Sipdown! (40 | 449)
This was a freebie from my last order, thanks Anne! And actually it’s probably my favorite tea from that order so far.
It’s a green base with banana and passion fruit flavors, which I really like together. The banana is ripe and slightly creamy, while the passion fruit is more tart and punchy. Truthfully, I’ve never had a real passion fruit, but the flavor in this tea reminds me of a sort of fusion of nectarine and pineapple with a nice juicy tartness to it. The base is a very mellow green tea with slightly creamy beany notes. I wouldn’t call it mineral but it does have a nice sort of clear spring water sweetness to it.
Overall, really good, and the flavor combo reminds me a bit of a tropical smoothie. I’ll have to be on the lookout for passion fruit at the grocery store, I really need to try a real one to compare with the teas I’ve had!
Flavors: Banana, Creamy, Nectarine, Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Smooth, Soybean, Spring Water, Sweet, Tart, Thick
Some of our small independent fruit markets carry this in season. Mind you, we have a growing South American population in these areas.
I think I’ve seen it at our grocery store before, I’ve just never bought one. We have quite a high Mexican population so a lot of the less common tropical fruits are often sold in regular grocery stores.
Some of our small independent fruit markets carry this in season. Mind you, we have a growing South American population in these areas.
The Spanish name for it is maracuya. You may be more successful looking for it under that name.
I think I’ve seen it at our grocery store before, I’ve just never bought one. We have quite a high Mexican population so a lot of the less common tropical fruits are often sold in regular grocery stores.
The ones I buy are dark purple bigger than gold ball size with a sort of star shared leaf arrangement on the top. The sweet tart jelly centre is kind of enclosed in a juice sac beyond the hard walls of the fruit.. I don’t know if there are other varieties. Sounds like you should be well hooked up.