I can’t believe I’ve never reviewed this tea as I’ve had a tin of it for a while and have drank it a few times here and there. It is a nice Saturday morning around our crazy house. My wife and I were able to sleep in a bit. The 12 year old is gone at her dads. The 7 year old is up in his room playing with Legos and the 1 year old is contentedly (for now) crawling around and playing. So, it is a rare moment where I am not having to cater to anyones immediate needs. My wife is getting ready to go to work though so I’m sure this moment will be up soon haha.
This tea’s dried leaf didn’t have a big smell to me. Actually, a bit of a fairly common black tea smell which, for me, usually smells like a mix of malt and cardboard. Doesn’t sound appealing, I know, but I’ve learned that the cardboard smell doesn’t necessarily equal cardboard taste. The dried leaves are small and thin but with a high quality look to them.
Upon a flash rinse (done to my blacks to try to knock down a bit of the caffeine), the smell rising up was a malty baked bread with a hint of sweetness.
A quick 10 second steep…The flavor of the tea is mostly the same as the smell with a slight hint of something… savory? I do mean slight though. Almost undetectable but just enough to give pause and try to discern what it is. There is certainly a warm brightness as well. The tea color is a wonderful burnt orange. It also pairs very well with a Great Harvest cinnamon bread ;)
There goes the wife to work, there goes the baby letting me know his displeasure, and there goes this review :) Overall, a wonderful tea that I will continue to enjoy.
Flavors: Bread, Malt
Sounds yum
Do you remember how long you infused these for?
No, I’m sorry! Only that it was a quick steep, between 30-90 secs.