Nothing to say that hasn’t already been said.
I’m still enjoying this tea, & still have quite a bit of it to enjoy!
I can’t quite get motivated to do anything this morning (although I already meditated, did tai chi, went for a 45 minutes walk, and ate breakfast).
I think I’ll make another cup & go take a hot bubble bath.
Yup…that sounds good…
There were a few days this week where I just didn’t have any energy or motivation to. Yesterday was one of them. I did the basic morning stuff, and the long bath (rereading game of thrones, I’m on book 2…it’s amazing how much I missed the first time I read the series!), the only other accomplishment I can claim from yesterday is making dinner & getting my sons to help me clean the kitchen before bed. Actually, I also practiced for a couple of hours…there are several projects on my music stand!
And I drank a lot of tea…so the day wasn’t a total waste after all! :)
Game of Thrones is so good in the beginning and then just becomes disappointing. I wanted Martin to do so much more with the characters than he did.
I’m still holding out hope for the next book (I think it’s 2 more?)
They’ll throw John Snow into the fire to burn his corpse & he’ll come back to life, reborn of flame, & step out of the fire with some shade of purple eyes & be Azor Ahai & totally kick ass…
Danaerys will finally get her act together & quit wandering around trying to save people who obviously don’t really want to be saved… and maybe even hook up with you know who…
Also, there has to be a third head of the Dragon (as predicted in the visions Danny had in the house of the undying…vague but probably telling, right?). I have no idea who this person is…except maybe the baby that the mountain killed, that was suppose to be prince aegon was really a fake…the real child is being raised in a secret location…?
Sorry for my crazy ramblings…
Also, there’s so much in the books that they totally left out of the tv show…so does that mean that those things are totally unimportant BS that he wrote just to waste our time & give him reasons to keep writing forever…and ever…?
And we mustn’t forget Bran up North…and Arya out West (or wherever Braavos is…)
Sounds like you already accomplished a lot in the morning!
There were a few days this week where I just didn’t have any energy or motivation to. Yesterday was one of them. I did the basic morning stuff, and the long bath (rereading game of thrones, I’m on book 2…it’s amazing how much I missed the first time I read the series!), the only other accomplishment I can claim from yesterday is making dinner & getting my sons to help me clean the kitchen before bed. Actually, I also practiced for a couple of hours…there are several projects on my music stand!
And I drank a lot of tea…so the day wasn’t a total waste after all! :)
Game of Thrones is so good in the beginning and then just becomes disappointing. I wanted Martin to do so much more with the characters than he did.
I’m still holding out hope for the next book (I think it’s 2 more?)
They’ll throw John Snow into the fire to burn his corpse & he’ll come back to life, reborn of flame, & step out of the fire with some shade of purple eyes & be Azor Ahai & totally kick ass…
Danaerys will finally get her act together & quit wandering around trying to save people who obviously don’t really want to be saved… and maybe even hook up with you know who…
Also, there has to be a third head of the Dragon (as predicted in the visions Danny had in the house of the undying…vague but probably telling, right?). I have no idea who this person is…except maybe the baby that the mountain killed, that was suppose to be prince aegon was really a fake…the real child is being raised in a secret location…?
Sorry for my crazy ramblings…
Also, there’s so much in the books that they totally left out of the tv show…so does that mean that those things are totally unimportant BS that he wrote just to waste our time & give him reasons to keep writing forever…and ever…?
And we mustn’t forget Bran up North…and Arya out West (or wherever Braavos is…)