173 Tasting Notes
Tonight I’m having The Woman… or is she having me? hmmm, either way I’m entirely satisfied. This is one I’ve had every once in a while, but every time it’s a great cup. No embellishments today, just that smokey, slightly cherry-vanilla. Her battle dress if you will.
Sad to see this go. I’ve put it on my list to repurchase. I find it different and interesting.
I’m glad I tried this as a sample. I wanted a cup of this now, so I measured out a generous 2tsp for this and went to town. Usually I have a bit of honey in this, but it is SO cold in my house that all my honey is solid and I don’t feel like taking the time to soften it or try to chip some out. Lazy bum. I also decided to pour the remainder of my sample into a mason jar for cold brewing over night (about three tsp.)
I feel as if something is missing from this, and not just the honey. I’m guessing this is due to my fondness for the TARDIS blend. mmm caramel. oh well. Hopefully the cold brew tomorrow hits the spot.
Tonight is the first time I’ve ever had the feeling that I need to get through some of the teas I have before I allow myself to buy more teas. Starting to figure out what I like, and whether or not some of the teas I have are worth re-stocking.
This came as a sample. I dumped the whole little packet in my largish mug. I’m mostly getting a creamy vanilla taste. It’s just dawned on me after I’ve taken another sip. It makes me think of those little yogurt bites you get in trail mix or fruit snacks. Enjoyable for sure, not something I’m putting on my list though.
Flavors: Cream, Vanilla
Had another “ahhh which tea do I decide on!?” moment, so I picked from my sweet indulgence sampler. So glad I bought that set! It’s from my first David’s purchase and gave me a great variety. I do love dessert like teas.
I made this up in a big, wide mug. Mostly so I could sit with my face in the steam and just breathe in that heavenly mint chocolate aroma. mmmm. Aromatherapy at it’s finest.
This is so much better than I remember! It’s soft, and I think the coco/mint balance was perfect tonight. The taste lingers a bit too, in the best possible way. I used a heavy hand measuring out leaf for this, but it was great. I had such a hard time deciding on a tea tonight! So I ended up just reaching into my box of bags and samples. Very happy it ended up being this one!
I always seem to have such a hard time deciding on anything. Perfume is particularly difficult. I love fragrance, and am trying to expand my “wardrobe” so to speak. Last time I was at Nordstrom I tried on Salvatore Ferragamo ‘Signorina Eleganza.’ It’s new and I really enjoyed it. The only problem is there are a few other scents I’ve been thinking about trying as well (Flowerbomb, Hypnotic Poison, Angel, Coco Mademoiselle, even considered Chance eau fraiche) I have quite a few fruity scents as my husband likes those one me, and I find them fun. I just never know what to add to the collection next!
Wow, kinda spiraled off into a tangent there. lol
Thank you Red Leaf Tea for their awesome program! I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy this at all, but I had been wanting to try match for a while now. This is a perfect way to try it out- plus try out different flavors!
I tried this two different ways tonight. First in hot water. It was pretty good, and I do like the idea that I’m getting the full value of the leaf this way. Then I decided to try it in cold milk. o.m.g. Yeah, I think I’m going to have to put in an order for this one for sure!
I also need to get a milk frother, because well, a fork just doesn’t cut it lol
I agree completely with you about the Red Leaf Tea free sample program. In fact, I tried my sample yesterday and then placed an order with them. I added a note that it was because of the free sample that I wound up placing the order. I would never have been brave enough to try this one on my own, at least not yet.
Exactly! I don’t know if I would have been brave enough to have matcha at all! This morning though I had this cold in milk again with breakfast. yum yum!
I almost did that instead of a hot tea in my travel mug this morning, but well, it was cold again (as you know. I should add a location to my profile. I’m in the mitten.) and I didn’t want anything cold. I wanted warm.
Another Michigander! Yay! I’m in the Blue Water area myself- Lake St. Clair :) At least the sun was out today!
Oh Molly, I know you’ll always be there for me. It’s been a loooooooooooooooooooong day and I really needed a soothing tea. I made this a little stronger than I normally do, two heaping tsp for about 8oz water. The cherry was leaning towards the medicinal side, but it was great for the mood I was in.
Woke up feeling terrible. If I didn’t already have my appendix removed I may have thought it was that. That’s the only other time I’ve had abdominal pain like that. But I managed to make it through the morning at work. I felt bad because I was in obvious pain. Customers kept trying to cheer me up though, it was sweet. Then I had a dentist appointment. After that I was forced to socialize with the dreaded brother-in-law and his baby momma. the horror. For surviving the encounter I treated myself to some new LUSH products! yay!
I had this one plain today. All while I was drinking it I was thinking how else could I prepare this? With milk? Should I add any sugar? I think it’ll be fun to experiment with this one! That said I like it all on it’s own.