drank Cardamom French Toast by DAVIDsTEA
15588 tasting notes

i rather enjoy this tea….to the point where i think i should pick up a bit more before it goes away, but then i can’t help but wonder if i’ll get tired of the taste, since i don’t usually love david’s teas enough to go through 100g+ Still though, i need to try this one as a latte since that’s apparently the way to do it heh


If you like it as a latte you may end up going through the 100g+ very quickly ;)


i think subconsciously, that’s what i’m afraid of haha


I’ll have to try it today though since double points is happening right now for purchases


I saw that! Thing is I’m working from 9-9 today (although, I do have a 2h break between 3-5…) and I don’t really “NEED” anything. I could get more banana nut bread though for lattes…


But then again, I do only need 39 more points until free tea, which would only mean $20 purchase…


When I got the email, I thought to do the exact same thing: try this tea again and make up my mind.


heh. great minds think alike


i have 27 points, so likely not worth it for me to buy anything since they all get reset in january (which i think is stupid)


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. The reset almost discourages a person from buying, in a sense.


yeah. better for me to just wait and see if i can get more january 1st


I also agree the reset in January is stupid. I can understand when you get the free tea offers how they expire after a few months, but to erase your points every year is kind of a scam. You could have 99 point ($99 of purchasing) which would count for nothing.


Yeah, last year I had about 90 points and didn’t buy anything else and lost them all. I think I’ve spent $20 in DavidsTea this year though. They totally lost me as a customer.


How do you know how many points you have?


They used to mail out links to the points thing? I have no idea how it works now.


Just sign in to your account. Used to be you had to ask for the link, now you just sign in


What?! I never got the email for the double points thing. I guess it’s because I have their newsletters turned off lol. I’d better fix that.


I checked and my subscription preferences were that I should receive their promotional emails. Maybe I should email them.

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If you like it as a latte you may end up going through the 100g+ very quickly ;)


i think subconsciously, that’s what i’m afraid of haha


I’ll have to try it today though since double points is happening right now for purchases


I saw that! Thing is I’m working from 9-9 today (although, I do have a 2h break between 3-5…) and I don’t really “NEED” anything. I could get more banana nut bread though for lattes…


But then again, I do only need 39 more points until free tea, which would only mean $20 purchase…


When I got the email, I thought to do the exact same thing: try this tea again and make up my mind.


heh. great minds think alike


i have 27 points, so likely not worth it for me to buy anything since they all get reset in january (which i think is stupid)


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. The reset almost discourages a person from buying, in a sense.


yeah. better for me to just wait and see if i can get more january 1st


I also agree the reset in January is stupid. I can understand when you get the free tea offers how they expire after a few months, but to erase your points every year is kind of a scam. You could have 99 point ($99 of purchasing) which would count for nothing.


Yeah, last year I had about 90 points and didn’t buy anything else and lost them all. I think I’ve spent $20 in DavidsTea this year though. They totally lost me as a customer.


How do you know how many points you have?


They used to mail out links to the points thing? I have no idea how it works now.


Just sign in to your account. Used to be you had to ask for the link, now you just sign in


What?! I never got the email for the double points thing. I guess it’s because I have their newsletters turned off lol. I’d better fix that.


I checked and my subscription preferences were that I should receive their promotional emails. Maybe I should email them.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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