Lime in the Coconut

Tea type
Green Tea
Blue Mallow Flowers, Coconut, Green Tea, Lemon Pieces, Lime, Natural Flavours, Rose Buds, White Tea
Lime, Citrus
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kristal
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec 27 oz / 798 ml

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From Steeped Tea

Clean & refreshing lime notes swirl in a creamy coconut taste. Perfect hot or cold!

Ingredients: Green tea, Pai Mu Tan, lemon, lime, coconut pieces, rosebuds, blue mallow flowers and natural flavours.
contains gluten & lactose

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9 Tasting Notes

836 tasting notes

0.6 tablespoons for 188 ml

Overwhelmingly artificial aroma and taste.

Rating: 10

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

ouch! I hope you didn’t spend money on this :/


I was given this sample at the Toronto Tea Festival Steeped Tea booth. I was surprised because they were giving out a brewed blueberry rooibos which I found to be quite good.


I saw someone else review this today and they seemed to like it. Maybe yours died during transport to Canada :(


That is a possibility! Some teas can be quite sensitive! I’d definitely give this one another try if I get the chance.


I’m a consultant for steeped tea, their teas have NO artificial flavours of any kind. It is a very limey product though, no doubt about it.

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1598 tasting notes

I forgot I had this in my second timolino! Guess I’lll sip it before I make my sleepytime teac.

This was a birthday gift – my Aunt let me choose 3 teas from Steeped Tea, and so I had fun with that. I love lime, so this was an obvious choice.

The instructions say to steep this at 2-3 minutes in BOILING water. I think that qualifies as green tea abuse, doesn’t it? I ignored it and steeped it in cooler water, but it worries me that “professional” tea experts go to people’s houses and convince them that boiled green tea is correct. #sigh. It’s not up to me to solve all the problems. :P

Anyway, this is light and refreshing, but obviously artificial. It actually makes me think of a slightly creamy lime kool-aid. I think Lime Chiffon would be my preferred lime, but I actually don’t mind this too much, so long as I know I’m getting a fake lime taste.

I bet it would be quite good iced!

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297 tasting notes

Smell….. so much limey goodness. Not fresh lime though, like key lime pie scent.

Steeped the tastes isn’t as strong as the smell. It’s creamy lime goodness. As the smell it’s like key lime pie. I’m not getting any coconut taste, but this is really tasty. My fav of the ones I’ve had so far.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1400 tasting notes

Thanks tattooed_tea for this one :)

This is so tasty. I’m finding lime in tea to be quite enjoyable. I’m really only getting a slight creaminess I can attribute to the coconut, if anything. Perhaps the second steep will bring out more of the coconut, but for now I’ll happily enjoy the lime.

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254 tasting notes

Started using up the last of my Steeped stash. At best, I have found this blend to be a green tea with a faint hint of lime. I enjoyed it more as an iced tea than in my mug. This is my final tasting of the tea (as I just finished the bag) and it is unlikely that I would pursue ordering it again.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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25 tasting notes

Doing some yoga and having some tea.

Flavors: Lime

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 44 OZ / 1301 ML

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606 tasting notes

I love the look of this one. It has lovely dark, flat green tea leaves. It looks lovely.
But upon smelling it… yuck… It smells like lemon cleaner to me. Like Pinesol! Gross.
So onto tasting… I feel like they really tried here, but they really missed the mark. I get some floral from the rosebuds, which is such a weird addition to a citrus tea. And I’m getting the lime but it’s in such an artificial way. It, again, tastes like what I would think Pinesol would taste like.

I’ve had a few lime teas before and they have always managed to make it sweet and juicy lime but this isn’t that way at all. It’s almost dry and fake. I’m so sad. I’m going to throw the rest of this one out. I’m pretty sure I got this one for free so I’m not too concerned that I’m letting it go.

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338 tasting notes

I went in on an order of Steeped Tea with a friend, and we split the free sample of this between us. I was happy to have it, as lime is one of my favourite tea flavours, and this one smelled really good. However, the taste was… not so much. Maybe I steeped it too long or the water was too hot, or something, but my first thought upon sipping was this “it reminds me of salmon”. A fishy taste is NOT what I should get from a green tea. >_> The fishy taste was still around as I made my way through the cup, and I really couldn’t shake it. Sad face. I still have some tea left, so I’ll try and make it again (or maybe iced?), but if I get the same taste, this one is definitely a miss for me.


I got this as a free sample as well. I personally did not get a fishy taste but I found the lime overwhelmed the taste of the green tea. I love just plain green tea, so this wasn’t my fav. It is nice iced, though. Just gotta be careful about infusion time.

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415 tasting notes

My steeped tea consultant was very kind to include 50 grams of this tea in my order for free! This means that half of my collection is now steeped tea which is quite the shift from being exclusively DAVID’s tea.

I steeped this in my timolino before work and have been slowly sipping away at it. The smell of the dry leaves is a very strong lime smell (as if someone grabbed a little bottle of lime juice and squeezed a bunch onto the green tea leaves) and the smell of the brewed tea is quite strongly lime as well. Luckily, the taste isn’t like drinking lime juice or artificial. It’s actually a nice citrus taste. Unfortunately though I can’t taste the green tea which is disappointing because normally I drink green tea fairly straight up with maybe just a jasmine flavour or some lemongrass. This is a good tasting tea but its not what green tea is supposed to be like. I’ll definitely use it up (and I will try it iced in the summertime as well-I think it would be quite good like that) but it’s nothing I would order for myself.

Flavors: Citrus, Lime

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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