Featured & New Tasting Notes

drank Sweet Coconut Island by Zen Tea
4337 tasting notes

This is the best herbal I’ve ever sipped! Whoa. I was intrigued by the ingredients: apple, carrot, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut. The flavor is amazing. The main notes are coconut and pineapple. So sweet and so delicious. I make smoothies with pineapple and coconut yogurt and I could swear there isn’t a difference. So it’s like a smoothie without the calories! The most delicious, sweet herbal tea you could possibly find. I have no idea how it tastes like so much fresh pineapple. Magic? This is the only tropical herbal blend I would need in my tea collection.
Steep #1 // 2 1/2 teaspoons // just boiled // 10 minute steep

Flavors: Coconut, Pineapple


Oh man this sounds so good. They added this to the website after I had received my order :/. It sounds like I need to try it though


Oh! Oh! Oh! Maybe time to place another order!


Ooooh! Sounds wonderful.


It IS delicious. I’m definitely stocking up next time I order, even though I’ve said no-more-coconut teas for a while. This is the best coconut tea though.

Evol Ving Ness

Attention Steepsters! Today is the last day of ZT’s 30% off sale. Code is thanks.

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Oh man, this smells so good! The dry leaf aroma is mouthwatering mint chocolate. The brewed tea aroma is something special. I can smell chocolate and peppermint, but there’s something else. I can’t put my finger on it. Whole grain bread? Sunflower seeds?

Mmm mmmm!!! The flavor has that something extra special too. You can tell this is a high quality Verdant Tea base. The base outshines the flavorings. The first flavor is tea, followed by chocolate, followed finally by peppermint. That’s surprising in a pleasant way. Most times, teas with mint taste first and foremost like mint, with everything else coming in last place. But this is the opposite!

The base does have lovely chocolate and bread notes. Laoshan Black! Is it Laoshan Black? I think there’s a bit of that in here. This is delicious! It’s not as much like peppermint hot chocolate as I expected. Yet I think I like this more than the alternative I had imagined, which was thick and creamy. This is light and airy like a puff pastry but flavorful and satisfying like a meal.

I daresay I want more of this. Dare because my pocketbook can’t handle another purchase at the moment and my cupboard really can’t possibly handle any more tea. But this is special! This is Verdant! A Verdant 52teas collaboration is the stuff of dreams. My two favorite tea companies!!! Joining forces to make one delicious cup of yum! Alas, I’m afraid I’ll have to hold off on any additional purchases for now. But you should definitely pick up some of this while you still can!

Flavors: Bread, Dark Chocolate, Peppermint

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Oh my goodness this tea just sounds so amazing


OMG, I had no idea about this collaboration. I can only imagine what a Laotian base + the ingredients in this tea would taste like. It must be awesome.



Thanks, autocorrect.


My heart says “yes!” But my head (and bank account) says "no"…


and THAT is the entire reason i backed the kickstarer if i have to be honest with myself lol


Me too, Sil!

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drank Zhu Rong Chai by Verdant Tea
1501 tasting notes

I love this tea, I have a huge amount of it (I think more than anything else in my cupboard)… it’s the one I’m a bit surprised no one grabbed it in my free-for-all when I let go of (almost) everything. So obviously, this was meant to be, me sipping this tea, on a glorious day. (Fooled ya! No rhyme there).

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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This is a queued tasting note.

So, after the first day I made this as a latte I brewed it up again the day afterwards. I liked the latte, but I also felt like it didn’t taste as nice as it had the potential to be, nor did it taste like eggnog so this time I switched things up. What I ended up doing was brewing this Western style in plain hot water, and then at the end adding a few tsp. of eggnog into the liquor. The idea being that if anything was going to make this taste like eggnog it would be actual eggnog.

Making it this way was definitely an improvement: I thought all the elements I noticed with the latte (malt notes, nutmeg, a solid black base, some sweetness) still were present but because the tea wasn’t being overwhelmed and muted by all the milk and there was a little actual eggnog added in to give this that extra nudge all those flavours delivered a much better experience and the overall flavour was convincingly eggnog-like.

Definitely still need to try this one straight, though.

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Another one I bought from the mystery sale a while ago. I can’t really say no to a marshmallow genmaicha… and this one has cherry! The cherry isn’t rampant here… it mildly makes itself known, but what is there is fine. I don’t know who would make cherry marshmallow treats though. Strawberry might be nice. I always want moooreee marshmallow in these marshmallow teas. I bet the new batches have way more marshmallow root! :D I’m still shocked more tea shops aren’t using marshmallow root in their blends.
Steep #1 // one teaspoon // 30 minutes after boiling // less than 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 28 min a.b. // 2 1/2 min steep

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drank Dark Chocolate Delight by DAVIDsTEA
1501 tasting notes

Any chocolate tea, I will try. If you read any of my reviews, you’ll see I often put this into practice… in the hopes of one day finding that “perfect” chocolate tea. I’ve come close.

This tea, sadly, isn’t it. I grabbed it immediately upon seeing the ingredients – chocolate and.. gasp.. blueberries? Really? Okay, I’m in. The staffer helping me at DAVIDs didn’t believe me when I pointed it out in both the marketing materials and on the label, and then one of her colleagues was all, “Yea, there’s blueberries in it, but it’s not my favorite. Try Hot Chocolate”. (I did, and that’s.. ohgoshdon’tgetmestartedgood).

This… this is a weird tea. I over steeped it accidentally on purpose. The first time I had it, the blueberries were lost in the brew and the whole tea fell flat. So this time I really wanted it to pop and shine, or, at least get a better idea of what this tea is all about. Plus, I had another good-sized cup of tea left.

Over steeped, it’s… ew. Artificial blueberry with a hint of chocolate weirdness. It’s.. um.. barely palatable. So yea, don’t over steep this teafrienz. Maybe just pass on it altogether?

Flavors: Artificial, Astringent, Blueberry, Cocoa, Tart

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

If you’re looking for a chocolate blueberry tea to try, I like this one: http://thaytea.com/products/chocolate-blueberry-biotea/


Nope, just thought it was a weird combo. :) I’m not in the position where I can accept packages right now anyway. Good to know!


I haven’t found many chocolate blends that impress me. I actually make my own now. I’ve found that throwing in a little bit (like a quarter teaspoon) of mugicha/roasted barley often makes chocolate flavors taste much richer.

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drank Sugar & Spice by BlendBee
1792 tasting notes

My Amoda order has landed! Looking back at my order, I wondered why I didn’t just pick out a couple more things because I would have gotten a larger percent off but I guess at the time, I was trying to behave. But, but, for only $5-10 more I could have gotten so much more! Sigh.

The sample smells amazing. I say this a lot with spicy blends, but it’s akin to cola bottle gummy candies, even more so than Acquired Taste’s Winter Dream sencha. There is so much good stuff in this: licorice, allspice, orange peel, pink peppercorns, cinnamon, cardamom, elderberries…

I already know I overleafed because 7g fell into my basket and here I’m only steeping a standard cup. Whoops. So the liquor is looking rather dark.

The steeped tea smells like spice cake. I can taste the sweetness from the licorice root a bit, but it’s not overpowering because there isn’t a lot in the dry leaf to begin with. There is also some brown sugar in this, apparently, which contributes to the sweetness. I normally don’t like sweeteners added to teas, but it’s not bad here at all.

It’s worth trying, it’s tasty, but the sample size will suffice. But I wouldn’t have minded getting 25g either. It’s one of those teas. More wouldn’t hurt but it’s no loss either.

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drank Mango Me Crazy by Good Earth
1719 tasting notes

As you may or may not be aware, I battle with respiratory issues. Well, during Thanksgiving my niece had a scented candle burning. It was a light cinnamon something and quite pleasant. Until I got up the next morning. I had a major flare up. Fought it with lots of drugs and anti-biotics. Was feeling pretty good until yesterday. We plugged in a couple air freshener night lights, and a few hours later I could feel it clogging up the lungs. So back on the drugs. I am telling you this so as you gather with family this holiday season that you might think twice before lighting that candle or setting out that potpourri if one of your guests has a weakened system or has asthma.

Anyway, this tea – from a bag. Smells pretty inviting. I have no idea what an actual mango smells like (I’ve led such a sheltered culinary life). This reminds me of peaches but more prickly and with some tartness. If that’s mango, then nailed it. Don’t read the list of ingredients or you’ll just go eeeewwww. OK I’ll tell you – hibiscus, rosehips, and chamomile are in there as well as stevia. (All together now – eeeewwww) The however is that it works here. What I taste is that sweet fruity tartness. It is actually pretty enjoyable. My only complaint is the bitterness in the aftertaste from the stevia. On the other hand, I think it is there to complete the tartness/sweet of the fruit flavor. I would like to try it without the stevia and see for myself if it is necessary.


My daughter has fairly bad eczema and it really flares up around heavily scented products like this as well. People (me included) sometimes don’t realize how sensitive people can be. Thanks for reminding people!
Glad you are feeling better!


Thanks for sharing tigress_al. I learned something. Perfume smells don’t bother me personally. It is the oil or waxiness that gets me.

Maddy Barone

It’s especially hard for me because I can’t smell. I have no idea what it is that causes my asthma to kick in. But there are some sections of crafts stores that I’ve learned to avoid. Hope you’re feeling better soon, KS.


Maddy, I can’t even imagine. I’m not good at avoiding the triggers and I can smell them.


My mom is allergic to strong scents, so I hear you!

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drank Snow Day by DAVIDsTEA
16967 tasting notes

I think it was MissB’s tasting note(s) about this that finally made me curious enough about this blend, which I initially skipped over when trying the Winter Collection, to steal a cup worth from my Mom’s stash.

However, when I made my cuppa of this at work I was honestly a little let down. I felt that there was a noticeable oilyness to the mouthfeel and both the peppermint and chocolate notes felt a little bland/lackluster. I steeped this a pretty sizable amount of time (like eight minutes) and still, it tasted thin and watery. You can’t love ‘em all; but I’m surprised that after primarily positive reviews I didn’t mesh better with this tea.

Not a loss though; ‘cause the leaf wasn’t even mine in the first place.


I liked this one, but it wasn’t a love. I find that if a tea has chocolate or coconut (or other nuts) that there is an oily sheen…I don’t mind that too much because I know it’s inevitably a part of the ingredients used. so I just accept it. I had thought about buying more and using this as the base for some hot chocolate…


if it makes you feel better, i didn’t love this one either.


This one wasn’t a favorite of mine either. I love peppermint tea, I like chocolate, but not together.

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drank Mint To Be (Organic) by DAVIDsTEA
2970 tasting notes

This tea was bought after intense personal struggle. On one hand, I adore mint black tea blends. I’m running about like a mad woman in December, trying to grab them all, and this one had been out a while, and yet I had not tried it. The reason is coconut. I do not like coconut. Not in food, not in scents, not in tea.
But I was already ordering teas, and, well, it just sort of fell into the cart.
And I’m relieved to say that the coconut is something I can work with.
This tastes like a mild junior mint to me, and I’m really liking that. Its quite delicious! I’ll be quite glad to drink this bag.


Well, I guess we can say that it was… mint to be. Har har.


Fjelrev: heeheeheehee

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drank Mint Pu-erh by Numi Organic Tea
2037 tasting notes

Having some of this to counteract whatever I did to my stomach last night that resulted in the feeling of a rock sitting in it for a good 12 hours so far.

It might have been the latkes. Or maybe the brisket I had for dinner at the local place that’s the closest thing we have to a deli. It was a bit on the fatty side but I was hungry, so…

In any case, this is making things feel a little less weighty.


Puerh does a good job of dissolving those rocks for me! Hope you are feeling better.


Shou does work wonders. Feel better


Thanks. :-). Not 100 percent yet but much better.

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This tea met an ignominious end: I brewed it, but something about it tasted off so I poured it down the sink.

I remember when I first had this tea that it seemed like the most miraculous thing ever. I may restock it in the future, but for now I’ll just let it be, since I have other teas out there to try, including some other Bi Luo Chuns.

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The Enabler (aka my husband) saw me fondling this at an out-of-town trip to World Market and just silently put it in our cart. I love him.

My tea-newbie love affair with Republic of Tea, back when I was just a beginner, had generally cooled off, but this has stoked the fires again. Blueberry rooibos isn’t anything new to flavored tea fans, but add the caramel and vanilla and this becomes pie-sweet and velvety textured. As always, first cup with no additives; next time, milk to make it blueberry crumble with sweet cream.





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drank Orzo Caramel & Honey by Lupicia
1792 tasting notes

Five trillion pats on the back for sipping this down without throwing it out. I discovered that the most tolerable way to drink this is to add a tablespoon to ground coffee and brew them together. The strong coffee notes cover up the overly burnt, carcinogenic notes of this Orzo “tea” (and those are some huge quotation marks there) when drinking it straight.

In my coffee mug, I’m left with a layer of roasted Orzo and a touch of caramel on top of the coffee. Still, I’m never buying any of these Orzo creatures again.


Wow, you should get the die-hard medal, that sounds intense!


Yeah, good on you for getting through it. When I really don’t like something I just try to give it away to friends/family with a warning XD


Haha I just feel so bad throwing stuff out when they’re so expensive!


I have some in my cupboard from when I was a vegan/on a no-caffeine (no tannin) kick. I’ll get around to drinking it again sometime, probably. Oops.


That’s a shame. Orzo with honey and caramel sounds like a good dessert but a horrible tea.


To be fair, a lot of people seem to like this, so I’m the freak. I doubt many are rushing to give it away to friends and family!

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I’m OD-ing on tea a little here, but it’s because the kids are out of the house and I have nothing on the agenda until they get back. So I have a rare opportunity to play in my tea and write some notes uninterrupted.

I had the idea that this would be a good palate cleanser to transition out of some of the heavier stuff I’ve been drinking this morning, culminating in full blown chai. And also a nice transition from darker teas to lighter ones for this afternoon.

I had to remind myself that FTGFOP means Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe, or it’s joke interpretation — Far Too Good For Ordinary People. LOL

This is a never opened sample that I bought a while back. The leaves are indeed quite tippy, some of them rather silvery looking. They have an earthy smell before steeping.

Steeped, they produce a medium-light brown, clear liquor. But the smell — oh the smell! This has to be what they mean by muscatel, though I’ve never tasted muscatel to my knowledge or muscatel grapes for that matter. The aroma is so grapey, but has that pungent note that takes it up a note to winey. Pretty serious stuff.

The tea is fairly astringent, drying in the sip but smooth in the finish that leaves a fresh, leafy-ness in mouth. It grabs a little at the back of the throat, which is the only downside for me. I don’t really enjoy that sensation.

It’s medium-bodied to light-bodied, and I wonder whether it might benefit from slightly lower temperature, which I intend to try before the sample is done.

The flavor is fairly mild and has some white wine notes that give it a little tartness.

Except for the throat grab, very enjoyable.

Flavors: Grapes, Muscatel, White Wine

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML
Christina / BooksandTea

Far Too Good For Ordinary People! Oh my god, I need to swipe that. It’s good to see you back, by the way!


Hey Christina! Be my guest on the Far Too Good, etc. as it isn’t original. I, in turn, swiped it from the internet. ;) Thanks for the welcome back. It’s great to see you and everyone again! (I’ve been wondering where TheTeaFairy and Anna are. Anyone know if they’re still around?)

Christina / BooksandTea

TeaFairy is active on Instagram, but I don’t see her on Steepster that much. Anna and I are in touch on Facebook, since we’re both part of a tea group on there.


Cool! Please tell them I said hi!

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This is good tea. If memory serves me the puerh base of this is the 2012 Huron Gold Needle. The puerh tea component of this is sweet with little in the way of bitterness. The cacao component gives a nice chocolaty taste to the puerh. They mix well. What surprised me about this is that there was a strong chocolate note from the cacao even in the tenth steep. I expected chocolate for only the first few infusions but the chocolate lasted well into the tenth steep.

I steeped this ten times in a 120ml gaiwan with 10.1g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, and 1 min.

Flavors: Chocolate, Earth, Sweet

Boiling 10 g 4 OZ / 120 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

The base on this is the 2013 Ontario 1357…but keep an eye out for a new blend like this coming soon with the 2012 Huron Gold Needle and vanilla :)


Is there actual chocolate in this tea?


Cocoa nibs

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drank Sam Bodhi F.O.P. by Palais des Thés
15588 tasting notes

soooooooooo many paris teas, so little time to drink them all.
I’ve contemplated offering up sample packs of various fancy french teas for people to get a chance to try them but i’m not sure if a)anyone would want them or b)how much of a pain it would be to pack them up and ship them out – esp given canada posts’s expensiveness.

This one is a damn good example of a ceylon i can get behind. :)


A) everyone would love it B) biggest pain in the butt ever!!! Ha ha. Just enjoy them all to yourself :)


haha if there are any you want to try/revisit let me know. I think i owe you a surprise one of these days :)

Evol Ving Ness

These are the questions that I’ve been mulling over.


MissB’s package to me was about $10.79 shipping, she charged $10 for it. It probably had 100 gm of tea in it. You’d just have to be tricky with the scale! (and I know many people would be interested)


thanks Eqqusfell – maybe in January i can get motivated :)

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drank Smoky Bacon by Man Teas
2037 tasting notes

More bacony today in both scent and taste, less so in taste than in scent. It’s not a mouth full of ash today as it was yesterday in any case. Perhaps it’s because I used 212F water instead of 205?

Not enough improvement in either the overall experience or the smoky bacon flavor department to merit revisiting the rating, though. This is now in my sip down as fast as possible pile.

Evol Ving Ness

Morgana, have you tried adding a bit of maple syrup to make this more bearable? To me, that sounds like it might have potential. Good luck!

In Montreal, I came across bacon-flavoured bloody marys premixed in cans. I bought a couple. Horrible, horrible. Couldn’t get rid of them fast enough.


LOL. Thanks for the tip, Evol Ving Ness. I fear that adding syrup may make it taste more like bacon rather than less, which, while it would make the tea more true to its name would probably do a number on my stomach. But I’ll give it a try for giggles tomorrow. :-)


This may be good for cooking. I’ve heard people making a lot of dishes with Lapsang Souchong, and since this has a lot of similarities I think it may work the same way! Maybe as a marinade for roast, or in a gravy?



Indigo, that’s a good idea. It could work as a rub, I think.


I’ve always wanted to try it myself but never remember to actually do it haha

Evol Ving Ness

^^ That is a brilliant idea. The maple syrup might work well in the rub and gravy as well.

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drank Random Steepings by Various Artists
1758 tasting notes

Today I am drinking a shou puerh that came with my Crimson Lotus order. It was marked only mystery tea and I have found out only a little more about it. They told me it was too pricy for them to sell. I also know it’s a small batch from old Jingmai trees. That is about it. Judging by the amount of fermentation flavor left in it I’d say it was maybe three or four years old. It had a fair amount of fermentation flavor to it but that flavor was sweet, not fishy. The fermentation taste lasted three or four steeps and then was largely gone. There were some notes of chocolate in there and it developed a fruity taste in later steeps. This is one I wish I could get more of. I have to rate this at at least a 90%. It’s that good. It was a large sample so I can drink this a couple of more times. When they said it was too pricy for them to sell I wonder just how expensive it is. At some websites I have seen 1kg bricks go for $450 so I wonder. All I can do is speculate about this tea.

I steeped this tea ten times in a 120ml gaiwan with 8.9g leaf and boiling water. I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, and 1 min. The tea is not weak at ten steeps. I’m sure I could get a few more out of it but I have had a lot of tea. I know when I give this tea a rating it will rerate all my previous teas reviewed under random steepings.

Flavors: Chocolate, Earth, Fruity, Sweet

Boiling 8 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

I like how you can guess the tea’s age by the fermentation flavour.

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Oh, I love the scent of this tea. Delicate honeyed spices and sparkling citrus in the background. It doesn’t smell anything like those typical holiday orange/citrus spice teas you see floating around.

I agree with Lala that this smells/tastes slightly syrupy, and also with Dinosara that the said syrupy note is akin to DF’s fig.

As glorious as it smells, I’m having a more difficult time with getting the flavours out without the base going too bold or bitter. The spices and syrupy fruit are quite delicate and thus, struggle to compete with the base. I’m glad I got 50g of this in the group order because it’s giving me lots of room to play with this and figure out what works parameter-wise.

I tried this as an eggnog latte a couple times now. It’s alright but I find the eggnog flavours completely drown out the flavours in this tea, and steeping it stronger does not help. Even adding 2% milk to this places a damper on the flavours. So it’s best straight, which is how I tend to enjoy DF teas in general, but it comes back to the need to peg down those parameters in order to achieve maximum flavour.


Just wanted to say that you’ve inspired me to try their teas. My mom is living in the middle east at the moment and has a network of friends that can get me some without the high cost of customs. Woohoo! :)


Yay, I’m looking forward to your future reviews on their teas!

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drank Golden Honey Dew by Lupicia
2291 tasting notes

Having this hot today.

Not really a good alternative for a caffeinated beverage, but it does taste divine.


195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Haven’t written about this yet, but damn, I love it too. Probably the only thing I’d actually want to re-order from them (although I’ve yet to still try that melon oolong!).


after 200g? of it…i’m taking a break…but i do have 1 cup left first, and then i’ll hold off ordering it again for a bit hahaha


Melon oolong is quite similar, but it’s oolongy instead of rooibosy. Hahaha.


I feel like melon oolong also has a kinda greasy mouthfeel too. It doesn’t taste artificial, it just feels that way. I really wish they still carried any of their chestnut teas (besides the chocolate one). I crave those this time of year :(


Yep, same boat as Sil. :)


That is disappointing, Equusfell… Chaud les Marrons is a favourite of mine. :/

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drank Blueberry by Adagio Teas
2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 171. The consumption of samples I like before they turn completely to dust continues.

I think my first note pretty much covered this one. I like it slightly more than the apricot of yesterday, mostly because I haven’t had much other blueberry tea and it’s surprising to me that there even is such a thing given the subtlety of blueberry as a flavor. That a tea can capture the aroma and flavor of blueberries without being solely a fruit mix and can do it in a way that isn’t fakey fakey is a good thing in my book.


Blueberry teas are rare, but it’s always nice when they work out. I have a jasmine blueberry green tea that I really like


Emilie, which is the jasmine blueberry green that you like?


It’s this one
I can send you some if you’re interested in it :)


Thanks much — I appreciate the offer but I am drowning in tea. I’ll just keep the info for future reference.

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drank Assam Golden Tips by Harney & Sons
790 tasting notes

Oh my sweet T-Rex. This smells AMAZING. Snorting in the scent from the little sample bag it’s full of dried autumn fruits, brown sugar, and some hay. And the leaves are gorgeous. look like a moron over here at my desk with my nose stuffed deep in a bag. :)

Steeped, it turns into a warm leather, deep chocolate and yeast, sweet liquor with malt that is intense enough that I feel somewhat guilty drinking it at work. I don’t normally write tasting notes at work out here online, but I had to for this one. I must get some of this. More than a sample.

If I were being rational, I’d try this side by side with Assam Enigma and that other Assam I love from Golden Tips before I said I have to have a few ounces of this one. But rationality rarely enters into my tea purchases, I realize. I will, however, not buy unless it is on sale or with free shipping, so I should have at least a few days to do some testing. Harney seems to have had sales every few days for the last year or so. Some better than others, and not always a blanket X% on everything or free shipping, so I may have more time than I think. :)

Regardless, I am going to savor this sample.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

oh man.. that sounds good.


Wow, this sounds amazing! Wish-listing it for when I allow myself to buy more tea!


Oooh, add another Harney & Sons tea to the wish list! :)


I’m finding that if I let Assams cool to just above warm rather than piping hot, those malts deepen and they become sweeter cups. Maybe just me, but…


I do the same thing!! I’m going to get a thermometer today so I can make sure I can reproduce my favorite tea experiences…I usually steep at boiling then wait about 20 minutes.

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A new to me company even if they have been around for years. Their website (tea-and-coffee.com) has some 700! different blends. This one smells so calming. I could set this out in a dish and just enjoy the aroma… or I could drink it.

The taste is more subtle than the scent suggested. Based on the ingredients, I was a little concerned it would be a big chai like smack to the senses. Nope. Just like the aroma, this is mainly a pleasant orange tasting tea with the spices filling out the flavor rather than trying to steal the stage.

The flavor kind of goes orange, cinnamon and clove, cardamom, then drifts into the slightest heat from the pink peppercorn. So subtle but a nice touch. It has a sweet lingering aftertaste.

I added sweetener and though it wasn’t needed, it took sweetening in stride. This is a pleasantly cozy cup.


700! I may have to investigate!


Wow, just bookmarked their site. So many options. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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