My brother and I had an adventure today.
We left the house this afternoon with two goals in mind:
1. Go the the library so I could print resumes
2. Pick up some of the Fall Collection teas from DAVIDsTEA
So, we actually started by going to the bank so my brother could take out some cash to buy a lock for school next week, then we drove to what we thought was the closest library. At this point, it’s been two years since I lived in Regina and over those two years I only came to visit about five times – I’ve unlearned the direction to a lot of places in the city that weren’t ones I regularly went to. So, it took us a while to find the library. When we did find it, we realized that it’s no longer a library anymore – the building has been split up into a Senior’s Home and a Hardware store. That definitely through a wrench into our plans…
So, the only other library in town we thought we could find was the one downtown – so we drove downtown. However, Liam has virtually no sense of direction and I don’t really know where anything is in the city/the street names so we kind of got lost downtown. We drove around completely clueless for quite some time, and then when we finally thought we knew where we were we accidentally would up driving into the middle of a park. Yikes! To be fair, the area we drove into was paved (with cobblestone) and there was a stoplight and crossing walk and it VERY MUCH looked like a continuation of the road, but turns out it’s an area intended for food trucks and us being there was probably at least a little illegal.
After we drove out of the part, we realized neither of us had change for the parking meter so we had to leave downtown and go through a Robin’s Donuts drive-through to break a twenty. Then we had to drive back downtown – this time heading to the mall because we’d given up on finding the library today. On our way to the mall to stop at DAVIDsTEA what did we find!? The library! So we parked, and went to put money in the meter, which was free because it’s Sunday. Crap! What a waste of time! So, we walked over to the library. Guess what! Turns out that not only is it closed on Monday for Labour Day but today, as well. Another colossal waste of time.
From there we stopped at DAVIDsTEA, and it was basically smooth sailing afterwards: I picked up 20g of Peanut Butter Cup, Cranberry Orange Muffin, Spiced Apple (which I keep wanting to call Spiced Fig because of the fig in it), and Nutty By Nature as well as top ups of Creme Brulee which I can’t believe they’re discontinuing! and Guava Cadabra.
And after all of that, I needed a drink so I got this blend as a hot latte. I’ve been slowly revisiting teas from DT that I used to stock/have tried in the past to see how I feel about them now, and this one just seemed to fit my mood. Plus, my brother loves mint so I thought maybe I could convince him to try this one. I actually didn’t mind it; but I just thought it was really weak overall and not an exciting or interesting tea. I feel justified in my old opinion that this is a tea not worth getting stocked, even though it hit the spot today.
That’s rough! And why I don’t bother going out and trying to do stuff on days like toady and yesterday because of screwed up hours of operation.
That’s rough! And why I don’t bother going out and trying to do stuff on days like toady and yesterday because of screwed up hours of operation.
It’s that kind of scenario that reminds me how much having a smart phone has changed my life, because it’s much harder to get lost when you have an interactive map (with the helpful “you are here” dot) and the internet on your phone. :) Glad you at least got some tea out of the whole process!