Having now sampled somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 unflavored matcha ranging from $20/lb to $48/oz, this one remains my favorite. Best part is, this is one of the least expensive. I can actually enjoy this straight without additives. It really shines as a cold milk latte. Today I added just a splash of vanilla and caramel syrup along with a packet of Splenda. It was out of this world good. I used my handy dandy battery operated frother which easily whipped this into a thick and creamy consistency. It was so thick the tumbler straw stood up straight. The taste is floral and kind of a green oolong with orchid notes. Maybe it was the syrups that brought this out or maybe I had just forgotten but this had a nutmeg flavor to it this morning. I am glad I have a pound of this in my freezer. So good.
That is great to know since I’ll admit I’ve been a sucker for their flavoured ones, and as such, always ignore their unflavoured options.
I’m working my way through a few flavored ones now.
Going on my wishlist…