6444 Tasting Notes

drank Brisbane Breakfast by T2
6444 tasting notes

Lemonade Cold Brew Sipdown (270)

I didn’t have enough of this to make a tea lemonade. I DID have enough to just cold brew directly in a mix of water and lemonade. At least I thought I did. But this cold brewed for 4 hours and it mostly just tastes like lemonade. There is a small touch of mango but it is not quite the same as the tea lemonades I made with this previously.

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drank Snickerdoodle by The NecessiTeas
6444 tasting notes

Vanilla Oat Milk Latte and Plain Tea Sipdown (271)

A little while ago I asked my BIL to buy me Oat Milk so I could make a latte with Dessert by Deb’s Pumpkin Pie Tart. I was worried the apple in it would curdle the milk but Deb recommends it as a latte. However, after talking to Roswell Strange about it, she said I could probably get away with using my usual milk since the apple pieces weren’t acidified.

That left me with the vanilla oat milk. Since I haven’t had it before, I was worried about using up all of a tea on a latte with it in case I didn’t like the flavour of the oat milk and thus wasted a tea. Or if I did like it, I wouldn’t know if it was because of the milk or the tea. Sorry if that’s confusing.

Anyways, when I decided to make this tea today, I realized it I used the whole sample, I could make a small latte and also have a plain cup to use as a control in my vanilla oat milk latte experiment. So that’s that I did. I also tried the vanilla oat milk plain and if I’m being honest, I didn’t love it. When I froth almond milk, I find it gets a sort of cardboard taste to it and this oat milk had a touch of that right from the beginning. That also came through in the smell of the frothed milk. With that said, I was shocked at how well the oat milk frothed. It basically was all froth. That’s a point in it’s favour.

I started with the latte. It’s sweet, which I’m guessing is the brown sugar in the tea. And oat-y, which would be the milk. It kind of tastes like brown sugar oatmeal which is fine, but definitely not what I wanted from my latte. Personally, I don’t think I’m a fan of oat milk from this very limited experience.

I don’t think I’m a huge fan of this tea in general either. I tried the plain tea and it was more of that brown sugar sweetness. Not much beyond that though. Well, honey notes from the honeybush base and brown sugar. Maybe a touch of cinnamon but sweet cinnamon, which I don’t love. Definitely not saying snickerdoodle to me in either plain or latte form. Boo!


Such a shame it didn’t work out with the oat milk. Oat milk is one of my favs!


I still have more in the container so if there is a certain tea or way of having it you suggest, I am willing to give it another try.

Cameron B.

I was surprised to not really like oat milk, given how much I love other oat things!


I suppose it could also be the brand I got. We could only find shelf stable Earth’s Own So Fresh in less than 2 litres. I was recommended the Barista Oatly but either my BIL couldn’t find it or couldn’t find it in a small size.

Mastress Alita

I recently had to change from almond milk to oat milk; for whatever reason suddenly almond milk is making my GI act up, but so far I’m not having that issue with the oat. I used to only get the vanilla (cause I was worried about taste), but I rarely have milk “plain” regardless (it’s always in tea lattes, smoothies, etc) so I tried the regular recently since some of my lattes/smoothies just seemed unbarably sweet. I’m shocked I’m liking this better (if I was drinking plain, I doubt that would be the case, though). I have very limited brand options in my town, though.


I watched a youtube video where she made a latte with tea infused milk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dj3fni6PrA). I thought that was brilliant so I am trying one later. I used the oat milk for it so that’s currently set up in my fridge. Hopefully that one goes better than this one.

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Sipdown (272)

I always had this as an (iced) latte and its definitely better that way when compared to their plain cup. With that said, this was always sort of just ok for me. It’s got maple and coconut. The rooibos seems unnecessary and out of place. And without the latte prep method, it’s flat. I am ok with saying good bye to this one.

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drank Strawberry Kiwi by 52teas
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (273)

I found steeping instructions online for this. My cup was slightly overleafed but ultimately I think I stayed pretty close to the recommended steeping parameters. That definitely improved this cup from the last but I am still not overly enthused about it.

I get fruit. Subtle and soft fruits. Nothing really stands out though. I can arguably get either strawberry or kiwi but if I am being honest, I think it is more because I am looking for them and expecting them to be there. It’s fine but there are so many better fruity tea/tisane offerings, even just from 52 Teas so this won’t be a restock for me.

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Sipdown (274)

This is one of my older teas and even past its best before date.

I made it earlier and then dumped it into a travel mug when I decided to go for a walk with my sister. I then forgot it and am only getting to it now, hours later. The travel mug had a scent of a previous tea in it and I think that is impacting the flavor here.

It’s smooth and a little malty and then there is almost some smoke to it, which I have never experienced before.

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drank Orange Fluff by The NecessiTeas
6444 tasting notes

I packed some of this tea up for Sil who I swear I shared this with before and even read a tasting note by. However, that tasting note is gone and neither of us can recall if she liked it so I figured I would share (possibly again) since it seems like her sort of tea.

Once I had it out again, I decided to make another tea lemonade after the success I had a couple days back. Once again, it is really good. Like a mix of a creamsicle and an orange julius.


yeah, I was looking for Samovar’s Velvet Cacao tea that I KNOW was in my cupboard and had a note for it, but now zero results. I hope teas aren’t disappearing!

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Sipdown (275)

I was doing my random tea generation to help pick a tea and this was the one I ended up pulling out. It’s another Floragold so like all others, it’s from Roswell Strange! Thank you!!

First off, I walked past my BIL with this tea and he commented how good it smelled. Because it does smell good. It tastes nice as well though the coconut is a little past it’s prime as this is a touch lotiony. Also, ginger was like a subtle warmth in the mug but I found myself wanting more. So this one was good but not great, partially due to age though.

Roswell Strange

I feel like coconut and ginger is a surprisingly under utilized combo.


When it came up as the random selection, I was pretty happy since I wanted something cozy but sweet and this seemed like a good pairing for that.

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drank Orange Fluff by The NecessiTeas
6444 tasting notes

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Sipdown (276)

Thank you Evol Ving Ness for sharing this. It is a bit on the older side so it doesn’t really taste like anything. So this is just being finished because it’s hydrating and that’s about all it has to offer.

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Sipdown (277)

I have made this 3 times now and every time I didn’t really get to try it hot. And when I did try it, it would be like one distracted sip and then I would fall asleep or need to attend to something else. So, with this being the last serving, I made a conscious effort to get to it hot and now that I have, I have to say, I am indifferent.

I get cherry, apple, sort of cranberry. Hibiscus, though its not overly tart. Honestly, it might have been better when it was cold. It’s meh.

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My cupboard has grown exponentially since joining this site and I have a lot to share. Feel free to snoop through my cupboard and message me if anything interests you – I am always happy to swap!

For me, flavored teas are definitely my sweet spot. I will most often reach for black teas and rooibos or honeybush blends but I do keep some flavored whites and greens around for when the mood strikes. I have a few herbals/tisanes but most of the time I find myself disappointed by them as they often smell deliciously sweet and then end up tasting tart/sour. I have a little bit of an aversion to pu’erh and oolong teas. I am also wary of florals, earl greys, and chai teas. I do not like overpowering citrus flavors nor do I usually like hibiscus, licorice or chamomile. I love dessert teas – caramel, vanilla, toffee, cookie, cream, and other sweet flavors make me smile. Fruits like strawberry, peach, mango, and pineapples will often catch my attention as well.

I have also realized that although I really enjoy adding frothed milk to some of my teas, if I do not like the tea with zero additives (just in plain water without milk or sugar), I probably won’t drink it. The one exception is flavored matchas which I will happily drink in cold milk if I do not like it mixed with hot water. My theory is if the tea can’t stand on its own then it is not for me and I will more than likely try to swap it out for something else.

Tea Ratings Guide (as of December 10, 2017)
90-100 Teas I NEED on hand at all times
80-89 Teas I want to keep around for a cup every now and then
70-79 Teas I am glad I have around and can experiment with but probably don’t need more than what’s in my cupboard
60-69 Teas I would not turn down a cup of from a friend but that would probably be enough
50-59 Teas I can see why someone would enjoy but are not for me
Under 50 Teas I really did not like and most likely got dumped


Waterdown, Ontario

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