16950 Tasting Notes
I really wanted this to be a sipdown, but it wasn’t. This one comes from the little prepackaged samples from online DT orders – and I was hoping that there’d just be enough for one cups worth but it looks like there may be two more cups on top of the one I had already. I even tried pawning some off on Tre last night to get him contributing to a sipdown, but it was midnight and he basically told me to fuck off because it was too late for tea (despite it being caffeine free).
Anyway, I brewed this one and it smelled decently (not like “Stinky Feet” anyway, like I’ve seen mentioned in reviews), but taste wise there’s something rather hard to describe about it that really put me off. The rooibos itself was really strong and about a 50/50 between very woody and very medicinal. Yick. And then, the vanilla seemed almost pudding like, but in a really over the top (like they’re trying to completely mask the rooibos and failing hard at that) way that was too much.
So, overall not the tea for me. That’s ok though, I suppose. I don’t really want to love them all; that’d be way too much tea.
Oh, and this was tasting note 800! Not really anything monumental about it because I didn’t ever realize I was about to hit it – but hey, look at that.
At this point I was back to wanting to sleep, so I switched back to caffeine free teas and picked this one out because it’s floral and relaxing and I thought maybe it’d do the trick. And while it was super tasty and very comforting (I swear, this may be the only tea where I really enjoy the lavender in it) it didn’t really help all too much with making me sleepy.
Prepared with the cold milk method, and twice as much matcha (so, 1 tsp. total) as I used last time – in an effort to get a little more flavour out of this one. It sort of worked, because this time it tasted very salty and vaguely nutty but I think that actually was worse for me; I’m not really a fan of salty things, and I like creamy peanut butter which I think I was closer to first time around…
So, I’m probably going to go back to 1/2 tsp. of matcha or try going right in the middle and using 3/4 tsp. of matcha. I don’t know, maybe this ones not for me because I have to play with it so much…
I have a bit of backlog from last night, but nothing all too long, so yay for that!
This one was intended to be my last tea of the night; I felt exhausted and just wanted something caffeine free and sweet to close off on. It definitely satisfied those requirements and was super tasty. Except then I was suddenly hit with a wave of energy which resulted in more tea drinkage and my being awake until around 3AM…
Have to keep my review short because Tre just got home, but this comes from Boychik. It’s really good! Basically super yummy and creamy vanilla with a really pleasant white base, and just a touch of sweet lemon. In a pastry kind of way, not a rind or medicinal sort.
Essentially I’m slurping it up!
So, I kept the steep time on this one short and the result was some tea which was pleasantly sweet and indulgent but not overwhelmingly spicy! Hooray! Downside is that it also made me realize that I’m starving and maybe need to finally eat something a little bit more substantial than an apple.
That’s the only food I’ve had all day. Oops. I got kid of distracted by tea and the computer and such… Heh.
Thanks to the amazing Boychik who sent me so much of this one! Seriously, I’m going to be able to enjoy a whole bunch more amazing cups of this tasty treat along with some other really good blends too!
This was just… Mmm.
I brewed up a large mug and just melted into my couch whilst simultaneously rewatching Princess Jellyfish clips and munching on some apple slices and caramel dip. I should be fretting over job hunting and rent and finances, but I’ve applied to all the applicable listings for the day, done my housework/chores, and have no prior plans or commitments today so there’s nothing keeping me from lounging around and destressing, for once.
Eventually I’ll work up the nerve to salt this one – but I just wanted some familiarity, so not today…
Tre’s been gone for an awfully long time today, which is awesome because more computer access for me, though I think his shift was supposed to be over hours ago? Maybe he went out with friends…
Sipdown (194/196)!
I admit that this was a totally unexpected sipdown as I thought I had more leaf of this than there really was, so it was a sort of pleasant surprise. Thanks Lala for the sample, it seems like today I’m just going through a bunch of the teas you’ve given me.
I’m not really sure if I get the namesake for this one. Basically, it’s “White Tiger” – right? That’d make sense if the tea was either A) A white base – though it’s an oolong, or B) Was simply “tiger” because that’d maybe fit in with the oranges in the mix? Except since this tiger is white the orange tie in doesn’t seem too strong to me…
It’s nice enough though in taste. The base is very nice, maybe a teeny bit floral. And then the other flavours – the orange and the peach – are very well balanced and pretty refreshing. I think I’m maybe picking up the peach a little bit more, though only slightly. Super yummy and pleasant!
Overall, I wont seek this one out again. I’m too finicky about peach flavored things and it’s too difficult to acquire to make a fuss about when I likely wouldn’t want it on anywhere close to a regular basis, but it was really cool to try it out! Super tasty.
EDIT: Oh! Has anyone else seen this? I haven’t seen in mentioned in anyone’s tasting notes or on the DB. Thoughts?
I have the green of this that I got from like target and it works well enough, though the baskets small. Really small. I usually use it for herbals or things with large chunks so I dont need to worry about leaf growing room.
Thanks Lala for the sample! At the time you gave it to me I had yet to try a Pu’Erh tea and wasn’t quite ready to, much to my mother’s disappointment because we both thought this smelled absolutely incredible.
However, I’ve tried a couple flavoured Pu’Erhs now and I figured that I was finally ready to test this one out. I’ll admit, I did oversteep it a little bit so not totally sure how that may have played into the taste, but your sample was large even for at least one probably two more cups so I’ll be able to get it right/more on point.
Taste wise, it’s a nice enough citrus tea with a bit of an extra taste that must be the Pu’Erh. It’s a little like what I remember David’s Chocolate Orange tasting like (but way less “oily”) but not really anything like Weight To Go! tasted like. I guess I just, overall, don’t know enough about Pu’Erh yet to say anything with confidence – but I suppose that’s what trying new things out is for.
I’m a little sad this isn’t more creamy/vanilla flavoured as I expected and hoped it would be. For a creamsicle inspired tea its maybe just a bit too heavy on the natural/rind like citrus side. Though it did seem to get thicker in mouthfeel and creaminess as it cooled, which was pleasant. I may try this with milk added or as a latte too. I guess I’ll have to think about it…
Overall, pleasant enough but maybe not quite at the level my expectations were.
I over steeped this cup by about three minutes, and now I’m left with a bitter cup of lemon rind grossness. I’ll wait to see if it gets any better as it cools, but likely this is going to get tossed.
Damn user error!
Flavors: Lemon Zest
Congrats on 800! And I wasn’t impressed by this either. At least now we know for sure.
Congrats on the 800!! I’m going to have to brew this again (because DT sent me another sample of this, oh my) just to see if I can catch that weird scent again. I’ve smelled it before, it was only detectable while the tea was steeping and disappeared completely once I poured it into the cup. Taste wise I wasn’t impressed with it either.
Congratulations on 800. :)