6444 Tasting Notes
P is for…Peach Mint Julep
I have had this (originally iced) tea next to me since last night and have just been toting it with me back and forth but not drinking it. The mint comes through most clearly. Mint and fruity. It does have a cocktail quality to it as well.
P is for…Punch Drunk Love
I decided to pull this out since it has been in my stash for a while and in Roswell Strange’s stash for even longer. In fact, her last note mentioned flavour deterioration and I believe that was from before I even had some so this is past its prime and a “P” tea thus a good time to have it.
It steeped up a pretty pink color and I like the strawberry at the front of the sip. Alas, the base tea is a bit musty and a white tea that I think I may not have loved even at its prime. Still fun to try. Thanks for sharing, Roswell Strange!
P is for…Princess Punch
I cold brewed this one overnight. It had a whole bunch of marshmallows and that comes through in sweetness, which this is, but mostly it just has a slight fruitiness to it. Reminds me of the strawberry, banana, apple juiceboxes I used to have as a kid. Not sure why but that is what comes to mind.
Sipdown (236)
P is for…Pineapple Express
Thank you for the sample, Sil!
This is basically a pineapple genmaicha based on the ingredients list. That’s accurate of the taste too. It’s got a lot more of the green tea base than I would like though. The rice comes through as a secondary thought and after the base comes through strongly and a touch bitter. The pineapple pops up in the aftertaste more than anything. I wish it was the reverse where the pineapple was the main flavour.
Matcha Latte Sipdown (238)
P is for…Peaches & Cream Matcha
The best before date on this is May 2021 so it seems as good a time as any to get this sipdown in.
I think I have only had this in smoothies in the past so its nice to get to try this without those added ingredients. It does have a very clear peaches and cream flavor, which is nice. It is also a bit chalky though, which is less nice. That is likely due to the matcha itself but it sort of connects to the “cream” component of the flavour and makes it that weird artificial peaches and cream taste.
P is for…PuriTea
I have a lot of “P” teas and I maybe got excited about the variety and made a lot of cups of tea…like 4 + water…and then had to figure out how to get them all up to my bedroom to study.
This tea is just a plain white tea but it was just sort of broken up leaves. I am drinking it now and if I am being honest I had very low expectations given the look of the leaf. So its better than expected but its not good. It’s the slightest bit astringent and just sort of floral/soapy. Basically a mediocre shou mei broken up. I can drink it but I don’t want to so the rest is going in the swap box.
Sipdown (239)
Thank you for sharing, Sil! As far as caramel teas go, this was ok. The roastiness from the rice makes this come off a touch burnt. I think it’s also coupled with the Tealish black tea base that I always found sort of mediocre. Both those elements take away from the caramel note. So it’s fine but I’m content with just this sample.