Featured & New Tasting Notes

drank Matin Parisien by Mariage Frères
871 tasting notes

So I spent like hours in the Mariage Freres store in Paris. I think I smelled every tea, twice. And trust me, they have LOTS of teas. This one really struck me. It was definitely the bright citrus notes in the scent that caught me.

I was a little worried because when I opened the tin there was green tea in there. The tin and the box only list black tea. But reading the description I found on the MF website, it now makes sense, there is actually some green tea in the blend.

This tea is very decadent. The black tea base is very light, but it is thick. A lot of creamy flavour as well as texture to the tea. It is very smooth. The citrus flavours are actually quite light as compared to the smell but they are very definitive, which I think is what the “sparkling” means. There is a slight flavour profile of sencha, which I assume is coming from the green tea.

This tea reminds me of of very strong black tea, diluted with milk. Like a perfect lazy breakfast tea.

Definitely another one of my fav teas that I bought. However, I have only tried two so far… 2 for 2!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

this feels like it would be similar and yet different to paris breakfast.


I don’t think I have ever tried paris breakfast but the descriptions do seem very, very similar. I would say I don’t get any creamiscle or chocolate flavours in this one though.


sounds like you had a fun trip :)


I had a great trip! (Don’t want to brag or anything, but I had an awesome time).


Did you get Kabuki? I love that one.


No I did not :)


Brag away! I’m excited to see your tea notes. :)

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drank Jardin Sauvage by Lupicia
15588 tasting notes

noms. i like this one. Mango, citrus, sweet tasty delicious.


At first glance, I thought that said sausage. So glad for you that I was mistaken!

Terri HarpLady

sounds tasty!

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Upon opening the packet I am met with a large leaf and floral blend, which was not quite as I imagined it somehow. I was expecting pieces of butterscotch in the blend to create the flavour, instead we have ‘natural flavours’ in their place to create a synthetic version. With that in mind I give it a sniff, and while it’s sweet (and again floral) it just is not butterscotch like. It does smell creamy and well it’s still a pleasant scent but not quite right.

This will be interesting! I put two teaspoons of leaf (as it’s large leaf) into my steeping mug with 90C water for roughly 3-4 minutes.

The resulting tea liquid is golden brown in colour and bares a sweet scent that actually does resemble butterscotch rather well. Less floral than it’s raw blend form but not as creamy or thick as actual butterscotch.

In terms of flavour this is very pleasant, a dark, toffee and treacle mix (without a lot of sweetness) with some creamy, floral undertones that linger in the after taste. It’s not bitter but I think the flavours would be enhanced a bit better with some sugar or honey, just to make it more butterscotch like. Even without anything extra it still does have a butterscotch essence and though it may not be perfect it’s still very well created.

As it cools it becomes creamier and a little thicker in the after taste, particularly the floral tones. At this point I can taste the white tea a little better and it’s also becoming increasingly dry.

For more information please view the SororiTEA Sisters post.


That’s a great name for a tea that contains floral notes underneath butterscotch. Too bad there wasn’t more of the latter, though!


I always have to look up treacle, it’s funny that we don’t use that word in the US.

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Finishing an old sample that I got from someone or maybe I bought it myself…

So good. I’m really enjoying this type of tea a lot. Its nice without anything added, which means I don’t have to worry about cleaning my travel mugs. :)

I brought this to volunteering today, and I’m going to credit it with the magic charm of snagging me all the wool and all the linen. Seriously. All of it. 2 LARGE bags of scraps, plus 12 pieces that are probably all 3m+ each. Plus I got more on Thursday. So now I have to wash/dryclean all the fabrics, and then make all the clothes and costumes…


Ugh, I bought a whole bag of this back in January and haven’t even opened it yet, and it’s over 100km away. Tsk tsk.

You’re sure a busy bee, you little seamstress!


You need to rescue your tea! :)

Oh, mostly I had no nice clothes left. I make things in bursts, then wear it till it wears out then start sewing again. Haha. But hopefully I’ll be able to make enough stuff now that I won’t have to worry about costumes for aeons, and I’ll have more office appropriate clothes to last a long time.


That’s awesome! I’m too lazy to learn how to sew haha. But would that ever be a handy skill to know.


For me it’s also a type of relaxation, or art. And I get something out of it that fits, which is great. I’ve been sewing a LONG time now (Oh gods, like 20 years) so I’m pretty comfortable making a lot of things now. :) Some of the fabric I have might become a suit jacket. I want a riding style jacket SO BAD, but nothing ever fits because I’m so short waisted and narrow across the upper back. I’m kinda excited. One of a cotton to test whatever pattern I end up with, and then one of black wool twill, and then one of plaid, etc. :D :D


Oh, those fabrics sound awesome for a suit jacket, especially the twill and plaid. I’d love to see pictures when you finish the project! I wish I had the means and know-how to at least alter some of the clothes I already have. One of the blouses I bought last year specifically for interviews, and has never been worn until now because of crazy events, is now too big on me so it’s one of those situations where I’d like to make it smaller but can’t, but don’t want to get rid of it either since I paid quite a bit for it.


:) Yeah, altering clothing is a whole other ballgame. There are lots of tutorials online, though! That’s how I get through a lot of technique things. “Someone must have posted a tutorial…” and sure enough, there are always lots to choose from!


That’s true! But I’m too lazy to get a sewing machine, or even try by hand. I’m sure it takes up a lot of your spare time. I’d rather use that for other things haha.

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Thanks to MissB for this! I was really excited for this since I love spicy teas but the base is quite astringent an the spices are rather muddled. I get mostly cinnamon bark, and no orange. I can see this being better with milk and sugar.

Don’t you find it frustrating when you try to make plans with someone but they will never solidify a time and/or place, so you end up spending an entire day (even sometimes the entire weekend) twiddling your thumbs waiting, on call, and avoiding doing anything else because that person may call you at any time when they’re personally ready to meet up, meaning you’d have to drop whatever it is you’re doing? On the bright side, it’s giving me a chance to sit down and drink a bunch of tea, which I haven’t been doing much of, as of late.

Maddy Barone

Yep, I just end up wanting to smack the lame friend who leaves me hanging. My time is valuable, if you want to make plans then by golly make plans. Don’t leave me dangling with this vague crap!


Seriously, what’s with people like that, eh? Are they really that daft and think that other people just sit in a dark pod all day waiting for someone to decide to hang out when that someone feels like it at the last minute? We have nothing better to do, I guess? Or are they that self-centred and think the world revolves around them and consciously actually think that everything should be on their time? It blows my mind.


i just let them know if i haven’t heard from them by x time, i’m off to do other things.


That’s probably the best way a person can handle it for sure, but even then, depending on the context, despite wording it in the nicest way possible, I’ve seen people giving off a passive-aggressive attitude.

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drank Marie Antoinette by Ladurée
871 tasting notes

I’ve been absent for quite a while. But that is only because I have been traipsing through Europe. I’m not going to lie, it was amazing.

I picked up some really great teas. Not as many as I would have like to but they only let you bring back so much. Ha ha. Someone in customs needs to really start drinking tea so they would just understand.

This is the only Laduree tea I picked up. There were so many I wanted to get it was hard to decide.

This was smells beautiful. It is very citrusy, slightly floral.

The tea base is moderately bold, it is bolder than I thought it would be, I feel like there is a slight smokiness to the base. I know this sounds weird but the smokiness makes the tea more “garden-like”. There are notes of citrus, more so grapefruit I think. There is a floral undertone, it is definitely rose. There is a slight sweetness to the tea. I think if there was a bit of rock sugar added it would really make the citrus flavours pop. This tea is really smooth.

Impressed with this one. I am happy this is the one I chose.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

So exciting! Which countries did you visit if you don’t mind my asking?


I travelled through Italy and France with a quick stop in Monaco.




“only bring back so much…” i brought back 3.5kg lol so glad you had an amazing time!

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drank Chandernagor by Mariage Frères
2291 tasting notes

I finished another tin of this today, and have transferred the one Dexter gave me into my cupboard.


Favourite chai. So good. Yum yum yum.




My plan this weekend is to go through my teas and fill up bags for friends. If I’m not loving it, it’s gonna go! This will be SO EXCITING.


i need to do that sometime


It feels like a sound plan. :) We’ll see how it actually goes.

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drank Golden Fleece by Verdant Tea
3294 tasting notes

My black tea selection of the day, which I’ve been sipping on all morning.


One of my favorite Yunnan black teas, which you turned me on to in a sample swap early last year. For that, I’m eternally grateful :D

Terri HarpLady

Hey TeaExplorer, my old friend :) Glad to see you around!
I’m glad to have been of service! It was a great trade!
I still am working my way through the (crazy generous) teas you sent me :D


Same here. I’ve transferred your generous sample of the 1998 Xingyang Golden Leaf shou to a crock for airing, getting ready to enjoy it in a few weeks. Florida’s natural pumidor (75-80F and 60-70% humidity indoors with the AC running) has done wonders for most of my stash, and I’m hoping the same holds true with this one!

Terri HarpLady

Yay!! Maybe I’ll break mine out the same day, just for fun :)

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i have too many teas. My goal was to be at 65 by the end of september but then people…you know who you are…decided i needed 90+ teas in my cupboard. And to here i am, at 176 today. So my mini goal for this weekend? Get down to 150. Easily doable if i get any time whatsoever to spend at home this weekend. This was one of those single cup sipdowns. I’m not generally a fan of oolongs, but this was a free sample in one of my verdant orders and is decent. Not enough for me to want it IN my cupboard, but enough for me to sit and drink and enjoy, versus pouring it down the drain after trying it :)

nice roasty feel to this one, smooth and unoffensive.


I feel you! I wanted to be lower than I am but then DAVIDs made a spiced pumpkin tea I love, and my frequent steeper points are redeemable in 4 days and I will have 150g of free tea (I think Butterfly Jasmine is in order!)


That’s what happens when you go and have gifting events. :)


you mean that’s what happens when they hear i’m under 100 lol


I am cackling. :D You should know better than to advertise that you’re under 100. ;)


Omg- fine I won’t tell you guys where I am until I get down to 50


See, that is a sound plan. :D

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drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
513 tasting notes

So the truth of the matter is that for some reason or other, my beloved grandma’s pumpkin pie (aka auntie’s pumpkin pie) is just not cutting it this year. I have a strong suspicion it’s a change in the tea base, but regardless, the pumpkin pie tea of my dreams is no longer available to me. And so the quest begins (continues?), and I picked up 25 g of this last night to experiment with. i also picked up:
-the new curve travel mug, which i have been lusting after so hard i can’t even explain the lengths i went to or you might think i was verging on criminal;
-A tin of silk dragon jasmine (the tins were buy two get one free, and my friend wanted two and I got the third);
-Two pumpkin chai chocolate bars (and two for the same friend so as to balance the tea tin expense);
- 25 g of spiced pumpkin;
- 25 g of spiced apple
And the free honey crisp apple candle that I no doubt qualified for with my magnanimous order. So yeah, I’m pretty happy at the moment. I’ll review the curve travel mug after I’ve had a chance to use it a few times. But so far, it might have led me to believe in god again haha.

Ok so I brewed this up this morning to have with breakfast. Mr. keychange and I make it a point to have breakfast together every Friday, and that makes me so happy. Anyway, I brewed this up for five minutes, added in some rock sugar and cream, and went about drinking it. Honestly, I keep wanting to love this tea as much as so many other people do, but it’s just, I don’t know, so lackluster. Muted pumpkin that’s not objectionable, but so, so not memorable. I could use way more in the way of spice, and I don’t know if I could taste the base at all. Maybe I’ll try it completely without additions at some point, but I don’t tend to like any of my black teas that way, so we’ll see. Anyway, I’m still going to try to coax magic out of these leaves, because otherwise what do i do?

And oh my sweet dear god it’s Friday. There needs to be a drug called “it’s Friday”. It would sell like hotcakes. Or whatever else sells fast. Ipads? I don’t know.


how’s the kettle working out? also, breakfast every friday sounds awesome


The kettle is awesome! One neat thing I learned is that if I only boil enough for one cup at a time the way I’d planned, the spout actually doesn’t get very hot at all, which is lovely. I still can’t get my hand super-involved, but it helps to be able to touch it a bit. So much kettle love!



Christina / BooksandTea

I agree, the breakfast together every Friday sounds lovely. I’m just imagining this lovely brunch with french toast, and eggs, and warmth, and spices.


It really is great! We’re both in a rush all week, and it’s just nice to bring in the weekend together on Friday. LOL no French toast and all the fixings though—it’s usually a bagel and great chats! and then off to work.


That’s awesome about your kettle! It’s really too bad about the pumpkin tea though. :( That was my favourite from Della Terra.


Mine too! I can send you some if you want to see for yourself if the base has changed.


Maybe set a little aside for me? I’m looking for oolongs for you that I like and are available. Most of mine are sample packs from Sil and Dexters ebay and aliexpress purchases. :)


What type of oolongs are you looking for keychange? Might I have something that I can share with you?


She loves floral. :D But has to be able to get more in the future.


sure thing, omgsrsly, I’ll set some aside for you. and how thoughtful of you to ask, dexter. I have recently realized that there are many an oolong that are intensely floral on their own, and that’s got me so so excited. If you do come across any like that, I’d love to know!

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drank Les Classiques by Betjeman and Barton
15588 tasting notes

today, this was spot on. caramel, vanilla goodness. thank god it’s almost friday!

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I’ve set a goal of drinking a different black tea each day this month, and there are currently 33 in my collection, so this is number one. It’s deep & dark, as implied, very rich, and yet there is a brightness as well, peeking through the clouds like rays of sunshine on a stormy day.
My daughter Ari came over, so I had a second cup, and made one for her as well, which we enjoyed with a homemade gluten free dutch baby.
Afterwards we also each had a cup of Laoshan Black, because I get to drink a 2nd black tea a few times this month, and I let her select it.


had this one today and now of course i wanna buy a tin lol must resist for a while longer though..

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So the meds I’m on for my adhd have some side effects, at least in the beginning… it reduces my appetite and ability to consume liquid! This has been a problem for my tea drinking ways. And staying hydrated. It was downright depressing!
But!!! being sick seems to have helped that. Arse backwards huh…
I must have lost enough fluid that my body is finally convinced that drinking tea and other stuff is kinda necessary. Wheeeeee!!! I managed to get three cups of tea and two glasses of water down today already. and damn did they ever taste good, despite my muted ’buds. happydance

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Another solid ripe from Chawangshop, and a bargain at $7 for a 100g cake. They say it is one of the best ripes they’ve ever tried. I wouldn’t go that far, but it is good tea. A little bitterness, some chocolate, and very little fish. Deep and rich, hearty and earthy, a little sweet, not too complex.

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drank Apple & Ginger by Clipper
2238 tasting notes

From the EU TTB

I’ve more or less given up on bagged herbal teas like this, because typically they smell a lot nicer than they taste. This one smells divine, too – very appley, like a fresh baked apple pie. I wasn’t expecting much from the flavour, but it’s actually pretty good. I can taste apple, and it’s a nice, fresh, crisp, “green” tasting apple – not too sweet, and not too tart, with just the tiniest hint of sharpness. The ginger is definitely second fiddle, but it provides a pleasantly warming background and just a touch of sweetness, with a mild gingery tang. It’s a really good pairing, and it’s really putting me in mind of apple pie! It’s just perfect for sipping on an autumnal afternoon, and it’s nice to see something other than the usual pairing of lemon and ginger, too – it’s just a little unusual. A definite winner with me!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I just reviewed this one but wanted to make note of a drastic change in steeping style today.

I have been looking for/saving for a sterling teapot for five years. I have not purchased one yet but I think I may have found “him”, the one that calls to me. It is not the bachelor size I anticipated getting and I wanted to see how well it would do for my breakfast, so I got a pot out that is about the same size and tried a different style of steeping today.

I put two tablespoons of this tea in the large pot and used cooler water to steep it, but I did not remove the leaves. The tea was good and not too strong. I realize I can only do this method with very particular teas.

Then life happened. I had a noon meeting, hubby needed me to go to the bank, mother-in-law was sick at rehab and needed something from her assisted living room, daughter had to be picked up from her early college class, and then taken to training to work the election. And the leaves sat there in that pot aaaaaaallll day. In half water they had started in.

No worries, I strained the tea into a microwaveable pot, added water, and reheated the whole shebang. AND IT WAS GOOD! The headache I have nursing for a couple of hours went away, too. It is back now, but I am also out of tea.

Time to make another pot and enjoy this thunderstorm by candlelight…

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It’s yet another subscription box review! Today I take a look at Teabook’s monthly tea service for people on the go.


Hmmm I am confused. What is the strainer for on the tumbler if they say to brew all teas grandpa style?


I guess to help keep the leaves out of your mouth. I found it all confusing.

Christina / BooksandTea

Hmm, Teabook offered to send me a box as well. I hope I get the tumbler too – I really want to see how it holds up while I’m commuting on the train.


I definitely think you’ll get the tumbler.

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drank Lemon & Ginger by Clipper
1764 tasting notes

I am the sick! with a head cold. So this was perfect to soothe my hoarse throat. I know the flavours are muted but hey, it is delicious either way. Thank you MissB for sending this along. Yum!!
Definitely tastes like a lemon candy, or a lozenge. Refreshing and comforting to be sure.


Tea is an excellent way to handle illness!


hope you feel better soon!


Rosehips, tea is the solution for everything! :D
TeaBrat, thanks!! This is day three so I’m hoping it is my last

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Decided to give this tea the proper gongfu treatment today. Last time I had not quite given it the gongfu treatment.This tea has pretty much cleared. There wasn’t much fermentation taste left, maybe a little. This tea was sweet. Gave this eight steeps today.

Steeped this eight times in a 85ml Yixing Teapot with 7g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec. 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, and 30 sec.

Boiling 7 g 3 OZ / 85 ML

Twigs? Was it just twigs?


No, it was not twigs but what seemed to me high quality leaf.


I think it is a small amount of Cassia twigs mixed in with the tea.

Liquid Proust

I don’t think I’ve seen a twig in mine yet… I’ll keep a look out

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Holy shit. Last night, i was craving this tea, but I have a no caffeine after 3:00 rule, so I thought I’d wait until this morning. And oh my god, it was perfect. 1.5 tsp of leaf, used a generous amount of cream, two tsp of sugar, and brewed for four minutes. And I was blown away by how well this tea took the cream in particular. Both the grapefruit and bergamot were prominent, and the cream just amplified the latte-like thickness and comfort, but the zing of the grapefruit was not muted which was mind-blowing. I really hope this tea keeps well. I’m still on the hunt for the best tins in which to store tea. My ideal would be a tin where you can’t smell the tea from the outside, no matter how hard you try.

I know you guys know what it’s like to brew a perfect cup of something. Doesn’t always happen, but when it does, boy do you know it.

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I’m not sure this is the answer – but I have a gazillion Davids tins that aren’t perfect air tight. I put the tea into a ziplock bag — nothing fancy just the ones you buy at the grocery store – and then into the tin. I find it helps keep the scent in and clean up of the tin for re-use easier. :)


I do the same, bag plus tin.


Oh, I never thought of the bag+tin combo! great idea!

Christina / BooksandTea

Does the plastic affect the flavour of the tea? I might try that too.


I have never noticed an issue, if the tea comes in foil that doesn’t officially reseal, I usually fold it over a few times and tape it, then put it in the tin.

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From the Puerh TTB #3

Thanks to EoT for providing this and other samples for the TTB

One of the benefits of organizing the tea box is that you get to be first to try the teas. I was really excited when the EoT box arrived, since I like to try older sheng and there isn’t that much of it available. Also, I can now mail out the box to all the other tea-addicts who have been waiting patiently for me to get it all together.

My first few cups were disappointing. The tea had some camphor and tobacco notes but was dominated by the flavor of ashes (think fireplace on a damp day a week after the fire). Fortunately, the ashes became less potent by the third or fourth steep, though they never really went away. I’m still drinking the tea, but have lost count of the number of steeps (around 10). It is a burnt sienna color, fairly strong in flavor, with a sharp, somewhat tannic bite, and flavors of wood and leather (and just a hint of ash). Drinking it was an interesting experience, and I’m glad I had the opportunity, but I don’t think I would go out of my way to drink it again.

In some ways I wonder if older sheng is really worth the wait. I’m reminded of the wine experts raving over 50 year old Bordeaux raving about the flavor of shoe leather, and thinking the younger stuff tastes like fruit and other stuff that I like. It might also be the difference between wet and dry aging. I was also a bit disappointed with the W2T 1990’s wet storage sheng, which I bought in part to learn how aged sheng was “supposed” to taste.

Next day: I’m up to about 15th steep and still getting a lot of flavor out of 1 minute steeps. No negatives: just an enjoyable, interesting tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 g 2 OZ / 50 ML

The older a tea gets the riskier it becomes. I’ve had some heavily aged sheng that was improperly stored, and it gave an awful feeling with a disappointing taste. Although. I’ve also had some properly aged sheng that creates a memorable tea experience. It shouldn’t be a gamble, but it can be sometimes…


I am trying to age some things myself with the pumidor project.

Dr Jim

I’ve been buying a lot of sheng from 2005-2007, just because it seems like the sweet spot between youth and expense. I’m kind of in the same boat as Cwyn: I can’t afford to wait around for 20 years of aging; I probably won’t be here.

It is also possible that this is just a reaction to being in transit for more than 2 weeks.


I always let tea “cool down” for at least a week if it’s coming from overseas. I’ve also noticed that 2005 is usually a safe bet for sheng. That decade makes a good solid difference.


There is a nice article about tea fresh in on this blog. A bit down the page but good reading.
Water storage and the importance there of.


I’ve read this one :) I love it


Yeah I try really hard to practice this one. I also try to do a wait time after the first rinse to allow the tea to open up. A tea will absorb just about an equal weight in water that you started with Most 10 gram bres I start with will weigh between 18 and 19 grams after the rinse from the absorbed water.


fascinating, I’ve heard of that practice. I saw an example given with the W2T Shu, i believe. It was very interesting…


Haveteawilltravel try that one time. The amount the tea absorbs will surprise you. That;s the reason I usually give rest after the rinse.


I’ve noticed in your reviews you give a bit of time for the tea to rest. i usually practice about a minute, if not less. I will definitely try this out.


The 1990s HK is a really wet stored tea. The older the tea, the heavier the storage. A metaphor on aging in here someplace. I know I need more rinsing myself. Anyway, break up and tin older teas for 2-6 months airing, they are much improved, so I find. Now if that works as well on me, I might live long enough to taste a few more teas!

Doug F

Interesting. James, of tdb.org explores this new vs. old sheng in his latest posts.

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drank Amore by Dammann Frères
1792 tasting notes

Oh my, this is such a sophisticated blend of floral, fruit, almonds, and chocolate. The dry leaf smells like a blend of chocolate-covered almonds, bergamot, and rose.

Can I wear this as a perfume, please? I imagine Marie Antoinette’s tea party to smell like this. Everyone’s dressed to the nines in their wigs and gowns. I can taste every single note in here. Nothing gets lost. The base is bold but I managed to prevent it from going bitter.

I’m so glad I got this one in the group order, and grateful to Marzipan that she was willing to split this one with me. It’s a winner.


Sounds delicious!


It’s pretty classy if you ask me!

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Good morning Steepster. My day did not get off to a good start as I already spilled a cup of coffee on myself and the floor of the cafe I was at this morning. Maybe this is a sign I should give up on coffee?

I got this as a small sample pack from Happy Earth a while back. I didn’t time my steeping too closely, so I would say this is a pretty forgiving tea. This stuff is also truly delicious! I am definitely getting the notes of chocolate, malt and spice. It does have a slight fruitiness in the finish. They call it plum, I was thinking red wine. It’s a very rich and bold tea, it stands up well on its own but mght also be nice with a touch of milk. Another quality Nepalese tea from Happy Earth. So glad I tried this one, I might need more :)

Flavors: Chocolate, Malt, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I just picked up a bunch of this :) I can’t wait to try.


Hope your afternoon was better!!


@Haveteawilltravel – I think you’ll like it!
@Indigobloom – it was, thanks!

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Thank you Angel for this sample.

The mood struck me for some Pu Erh steeped western style which I almost never do, usually because I enjoy the ceremony in making tea traditionally. Today however I am making Christmas decorations as the craft bug has bitten and I have no time for tea traditions at the moment. Still need tea though!

As I open the sample pack I am impressed by the large pieces of tangerine peel, hopefully that will mean it’s got a lot of orange flavour.

Once steeped this has a mild yet sweet orange scent with some dry earth undertones.

Flavour is rich and dark with earth, dry wood, sweet orange and a light, creamy after taste. It is very orange in comparison to the actual strength which is about average thickness. The sweetness is a nice contrast to the dry earth tones and the melody lingers nicely in the after taste.

I shall keep re-steeping this until it’s completely spent, but at least it’s a comforting and delicious aid to my crafting.

Flavors: Drying, Earth, Orange, Wood

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 7 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

amazing! ive tried this type of tea before. it was spicy like a black tea and had orange taste

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