Featured & New Tasting Notes

I don’t get any smoke from this. It’s a pretty mild shou, much like one of the other descriptions. A little nutty, a little creamy, a little sweet, a little woody. Definitely no icky wet taste, which I’m really appreciating.

Still prefer the nuggets I have to most shou’s I’ve tried lately. IDK what’s up with that.

Edit: Also salty. That’s very true. Thanks to Morgana for mentioning that in her tasting note. (Her note wasn’t about this tea tho. It’s just a note I feel goes with shou in general.)


I’ve yet to find a shou I’ve actually liked, but I have some tea nuggets too that I happen to love, so idk what’s up with that.


I included some shou in your package because that’s what I had from Verdant. And the 2008 bulang from Crimson Lotus that was super amazing. And a lot of moonlight teas. :) Some local sheng, but when Dexter was here we mostly bought shou.


Ooooooooh thank you! Also!!!! MOONLIGHT TEAS!!!! I have this one moonlight tea sample I’m still holding on to because I tried it once and loved it and can’t find more of the same one.


my cupboard is mostly updated-ish but I still have a bunch that I can’t find on here, I can message you a list in a bit


Yeah, I have 3 right now – Treasure Green, Mandala, and this delightful cake from The Chinese Tea Shop. You have samples of all. :D (Spoiler: The cake is the best, but honestly they’re all so good. Use less water than you think for the thick honey flavours.)


Yay for helpful descriptors! ;-)


Haha. Indeed! I mean, the tea isn’t bad, it just isn’t what I was hoping for. Oh well! If Dexter likes it, I’ll just send the rest to her. :D


What are you sending me?
Ummmm – I bought quite a bit of sheng when I was there – just most of it was OLD samples. Still haven’t found one that I LOVE….
re the AMAZING moonlight cake – OMG it is soooooo good. Lots of leaf, little water – boiling – flash steeps = liquid honey apricot goodness…


all this does is reinforce my need to unwind with some puerh. Too bad that’s not bloody likely to happen until January at the earliest.


This is the white 2 tea stuff, Dex. From the tea club. I have finally gotten over some of my frustration and have packed up a box for you…


Heres hoping you manage to find a little time to sit and enjoy some tea, Sil..


Sadly, just realised this weekend we have family stuff..and then other stuff… sigh maaybe dec 24? haha


Haha. Not family stuff! ;) I think I’ll be at my parents just Christmas day, but the plan is to bring a few puer samples and my favourite kyusu and some teensy cups. :)

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I enjoyed this tea. It is, however, different from many ripe puer. There were no notes of chocolate in it. Instead there were notes of camphor, spice, and a little bit of wet wood or wet storage taste. It had a fair amount of fermentation taste in the first few steeps. This taste was a little more unpleasant than some ripes but not out of bounds. In the end I will neither recommend or not recommend this tea. It is really a matter of taste. Some will really like this tea, some will hate it. It was cheap. Dragon Tea House sold it for around fourteen dollars. While I don’t classify this as a bargain find as I do a cheap brick I recently drank from Yunnan Sourcing, it wasn’t bad. It’s in the eighth steep now and I am enjoying it so it isn’t all bad. Just if you buy this don’t expect too much from it.

I steeped this eight times in a 120ml gaiwan with 9.7g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, and 30 sec. Judging by the color of the brew I’d say that I would get another four or so steeps out of this if I wanted to continue.

Flavors: Camphor, Earth, Spicy, Wet Wood

Boiling 9 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

I just realised I have reviewed this and are quite familiar with this tea. I think your review is fairly accurate, especially the ‘little more unpleasant than some ripes’. There is an odd taste about this ripe pu’erh, but for the price you can’t complain too much.


I saw your review and noted it was your first cake purchase. My first cake purchase was from a local tea store and I probably paid too much for it but it was good. Still have it somewhere. Although technically I had bought a very cheap cake from a local Chinese grocery store so I guess that one was my second but my first since discovering real tea.

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Taking a break. I have been working on putting together Christmas chord sheets and learning to play carols since before Thanksgiving. Then in my free time I have my, much neglected of late, tea blog, and several forums I frequent, along with my Kerbal Space Adventures game to which I’m addicted. Somewhere in there, needs to be some tea, just for the pure enjoyment, time.

I finally set everything aside and dug into the mountain of tea until I found Zombie Pearls. I love this stuff. With the first steep, the little bug shaped pearls barely open. This always tastes crisp and clean. Today while this was steeping I grabbed a big spoon of peanut butter. As I was enjoying it, I thought I might be ruining the tea I desperately needed. Instead I accidentally stumbled upon the most perfect pairing, at least to my uncultured taste buds. The cucumber and other white tea notes rose above the peanut butter and really shined through.

If you haven’t experienced this tea type I highly recommend it – and peanut butter (in my case Great Value brand with the red lid). Yum!


Great Value brand with the red lid
Don’t sell yourself short … you are indeed a connoisseur :p


It has taken me years to convince the hubster that Great Value stuff, generally speaking, is absolutely acceptable. We’re getting there.


Once in a while I vow never again on a particular item, however much of it is identical or just as good.

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Trying this in the gaiwan today. Have just enough left to do something else with it. Not sure what. Maybe try it in the yixing again.

I am somewhat intimidated by pu-erh, though I like what I’ve had of it generally speaking. I’m just never sure I’m “doing it right” and since pu-erh can be pricey I’ve been reluctant to start with some of the things I know to be good in my stash.

Let me say that another way. It’s more accurate to say I believe them to be good based upon the word of the companies I’ve patronized because, as recent threads here have indicated, there’s a lot of room for everything from misunderstandings to getting ripped off particularly with regards to pu-erh. Which is one of the reasons it intimidates me.

In any case, most of my experience so far has been sort of the toe in the pool method rather than diving in head first. Because intimidated.

So here’s another toe in the water effort. I went for very short steeps after rinsing. Starting in the immediate range (1-3 seconds) and increasing by five seconds each time.

1. Very dark and opaque, like black coffee. Smells like a saddle. Tastes a bit salty and a little like potting soil. I think this is what tasters mean when they say mushroom, as raw white mushroom doesn’t taste like much to me except a little like dirt, and that’s what I’m getting here.

2. Same look to the tea, if anything a bit darker and a bit more opaque. Rather like flat cola. Still some leather in the aroma. But smoother and something else, too. Tobacco, maybe. The flavor is less salty, and actually quite smooth. It just doesn’t taste like an awful lot to me.

3. Color is the same. Less leather and more earth in the aroma. Gosh, this steep still doesn’t taste like much but it’s weird. It’s like the tea is trying to taste like something but can’t quite pull it off. A little like meat, maybe, but not in a lapsang sort of way. More like a shroomy meatiness.

4. No change on the color. No change on the aroma. Flavor is still trying to be something more than it is. There’s a tad of sweetness this time around.

5. Still dark brown but no longer opaque. There is something that makes me think of gravy in the aroma, though I’m not sure why as the salt and leather is pretty much gone. Perhaps its flour? The flavor is sweetening up some, and becoming leafy. There’s no leaf flavor listed among the options except autumn leaf pile, so that’s what I’ve picked.

6. Color similar to 5. I no longer think of gravy when I smell the tea. The flavor is brighter, and I can taste the water through the tea, which I think is a signal to me to stop here. I suppose I could push it further and see if anything miraculous happens in later steeps but I’m not excited enough by this to do that.

I have to rate this less as compared to other teas since I haven’t had many pu-erhs (certainly not many recently) and more on an absolute scale.

Assuming I’m doing it anywhere close to “right,” even if this tea was still available I can’t imagine buying it again. It’s not offensive, it’s just not really there. (The Numi bagged pu-erhs have more flavor than this does.) It makes a better cold brew than hot, and it’s hard to imagine that is how a pu-erh should be.

I’m rather gratified that other reviews didn’t find much flavor in this either, so I can’t conclude it’s just me. I want to develop a taste for puerh and I’d be horrified if I was missing the necessary taste buds to do so.

On the upside, it does seem to have made my digestive tract quite happy.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Dirt, Leather, Mushrooms, Salt, Tobacco


There is no right or wrong way to brew puerh. Just experiment and make it how you like it. Took me a while to get my basic preferences down. You will find the zone. Do you tend to like green or black tea? That may help tune you into what type to really get into.


Thanks mrmopar. I like both black and green, mostly depending on mood and time of day.


Have you tried any Menghai shou yet? I have some YS shengs that are getting nice as well.
I would probably stick to big factory or our top producers active on here, Shou is real tricky if not produced correctly. Good shou won’t have all the off notes to it. I normally won’t drink shou younger than 2 years old so it has had time to settle.


I don’t think so. I have a number of samples and also a few cakes but I haven’t broken them out yet. I intend to get on that soon. :-)


Hahaha! I LOVE these descriptions! Kinda how I’m feeling about the tea I’m drinking right now. It’s a little of a few things, but mostly not tasting of anything specific. :) (It could be nice with a little cinnamon stick added to the leaf. Cinnamon & shou is a favourite combo of mine.)

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drank Banane Chocolat by Lupicia
6444 tasting notes

I have had a tin of this for a while and the best before date on it is September 2015. However, the tin has never been opened so I hoped being in a sealed bag in a tin would mean it was fine. So, I brewed it as an eggnog latte and though it was okay, there was definitely flavor deterioration. The chocolate banana flavor was present but much more muted than usual and instead the base was taking center stage which is rather unfortunate given the Lupicia black tea tends to have a dirty quality to it that is hard to get past. I guess that’s the risk of buying ALL THE TEAS and then not drinking them.


I’m not a fan of their black base either.


i like this one…so find a fancy french tea you want to try from my cupboard and then come make a switch haha


Sil, it’s all yours. Unfortunately I can’t bring it by until the new year because I leave for Florida this week but I’ll put it aside with your name on it!

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Thank you to the Steepster friend who gifted me this tea. This is one tasty tea. There was virtually no bitterness and little astringency. I detected no malt in this. The Steepster description of chocolate and raisins is fairly close to accurate. There were a variety of sweet notes to this tea. This is my first taste of Joseph Wesley teas and I like it. I will have to add their name to my list of companies to order from. This is I have to say one of the smoothest black teas I have had. No unpleasant notes to it. It was clearly processed right.

I steeped this ten times in a 120ml gaiwan with 7g leaf and 200 degree water. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, and 1 min. This tea was not done at ten steeps but I am at my caffeine limit for the day. This tea keeps going more like a puerh than a black tea. Quite nice.

Flavors: Cocoa

200 °F / 93 °C 7 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

Really tasty tea!!!

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Yay, a green rooibos. I get mostly pineapple from this one, with maybe the slightest hint of banana. I could see papaya being really good in here. I also wish I could have gotten the coconut. I don’t really taste it. But granted, I have a cold right now. Maybe I’m not getting the most out of this. I also let it steep for close to ten minutes so the flavours should be as strong as ever.

I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy more but it’s really good for what it is.

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I like it!!
Thank you Sil & MissB :)
Pear is a flavour I really do enjoy when done right, and I find that this tea has a great balance. A little sweet, a bit tart, and the chocolate accent really pairs well. Adding just a bit of sugar cuts down on the tart and brings out more of a caramelized pear note.
So yeah. Compared to the other tea I just tried, this is a welcome cuppa heaven!

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drank Christmas Wreath by Lupicia
1118 tasting notes

I’m still trying to finish samples I received this time last year (I know, I know). I’m almost caught up, and I’ve had the chance to enjoy little gems like this along the way. The apple flavor is delicious, and I appreciate how the spices (cinnamon, ginger, and clove – I think) are used to enhance rather than overpower the fruit flavor.

This is definitely a good way to beat back the Monday morning blues.


A year totally just sneaks up on you, eh?


It really does! This year has been crazy for me in the best possible ways, but I still feel like it should be March instead of December. :)


I agree! Or no later than early, early summer. I found my unopened Teavivre teas from last year’s BF sale and it just felt so weird running into them.

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drank Chai & Mighty by DAVIDsTEA
1792 tasting notes

It’s a good thing that I didn’t write a review on this tea right away yesterday. The first mug/impression wasn’t the best.

The dry leaf smells amazing. So many spices going on here. Ginger, then pepper, then cloves and cinnamon in unison, and a sweetness dancing around these other notes.

Yesterday’s Nordic mug got 6g of leaf and it was so weak. Watered down spices and sweet licorice root. It just wasn’t balanced. Seeing that I bought 16g, I thought I’d polish off the rest today just to get it out of the way. Putting 10g of leaf into the mug ended up being the best thing because I noticed that it’s better balanced now. The spices intensified while the licorice stayed the same. It could very well be that there simply wasn’t as much licorice ratio-wise in the remaining 10g but it seems that more leaf = stronger spices in general which = balancing out the sweet licorice, which can only reach a certain level of sweetness. I don’t know. Maybe I’m nuts.

But with fat-free creamer, taste-wise, the spices are layered in the same way as they smell. That is, the ginger is the strongest, followed by pepper, etc. This tea got terrible reviews but I don’t seem to mind it this way. Would I buy more? Probably not. But it’s not bad at all. Perhaps it depends on how sensitive you are to licorice root. It is sweet, yes, but I’ve tasted licorice root-laced teas which were by far cloyingly sweeter and imbalanced.


Sometimes I think chai makers get a little excited and attempt to dump every spice in the cabinet into the blend. Less is more in my chai-pinion.


god yeah… or if not all the spices, 17 metric tons of cloves…


Or cinnamon overload. Too many chais end up tasting like cinnamon milk.


Cinnamon milk with a numb tongue from all the cloves. :D


ugh yeah cinnamon milk… blech

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1000th tasting note! It only took me six years to get here. :-)

I wanted to steep something really special for this occasion. I thought about one of the various wonderful French teas in my cupboard, but decided I had had enough flavored black for one day. I’ve been on a Yunnan kick for a few days now, so I thought I’d look for a highly rated Yunnan I have but hadn’t yet tried.

I have tin no. 23 of this limited edition of 150. Inside the tin, long forest green leaves predominate with some lighter blonde colored tips adding visual interest. The dry leaves smell a bit chocolate-y, a deep, dark, rich fragrance.

I decided to steep at the average preparation parameters rather than the five minutes at boiling recommended on the tin.

I got a clear, dark maple colored liquor with a warm sweet aroma — a bit less sweet than the other yunnans I’ve tried recently but still reminiscent of molasses with some chocolate notes around the edges.

The flavor is quite smooth. No back of the throat grab with this one. Medium bodied, and a bit lighter than I’d expected (might try boiling and longer steep next time). The flavor isn’t overly sweet or sugary in the sip, but has some sweetness in the finish and aftertaste. The funny thing is, I can’t really identify a flavor note in this. I can mostly define what I don’t taste. Unlike some yunnans, I’m not getting a peppery flavor, nor am I getting something I’d call malty. There is something bready about it, maybe a rye note, and while the cocoa note in the aroma gets stronger as the tea cools I only taste it a tiny bit. I’m not getting tobacco or cannabis or any of the other things folks have mentioned.

Some of the other yunnans I’ve tasted recently have had more depth and complexity, but part of that could be preparation, and a lot of it could also be that my expectations of this one were exceptionally high. I’m going to withhold final judgment until I’ve played with it more, but right now, I’m thinking this is quite good but not as spectacular as I was hoping. Ah, well.

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Cocoa, Molasses, Rye

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

Congrats! 1000 is quite a milestone.






Big number!


Thanks all!


Congrats on the milestone!


Congratulations on 1000! :)


Good job!

Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

We are honored! Seriously, thanks for choosing us! It tickles us to no end. Get that steeping time up there — the leaves are very forgiving with long brews.


I’m honored that you’re honored. Wait, this could go on for a while. ;-) I’ll definitely go hotter and longer next time and see what happens. Thanks for the excellent tea!

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Backlog from a few days ago.

I took part in the Toronto Tea Festival’s recent promotion to try a bunch of tea samples for free. The tasters were told to rate each tea so that the festival could determine a “best” tea and give the winner an award.

I ended up getting 6 samples to try. There was a lot of variety, but ultimately I found the whole thing to be really disorganized.

So I wrote about it: http://booksandtea.ca/2015/12/toronto-tea-festival-tasting-set/

Guys, if you’re trying to get a random assortment of people to choose a “best” tea, don’t go about it ass-backwards like the Toronto Tea Festival did.


also… i hate the word “best.” This really was one of the most bass-akwards executions of a tea tasting that i’ve seen yet.


I just wanted to post something ack-backnerds.




Loved your blog post. It seemed fair and offered constructive criticism.

Christina / BooksandTea

I’m glad that you thought it was constructive, TeaExplorer! I was worried about coming off too harsh.

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pulled this out today – so many teas and now i’m going to see how long i can go without making a purchase. No trips planned and i just got my order in from bellocq, so i think i can do this. Ideally i’d like to get my cupboard down to the 50 that i wanted it to be at by the end of the year, though that isn’t going to happen anymore (i’ll be lucky if i can get to 75 which is what i started this year at). I like how this has changed since it came out. Much more delicious now that it’s a little older – smoother and maltier :)


Uh oh, let’s just hope nothing too exciting will be happening in the tea world for Boxing Week.


i don’t think i’ve picked anything up boxing week in 3 years…so i should be safe


I’m, uhh, sorry about the box? Feel free to pretend it doesn’t exist until January.


it may not exist until january depending on the post office. my AU teas are still lost…..

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So I brewed up about 7 grams in a 100ml gaiwan at about 210f. Two customary rinses to get the funky junk of the pile off. This tea has lost that fermented smell and wasn’t funky at all. I see some reviews saying it is fishy but I imagine these are older tastings and this tea has had time to mellow out. I did quick steeps at first at about 5-8 seconds. I find this ripe to be a light smooth mouthfeel but not lacking at all. I brewed a bit heavy to see what it had. I noticed a really nice caramel flavor or honey sweetness on the back end. It has the traditional coffee-esque bite that a good ripe has. Definitely a good morning tea. A medium energy to this one. Not too strong, not too weak. It didn’t give a ton of infusions like some other ripes but gave enough to enjoy. Not a bad tea. More age will make it even better.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

That old funk mellows over time pretty well.


Yeah I’m finally starting to see that with some of my teas. Thankfully time is on our side with the funk!!


Yes. I rarely drink any shou under 2 years age. Just sit on it and let it get better.


Yeah I am the same. I have tried some newer ripes and they were undrinkable to me. A 2015 Menghai V93 is one to be specific. Tho I did try it again months later and it has mellowed some already. Should be good with more time.


The 2008 and 2009 V93’s are peaking out now in my collection.


Nice. They get a bit pricey when I see those for sale. Gotta pay for age tho I guess.


Buy early grasshopper!


mrmopar is a wise man and worth heeding.

The 2009 version of the Yi Dian Hong is very good right now. I also laid in some of the 2012 when it was cheaper, hoping it becomes nearly as good as the 2009 in a few more years (perhaps around 2018-2020).

SilasSteep And I shall heed the advice. It definitely can use some more time TeaExplorer but if the taste now is any indicator it will be a tasty tea in a few more years.

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drank Rou Gui Oolong by Cultivate Tea
2291 tasting notes

Holy f-ing f. This is AMAZING.

So spicy and rich.

I don’t even know how to describe it.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

woahhhhhhh artsy! (also that teacup is so pretty ____)


that was supposed to be an emoticon with sparkle eyes but steepster ate it


Haha. :D Thank you! The Tea Fairy gave me some tips. :) She takes some amazing drippy tea photos.


Gorgeous picture!


Thanks, CHAroma! :)

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I got this as a bonus sample in my order. It wasn’t something I’d order as I see coffee and run.

However, this blend is hella smooth – the roasty oolong and chicory are great, the milky chocolate smooth it out, and there’s a bit of cherry in there. The majority of the taste is the oolong base. It’s got a bit of coffee aftertaste but it’s light. Very nice blend, I could be convinced to purchase it. Evil are these bonus samples!

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Revisiting this one today for my first morning tea. I have very much the same impression that I had the first time around, which is that this is a tasty tea. But if I was doing a blind tasting of it, I probably wouldn’t identify it as an Earl Grey. And I certainly wouldn’t identify it as a creamy Earl Grey.

I might identify it as a fruity floral, in the same general category as one of the Kusmi black tea blends like St. Petersburg. I don’t taste vanilla or cream, I don’t taste bergamot. I taste something vaguely fruity that is more of a red fruit taste than a citrus taste, that starts fruity and ends floral. Almost rose-like.

Torn on the rating. It gets a lot of points for tastiness and smoothness, but it doesn’t taste like what it says it is, i.e., an earl grey creme. I’m going to keep the rating where it is. I really like the tea (points up). But it isn’t what I think of as an Earl Grey creme (points down).


Simpson & Vail is such an odd company. Some of their blends are just awful, but some are truly gems. I don’t know what to think.


I sometimes wonder whether the reason their teas don’t necessarily taste like what I’d expect is because they arrived in those paper bags nestled together, sharing their smells with each other when I unpacked the order.


That absolutely ruined an order I got from them once. Damn Strawberry Cupcake! I only order their stuff in the tin option now. :/

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This was the second tea from A Quarter to Tea that I drank. It was my favorite :)
The brandy taste came trough like someone split some alcohol in my third steeping of some DHP. However, I’m not sure if I wanted that low note of silk cream that comes out for the cheesecake. The apple brandy was enough for me with the oolong in the background.
I’ll probably get some more of this and infuse some apple cider with it during January because I do crazy things.

Daylon R Thomas

I was curious about that one. Now I’m going to try it next time I make an order if its available. Or hopefully, it’s a sample with the Vanilla Cider Panna Cotta at home (SO EXCITED TO TRY THAT ONE!).

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drank Cardamom French Toast by DAVIDsTEA
1792 tasting notes

Not-so-morning pseudo-latte with fat-free creamer—and a dash of hyphens and dashes—to try to figure out if I really should take advantage of the last day of double the points. I’m tempted to grab more of this and snag a couple bars of the Cardamom French Toast chocolate if still in store. Hmm. This is so good with or without milk/cream and I have about 30g left. Perhaps I should.

I’m sick, with I’m guessing a cold, for the first time since February 2013. That was an amazing streak, if you ask me! The past how many times were just false alarms or allergies. So this cold is making me feel a little too lazy and unmotivated to go out. But tea is good for dat sickness. Decisions, decisions.

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I see on the 52 Teas site that there was apparently a rather recent reblend of this, but that’s not the one I have.

In rereading my original note on this, I mentioned that as it was no longer available I’d have to husband my supply. That was the “old” thinking, the save the best for last thinking I’m trying to get away from.

Yay for teas you really really really like! Such a pleasure to drink them, it almost makes kissing all the frogs to get to them worth it. Though I still have tea coming out of my ears, once I get that under control (if ever), I think I’m ready to settle down and standardize on some things. Which isn’t to say I won’t try new things from time to time, just that I’m no longer so much about trying ALL THE TEA.

Which is why it’s unfortunate this isn’t available all the time. It would definitely be a standard in my flavored black tea cupboard if it was. Ice cream without the calories, what’s not to like?

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Nuts, Pecan


I have the new version of this I think. It’s pretty amazing. And as for teas I don’t love, I’m going through and trying everything, and donating the stuff I don’t want to different groups that support people in need.


OMG, that is a cool idea. Do they take stuff that is opened, though? I am pretty sure the places around me that accept food donations will only take things that are sealed.


These places do, as they tend to stock community kitchens. I’d suggest asking around at shelters or women’s centres. A lot of them just want to stock snacks for people.

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This has been my tea of the week. I wake up thinking about it and am excited to get to work to make a cup. It has been the perfect addition to my morning. It even received tin status this week.


I just ordered a sample of this one! My box from Joseph Wesley arrived yesterday so this may have to be the first one I try. If you wake up thinking about it then it must be good. :)


you know they have promo 2015HOLIDAYS 20% off. im going to get tea for two set
two chawan and can of tea(your choice) $36 free ship. i think its a great deal!


Ahh, tin status, haha! I was thinking about upgrading a couple teas to a tin this week…love the term. :P


@Shae, I hope you like it! It is a pretty good keemun. @boychik- I was eyeing these, but I have told myself no more tea until Feb! @Mike- I finally broke down and ordered a crap ton of H&S 4oz black tins. I love having my favorites in tins. Much easier access, then my sealed bags in a box somewhere.


Nice! I’ll have to invest in more…I have a few tins, but not nearly enough! I’m buying the Harney and Sons English Breakfast, and one or two teas at a local place near my sister’s house, then nothing until February, haha!

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
3011 tasting notes

Equal parts Market Spice Butter Rum + Touch Organic Keemun x (a filter you used to make Marco Polo yesterday and didn’t rinse out very well) = a Bob Ross happy accident that sort of resembles warm root beer. Eh, I took a chance :)


hahahaha awesome :)


Bob Ross would be so proud of you.


You ought to see the way I color happy little trees!

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My stomach has been feeling bad since I started taking the oral typhoid vaccine (going to India at the end of next week). I thought a pu’erh might be nice this afternoon so I grabbed this on my way to the office. I’m still leery of my puerh collection after my apartment got sprayed for cockroaches. The smell of bug spray was everywhere. Still it’s a hard decision to throw out what amount to hundreds of dollars of tea.

This sample was in a plastic ziplock bag so at least I think it was better protected than the pu have that’s wrapped in paper. I still haven’t decided what to do! Anyway this is a good shu, I have always liked it. Chocolate and velvety. Hope it does the trick to settle my tummy a bit.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

so exciting. how long is your trip?


So sorry to hear about the bug spray. We sometimes have strong cleaning odors in our house (wife is a fan of bleach and eucalyptus oil), so I keep my teas in plastic storage bins and air them out a couple of times per week when it’s safe.


@boychik – just 2 weeks. wish I could stay longer but I just started a new job!
@TeaExplorer that is probably a good idea

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drank Cardamom French Toast by DAVIDsTEA
15588 tasting notes

i rather enjoy this tea….to the point where i think i should pick up a bit more before it goes away, but then i can’t help but wonder if i’ll get tired of the taste, since i don’t usually love david’s teas enough to go through 100g+ Still though, i need to try this one as a latte since that’s apparently the way to do it heh


If you like it as a latte you may end up going through the 100g+ very quickly ;)


i think subconsciously, that’s what i’m afraid of haha


I’ll have to try it today though since double points is happening right now for purchases


I saw that! Thing is I’m working from 9-9 today (although, I do have a 2h break between 3-5…) and I don’t really “NEED” anything. I could get more banana nut bread though for lattes…


But then again, I do only need 39 more points until free tea, which would only mean $20 purchase…


When I got the email, I thought to do the exact same thing: try this tea again and make up my mind.


heh. great minds think alike


i have 27 points, so likely not worth it for me to buy anything since they all get reset in january (which i think is stupid)


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. The reset almost discourages a person from buying, in a sense.


yeah. better for me to just wait and see if i can get more january 1st


I also agree the reset in January is stupid. I can understand when you get the free tea offers how they expire after a few months, but to erase your points every year is kind of a scam. You could have 99 point ($99 of purchasing) which would count for nothing.


Yeah, last year I had about 90 points and didn’t buy anything else and lost them all. I think I’ve spent $20 in DavidsTea this year though. They totally lost me as a customer.


How do you know how many points you have?


They used to mail out links to the points thing? I have no idea how it works now.


Just sign in to your account. Used to be you had to ask for the link, now you just sign in


What?! I never got the email for the double points thing. I guess it’s because I have their newsletters turned off lol. I’d better fix that.


I checked and my subscription preferences were that I should receive their promotional emails. Maybe I should email them.

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