986 Tasting Notes
Overboard TTB #7
For some reason, there were a lot of maple-flavored teas in this box and I seem to have grabbed all of them to try! This one was tasty, but not my favorite. The base has a great silky mouth feel and supports the flavors well. I’m getting a definite maple flavor, along with a nutty/buttery taste that I can imagine to be pancakes. This isn’t something I need in my collection, but I enjoyed sampling it and would definitely drink it again.
Flavors: Butter, Maple, Nutty
Overboard TTB #6
I really enjoy green teas with tropical fruit flavoring, but this one wasn’t my favorite. The flavoring was very light (although it did pop a bit more as the tea cooled) and I didn’t find the base tea terribly flavorful either. The flavor definitely wasn’t unpleasant, it was just…boring.
Overboard TTB #5
It seems that almost every tea company offers some variation on a tropical fruit green tea. This is one of the better ones I’ve tried! A nice smooth, lightly grassy base that would probably be tasty on its own accompanied by a sweet, natural pineapple flavor and a hint of something else…apricot, maybe? I thoroughly enjoyed my cup of this and am hanging onto the sample to try it again iced.
Flavors: Fruity, Grass, Pineapple, Smooth, Tropical
Overboard TTB #4
Although I haven’t been impressed with the Adagio blends I’ve tried in the past, I love pretty much anything caramel-flavored, so I had to give this one a try. I don’t like it as much as David’s Salted Caramel, but it was quite tasty! The caramel flavor came through strong and sweet and the base was pleasantly smooth. I drank it plain, but I’m guessing it would make an amazing tea latte!
Flavors: Caramel, Smooth
Overboard TTB #3
Not sure if I got an older sample of this one or if it’s just a lightly flavored tea. I did pick up on a slightly fruity note and a tiny hint of vanilla, but this didn’t really come across as flavored to me…it mostly just tasted like a nice (if slightly generic) black tea. Nice, but nothing special!
I think you may have gotten an older sample in fact, then. This tea usually has a pretty good kick of fruit. Would you like to try another sample to compare? I have a brand new, unopened tin of Paris that I’d be happy to send you a sample from. Just let me know :)
Overboard TTB #2
So apparently I was in a maple mood this week! This one wasn’t bad, but it didn’t hold a candle to the one from David’s Tea that I tried yesterday. It did have a pleasant maple flavor along with a hint of nuttiness, but I mostly tasted the strong black base. It was also a bit astringent. If I had this tea again, I would try it with milk…but I think for now I’ll just stick to Oh Canada! when I want a maple tea.
Flavors: Astringent, Maple Syrup, Nuts
Overboard TTB #1
My sister just came downstairs and said suspiciously, “The house smells like maple syrup. Is that your tea?” Why yes, it is! :D This stuff is amazing! Both dry and steeped, it smells just like real maple syrup and the flavor is natural but sweet. Piping hot, I was picking up a little bit of the rooibos base, but the maple flavor took over completely as it cooled. A very tasty bedtime treat and a great start to this massive TTB!
Flavors: Maple Syrup
Hidden Gems TTB #12
This is one of those wonderful oolongs with HUGE leaves that you can just keep on re-steeping all day long. The flavor is fantastic too…rich and nutty with silky smooth mouth feel and a lingering creamy aftertaste. Absolutely delicious!
Flavors: Creamy, Nutty
Hidden Gems TTB #11
Wow, this stuff is potent! Super strong and malty with a dense, “chewy” sort of flavor. I followed my standard parameters for black tea (3-minute steep at 205F) but I’m thinking a shorter steep time would benefit this particular tea, as it came out slightly bitter and quite astringent.
Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Malt
Hidden Gems TTB #10
This tea smells like a basket of juicy fruit and the flavor is almost as good as the scent! Peach is the strongest flavor, but I definitely notice the lychee too and maybe a hint of apricot as well? The base is very smooth and just slightly vegetal, as if a few leaves got mixed in with your fruit salad.
Flavors: Lychee, Peach, Vegetal