Featured & New Tasting Notes


I’m legit on a tea streak. Three cups and it’s just half past noon?! Ahh I love tea tons :)

This is just your usual black tea. Nothing too special.
I think I added too much sugar though, but it’s still pretty yummy!

Thank you tons to TeaNTees for sending this my way!

ALSO sorta pointless since I haven’t been on in forever and I’m sure none of you missed my pointless posts about life, buuuuut it was just publicly announced yesterday, I got the Lead position in my department! For those of you who forgot, I work at Disneyland and it’s tons of fun and I’ve been there for almost a year and a half now. I decided to apply for Lead aaaand they announced everyone yesterday. I’m quite chuffed :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML
Roswell Strange

Congrats! I missed living vicariously through your job – it’s really interesting to hear about, and I’m happy it’s still such a fun place to work :)


That’s great! Congrats!!


Thank you both so much! If you ever make it to Disneyland, let me know. I met up with Shermeen (keychange on Steepster) last year and it was tooons of fun :))


Correction: TeaNTees* (but I still love ya Kyra) :P


& Congrats on your promotion!! :)


Tees!??!? I thought it was trees the entire time!!!


It’s been almost a year and I’m quite embarrassed. So sorry!


Ha ha ha, too funny XD


No worries my dear! I love trees as well as tees in any case. :)

carol who

Congrats! i remember how excited you were about getting the Disney job. I’m glad the job has been working out so well. :D




Fabulous! My daughter and her hubby are going to Disney Thursday through Sunday to meet up with her hubby’s dad and his gf who are visiting from Ireland, and just by coincidence, my son and his gf and gf’s mom are going the very same days – completely unplanned! Congrats on the promotion!




Aww, thanks so much, everyone!!

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My mom continues to drink teas from my stash without letting me know (I’m talking things other than what I’m brewing for her/to share with her) including some of the more pricey ones so I’m returning the favor and drinking her teas…

I don’t know how she still has any of this left to be honest; I gave her a 20g bag as a Christmas present two years ago! And it still looked really full. What’s up with that mom!? My tea’s good enough but yours isn’t? I cold brewed it though; and man did I miss this tea! It makes the best creamy peppermint cold brew ever – like white chocolate bark but with increased refreshment/coolness.

Also, I just finished the written part of my Tea 103 exam and I crushed it! I ended up getting 94% which was 47/50 questions. I’m really proud of that; I don’t remember for sure but I think that’s a slight improvement on last time’s exam? Something is telling me I got 90% last time…


Ohhh I remember this tea; so nice!


woot! congrats


Congrats! And I have fond memories of this tea too :) now I want some!


You rock! :)


I still have almost a full tin of this one and honestly, I don’t really like it. The poor tea just sits there…

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Ineffable rock-candy sweetness with notes of corn and hay, the broth generously lubricates the mouth and is quite persistent in the throat. I’m really amazed at the consistency of this tea that steep to steep pumps out consistently sweet, clean, full-bodied mouth-watering liquor with no ebb in flavor and no bitterness. People talk about price per gram of tea, but maybe there should be a price-per-excellent-infusion category in which the Guang Feng Zhai would challenge for supremacy.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 4 OZ / 130 ML

Nice review. Sounds pretty tasty! Do you think the strength is pretty comparable to the 2012?

Doug F

I don’t think it has as much oomph or all-round complexity as the 2012 but there are no “waste steeps.” It gets up to speed quickly and remains there.


Got it. Thanks for the note :).


i feel i dont need tons of cheap average pu. i still have my price limitations but i raised them


@boychik. Definitely agree! I think my limit is around the $0.50/g mark or so. Have a hard time rationalizing anything beyond that even if it’s pretty awesome (i.e. Last Thoughts)

Doug F

Yes this cake sits comfortably around the .50/gram mark as does the 2014 Wan Gong, which I didn’t think was quite as good.


Yeah. I like that Wangong a good deal, but it didn’t quite have the oomph of their GFZ (at least their 2012).

On a semi-related sidenote, I’m very curious about the Dark Forest that they just added.


jschergen I just put an order in today with some of the Dark Forest in it.


@mrmopar . Cool! Looking forward to hearing about it.

Doug F

The description is very alluring.

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drank Kaimosi CTC by Harney & Sons
3010 tasting notes

Labor Day weekend was not the restful idyll I had hoped for (unscheduled elder care needs at Dad’s farm, followed up with minor yucks of my own, and a day of catching up what I had to let go the other two days) so this morning called for some MUSCLE to get me moving. This Kaimosi fills the bill: stout, sharp, and a little fruity undertone I had not noticed the first time I tried it. I still intend to try it with some milk, but to this point, I’ve needed the tea hit so fiercely each time I’ve steeped this, I haven’t stopped to dilute it!


I hope you get some times of refreshing soon soon soon! Glad you had the tea to buck you up.

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drank Peanut Butter Cup by DAVIDsTEA
1792 tasting notes

I’m following up with my Peanut Butter Cup + Salted Caramel experiment here since I added more of the former than the latter into the mix.

3g of this plus nearly 3g of Salted Caramel wasn’t as caramelly as I would have liked but it was a lot like what I imagined. If I added more Salted Caramel to this in the future I’m sure I’d be closer to achieving that Snickers vibe I’m trying to get.

Oddly enough, with light cream, I didn’t care for this cup as much as I did when I added some to the strictly Peanut Butter Cup… cup that I had when I first tried it.

It’s an experiment worthy of repeating, at least.

Christina / BooksandTea

Sounds delicious!

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drank Golden Monkey by Harney & Sons
790 tasting notes

Up first for today in the long weekend of not waiting to drink the favorites is this delectable GM. A practically perfect, consistent, GM. Lovely leaves and superior flavor. Such a smooth way to begin the day.


YUM! An excellent incisive & concise review! Is this GM consistently great each year??


TBH, since the smallest size (aside from samples) is 3 oz, I have only purchased twice so I can only speak to probably 2 years but in those 2 years, the flavor profile was very similar.


Agreed, their GM is very pricey. When is their most signifigant sale of the year? Thanks!


It is really hard to tell these days. Seems like it used to be that they had a sale around Black Friday and Christmas that usually included free shipping. For the last year or so, they’ve been having sales of varying kinds and specificity about every week for a couple of days only. There is usually a free shipping w/ $25 purchase towards the holidays. I don’t recall them generally having the 30-40% sales a lot of the smaller guys have, it’s usually 10-15% and it’s been on Breakfast Blends or on new teas or other similarly limited categories. Best way to tell is to sign up for their email notifications.


And to me, it seems pricey because you are getting 3 ounces at once. The GMs I buy from other, smaller companies runs about $8 an ounce as well so it isn’t actually any more than I pay elsewhere.


less than a minute ago
$8 an ounce = $128/lb – this makes sushi-grade yellowfin tuna look inexpensive. This is why I asked about their most significant sale of the year. I already receive their email notifications and haven’t yet noticed a compelling opportunity.

" … it’s usually 10-15% and it’s been on Breakfast Blends or on new teas or other similarly limited categories.”
This is why I’ve been patronizing other Steepster-recommended suppliers.

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Another gongfu session of this from last night.

I followed the advice mrmopar gave after my previous session and stuck with shorter steeps at a lower temperature this time around. 6.5g of leaf in a gaiwan with 90C water and steeps ranging from 5-30 seconds.

Mrmopar was right – brewing at a lower temperature with short steeps does get rid of a lot of that bitterness. I think I’ll stick to 90C as my default temperature for young shengs from now on.

How was this tea based on these new steeping parameters? Fruity, vegetal, with a typical “sheng” tart flavour. It kind of reminded me of vanilla yogurt. No smoke. Some astringency on later steeps as it coated my tongue. However, near the end of the session I was developing a headache and I felt bloated from having over a litre of liquid in my belly.

This wasn’t bad, but I don’t think I’ve been quite as seduced by this poundcake as other Steeptsterites. Considering that Paul from White2Tea has announced he only has about 100 cakes of this left in his new warehouse, I’m happy to let others have their chance with it.

In the meantime, I used up about half of the free sample I got from the W2T sale. I’m going to send the rest off to Ubacat, since she expressed some interest in it.


Woo Hoo! Glad it worked. This is a bruiser if steeped too long. Just on a side note if you rinse a tea and let it sit a while for allowing the water to open it up a bit it works pretty well.
I did an experiment using a scale a while back. I put 10 grams of tea in a Gaiwan and set the tare to zero. I then rinsed the tea and reweighed it and guess how much it weighed…..


Very close. It’s funny how that dry tea can absorb that water that quickly. That’s why I usually rest it after the rinse to wake up a bit.

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My brother and I had an adventure today.

We left the house this afternoon with two goals in mind:

1. Go the the library so I could print resumes
2. Pick up some of the Fall Collection teas from DAVIDsTEA

So, we actually started by going to the bank so my brother could take out some cash to buy a lock for school next week, then we drove to what we thought was the closest library. At this point, it’s been two years since I lived in Regina and over those two years I only came to visit about five times – I’ve unlearned the direction to a lot of places in the city that weren’t ones I regularly went to. So, it took us a while to find the library. When we did find it, we realized that it’s no longer a library anymore – the building has been split up into a Senior’s Home and a Hardware store. That definitely through a wrench into our plans…

So, the only other library in town we thought we could find was the one downtown – so we drove downtown. However, Liam has virtually no sense of direction and I don’t really know where anything is in the city/the street names so we kind of got lost downtown. We drove around completely clueless for quite some time, and then when we finally thought we knew where we were we accidentally would up driving into the middle of a park. Yikes! To be fair, the area we drove into was paved (with cobblestone) and there was a stoplight and crossing walk and it VERY MUCH looked like a continuation of the road, but turns out it’s an area intended for food trucks and us being there was probably at least a little illegal.

After we drove out of the part, we realized neither of us had change for the parking meter so we had to leave downtown and go through a Robin’s Donuts drive-through to break a twenty. Then we had to drive back downtown – this time heading to the mall because we’d given up on finding the library today. On our way to the mall to stop at DAVIDsTEA what did we find!? The library! So we parked, and went to put money in the meter, which was free because it’s Sunday. Crap! What a waste of time! So, we walked over to the library. Guess what! Turns out that not only is it closed on Monday for Labour Day but today, as well. Another colossal waste of time.

From there we stopped at DAVIDsTEA, and it was basically smooth sailing afterwards: I picked up 20g of Peanut Butter Cup, Cranberry Orange Muffin, Spiced Apple (which I keep wanting to call Spiced Fig because of the fig in it), and Nutty By Nature as well as top ups of Creme Brulee which I can’t believe they’re discontinuing! and Guava Cadabra.

And after all of that, I needed a drink so I got this blend as a hot latte. I’ve been slowly revisiting teas from DT that I used to stock/have tried in the past to see how I feel about them now, and this one just seemed to fit my mood. Plus, my brother loves mint so I thought maybe I could convince him to try this one. I actually didn’t mind it; but I just thought it was really weak overall and not an exciting or interesting tea. I feel justified in my old opinion that this is a tea not worth getting stocked, even though it hit the spot today.


That’s rough! And why I don’t bother going out and trying to do stuff on days like toady and yesterday because of screwed up hours of operation.


It’s that kind of scenario that reminds me how much having a smart phone has changed my life, because it’s much harder to get lost when you have an interactive map (with the helpful “you are here” dot) and the internet on your phone. :) Glad you at least got some tea out of the whole process!

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guys i’m so tired. 2 days in a row of wandering and walking and running wedding errands. I am SO glad it’s along weekend and SO glad tomorrow is “winery” day. this kicked off my day and while it was a decent cup, it wasn’t quite what i wanted.


You can do it !


You should be in the home stretch, right? it will all be worth it. :)

Terri HarpLady

It’s gonna be a beautiful wedding, I wish I could be there. We’ll be expecting lots of pics!


2 more weekends. we’re trying to get the last of the arts and crafts done tomorrow – but today was a day off to not think about the wedding


OMG. I got wine as payment today for the demo I did. Too bad I can’t take it in my carry on…

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This is not really a winner in my opinion. I was suckered in by the cute packaging and thinking these loose leaf puerh packets would be good for travel. I have been done a few short steeps (of around 10 seconds) in my yixing teapot. I am finding the fermentation flavor to be too strong in this. Yes the dreaded fishy flavor that we all hate in puerh, it smells funky too. After the third steep I decided to water it down some and that made it sort of palatable but it also seems bitter to me. It’s sad but life is too short to be drinking yucky tea. I will contact Dragon Tea house to see about getting a refund.


I had some icky pu like that and set it out partially unwrapped for a couple of days, even though I read to only leave it a few hours. It helped! Might make it drinkable, or at least it might better prepare it for more aging if they won’t issue a refund.


I might have to try that…


update: they agreed to issue me a refund for this item

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I finished off the rest of what I had from the monthly subscription this morning and now I’m sad. This is such an amazingly delicious and unique black tea. Like a spicy potato tea. I used the remaining 5.5g in my shibo and it was perfect! It also lasted more than the usual 3-4 steeps I get from black teas. Although it’s no longer available, I heard that more might be coming in this autumn, so I will definitely pick some up, maybe with some samples of the other Spring puerh I haven’t yet tried.


Yummy. Every time I drink it it’s like grilled veggies


Yes, it’s so tasty! Now I wish I had already picked up a bunch before it went out of stock. :/


This definitely has that green note to it. Very good, thick and yet puckery at the same time.

Christina / BooksandTea

White2Tea just announced that this is now back in stock.


Thanks, Christina! I saw! :)

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Starting my morning with this one today, dark & rich & I can feel the energy spreading throughout my body. Feels good.

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Wednesday morning my mom and I were too tired from moving to unpack right away, so we found one of the boxes with tea things in it and she went through and sniffed all of the tins of tea until she found one she liked; this is the one she picked and she would not believe me that it’s a blend of pure, unflavored teas.

The reason she would’ve believe me was that to her it tasted like, and I quote, “one of the best chocolate teas she’d ever had”. We enjoyed about a pots worth each while watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. I stopped watching in Season 3 and she’s on Season 5 so I was a little confused, but mostly I just liked getting to curl up on the couch and share this tea with her. It makes me happy she can appreciate tea other than DAVIDsTEA. Too bad it turns out she has expensive taste…

But really; this is very chocolatey, but also has notes of dark cherries, malt, and maybe even to a lesser extent bran? Or at least that what I got out of Wednesday’s pots of tea.

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I was honored to have a very limited pu-erh shared with me on Monday. I was at Shang Tea and Shang shared a pu-erh with me from one of his friend’s farms. It is called Meng Hai County Pu-erh because of the county it comes from. It is a shu from 2006. Fermented 6 weeks. It was the only pu-erh served in the Olympics Tea House in 2008.

I liked it quite a bit in the store. I told Shang it was pretty much the first pu I’d had that I could honestly say I really did like. I came home with some.

Making it here at home and I could not duplicate the flavor. Not even close. It was much more like what I expect of pu – earthy and musty but not in a way I enjoy. I could drink it but it would never be my choice. So I emailed to find out how it was prepared at the shop that day. Found out that by that point in the day, the pot had been mixed with Golden Needle King! That would explain why I thought it was drinkable. I lumme some Shang Golden Needle.

I didn’t make an entry for this tea as they only have a very limited amount in the store and it is outrageously expensive. If you are in town and interested, stop by the shop and inquire. :) I’d be interested to hear what a real pu-head thinks of this.


That’s not right. Were you able to return it?


It was gifted to me so I’m not worried about returning it. I’ll keep experimenting. I keep hoping to find pu that I like and now I have enough of what is supposed to be very high quality that I can afford to try different temps, times, etc. without thinking that it is just a bad tea. :) It may be something that a fan of pu would love I just haven’t an experienced enough palate to discern the good stuff that might be there. But I’m trying to learn!


I believe it will happen. You just need to drink more of it. Rinse it twice . Also I’ve noticed some people don’t drink it in summer. Wait when the weather cools


ah, that’s good! you could also try mixing it like they did and probably in time, you will develop a taste for it too. hmm now that i think about it, it is actually a good idea: benefits of pu and the deliciousness of white :)


try some sheng too!


if you ever want a puerh sampler i can send you some Nicole.


That must be some really good needle to not be overpowered by a shu


Bear in mind that this was toward the end of the business day so they had probably steeped it over and over for hours. I likely got the 6th or 7th steeped pot. :) But it is really good needle…

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drank Lime Deluxe by ESP Emporium
2238 tasting notes

From the EU TTB

I’m a bit of a sucker for flavoured teas, so I had to give this one a go. I figured it for a green, but I didn’t realise it was a white/green blend at the time I was drinking it. I used 1 tsp of leaf for my cup, and gave it 2.5 minutes in water cooled to around 175 degrees.

I have to say, I really like it. There’s a tangy, not-quite-sharp but pretty flavour-accurate lime, with a mildly sweet, deliciously creamy smoothness from the coconut. They’re not strong, in-your-face flavours, but rather light and refreshing. A perfect summer cocktail – only tea! The green base is pretty perfect; it’s mildly grassy, which works really well with the coconut, and fairly unobtrusive unless you’re really looking for it. This one reminds me a little of 52Teas Lime Jello Salad. A very enjoyable cup!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

Sounds like my kind of tea. I really love lime flavor!

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drank Yunnan Fancy by Peet's Coffee & Tea
2816 tasting notes

Good morning Steepster. I have been drinking this as my morning tea this week and it’s a decent cuppa, it does have me pining for a really good yunnan black. I would say this is kind of average but it does have a nice malty heft this morning.

I was at Peet’s the other day and saw they are bringing back some of their tinned teas but with a Mighty Leaf label on them. I don’t know if they will relaunch the entire line; I only saw about 10 of them in the store and this wasn’t one.

What are your favorite yunnan blacks? Are there any I need to try? One of my recent favorites came from a hole in the wall shop in Oakland’s Chinatown. I do feel I need to do a significant number of sipdowns before buying a lot of new stuff, but maybe I can afford one or two really good ones ;)

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec
Doug F

Jingmai mountain wild arbor black from YS is very tasty, as is their Da Hu Sai village wild arbor black.


thanks! I was thinking a YS order would be a good idea :)


Bamboo Temple from Carytown Tea is a marvelous Yunnan – Very deep and chocolaty. It works well as a breakfast tea – Rich and strong. Holds milk and sugar well. This gorgeous Yunnan is a perfect tea for autumn! Carytown Tea is closed until this coming Tuesday and I am not sure that it is even on their website yet, but it is in stock now. I have just begun swapping teas so let me know if you would like to try some! :)


Cannot go wrong with YS and Mandala. YS Pure Bud Bi Luo Chun in particular is amazing. And their flowering black cones. And they have a sale on blacks through 9/7 IIRC. Black12 is the code. 12% off.


thanks all!

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Nothing to say that hasn’t already been said.
I’m still enjoying this tea, & still have quite a bit of it to enjoy!
I can’t quite get motivated to do anything this morning (although I already meditated, did tai chi, went for a 45 minutes walk, and ate breakfast).
I think I’ll make another cup & go take a hot bubble bath.
Yup…that sounds good…


Sounds like you already accomplished a lot in the morning!

Terri HarpLady

There were a few days this week where I just didn’t have any energy or motivation to. Yesterday was one of them. I did the basic morning stuff, and the long bath (rereading game of thrones, I’m on book 2…it’s amazing how much I missed the first time I read the series!), the only other accomplishment I can claim from yesterday is making dinner & getting my sons to help me clean the kitchen before bed. Actually, I also practiced for a couple of hours…there are several projects on my music stand!
And I drank a lot of tea…so the day wasn’t a total waste after all! :)


Game of Thrones is so good in the beginning and then just becomes disappointing. I wanted Martin to do so much more with the characters than he did.

Terri HarpLady

I’m still holding out hope for the next book (I think it’s 2 more?)

They’ll throw John Snow into the fire to burn his corpse & he’ll come back to life, reborn of flame, & step out of the fire with some shade of purple eyes & be Azor Ahai & totally kick ass…

Danaerys will finally get her act together & quit wandering around trying to save people who obviously don’t really want to be saved… and maybe even hook up with you know who…

Also, there has to be a third head of the Dragon (as predicted in the visions Danny had in the house of the undying…vague but probably telling, right?). I have no idea who this person is…except maybe the baby that the mountain killed, that was suppose to be prince aegon was really a fake…the real child is being raised in a secret location…?
Sorry for my crazy ramblings…
Also, there’s so much in the books that they totally left out of the tv show…so does that mean that those things are totally unimportant BS that he wrote just to waste our time & give him reasons to keep writing forever…and ever…?

And we mustn’t forget Bran up North…and Arya out West (or wherever Braavos is…)

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This was my choice tea at Remedy yesterday. I wanted their Chocolate Mint but they were out! The smell of these sachets, though? A heavenly waft of bergamot. I’m so used to EGC that this plays tricks on my mind and makes me expect a creamy note in the taste.

Without any additives, this is smooth and packed with bergamot. Maybe not the strongest bergamot I’ve had, but it’s oh so prevalent. It’s a great option to have when you’re out and about and have a hankering for Earl Grey when then house Earl Greys at places like Second Cup are on the weaker, boring side.

With maple sugar and cream, it’s good but I think I prefer it before I added these gimmicks to them. The bergamot stands very well on its own, plus the base is smooth so no need to calm it down with milk/cream/sugar.


if only their teas weren’t so expensive… not worth the price imo


I totally agree! That’s why I’m so happy that Remedy has them so that I can try them without paying an arm and a leg for them.

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The dry leaf aroma sure smells like blackberries! Oddly enough, the brewed tea has no aroma whatsoever. Thank goodness that doesn’t translate into a flavorless tea! The sip is clean, hay-like white tea with a punch of vanilla and a subtle hint of blackberry. I’m definitely getting more cream than berry in the cup. This is good! It’s not big on flavor but all the expected notes are there. The berry comes out more as it cools. I will enjoy the rest of this one but I don’t think I’ll re-purchase it. I simply have too much tea!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I was going to try this tea tonight. Curious if I get the same flavors.


Let me know if you do!

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Having a tea the same colours as the Irish flag sounded cool. So I got this tea. The scent is more on the strawberry side, with some coconut. There is a sweet, creamy berry flavour. Not sure what I was expecting, but the tea is more smooth in the second cup.

Goes well with lemon pastries.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Strawberry


I like this one and it can be picked up super cheap on Amazon sometimes.

Lariel of Lórien

Amazon sells teas now?

Liquid Proust

Amazon has about everything now! That’s how I bought my BANA tea starter kit

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
2970 tasting notes

Due to an very odd and somewhat distressing set of events last night, I did not sleep well at all.
This is a problem, as I have a job interview ish thing today- lunch with a lady who needs a personal assistant. So I want to make a good impression and not be a tired mess. Ugh.
Two things will help! Concealer (the wonder makeup), and tea.
Forget my sipdown attempts today- its all about the classic, beloved teas. May this delicious fruity cup lead me through the day triumphantly.


Good luck! :)


Best of luck and I hope your sleep deprivation won’t affect you too much!


I’m sure you will impress and be fantastic! Good luck!


Good luck!

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drank Assam by Joseph Wesley Black Tea
15588 tasting notes

tea from earlier today. We’ve had a nice lazy-ish sort of day today as our first weekend where we were both in town and for the most part, he wasn’t working. I enjoy this one, but it’s not my favourite assam. it’s a little drying while also feeling very juicy. That being said, i still really love these offerings from JW and they always make for an enjoyable cup to reflect on.


is this a new harvest? i have a new one. havent tried yet as im between 2 houses. Packing my tea to send back


mmm i picked this one up…in june.


i got it couple weeks ago. Joe said its a new harvest


oh nice!

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I’ve decided to stop hoarding the leaf for this blend, and just work on sipping it down.

Vanilla bean, vanilla custard, vanilla cake… Vanilla everything!

And on top of that mouth watering vanilla flavor, this cold brew had a lovely soft floral quality, honey notes, and a subtle graham/woody flavour from the rooibos base. This leaf might be somewhat older, but that hasn’t changed the wonderful flavour yet! I’d still like to try more teas with tonka beans in them though; I think they’re the key to this wonderful ‘triple threat’ vanilla flavour – but I can’t be sure if I don’t have something to compare with.

Old leaf; but not spent leaf.


For never having heard of tonka beans prior to this tea, it certainly did peak my interest given it’s yummy flavor. Thanks again for sharing and also HI TEA TWIN! It’s been a while :)

Roswell Strange

Hello! Hopefully as the weather gets cooler you’ll find yourself falling back in love with tea <3 I’ve missed you!


I hope so. Plus, I plan to cut alcohol and junk out of my diet in the near future so hopefully I will be more inspired to drink tea again.

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Thank you Boychik for this sample. This is an outstanding raw tea. It is strong and punchy sheng. There was a fair amount of bitterness to the early steeps. I gave this tea fourteen steeps in a 50ml gaiwan. I would say I found bitterness in the first eight steeps. Then the transformation began. There was still a potency to this tea even in the fourteenth steep. It became something quite pleasant but still strong. I suspect that this tea is a good one for aging. Its strong and slightly bitter character makes me feel this. This one has a potent aftertaste to it also. After fourteen steeps I am starting to feel its qi. This is one I would consider buying if WHite2Tea has any left during their Black Friday sale.

I steeped this fourteen times in a 50ml gaiwan with 4g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, 2 min, 2.5 min and 3 min. I think this tea would have gone 20 steeps and I may save the leaves for tomorrow.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 OZ / 50 ML

Could it have been bitter so long because there was too much leaf?


You are welcome Allan. It sounds really good. I have cravings for bitterness lately. It makes it more complex. 4g sounds right for 50 ml!


It was quite good. I have enough of your sample for another session since I used such a small gaiwan.

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