Featured & New Tasting Notes
I decided I had time for one more cup of tea before I have to spend all afternoon working in the hood and I am super glad I threw this in my bag to bring to work with me. Nina’s Paris is batting 1000 with me so far! This tea is just delightful. I like it even better than the Nina’s Japon. The raspberry and the red currant are fantastic together and then caramel and vanilla mellow out the tartness. I’m glad I split my sample in two and risked underleafing it because I definitely want to have this again soon. Thanks for sharing your Nina’s with me, Ost!
Flavors: Caramel, Raspberry, Red Fruits
Yesterday, I’ve started a “purge”. Meaning, I am throwing tea in the trash. There, I’ve said it.
I know, I know, why trhow it, why not send it to someone who might want to have it?
Well see, there are rules to qualify for the purge…
1) must be a tea that’s been in the cupboard for over two years
2) the tea was given a fair chance. Meaning, it has been steeped at different temperatures, iced, cold brewed, even mixed with some other tea to tone it down. All have failed.
3) the fear of ever drinking it again must still be very present. I gag when I think of it.
4) I’ve asked someone to try it, and was later accused of homicidal intent.
5)I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
6) if I’d send it in a swap, I’d be reported to Steepster for tea malpractice and therefore, would be forced to close my account. Goodbye Fairy :-(
I tried really hard to give Sour Sap some love. Before I gave it a final farewell, I cold steeped it to comply with the list of rules. It failed…miserably.
Sour sap…there are no possible description for it. Sour bile maybe? That’s the closest to a “note” I can get.
Sorry, it just wasn’t meant to be…
R.I.P. Sour Sap. 06/19/2014
hahaha i’m the same way. There are rules to throwing out a tea..but it DOES have to happen sometimes.
Haha! I enable even when I don’t want to…
FYI, They are located here in Quebec, Montreal. Good service, super fast shipping, but I was not super impressed with their teas. I haven’t tried many though, maybe you’ll be luckier than I was if you decide to give them a chance. :-)
If you ever want to try Montreal’s finest, here’s a link. Camellia Sinensis is the real deal, and one of the most beautiful and informative website I know (free shipping even in the USA!)
I’m familiar with Camellia Sinensis. One of my first tea education purchases was their book. I still refer to it on a regular basis. I do intend to try their teas someday.
That,s great. Yes, the book is really nice. I used to have tea in their shop often when I lived in Montreal. Wish I could take their tea classes, must be so interesting…
Lol, an addendum has been written for “icky apple” : must qualify for at least 5 of the 6 rules…I don’t think it will better itself with age…(IT’S NOT STAYING!!!)
I need to purge too! I’ve got a whole box of bagged teas I picked up at the grocery store and ended up not liking very much. I would feel bad sending them to people…they’re not good!
That’s exactly how I feel..I mean, I don’t want to swap my bad stuff to people, it wouldn’t be very nice. Sometimes, you just know it’s not a question of taste, it’s just BAD, that’s all!
(Nice new pic BTW mj :-))
I’m pitching some old tea this weekend. I don’t feel bad – I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to drink it.
So dellicious, whatshesaid! I’m so jealous you’re going in the fall and you get to see the expansion and ride on the Hogwarts express!!!
I’d love to have that recipe!
And yes I’m super excited for the Hogwart’s Express and Diagon Alley :)
Here you go whatshesaid! It’s a total pain but fun to have every now and then
I think your guidelines for trashing old and/or crappy teas are spot on! It doesn’t happen often, but I have occasionally sent a tea to the compost pile, where I feel it will be more useful than it has been in my cupboard.
So I wonder if sour sap tea is suppose to be soursop flavored?
Do I like this tea? No, not really. I think maybe I did at one time, but now it just tastes medicinal to me. I’m only drinking it because I just got home from playing a kickass gig, & I’m wired, naturally high as a kite on music, good vibes, adrenaline, etc. So I’m drinking 2 bags of this in my usual cup, with a double dose of Valerian tincture added, in hopes that I will come back down to the planet’s surface & be able to sleep soon.
Tomorrow will be known as ‘The Day She Planted Sweet Potatoes’.
Silly me, I ordered 24 sweet potato plants, 4 each of 6 different varieties from http://www.tatorman.com/
Vardeman, Red Japanese, Nancy Hall, Beauregard, Carolina Ruby, & Bunch Porto Ricans.
I always grow alot of sweet potatoes, & we eat them all fall, winter, & spring, but the local stores still don’t have plants, & they only ever have one variety anyway.
Of course, it’s insane that I bought so many, LOL, but they arrived today, & they are adorable, & I’m very excited! Tomorrow the entire day will be dedicated to getting them in the ground!! I wanted to get some of the purple japanese ones, but you have to buy 12 plants, & that would be 36 plants total! Maybe next year…
Hopefully this year I’ll remember to save one of each kind for starting next year’s crop.
I also almost ordered more garlic for the fall from another company. I currently have 5 varieties, but you can never have too much garlic, & there are some really interesting heirlooms, including a few amazing sounding Italian ones, & I also want a few shallots to add to my shallot collection. The company I order those from doesn’t take paypal though, so that order will have to wait until I actually have some money in my bank account.
That & my Laoshan Black order (not like I need any, I just want a bag of the new crop for comparison sake).
Sipdown…I have no idea what my total is though…
Wish me luck falling asleep…
Just checked my sipdown total. I’m at 373!
(Not counting any new teas that have arrived since June 1st…I’ll add them on July 1st)
Sounds like a fantastic garden! I’ve never eaten any different varieties of sweet potatoes, as far as I know. I’ll have to see if I can find some at the farmer’s market.
Maybe I should have realized, but I didn’t know there were other types of sweet taters than what we grow. Garlic – We have tried multiple times to grow garlic, never with success. The Amish fellow I last got them from assured me it was simple. Maybe for you and him. Hat’s off to you and your green thumb.
For years I just ate ‘the’ sweet potatoes from the store. Then one year I noticed there were too kinds: Garnet & whatever the other one was. They were both great. Whole foods carries Garnet, the other one (whose name I can’t recall right now, it’s too early), & japanese. So hopefully 3 months from now I’ll be in sweet potato heaven!! KS, some years are better than others. Last year wasn’t as great as the previous 2 years.
Regarding garlic, this will be my first successful year growing, LOL. I think I finally know what I’m doing :)
Anyway, I consider the whole thing a grand experiment, a mix of permaculture (“are you gonna pull those weeds?”), raised beds, companion planting, containers, strange trellising formations, etc. Most people who take a walk with me in my garden view it with either wonder, amusement, disbelief or possibly they are appalled, or maybe a mix of all of the above. I just view it as heaven :)
I haven’t stepped foot in your garden and I am impressed, and amused. :) Last year we had a good crop of red, white, and sweet potatoes. Pretty much nothing else did good.
My little piece of earth is basically 99.9% clay, & after years of double digging in my previous garden (different house, different lifetime), I’m basically too old for that crap. So I layer in soil, newspaper, compost, cardboard, manure, and anything else I think will decompose. I just keep piling stuff on each year, & the worms & moles take care of the rest. Most of my beds are edged with the trimming of my various trees & straw, which initially help hold things in place, but eventually help hold water, etc. There are deep layers of straw everywhere! And piles of dead weeds.
Hey if it weren’t for weeds we would have no lawn at all. And can definitely identify with the clay. That’s why the grass won’t grow. The potatoes were grown in raised beds with bagged dirt and compost. With what we have had to do it is cheaper just to go buy them but that isn’t the point.
Oh Soba Cha!
So enticing I want to eat chunks of my mug, that how good it smells while I drink it.
Buckwheat pancakes, roasted grains, toasty cereals, it’s such a treat!
Ok, I pretty much NEVER add anything to my tea, not that there’s anything wrong with that, just not my preference.
But, this, THIS, with almond milk is like having a liquid bowl of your favourite cereals. Why don’t I make a giant pot of this instead of a cup?
My 4oz tin won’t last very long, I can tell you that!
I can’t ever thank my friend Dexter enough for introducing me to this wonderful tea from H&S :-)
This tea sounds fantastic! It’ll probably be a while until I order from Harney (I have a tea buying queue…) but I’ll definitely be grabbing some of this. :D
You are very welcome my friend. I totally agree with you – liquid bowl of cereal!!! A touch of sweet and a splash of milk and this just makes me HAPPY!!!
Pro-tip: Keep an eye out for roasted buckwheat or “Kasha” at your healthfood store. It’s the same thing as this. I got 11 ounces from the bulk foods section for $2.50. :) They let you buy as little or much as you want :)
its not the same. Groats of kasha are much larger. i have on hand both – kasha and tea. And buckwheat has a tendency to get spoiled without fridge.
Interesting idea, I could just pick some up at bulk food store and stick it in the fridge, good suggestion! Probably tastes the same anyhow, maybe just a bit less flavorful if the bits are bigger
I’m not sure where you guys are buying this, but I’ve looked and asked at several health food stores and bulk stores – haven’t been able to find anything roasted. I did buy some straight buckwheat, gave it a quick roast in the oven – that didn’t work very well. Will keep looking for it…..
Because John Harney made tea….I saw an acquaintance buying it at Barnes and Noble. Because I saw her buying it, I got her more for Christmas and we became good friends and I bought an extra tin for me. Because I had GOOD tea, my new neighbor Sandy shared a cup and then introduced me to even more varieties of loose leaf and high quality teas of every type and kind and we began to explore puerh, white, yellow, and more! Because I became obsessed with tea, I invited more and more people over, and made new friends, and new tea addicts.
And this is one of the first loose leaf H&S teas I bought, the very first being Royal English Breakfast in sachets. Smokey and chocolate-y, good plain but takes milk and sugar well, which is how I first started drinking tea until their Golden Monkey enticed me to drink my tea sans additions.
Thank you, Mr. Harney, for being excited about tea. Thank you for your part in enriching my life. Thank you for the stories your family shared about you handing out wrapped sachets everywhere you went, making friends, showing kindness. May you rest in peace.
I found out late last night about the recent passing of John Harney. I have enjoyed teas from Harney and Sons for years and years (Hot Cinnamon Sunset was one of the first teas I fell in love with!), and I thought I would make my morning tea another H&S favorite as my way of saying thank you to Mr. Harney.
Golden Monkey is a jewel of a tea. The leaves are beautiful. Black and gold, kind of small, and tightly twisted. Once steeped the tea is malty with a honey like sweetness and notes of caramel and cocoa. I wouldn’t describe it as a thick tea, but it does coat the mouth with a light sweetness that’s very nice. The interplay of flavors here is so enjoyable. This is one of the teas I could drink all day and enjoy every sip.
Thanks again, Mr. Harney.
@mj1851 – I wish they’d change the name back to Hot Cinnamon Sunset rather than Hot Cinnamon Spice. It’s silly, but I love the first name so much more!
@boychick – Paris is the tea that hooked my daughter. She drinks it almost every day. :)
In mid summer, while I worked in the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve tracking Black Bears, we would reach a point where half the bears would dissapear from their home ranges as they left in search of food. That population is basically dependant on the success of the blueberry crop for survival. Once they started to leave their home ranges we would spend part of the day tracking/searching for our wandering bears, and part of the day sampling blueberry plots among other duties. After which we had tons of berries to freeze, eat and turn into many baked goods. At the study site we had two species of blueberries; Vaccinium angustafolium, which had smaller tarter berries and smooth leaved shorter plants, and V. Myrtilloides which had furry leaved taller plants and big sweet berries that tasted a little like blueberry bubble gum. This tea reminds me of the latter, with a rich sweet syrupy scent and flavour that reminds me a little of a blueberry pancake breakfast drank with a hearty rich tea.
This tea does a really nice job of balancing the flavours between the base tea and the flavouring. The scent and the taste are of those large bubble gun tinged blueberries I picked in the field up near Chapleau, with a nice sweet slightly syrupy notes, all over a malty and slightly biscuit noted base that has a slightly tart fruit reference. The sweetness of the flavouring is tempered by both the tannins in the tea and the blackberry leaf. The base tea is only slightly astringent, but has enough texture and tannins to give it a nice density in the mouth. Despite the flavouring and scent being quite distinct they do not overpower the base and the tea does not require sweetners for the flavouring to pop. Well done Tea Brewery At the moment this is my favourite blueberry tea in my cupboard.
It was a very cool job! We lived at a field camp on the lake with a population between 4 and 20. The study’s focus was population survivorship and fecundity. In the spring we spent the morning checking our lines of live traps for bears, whom we would weigh measure, take fat pinches and blood samples if they were a recapture. New bears would be tagged and more in depth measurements and samples were taken. Females were always coloured, males not so often, as they tended to through the collars. We had early GPS collars that were huge as well as normal radio collars. We tracked the bears in the afternoon and sometimes well into the evening until there was a change of government that changed my bosses good will for ‘extras’. We also did botanical monitoring and staging. In our free time we went rock climbing of fire tower climbing, hiking, biking and canoeing and occasionally wolf howling. It was a fascinating job bears are fascinating to observe behaviorally,have an interesting social organisation and a really interesting physiology. It is definitely among my favourite job experiences. Ironically I think I experienced greater culture shock coming back from that job than from some of my overseas experiences.
I picked this one up at the Palais des Thes store. I didn’t even realize at the time that it was not their tea but another company. No matter – this smelled soooo good.
It was very tasty hot, but even better cold. Blueberry with mild coconut hot but as it cools off a buttery note sneaks in. I think this is one to be careful with as it could be bitter if not handled with attention. But I will enjoy this tin, I think. Trying a cold steep of the used leaves tonight.
Oh, and here’s a picture of how bad I was on my trip…http://s1165.photobucket.com/user/dagony/media/Tea%20collection/IMG_3464_zpsed958e8c.jpg.html?filters[user]=131747557&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
(oh, and I should note that the tiny adorable little pot there is not my doing…someone sneaky and exceedingly generous gave that to me while I was there…:)
Not sure – there might be too much coconut here for you… but some may make its way north someday… :)
I’ve browsed Lov Organic’s website before and they have some very interesting and tasty-sounding blends. :)
Bad… bad… Nicole! :-) Buying so much lovely tea! None of the rest of us would evvver do that! We all have wonderful self control! Looks good!
Hmm I’ll have to check that out. One of the local grocery stores has/had a lot of Love organic teas. I’ll have to see if they have that one.
I usually don’t cold steep spent leaves unless I drink oolong or pu’erh, they have so much to give, I often stop my sessions and just cold brew the rest.
Yesterday, this one was weak for me at the third cup. I would normally just dispose of it. But I thought that maybe the vanilla bean in it could still gift me with some goodness, so I tried.
It filled a 24oz jar for 20 hours in the fridge. I thought this is way too much water for such a little bit of tea, it will probably taste like noting…WRONG!
OMG!!! It’s hot here today and this is soooo refreshing!
It tastes like vanilla sugar, so deliciously yummy.
I conclude that this tea might be expensive but out of 1/2 tablespoon, I got three hot 8oz cups and a 24oz jar of iced tea!
I’d say not a bad yielding ratio :-)
I love coldbrewing this one! I don’t think I’ve ever actually tried to make something with old Port leaves and been disappointed by flavor – it really seems to just keep giving!
Cheri, can’t wait to hear what you think about it!
Inranger, it is when you look at it this way instead of just price tag…
Brenden, I like this one wayyy too much! Now I feel like having it cold steeped all summer long…will try the same with Golden Orchid when it gets here.
Well, I’ve already got an imaginary order with WPTC going…hopefully next month I can come off tea buying hiatus and actually place it. (It’s looking good. I need to double check the credit card statement when it comes and make sure I get through the rest of the month accident free.)
Just waiting on the Ailaoshan Black for my first order. According to my calculations that means in about 2 weeks I can enjoy me some WP goodness. Anticipation is a wonderful thing. :)
Oh, inranger, don’t I know, anticipation IS wonderful…as long as it doesn’t last too long :-) But Ailaoshan is totally worth the wait! Have you decided on the other teas you are getting from WP?
Yes, a savant fairy gave me a suggestion list which is now saved on my WP wishlist, then Brendan suggested on more that I’ve added. My list must be up around 8 or so teas by now. :)
Haha! never been called a “savant fairy” before, but I do know great tea when I see it ;-)
What ever you choose, I’m sure you’ll be happy with it!
Very interesting. I’ve seen posts about cold steeping “used” leaves before. I am going to need to try that, starting with my Port!
I frequently take all of the leaves from each tea i’ve steeped over the day and make a pot of it all together coldbrewed. I have not once had a pot that didnt taste delicious :)
It’s also fun too, because each pot of tea is totally unique and not something that can really be re-created easily :)
I’d like to start out by thanking Angel & Teavivre for this wonderful sample. This is the most amazing looking green tea, absolutely beautiful. It looks like fronds of some exotic sea veggie, with iridescent shades of green that I can’t even begin to describe. Dried & pressed into long bud sets, averagine 2 to 2.5 inches long! It’s so beautiful that I took pics & posted them on my FB, for those who might like to see.
The dry aroma is rich, thick, & buttery. I rehydrated single frond, just so I could watch it unfurl alone, & take photos of it. I gave the entire 5 G sample 1 minute at 180F in my test tube steeper, & the resulting liquor was a pale apricot color, with a sweet, thick, & buttery green taste, delicate & refined.
2min: still rich & buttery, with a yellow taste, bring to mind yellow flowers. As I continue with this cup I also taste saffron & pumpkin seeds.
3min: a little tangy-er, fruity like apricot, but also savory like buttered asparagus. Slightly astringent, slightly bitter.
4min: sweet melon/pumpkin taste.
I used TeaVivre’s Tai Ping Hou Kui in my new photo art because it is SO GORGEOUS https://www.etsy.com/listing/193212314/beautiful-tea-poster-photography-collage
Good morning Steepster!
This is such a delicious Ceylon, normally I’m not a fan of Ceylons, I can find them too bitter and wine-y. This has such a delicious flavor profile of cherry and a bit of menthol. It’s also “hefty” and has great body which is not something I normally associate with a Ceylon.
SOT says: One of the classics, this is what an Uva Ceylon can and should taste like!
I agree, it puts most of the other Ceylons I’ve had to shame. Evidently I’ve been drinking crap Ceylons but this is one I will gladly restock once it runs out. I’m also excited to be getting a couple of other things from them (hopefully this week).
There’s one other Ceylon that I liked equally as much and that was the Sam Bodhi by Palais de Thes. I just haven’t bothered restocking it that one because there weren’t too many other things from Palais de Thes that really “wowed” me & you have to spend $75 to get free shipping.
I’m still sick, although I am feeling like I’m a bit on the mend. I hope I survive the day, as I have writing class tonight that goes until 9 pm.
I need some “cosmic” sheng to cheer me up!
Took my bird to the vet this afternoon. She has a tumor on her tummy :( Anyway, it is growing, and there is nothing they can do for her. Luckily for now she is maintaining her weight (which means she is feeling well enough to eat properly.) She’s getting to be an older birdie, so I am trying to take solace in the fact that up until this point she has had a very pleasant life, and trying to wrap my head around the fact that sometime in the not too distant future I will have to deal with her slow (hopefully not painful) death and all I can do is comfort her as best as I can!
Sorry to be a downer…ANYWAY, I got new birthday present TeaUrchin sheng samples! YAY! So far everything I’ve tried from TeaUrchin has been top notch. This one is pleasant. I think there is something extra special about Autumn harvests, as much as I have raved about a few first flush green teas in the past, heh. My vocabulary for describing sheng flavors is still in its infancy, but this one is rich and somewhat herbal/floral tasting. It has a nice balanced pleasant bitterness/astringency. When I inhale as I am sipping I feel the camphor-like vapors seem to permeate my entire being. Good sheng. Sheng good.
Sorry to hear about your bird :(
What kind?
I used to have a lot of birds, but now I only have the ones that frequent my garden :)
She is a Pacific Parrotlet, and she likes head scratches http://twitpic.com/d3dr7p What kinds did you have, Terri?
Aww. Sorry to hear that. I had a pet rat that got a tumor once and we ended up putting her to sleep.
Awww, she’s beautiful!!
I had parakeets, a pair of love birds, a cockatiel, & I raised canaries for a number of years. I love birds, & have successfully raised & released several wild baby birds, my favorite one being a sparrow I named Captain Jack :D
Port in the afternoon? Hey, why not!
I’m an advocate of drinking my best teas at very ordinary times. Why wait for a special occasions? Just make the ordinary extraordinary!
This is fine tea, I mean REALLY fine.
Brenden suggested I use one of those little Chinese Gongfu stainless super fine stainers for his vanilla tea. I’m all out of Golden Orchid (new batch on its way, yay!!!), but I thought I’d give it a try with Port.
I already see a difference by looking at the tea through my doubled walled mug. Last time I had it, I used a regular strainer and the infusion was a little blurry. It’s crystal clear now. The difference is subtle, but I can see how the taste seems different, “cleaner”. Hard to explain and fully grasp cause I drank Port only once before.
There aren’t many of them, but I see little hairs of red saffron in the blend here and there, and they do render a Spanish savoury flair to the cup and a beautiful bright amber copper liquor.
First thing to notice is the delectable and creamy vanilla, its feels organic and a little earthy. Paired with the exquisite and sweet black base, and the “cederness” of the roasted cedar leaves, this tea turns into a sophisticated caramel infusion, with floral and fresh evergreens notes.
Yes, it’s very expensive, but it delivers and I think everyone should experience it at least once. (The problem is I am now hooked and I know I will reorder when I’m out!!)
Just a superb creation.
I’d never heart of saffron tea before today, and now here it is again! :) www.laperse.co.uk has a line of saffron infused teas that I recently got a sample of….i was going to give it to a friend, but now I just may try one! Port sounds fabulous!
Saffron is so good, can’t be beaten simmered in white wine to create the best shrimp rice ever, mmm, ok now I’m hungry, lol.
Terri, when you told me you didn’t do “flavoured” teas very well because of different intolerances and allergies, I thought it included blends as well, that’s why I sent you only the straight WP, not wanting to take any chances. Otherwise I would have included this one and many more in our swap. MAYBE NEXT TIME :-)
NExt time!!
I do drink blends, I just don’t want anything with artificial flavors especially, but also sometimes have problems with ‘natural’ flavors. Blends that are actually made from real things are usually ok. :)
But that’s ok, I have a ton of tea to sample for now! :D
Oh, had to read the tea description to get the tea – thought it was Port-Port wine tea. had one once which was nice if a bit artificial.
Lucky for you, Terri (and everyone!) I don’t use any natural or artificial flavors. All of my teas are 100% real stuff :)
BOOM BOOM! I’m gonna shoot you right down. Right off your feet. Take you home with me. PUT YOU IN MY HOUSE! Haw Haw Haw. Sorry. I can’t stop John Lee Hooker-ing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSnQ0bdHW0s) over this tea. Boy howdee this is good. There are many teas out there that I like a lot. But I have a pantheon of tea. Mandala’s Special Dark, my necessary shu pu-er, Verdant’s Golden Fleece – the best golden tip black, Whispering Pines Golden Orchid, my favorite black blend, and now – this. It is a genuine pleasure just to stick your nose in the bag and inhale (a quality it shares with Golden Fleece). Deep, rich luscious chocolate. Dark, creamy chocolate.
More on my blog:
Flavors: Chocolate
Look what’s ready to ship with your order: http://oi61.tinypic.com/2pobqtv.jpg :)
Ooooh! I wonder what it is. I’m somewhat jealous. I got a pre release version of a tea from Butiki to taste, and that was awesome. I’ll have to be on the lookout for this one, as I’m still on a self imposed tea buying hiatus until the end of the month, at least.
I came back to check your review after I drank this one, and we totally agree on the chocolate! This tea is amazeballs!
Yes ma’am – this one is extra dreamy. I love the chocolate. I especially love this in the morning after my Special Dark. So glad you liked it :)
This is an interesting tea I haven’t been drinking too much of lately. It has such a light base and it was really meant to be more of an afternoon/evening tea according to the company. I’ve been trying to drink my black teas in the morning and drink lighter things after noon. I find it is good with additions or without, it doesn’t really NEED them. Might be good with a squeeze of lemon also since it has a bit of a citrus-y note. I should really try this one iced to see if I like it that way.
Still feeling under the weather but need to find the energy today to do my homework for writing class – wish me luck!
I need some Mandala love tonight!
This natural milk oolong is phenomenal…pure candy.
First, the dry smell is all pop corn and coconut milk. It doesn’t render that heavy dairy fragrance scented milk oolong often have, this is all natural goodness.
The first three steeps (gongfu style) are cotton candy and piña colada like, creamy and slightly fruity. The richness and sweetness really dominate.
Later, it morphs into a more floral green oolong, presenting lilac and orchid notes.
A fresh minty camphor taste is also present, slowly developing. It has lost some of its sweetness, which is a good thing, cause as you persevere into many short steeps, heavy and sweet would be just too much.
The taste lingers and lingers…
It’s making me really happy :-)
When I’m all done, I will put the spent leaves in a mason jar and cold steep in the fridge for 12 hours. Yep, this tea has a lot to give!
Oh, and I’m filling up a cart of goodness right now, will email you for shipping when I’m done…yummy!!
Ok I had to make a cup for myself, you inspired me. It’s one of my staples and always makes me happy.
Tea of the morning here. My boyfriend was not that impressed when I told him this was the tea that got thrown into the Boston Harbor. :P He isn’t that picky about tea and went to Starbucks to get a coffee… ha
This is definitely a strong tea with some mild smoky notes, though not like a full blown lapsang. I enjoy this, though it isn’t an everyday tea for me. I actually need to do some tea shopping because I am need of a basic yunnan and a basic assam.
Thanks to the Steepster buddies who sent me some samples recently. I am coming down with a cold and have been coughing since yesterday so this isn’t the best time to try something new. I hope to try them soon, however!
Ooooh! I’ve been really wanting to try that. Let me know if I can send you anything in return. I have a ton of tea!
I saw on another thread that you wanted to try it, so some will be coming your way – hope you feel better
Thank god there are no such thing as tea overdose cause I’d be so dead by now.
This tea is ambitious, it has climbed the “corporate ladder” of tea like a bullet in my collection and went straight to the top.
I have a well established tea routine, there’s only a few that have really “made it”. they’ve been sitting on my shelve, very confident for many years now, knowing they have had no real competition. And then this newbie came along and has made them all nervous. All of a sudden, they wonder if they are good enough…
I will have to reassure them and let them know they are…eventually.
But right now, it’s all about this one.
I look at the other tins, but I can’t help it, Ailaoshan is like “pick me, oh pick me” and I just know I will.
Sweet and salty caramel, cocoa, fruity-floral notes, dried figs, there are so many layers of complex components in this tea.
It might be a newcomer, but I already know it’s not a one hit wonder, it’s well on its way to becoming a classic!
Bumping the rating to 100!
This is an awesome review :)
And I think you’ll be glad to hear I have some of this on the way…and by some I mean a LOT. ;)
Yay, good to know…means I can go through the 4oz I just got worry free :-)
(Inranger, you might want to add a couple more WP teas to that wish list of yours!)
I think you are right TeaFairy, I’ve been noticing a buzz about Whispering Pines but haven’t taken notice of any specific teas until now. Any suggestions for my list?
Inranger, I have a coupon code for first time customers…15% off your first order with coupon code SIP-INSPIRATION :)
Queued post, written May 7th 2014
I’m cold to the bone and quite tired which probably doesn’t help with the whole body temperature thing either. But it’s May, dammit, and I refuse to turn the radiator further up. I was up late because I was watching the first semi-final for the Eurovision Song Contest. Denmark is hosting this year (and there’s somewhat of a scandal behind the scenes because the whole thing has turned out to be a LOT more expensive than various people holding the purse strings had initially been told, so suddenly there was a slew of extra bills. I expect that’s why Denmark has such a rubbish song this year. They want to be certain they don’t have to pay for it again next year) Also, regarding the countries that qualified for the final on Saturday… WTF, Europe??? O.O And can someone please explain to me, using small words and diagrams, why exactly Armenia’s ultra-boring song is the bookmakers’ favourite?
KS had this tea yesterday and it made me think I should have a sample of it too. The name rung a bell, so I had a rummage through the box of untried things and lo and behold! Courtney had shared a sample with me. How lucky am I?! I need a bit of luck after all the wrong songs qualified and only half of the good songs did.
When Husband and I were in Norwich for our honeymoon, we had caramel flavoured hot chocolate (which didn’t taste very nice) and it smelled quite like this tea. Very cocoa-y and very caramel-y, but both notes are so strong that they keep trying to out-do each other. The whole thing becomes quite toffee-y. The cocoa note also has a tinge of wood-notes to it, which makes me think wood notes and cocoa notes are ‘related’. Same way that the same note in a Keemum can be floral or almost smoky.
The flavour has a wood note as well and it’s the first thing I notice. After that, the tea becomes quite sweet and sort of in between caramel and honey. KS told me, when I asked about whether he thought it was a strong tasting tea, that he thought it tasted like a sort of mix between Dian Hong and Fujian. I find that’s a very accurate description, actually. The honey-y notes from Dian Hong and the cocoa-y notes from Fujian.
I thought this tea was very enjoyable indeed. I would probably have enjoyed it even more, had I not been distracted by curious activity going on under the road bridge on the other side of our garden fence. A guy had parked there and proceeded to unpack a drum kit. He spent a good hour arranging drum kit and some mats around it and just generally going back and forth between his drumkit and the car. It was highly mysterious and I could see it all from my window. Turns out, I think it was some sort of activity the local school was doing, because a group of ten children showed up accompanied by another adult who took photos and sat there as audience while Drum-Guy drummed at them for maybe ten minutes or so. Then they spent some 20 minutes playing on the playground on the other side of the bridge and cleared off, after which Drum-Guy spent another hour packing everything back into his car. Two hours arranging, packing and unpacking for ten minutes drumming! I hope the children got something out of it. But anyway, all this unusual activity meant that the tea got somewhat cold before I could finish it.
No problem, though, because it tasted eminently resteepable and I also have enough leaf for one more go.
I was very pleased with the winning song. I liked the Netherlands’ song best, but I liked the Austrian song as well. :)
I didn’t find Malta’s song very interesting at first, but after I had heard it a few times, I found I liked it. I also liked the German song. Catchy. :) I love Emmelie de Forest’s intermission show song, though.
About the tea – Woo hoo, I got one right. About the drum guy, that sounds pretty typical for the glamorous life of a performing musician – even if it was for kids. Next time you go hear a band play in a club and you leave tired at 2:00 AM, just remember the poor band still has possibly two hours of work ahead of them packing, and more when they get home.
This is really full of toasty, roasty goodness. I think this is what I keep hoping that genmaicha will be – but never quite is.
I really like this – it’s more like a roasted oolong to me than a green tea, but whatever it is -it sure is tasty. It makes me happy….
Haha! Well you must have done a great job at describing it for me to pick up on that :-)
I didn’t even know this tea existed…it’s all twigs!
sipdown! haha Since my riverteas are suspiciously missing from the box of tea they sent me, I might have a hope in heck of getting through the teas to make it to 200 by the end of the weekend…as long as i get some drink on this evening. I picked this one as i was in the mood for a good cup of chocolate deliciousness. Sad to see this one go, but at the same time, there are others i will restock before this one.
Wow! I wonder if they are sending the others in a separate box? Although I can’t imagine why anybody would do that
Sil, same thing happened to me around december…you will probably get a second box later. they had sent 2 boxes for 13 teas but only one box showed up with 5 teas inside. I also contacted them and they told me my order was too big and had shipped in two separate boxes(??) Took almost three weeks for the other one to show up! Since I am not a fan of their teas, I never reordered, so don’t know if they still ship this way, it’s a little weird.
Just came back from a long hiking session with my dog Dexter. I let him chase all the squirrels he wanted cause they were mocking him. I’m not worried he’s ever going to catch them cause despite the fact that he’s super athletic, he remains a dog and can’t climb trees…even though he tries sometimes!
It was raining, and all the vegetation came to life with glossy bright shades of greens all around. I just love rain in the woods. Love the relaxing sound that each rain drops make when they land on the trees.
When we came back, I wanted to drink something reminiscent of all the smells we were still soaked with from the forest.
I thought Cedar Ridge would be appropriate since we have many large cedars in my forest.
This is a wellness blend. Really. With organic ingredients like cinnamon, elderberries, ginger, spearmint and roasted cedar leaves, it’s something I would want to drink if I was at the spa.
It’s relaxing and invigorating at the same time. The spearmint and cedar are upfront, and at the end of the sip, I get a spicy bite from the ginger and cinnamon.
It feels fresh, woody, earthy and “rainy”.
It’s everything I was hoping for.
The sun is out now, let’s try to dry ourselves a little!
I need a walk in the woods…
I need to go camping…
I need to take a float trip too…
it’s been too long!
I probably need to sample this tea too.
Hi baby,
On most days it’s enough just knowing you’re out there – doing what you do, smelling like you smell, tasting like you taste. On most days.
But on some days, I miss you so much it’s unbearable. Sometimes I’m soothed reading old notes and remembering minutes spent together.
On occasion, though, not even dwelling on mnemonic minutiae is enough. Some days, the insight that you’re a finite resource plagues me. The knowledge that there will eventually be an end to you haunts me. Some days, I just have to taste you again.
This is one of those days.
In my timolino for work. I think only one more cup worth of this left? Pretty close to a sipdown anyway…
When I drank this I actually had to open up the timolino and double check to make sure I hadn’t added milk to it; for whatever reason this was insanely creamy and marshmallow-y. More so than any other time I think I’ve ever had it. Definitely a smooth, tasty cup.
I’m wondering if a large portion of the marshmallow/other tasty bits ended up sunk at the bottom of the bag? Definitely a possibility. I’m confidant I’ll enjoy finishing this one off. Don’t know if it’ll be a restock; but perhaps…
Flavors: Cream, Marshmallow, Milk
Where is everyone getting all these Nina’s Paris samples?! I want some! XD
If you email them they will send three free samples (sometimes anyway, I don’t know if it’s going on now).
Thanks, I’ll email them and ask about it. :D
Well, I got the two I’ve reviewed in a swap with Ost. I didn’t know about the free samples either! I just emailed them. Thanks *Marzipan!
I already got a response back! They are still sending free samples :-)
Those jerks didn’t email me back yet! :O
Did you email [email protected]? If not, what the heck
I meant If so, what the heck
Nice! Glad you liked them! :D