La La Lemon (Organic)

Tea type
Black Tea
Lemon Oil, Orange Oil, Organic Black Tea, Organic Orange Peel
Dust, Lemon, Citrus, Astringent, Candy, Lemon Zest, Bergamot, Citrus Zest, Smooth, Tangy, Citrus Fruits, Orange, Orange Zest, Cream, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 2 g 13 oz / 377 ml

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107 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So, about a month (maybe more like two months) ago I went on a “I have no lemon tea options in my cupboard, so lets buy ALL the lemon teas” kick and I ended up getting like six or seven new lemon...” Read full tasting note
  • “I know I just logged this a week ago but I wanted to share with the tea drinking world in case any packrats have some of this bad boy left. Steep it in a T-Sac. I realized today that there is just...” Read full tasting note
  • “I used to love this tea, but the last few times I’ve tried it, it’s been awful. Today it’s pretty good, but that might be due to impaired taste! 2 tsp, 16oz, 175F, 2 minutes. Edit: It’s not making...” Read full tasting note
  • “I brewed up a bunch of this one to chill in the fridge, and did a second infusion with the leftover leaves to drink now. This is a surprisingly tasty tea – the lemon flavour is very lemon candy,...” Read full tasting note


David was in L.A. when he had his lemon-black-tea revelation. It was early in the morning, the sun was bright, the joggers beautiful. He took a sip of a citrusy black tea and dreamed of starting a tea shop all his own. A place where you could find the smoothest, most citrusy organic black tea on earth – with lemon oil, orange oil and real bits of zest. (Truly, La La Lemon makes anything seem possible).

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

107 Tasting Notes

16936 tasting notes

So, about a month (maybe more like two months) ago I went on a “I have no lemon tea options in my cupboard, so lets buy ALL the lemon teas” kick and I ended up getting like six or seven new lemon based teas – though this one was actually picked out for me during a DAVIDsTEA trip with a non-tea drinking friend who thought it smelled really nice.

I’m just now getting around to trying the sample amount I picked out and I have to say it does smell pretty lovely: like lemon drops with maybe a little orange and vanilla?

I steeped up 1 1/2 tsp. of it in 8 oz. of boiling water for four minutes and the smell is a 50/50 mix. of smooth black base and lemon rind. Taste wise, there’s definitely no vanilla here. Mostly, I taste the same 50/50 black base and lemon rind/peel – but that’s no so bad. I’m mostly just thankful that it doesn’t taste like Pledge and isn’t a cup of ungodly tartness.

I bet this would be a good sick tea…


It’s too bad there isn’t any vanilla in the taste-that would be perfect!


Hahah. I love how we all go through periods like that with certain flavours. I did that with pumpkin teas!


Oh yeah, I’d love a creamy lemon vanilla tea, kind of like H&S’s Wedding tea, but with a black base.

Roswell Strange

I don’t even know why it was with lemon tea, because I’m actually usually not a fan of lemon flavoured things. I can go months without even the slightest craving for something lemon, and then when I do want it, I want it baaaadddd. Now I have at least one lemon tea in every tea type except Pu’Erh, and maybe green?


I can send you the last of Lemon Tart if you like, then you can add a lemon green to your collection :P

Roswell Strange

I certainly don’t need more lemon tea – but I’ll keep it in mind for our next inevitable swap ;) Perhaps it’d cold brew well.


It didn’t :( However, I have a green called Strawberry Field which cold brewed pretty nicely. It was like a pleasant strawberry/papaya juice.


Though that won’t fulfill your lemon green criteria


Oh hey. Maybe I’ll mix this with the vanilla tea I have and cold brew it!

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709 tasting notes

I know I just logged this a week ago but I wanted to share with the tea drinking world in case any packrats have some of this bad boy left. Steep it in a T-Sac. I realized today that there is just too much broken “leaf” in this one to do well in my infuser and prepared it in a T-Sac instead. If only I had thought of this a year ago..

I will be honest though and warn you that using the T Sac really mutes the lemon flavour. I’m okay with that though, as the bitterness from the black tea and the lemon rind aspect were just too much for me. This way I get a lightly sweet lightly lemon flavoured black tea. Kind of blah but much better than bitter! I’m adjusting the rating back up a bit because it is redeemable but a lot of work.

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2291 tasting notes

I used to love this tea, but the last few times I’ve tried it, it’s been awful.

Today it’s pretty good, but that might be due to impaired taste!

2 tsp, 16oz, 175F, 2 minutes.

Edit: It’s not making my teeth sticky today, so: bonus!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Sticky teeth! Weird.


It is the weirdest.

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6119 tasting notes

I brewed up a bunch of this one to chill in the fridge, and did a second infusion with the leftover leaves to drink now. This is a surprisingly tasty tea – the lemon flavour is very lemon candy, not lemon peel or lemon verbena or lemongrass, and the black base is fairly typical of DT, decent and not particularly astringent. Quite refreshing! I’m excited to try it iced.

ETA: Yum!!! This one is super delicious iced and sweetened. It tastes very much to me like Nestea lemon iced tea. I sweetened it with maple syrup as that’s all that I had at the time, and the boy thought it tasted funny and didn’t like it (I’m trying to find something that he will like… sigh). I think I’ll ice the rest as well and sweeten it with sugar instead… see if he’ll drink that!

ETA: This tea has some serious longevity! Second re-steep, in about 4 oz. water (so 1/4 strength) was quite delicious. I think I’ll try for a fourth infusion. Really hoping I remember to make some up this up (with sugar) for the boy tomorrow…

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

How do you brew this one for icing? I have it, and end up mucking around with my parameters every time warm weather approaches. :)


All I did was brew up 3tsp in about 8oz boiling water, left it for only 3 min I think?, then mixed it with cold water and left it in the fridge to chill. I tried it quickly without sweetener, but wanted it with. Worked pretty well for me!


Thanks! :)

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814 tasting notes

drinking this again today. ordered another 100g to fill a tin. it’s one i bought for my sister really. it’s easy to drink but not a lot of personality. next time i brew this i’m gonna do half lala lemmon half super ginger. i think it’s the most brilliant idea i’ve had so far today. (but the day is still young!)

oh snap did you hear?! James Spader?! he’s gonna be Ultron!
wow. i love that dude. (Spader, not Ultron. Ultron is an evil cyborg not-dude.)
seriously the marvel franchise really has their freakin casting machine amazingly perfected. (except Natalie Portman but whatevs)

there is really no need to say anything about this tea because what is not to love. so easy to enjoy. so easy.

now all i need is for Martin Donovan’s career to be resurrected.


So then you’re going to watch this new series they have starting tonight (sep 23) with James Spader in it?


oh the new series doesn’t have James Spader. Spader is playing Ultron in the Avengers 2 movie coming out in 2015. but OMG am i fucking stoked for Joss Whedon’s ‘Agents of SHIELD’ that premiers tomorrow!!
MOAR COULSON!! always more Coulson. alwaaaaaays!


Pretty sure he’s in it. Omg, I haven’t seen him in forever. He looks so different (to me)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

So whatd you think of SHEILD, Schmir ?


chrine! i seriously loved it. SERIOUSLY! i totes love Phil.
Agent Phil Coulson has the combat skills and dry humor of John Watson, and the expansive knowledge and awkward adorable one liners of Rupert Giles. i can’t wait for tonight’s episode.
and they have the ‘behind the scenes’ little 5 min episode things on-line and Clark Gregg the actor is seriously a hilarious goofball. you can see him clearly nerding out just by the look on his face.
the whole thing is pretty cool.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

=) I liked it quite a bit too. So far, it’s the only show this year that’s gotten an auto-record for the year on the DVR from the premiere. I’m not like a superfollower of all the background stuff, tho I have seen some of it. But I’ve like things like Heroes and Fringe so was pleasantly surprised and happy to have enjoyed it that much.


yay so glad you had as much fun as i did!
i too watched the first seasons of Heroes, and all of Fringe, though more in a binge type viewing usually.
i’m a lover of scifi for sure. and for all it’s potential tiny faults i think Joss Whedon can’t lose in my book. Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Doctor Horrible, even Dollhouse. i’ve enjoyed them all.


since i’m blabbing about tv, and can’t seem to stop once i get started!!
i will also say that i LOVED Arrow’s first season, and it’s the only other show i’m obsessing over along with Agents.
the Red Hood is gonna be born this season i’m sure, and also Summer Glau is going to play one of this season’s villans. (also we are getting Flash) the action in this show blows all others away. every hand to hand combat scene is a dance. i’m not a violent person at all but i watched a big fight scene is episode 21 on repeat for a week i swear. gosh! i love arrows!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Hmm.. My tv taste is eclectic, tho I’m prone to primetime soaps. I haven’t watched any of those others. But I did watch maybe first 4-5+ of Arrow last year.

Hmm.. My tv taste is eclectic, tho I’m prone to primetime soaps. I haven’t watched any of those others. But I did watch maybe first 4-5+ of Arrow last year.I’ll be back in this or another of your posts w/ an update once I’ve seen the 2nd SHIELD epi. (You’re the first other person I’ve found who is watching it. lol)

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1764 tasting notes

Gah!! My cupboard intake freeze has been broken! Someone gifted me a whole bunch of this. and then I found a small stash of teas in my bag, that I had forgotten about. So half the sipdowns I’ve been working on, are now neutralized. Sighs.
That said, this particular batch of la la lemon is quite good. Dry, it smells heavenly. Just like freshly cut lemons rolled in sugar, one of my favourite childhood indulgences. My last sample wasn’t nearly as fragrant or accurate to lemon.
Steeped, the tea is less sweet lemon. The bitterness of the rind comes out as well, which I find is a harsh contrast to the dry scent.
Dunno what got into me lately, but I found myself craving lemon teas. Lemon black tea that is. Now I really need to try this iced!

Christina / BooksandTea

Do you happen to have Lemon Myrtle by David’s Tea? That’s some serious lemon. I’ve got the other teas I’ve mentioned divvied up into samples, so let me know and I can add it to the others.


Aw thanks Christina! I have tried that one before. It was interesting. Actually I think I still have some in the depths of my sample bin haha


sweet… sweet… LEMON TEA! :) (homer Simpson style lol). should i try it?


LOL of course! :)


If I ever get my hands on the tea I will. Where can I get this tea?

You might even have a local store…


closest one is in Oakville. i don’t think ill be going that way anytime soon


I believe you can order online as well.

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1220 tasting notes

I wanted to try this, so I asked for a sample. I didn’t see the reviews beforehand, but figured I’d cold brew it only. I wanted to try it out solely for iced tea anyway. I was going with the quick iced tea room temp brewing method here since the leaves are so chopped up I figured it wouldn’t take too long. Instead, I took a 2 1/2 hour nap, so it turned out very well.

To me, it tastes like something I expect to get out of a soda machine, like in a can. The lemon is just a bit strong so it seems like that Lipton stuff. That’s not really a bad thing, because it’s not sweetened to death so it’s actually enjoyable. But I’d think if you don’t like lemon, this is not a tea for you…well, clearly.

I’m going to have to actually cold brew it overnight to see if that might help pull more of the base tea’s flavor out, if it has any more in it.


I have been curious about this one too….


Haha, this is on my try-but-don’t-buy list, because I usually don’t like lemon-flavoured teas, but am ever curious.

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1908 tasting notes

I’ve had repeated failiures at getting a good iced tea out of this blend. Finally with the last little bit I had left I think I’ve suceeded in making it somewhat decent.

The recipe I used was 8 tsp of tea in two cups boiling water, steeped for 5 minutes. Then I strained it and poured it over some ice in a 2L jug to quickly halt the steeping process, and topped up the jug with cold tap water. I sweetened it with about 1.5 tblsp of agave nectar.

There’s still a tannic astringency that I can’t get rid of no matter how I steep this tea. I think it might be a character of the tea base itself rather than the steeping process. I wish that they’d chosen to use a different black tea because the lemon flavour seems to only exacerbate the astringency.

So in summary, this works in a pince for iced tea, but I’ve had better and I didn’t care for it hot either. I don’t think I would buy this tea again.


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390 tasting notes

thank you scribbles for this very unusual tea! okay, i will start by saying that i do like this tea. why say it that way? because i am on the cusp of laughter and i needed to have my enjoyment of the blend stated first, before i have a snicker.

i opened the bag and i smelled neo citron. yup. reading the history behind the blend’s design i wondered if david had a cold or at least a bit of sinus congestion while he was in L.A. i tried to remember whether i had liked neo citron but failed because it always used to knock me out.

being the super steeper that i am i gave it my normal 6 minutes, figured that cream would just give me a mug full of feta but did stir in a bit of sugar. i wafted the vapor towards my nose, a st. bernard named neo making it’s way towards me through the steam. i burst out laughing and took a sip. neo citron! but also not.

much smoother, has a hefty dose of caffeine…and you know what? seriously, the next time i’m miserable with a cold i will brew this up, add honey as opposed to sugar (and maybe some rum) and make this as a toddy! it won’t be an everyday for me, the affiliation with cold medicine is just too old, but it will make an awesome substitute for the junk i’ve taken in the past when i’m sick! (that’s a pretty big compliment).

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Paneer. Cream would give you paneer :) it’s the cheese you make by curdling milk with lemon.


true, but i like the visual of floating curds that give an audible thump in your cup…. thus feta! it would have been a feta accomplit! lol. (paneer gives me no pun) ;-D


Either way, ew! To both the cheese and Neocitron. I’m glad I didn’t buy la la lemon though it was on my list.


hee hee hee. it will be a nice alternative to blistering my tongue by mismeasuring the lemon to honey to water ratio of a toddy.

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2145 tasting notes

Thanks to scribbles for sending me this tea in our swap.

The black base of this tea was really strong, and while I normally enjoy a good strong cup of black tea, I didn’t really care for this one. Even when steeped at 4 minutes (the lowest suggested time) I found this to have a strong astringency and a very bitter taste from the lemon and orange.

This might have more potential as a cold steep since that may cut down on the bitterness and astringency.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

The only way I drink this one is as a cold brew…now that I have rock sugar, I expect it will taste like Nestea ice tea.


so DT with a strong tea base exists ! I’ve always been disappointed by their teas because I’ve been unable to taste the tea itself

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