Featured & New Tasting Notes

drank Cocoa Tango by Good Earth
1719 tasting notes

Yep, its a tea bag. The however is there is 2.25g/bag. For reference Twinings has 2g. Stash generally has 1.7g and the last Republic of Tea I tried was a piddly 1.33g. This makes a nice milk chocolaty mug. I can’t single out the other ingredients except the chilis. I love hot and spicy but this really isn’t. After you sip chocolate the end sip has a warm glow. Definitely not melt your face. Just a little warmth. I left the bag in the mug and it never became bitter or overly strong. Is it the best tea ever? Of course not, but I did enjoy it. If you like a little heat. this is a good everyday bagged tea.

Maddy Barone

I actually enjoy several Good Earth teas. Haven’t tried this one yet, but it sounds like it might be a nice one.


I’ve seen this one. Hmm. Maybe…?

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drank Honeycrisp Apple by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

This tea is disgusting and undrinkable. It tastes very artificially sweetened and fake, and this is coming from a girl who’s just fine sweetening her tea all on her own. It’s so sad, because it’s such, such a far cry from the delectable smell of the dry leaf, which smells like a fresh apple candle that you’d set out in your living room to make your place not smell like people really live in it. Actually, I do have the candle for this tea as well, but it’s because I spent an obscene amount of money there the other day and got it for free. I’ll enjoy the candle a lot more than the tea, that’s for sure.

Loved the jays game yesterday, although their loss was devastating. and then mr. keychange and I had such a hard time getting home. It was such a long and drawn out adventure that unfolded slowly and terribly, complete with greyhound being predictably unreliable and uber drivers refusing to take our guide dogs. We were supposed to get home around 8:00 but ended up spending over a hundred dollars on an uber ride and got home after 11:00. It is what it is, but man I do not know how any blind person lives in Toronto and doesn’t want to kill themselves/other people on a regular basis.

This tea sucks. I can’t wait until I get my 52 teas order in the mail.

0 OZ / 0 ML

ugh sorry to hear you had a bad experience with getting home :( next time call me…we can rent a zipcar and drive you home! :)


You are far too kind, sil! I’m glad we finally got home and now I can sit here and write about bad tea LOL.


How awful! I thought no one could refuse a service dog!

Evol Ving Ness

I am so sorry you were having a crappy experience in my city. And then the tea sucking on top of that! Hurray about the candle though!


evil, I didn’t know you were in Toronto! I’m actually from there, but live in Waterloo now. And ashmanra, uber isn’t regulated quite yet, so unlike cabs, they can occasionally march to the beat of their own drum. No one else can refuse service dogs, though. In fact, this uber driver is already going to get in trouble for it, because uber always instructs their drivers to accept service dogs.

Evol Ving Ness

I am partially in Toronto, ie. not always. However, I have not yet used Uber, here or elsewhere.


Oh no they didn’t! Ugh. Blaring AODA infraction if I ever saw one… really makes me angry…

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drank Cream Fantasy by Basilur
1764 tasting notes

Feeling gross today. Happens every time I eat well cooked eggs for breakfast, and maybe even with sunny side up if I don’t have much besides that. Today, they were scrambled. Delish, but holy queasy :/
I’m the only one I’ve ever known with this issue. Anyone else out there?

So I didn’t really care about which tea I had. Figured anything would be good, I guess I was in that kinda mood. So when I made this, I didn’t expect it to be fab. Last time, I found it somewhat weak. But today? It was great! All semi sweet yet slightly tart and creamy strawberries with a lovely green base. Wonders never cease.


Eggs on their own make me queasy. I HAVE to have something with them – like toast and boiled eggs. Actually, I almost always pair toast with eggs, seems to help.


Uniquity, same here!! If I have them on their own, the queasiness is unbearable, especially if I travel anywhere in a car. Toast or some other food helps a little, cutting it down by maybe half. After it sets in, apples seem cut through it and eliminate almost all of my discomfort.


Apples are EXTREMELY helpful! I totally forgot! I actually find that apples settle my tummy really well, and not just for egg related issues. My husband claims that I don’t digest eggs, I compost them (sorry!). I find if I have some toast and/or sliced apple as well, my body handles them way better. Which is good, because sometimes I really like eggs!


Unfortunately, I have an egg intolerance (as does my oldest brother). When we eat eggs our insides just HURT and I have to lay down for a few hours until it goes away. I can still eat things made with eggs (i.e. cookies) but if I eat eggs straight up- not good.


Uniquity, glad to know I’m not the only one! Eggs are so yummy, I’m thankful apples are around to save the day :D


Kristal, oh no that sounds awful!! Have you ever eaten them by accident?


I’m fortunate that I don’t have this problem with eggs. However, coffee on an empty or near-empty stomach makes me sick.


It makes me jittery!! Fine once I’ve had food. I never got the people who have a coffee for breakfast… how do they function?!


Indigobloom, nope! As mentioned, I’m okay eating things that have a bit of egg in it (i.e. Cookies) and if I go out to eat I just make sure I don’t eat anything with eggs in it (I.e. Fried rice dishes).


That’s good! be careful and always have an apple on hand just in case (kidding lol)

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drank Taiwan No 18 by Sanne Tea
1719 tasting notes

You know you have too much tea when you find a Sun Moon Lake sample at the bottom of the stack boxes. I can understand losing a lesser tea but few teas hit all my buttons like Taiwan Sun Moon Lake black tea. Dry it smells of cocoa, honey, kind sweet potato, with a Darjeeling like muscatel. The whole mix has a baked quality to the scent. Mmmmm.

Tasting is similar to the scent. It is an easy sip that builds to what I am going to call a presence. It isn’t a hefty bite. Its more refined than the raw bite of some teas.

The second cup had me mentally thinking cinnamon candy. It is so sweet and feels syrupy on the lips. The cinnamon image is welcome but weird, in that there is not so much a cinnamon taste, and certainly no cinnamon burn, but the image remained after several sips. I love when a tea does that kind of magic trick. Even in the second cup I still catch grape notes under the cinnamon, honey, sweet potato.

Complex and delicious.


few teas are as good as Sun Moon Lake teas, fully agree KS


Yes, ditto here!

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drank Choco Chou by Camellia Sinensis
15588 tasting notes

mmm a small bit of this from variaTEA was a nice opportunity to revisit this one. I still prefer it as a latte, but it’s a nice cup of tea on this dreary sort of morning. …er afternoon haha. So glad that it’s a long weekend AND my other half has at least 2 of the 3 days off! woot woot! Maybe we’ll get a bike ride in this weekend.

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Ah… What a wonderfully scented tea. My sense of smell kicked in early this morning so I went through my teas, inhaling to find the one I wanted this morning. This one won. I swear, there is a hot pancake inside the pouch, drenched in butter and maple syrup. An excellent tea.

Flavors: Butter, Maple Syrup, Sweet


Glad to hear you’re able to enjoy some scent-worthy teas!


Love reading this.


Me too!

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It has been a long time since I have written a tasting note, but that is mostly because I was on vacation in Scotland! What a beautiful place it is, the rugged highlands, epic oceans, sandy beaches, cliffs, hills, munroes..everything was great! And the weather was gorgeous to boot! I can’t wait to go back someday, it was a good 10 days there but I will definitely return to see the eastern parts (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, we saved the whole eastern coast with its castles for another trip) and I would love to go back to the Isle of Skye and the Outer Hebrides again, they were stunning! Great time, wish I was still there!

Anyways, so while on holiday I did drink a fair amount of tea, every morning in fact, although it was mostly basic bagged black teas by Twinings or Tetley, but I took those with milk and sugar so they were quite good with the delicious Scottish breakfasts. A few places had peppermint, and I had that one or two mornings to help with digesting the heavy food near the end of the trip. I also had loose tea once, in Glasgow, at a little cafe near the University I got an EG to go and it looked like it was loose tossed in a tea bag, it was also pretty good. So overall a lot of tea drinking, also, every B&B and hotel we stayed at provided a kettle, tea, sugar and milk in the room! I wish they did that here in Canada!!

Overall, a tasty week of teas and a great holiday. Now I am back to my stash, and will hopefully log some notes as the weather here is turning cooler so I should be drinking more chai, puerh and spicy pumpkin and apple things haha.


YAY!!! So happy that you had an amazing trip to Scotland. Travel is so good for the soul. :))
I currently have the travel bug and am researching an international vacation for next year – destination is still to be determined.


Oh, we loved Scotland so much when we went also! So glad you had such an amazing trip. Looking forward to your notes!


@Dexter – ahh it was great for the soul and for my body, just feels good to have a break from working :) and I also have the travel bug as I still have a week left of vacation to use this year :D let me know where you end up going! I can highly recommend Scotland if you want to do some great hiking and see fantastic scenery, especially the wild Outer Hebrides!

@keychange – It is a wonderful place! I can’t wait to go back :D it’s so scenic and beautiful! I will try to keep up with my tasting notes lol I have been falling behind since last winter but I will try to pick it back up and do some sipdowns too!


@MissLena – I’m sure Scotland is amazing – it’s on my list too, but a little further down. I’m starting to feel like if I don’t cross off some of my top choices I’ll never get to go. Right now I’m looking at East Africa (Kenya/Tanzania) as my first choice but WOW expensive (or you have to really lower your comfort standards). Second choice is Egypt with Nile cruise – there are challenges with this trip to. If I can’t afford or get either of those to work then I’m going to do Rome. I’m still researching – finding my comfort levels – setting max budgets – soul searching. I’m going to do one of those, but which one?


Welcome home! :)
Glad you had a great time. I’m surprised you didn’t come across any tea shops though

Evol Ving Ness

Lovely to hear about your tea drinking while away and the away part too.


@Dexter – those sound like amazing choices!! It’s always tough to decide where to go, but on the bright side all will be epic so you can’t really make a wrong decision :D

@Indigobloom – Thanks!! I probably would have come across a tea shop if I had been looking harder for one :P there were so many other things to do that tea was pretty low on the list, especially since I can order great ones online at home haha.


That makes sense, I get like that on vacation too. It’s easy to get wrapped up in other things!


@Evol Ving Ness – Thanks! Always happy to share my experiences and tea drinking while on vacation! :D

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Totally agreed with Kittenna on this, no cherry but lots of cakiness! Noms. and yeah the sparkles dazzle. I did add a touch of sugar to see if any fruit notes would emerge but instead was rewarded with cake! I was really looking forward to cherry, as I loooooove cherries. But cake works too.
Thank you Keychange for sharing!


I wanted this to be like a cherry cake! so much disappointment. Oh well, glad you guys found something to like about it haha.


I know me too!! was a little disappointed to see no cherry-ness. Well, onwards with the search for a cherry tea :)

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So there has been talk circulating around the idea of a smoky vanilla tea. So I tried my hand at making my own this morning using Tippy’s Lumberjack and Townsend Tea’s Mt. Hood Vanilla I think my ratio was 3 parts vanilla tea to 1 part smoky tea. I would have liked to have seen more vanilla flavor and less LS smokiness, but I think the blend was really quite good. It will have to do for now, I am keeping my eyes peeled for the real thing soon.

Don’t let me down, Steepster!

Flavors: Smoke, Vanilla

Liquid Proust

Sounds intriguing, who is doing smoked vanilla?


i was thinking about adding vanilla bean to the smokey black from verdant in light of those conversations as well. interesting to see your experiment!


@LP: Whispering Pines has been hounded by his fans to make one. I hope he does!

@Sil: I think the Verdant smoky tea would be a much better fit. I think the LS that Tippy uses is a bit heavy, kinda bacon-like. Huh. Bacon Vanilla tea…..

Maddy Barone

I just had the Melbourne Breakfast tea by T2 this morning. It was smoky and vanilla and honey. Really yummy, although the smoke was quite light. Maybe you’d like that one?

Liquid Proust

Was just curious. LPT is doing a vanilla smoked Dian Hong if the funding on GoFund me works. It’s a fun idea :)


@Maddy: AAAAAaaah! that does sound good!

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This is a high quality cake made with material from ancient trees in Lincang. The beautiful whole leaves are “picked” off the cake very easily. Gold colored liquor with a pleasant aroma. The taste is smooth and sweet and full in the mouth; balanced with pleasant bitterness in later infusions making the cup more complex. Decent longevity – I’ve taken if for 8 rounds. This is a very solid production for which the price has risen steadily over the past two years. At this point, it might have risen a bit too high.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I have one of these in my pumidor. It is really good. Thought about buying another.


I can understand that. Lots of very fine teas out there – 2013 and 2014 productions are quite fine. In the 2013 selections, I think I might prefer the Nan Po Zhai and San Ke Shu over this one. In truth, in spite of my $ comment, they are all decent value since they are high quality material and 400g rather than the now frequent 200g or 250g cakes.

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Around 2 months ago I reviewed this tea and gave it top marks, essentially it had everything I look for in a black breakfast tea. Though I have continued to drink this I thought I would review it again to make sure the top mark rating is just.

Taking 1.5 teaspoons of blend and steeping with boiling water for around 3 minutes.

The resulting liquid is thick and malty with some sourness and a hint of smoke in the after taste. Despite being full on in terms of flavour this is not astringent and does not require milk nor sugar to drink it. The sourness adds a charm to the blend and works well with the malt notes. There is also a touch of sweetness to it which becomes noticeable after a few mouthfuls.

I still do really like this tea, it’s perfect for me in the morning. I don’t like using milk or sweetener when I can help it and this blend means I don’t have to, but it doesn’t compromise on flavour and I’m not pulling grimaces between sips because it tastes too rough (which sometimes happens with other breakfast teas). Either way I will need to get some more of this when I run out because it would truly be missed.

In short, this blend is still a winner.


Its great when you find that special tea. Been trying a few myself looking for the same experience.


I need to put this in my next order. Sounds great!

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drank Hibiscus Orange Nectar by Rosali Tea
1719 tasting notes

Rosali Tea is just launching a monthly subscription service. I received this and a milk oolong for review. When I opened the box and saw hibiscus on the label, I went eeuuuwww, hibiscus. When I opened the bag to sniff, I expected a tart blast. Instead I got this incredible vanilla orange scent. I poured out a spoon of leaf and immediately saw rooibos. That is often another red flag as it can be throat scratchy rough. I could not smell it until after I steeped. Even then it is light and its sweetness fills in around the orange and vanilla. I see hibiscus. I do not taste hibiscus. I added a little sweetener for science. Holy Wow! This is unquestionably the best blend I have ever tried with either hibiscus or rooibos. So very good.


I love it when teas pleasantly surprise us!


Especially when you are certain you won’t like it.


Yes especially then.

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drank Moroccan Tea by Alokozay
1792 tasting notes

This is totally peppermint tea speckled with sugar, akin to a candy cane. I don’t taste the base but regardless, this is soothing, tasty, and refreshing.

Thanks, MissB! I don’t have anything else to say about this tea but hey, sometimes less is more.


ehhh, sometimes a sweet mint tea fits the bill!

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Ok so I bet you never thought that this tea would go amazingly unbelievably swimmingly well with a tuna sandwich, but it’s one of the best ways to enjoy it. I don’t even know why. Something about washing the sharp tang of tuna with dill and lemon down with a warm blast of cinnamon is just so cozy and perfect. I made this in my curve mug, used 2 tsp of leaf for 12 oz. of water and drank it straight. Cinnamon teas seem to do exceptionally well in travel mugs, or at least they do for me. Definitely a winter staple.

In other news, it’s been a bad week for sleep. I have slept poorly for the last few nights, and that is almost always a recipe for the quick unravelling of my stability in pretty much every imaginable way. Hopefully that rights itself soon, and if not, the upcoming long weekend should at least help me recover somewhat.

0 OZ / 0 ML

I’m the same way about missing sleep. I hope you get some relief soon.


I really hope your body will smarten up soon and allow you to catch up on some zzz’s very soon.

And it wasn’t until you mentioned the lemon and dill that I saw where you were going with the cinnamon/tuna flavour combination. Makes sense!


Thanks, ladies. Yeah, I pretty much lose my ability to have any perspective or function when I lose sleep. Makes me worry about ever having kids.


Yup. Bad sleep = an unhappy IB! Which is why I sometimes rely a little too much on my melatonin tablets heh


Oh yeah, I’ve been known to get some tablet help from time to time as well. Good sleep is so so so determinative.


No kidding! I get really grumpy lol

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drank Cranberry Pear by DAVIDsTEA
768 tasting notes

This was my tea of the morning today. This is one of my all time favorite teas. Not so much because of the flavor (which is good and enjoyable, but not honestly, outstanding) but because it makes me remember good times with friends. My friends Robyn and Jocelyn keep me supplied with this tea, and I always think of them when I have it, and that makes me smile. Sometimes that’s what makes a tea superb.


Yay for friends who keep you loaded with Cranberry Pear! I like this one too.


Tea Twins today!

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Managed to forget I owned this one and bought it again. Luckily it is pretty good. There is a strong note of malt. And a lesser note of chocolate or cocoa. There is very little bitterness to this and not much astringency.

I brewed this one time in a 16oz Teavana Glass Perfect Tea Maker/Gravity Steeper with 3 tsp leaf and 190 degree water for 3 min. I think it would benefit from a shorter steep time.

Flavors: Malt

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Mmmm-sounds wonderful!

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drank Double Spice Chai Tea by Stash Tea
1792 tasting notes

Holy cinnamon Batman. Cinnamon is all I taste, but I kind of like it. Why? Because it’s not just any kind of cinnamon. It’s almost exactly like the cinnamon-flavoured ribbon candy you can find around the holidays. Maybe a little bit like cinnamon hearts but definitely more like the ribbon candy than anything else.

I don’t even know what else is supposed to be in here but perhaps it doesn’t matter. For a bagged tea, this is crazily strong. I haven’t added any milk or sugar to this, but drinking this straight makes me wonder if this is basically the kind of blend, ratio-wise, that most restaurants/cafes serve as “chai” (whether it being a Starbucks or an Indian restaurant) because the majority of them turn out to taste like cinnamon milk. I’m sure the same would happen with this.

As it cools, it tastes more like ground cinnamon. And now it’s all gone. Would I have it again? Actually, I would. I wouldn’t buy it, but it’s not bad. Not bad at all. Thanks, MissB!

Sami Kelsh

OH THANK GOODNESS I’m not the only person who feels like most of the chai out there just tastes like warm milk with cinnamon. Which is sometimes exactly what I’m after, but usually I expect more spice action going on!

(And then there’s this one place near my office and I SWEAR their chai tastes like spiced banana and it’s so confusing and oddly really delicious)


Right? It’s like the lot of them just give up halfway through the spice blending process and decide that cinnamon is good enough.

Spiced banana chai sounds awesome! I wouldn’t mind trying that myself.

Sami Kelsh

The funny thing is that it’s not SUPPOSED to taste like banana and I’m honestly not sure why it does – but it’s lush!

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Took this to work in my new curve mug, which I am still worshipping btw.

I made it too sweet, and that made it a bit disappointing to finish. I don’t think sweet teas do well in travel mugs, because something about the flavours being “trapped” does something to the sweetness that in other contexts would be lovely, but kept in a travel mug can be quite cloying. That’s ok though: trial and error, right? It’s so frustrating, being the obsessive perfectionist that i am, to not “get it right” when I’m taking tea to go, because it’s not like i can make up for it. Oh well, I suppose we’ve all got bigger fish to fry. Anyway, I’m wondering if this isn’t the best travel mug tea, but would not ever change my opinion of this tea. I’m somehow nearly finished my 50 g and will track down some more once I’m done.

In other news, I’m going to the bluejay’s second playoff game on Friday! My husband is a huge, huge fan and gets seasons tickets each year, and so got first dibs on playoff tickets. So he’s going to all the games, and I get to go to one with him. Yaaaahhhh!!

0 OZ / 0 ML
Evol Ving Ness

Where in Toronto does one track down this tea? Or did you order it online? When I checked the company website, this particular tea was not available. So, do tell.


It’s actually based in Vancouver, and I had omgsrsly pick some up for me and bring it to Toronto when she came to visit. I do believe the company ships, though, which is how I’ll be getting my next batch, I think.


I never thought of a travel mug doing that to sweetness but that makes so much sense. BUT. I will add sugar to my Grapefruit EG from Acquired Taste, which Bonny thinks comes from the same source, to step into your world and see what that would taste like.

I’m so ignorant. So wonder why people are going crazy over the Blue Jays right now. Playoffs! I have friends here in Alberta who are even flying to TO to watch the games, who I swear never talked about them before so I was wondering what the hype was all about.

Evol Ving Ness

Thanks, keychange. I did check their website and am still not seeing it under Black Teas. I do see a gazillion other teas on their site that I would not be able to stop myself from putting on my order list though. And as I am way way way behind on getting through even a small bit of what I do have in stock here, I will wait a bit before I place an order.


Fgelrev, adding sugar to this tea tastes heavenly in a mug, and like an absolute tragedy in a travel mug. It is the only thing about travel mugs that I dislike. And evol, I know what you mean about not being able to resist many of their teas but needing to plow through more of your own stash first! As for the bluejays, my husband has been a dedicated fan for two decades now, and so this feels like his dream come true. His words: “The playoffs will be populated by true fans, because by the time the blue jays were doing well, play-off tickets had been offered to season ticket holders and were got by people who loved them even when they sucked.” :)


Evol, their site is AWFUL and has not been updated in years. I think it’s $4.75/50g.

Keychange, if you want more you can also let me know. I know how to ship parcels. ;)

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you, OMGsrsly.

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drank Deluxe Matcha by Matcha Outlet
1719 tasting notes

Having now sampled somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 unflavored matcha ranging from $20/lb to $48/oz, this one remains my favorite. Best part is, this is one of the least expensive. I can actually enjoy this straight without additives. It really shines as a cold milk latte. Today I added just a splash of vanilla and caramel syrup along with a packet of Splenda. It was out of this world good. I used my handy dandy battery operated frother which easily whipped this into a thick and creamy consistency. It was so thick the tumbler straw stood up straight. The taste is floral and kind of a green oolong with orchid notes. Maybe it was the syrups that brought this out or maybe I had just forgotten but this had a nutmeg flavor to it this morning. I am glad I have a pound of this in my freezer. So good.


That is great to know since I’ll admit I’ve been a sucker for their flavoured ones, and as such, always ignore their unflavoured options.


I’m working my way through a few flavored ones now.


Going on my wishlist…

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Sipping this down like a boss. It’s been showing its age for a while now so it’s for the best. While it’s sad that one cannot get this anymore, maybe someday when I stop being so lazy I can grab a good black tea and throw in some walnuts, banana chips, and even vanilla for good measure (because why not?) and see how that would compare.

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drank Fujian Silver Needle by teasenz
1719 tasting notes

This is very nice. The dry scent is typical of silver needle yet the taste is a little different. It is clean and crisp. It is sweet. Not at all bitter. Instead of a hay and cucumber profile, this one leans a little more towards green. It has floral/fruity notes. I also catch fast and light hints of minty. I steeped for the recommended 4 minutes at 175F. Had I gone short steeps at slightly higher temp, it would almost certainly turn out differently. As prepared the flavor is bold for a white tea and has plenty of depth. I feel refreshed and relaxed after sipping. Teasenz sells some pretty good tea.

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drank Yunnan Fancy by Peet's Coffee & Tea
2816 tasting notes

I did not sleep that well last night and have a raging headache so I think this will be a long day. I am finally finishing off a tin of this. This is one of the teas Peet’s has discontinued with their shift to the Mighty Leaf line. It isn’t a really great yunnan so that’s not a big loss. Still it has been growing on me, lol. Good breakfast tea with milk and sugar.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Feel better!


Aww! Hope you feel better soon!


thanks… I definitely plan to go to bed early tonight :)


I didn’t realize Peet’s was shifting to ML. That is kinda sad.


@Dustin yeah they bought the ML a year or two back

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drank Happy Banana by RiverTea
513 tasting notes

Made this in my curve travel mug, which I am currently loving but will review later, because I don’t want the ‘honeymoon stage’ to colour my perception.

I’m sad that river tea went out of business so soon after starting up, as I really did enjoy many of their blends. This one in particular got rave reviews, and so I pretty much filled my steeping basket with the trail mix and let it steep endlessly. I’m drinking it a few hours later, and it’s really like people are describing: liquified banana bread. I suspect that waiting for two years to drink it has not been kind to this tea, but I know it could be a lot worse. It’s begging for a bit of milk though, but even just like this, you can taste a ton of banana followed by the way your mouth feels after you’ve eaten dates, without the actual taste of date if that makes sense. Maybe a honeyed sensation more than anything else. It’s lovely to sip on and it’s helping to warm me up in my frigid office. And tasting better as it cools!

0 OZ / 0 ML

Banana tea so good!! I was so sad to see River tea out of business. Was gonna place an order that week lol


I know! it’s too bad. The best ones often go :(

Sami Kelsh

I totally missed the news that River Tea went out of business, and then suddenly a bunch of very sad tasting notes started appearing. I’m sad too, as I’d hoped to have a chance to order from them. Oh well. This does sound gorgeous.


sami, I’m glad you at least didn’t try it only to fall in love and have it leave you haha. I really thought this company would do well, though.


It was really sudden!

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Again, I have the Double Ginger version of this. Only I forgot to strain it. So that was exciting, dumping it out of one mug and into another through a strainer… thankfully my counter remained mostly dry.

My tummy hurts, and so ginger is good. I supposed I could grate fresh ginger and add sugar or honey and cook it, but that feels like so much effort when you’re not feeling great.

And thankfully this tea is helping (more than the big spoonful of peanut butter, haha) and so soon I should be able to head back out in search of loonies for laundry.

Maddy Barone

My tummy is uncomfortable too! I have no ginger tea so I ate a piece of candied ginger and am now sipping peppermint tea. Hope both of us feel better soon.




Oh candied ginger. I think I have some. That would be good.


Ok, I made a white ginger chicken stew. http://showmethecurry.com/non-vegetarian/chicken-ishtew-chicken-stew-kerala-recipe.html
Left out the chilis, and just did the whole thing in a regular pot. SO GOOD.


I forgot I had this tea. I should have pulled it out when I had food poisoning a few weeks back. Hope you are feeling better and this helped.

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