter at all. A nice surprise!
Flavors: Grain, Smooth, Toasted
Thank you to beelicious for this sample! I’ve been really impressed with the Mariage Freres teas I’ve tried so far and this one was no exception: smooth and creamy with a fantastic rich caramel flavor and a hint of dark chocolate in the aftertaste. I noticed no bitterness and just the slightest bit of astringency after a 5-minute steep. And as a bonus, the teabags are adorable: little cheesecloth sacks that look to be hand-tied with very elegant black and gold tags. I will definitely be ordering from this company at some point in the future!
Flavors: Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Smooth
Overboard TTB #10
This tea doesn’t taste like fresh strawberries…but it DOES taste remarkably like melted strawberry ice cream! Not quite sure how they did it, but it’s all there: the creaminess and the sweet, slightly artificial strawberry flavor. It’s great on its own and I’m guessing it would be even better with a splash of milk!
Flavors: Artificial, Cream, Strawberry, Sweet
I enjoyed this one too, if I recall correctly. They seem to do cream flavouring well, in my experience (which is why this one is good – the strawberry could be improved, I agree).
I haven’t tried a lot from Della Terra, but I’m impressed so far! Thanks for the tip on the cream flavoring.
Overboard TTB #9
I love yerba mate, but I’m not a big fan of red rooibos. Wish I had realized this was a blend of the two before sampling it. The dry leaf has a nice banana scent, but the woody rooibos flavor completely took over my cup, with just a hint of artificial banana lingering in the background. Not a fan!
Flavors: Artificial, Rooibos, Wood
Overboard TTB #8
This was the rare cup of tea that I ended up dumping out after just a few sips. Cinnamon and hibiscus fighting each other in my mouth is not my idea of a cheery holiday sleigh ride!
Flavors: Cinnamon, Hibiscus, Tart
Overboard TTB #7
For some reason, there were a lot of maple-flavored teas in this box and I seem to have grabbed all of them to try! This one was tasty, but not my favorite. The base has a great silky mouth feel and supports the flavors well. I’m getting a definite maple flavor, along with a nutty/buttery taste that I can imagine to be pancakes. This isn’t something I need in my collection, but I enjoyed sampling it and would definitely drink it again.
Flavors: Butter, Maple, Nutty
Overboard TTB #6
I really enjoy green teas with tropical fruit flavoring, but this one wasn’t my favorite. The flavoring was very light (although it did pop a bit more as the tea cooled) and I didn’t find the base tea terribly flavorful either. The flavor definitely wasn’t unpleasant, it was just…boring.
Overboard TTB #5
It seems that almost every tea company offers some variation on a tropical fruit green tea. This is one of the better ones I’ve tried! A nice smooth, lightly grassy base that would probably be tasty on its own accompanied by a sweet, natural pineapple flavor and a hint of something else…apricot, maybe? I thoroughly enjoyed my cup of this and am hanging onto the sample to try it again iced.
Flavors: Fruity, Grass, Pineapple, Smooth, Tropical
I got strawberry and a bit of raw rum ( like the home brews I had in S. America)